1. 14 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  2. 12 Oct, 2018 2 commits
  3. 09 Oct, 2018 1 commit
    • Rostislav Vasilikhin's avatar
      KinectFusion big update: OpenCL support, etc. (#1798) · 75bcd397
      Rostislav Vasilikhin authored
      * KinFu demo: idle mode added
      * undistort added
      * KinFu demo: depth recorder added
      * TSDFVolume gets voxelSize, voxelSizeInv, truncDist members; decorative fixes
      * TSDFVolumeGPU::integrate(): host code compiles
      * TSDFVolume: truncDist fixed
      * TSDFVolume::integrate(): initial OCL version is done
      * TSDFVolume::integrate(): OCL: minor fixes
      * kinfu: small fixes
      * TSDFVolume::raycast(): initial GPU version is done
      * USE_INTRINSICS directive for centralized enable/disable opt. code
      * TSDF Volume supports 3 different sizes/resolutions on each dimension
      * TSDFVolume: serviceMembers moved to parent class
      * TSDFVolumeGPU: mem order changed, gave perf boost 4x
      * Frame: fixed UMat as InputArray; TSDF: comments, TODOs, minor fixes
      * Frame::getPointsNormals(); minors
      * FrameGPU: initial version (not working)
      * minor
      * FrameGPU: several fixes
      * added OCL "fast" options
      * ICP OCL: initial slow version is done (host-side reduce)
      * ICP OCL: reduce is done, buggy
      * KinFu Frame: more args fixes
      * ICP OCL: small fixes to kernel
      * ICP OCL reduce works
      * OCL code refactored
      * ICP OCL: less allocations, better speed
      * ICP OCL: pose matrix made arg
      * Render OCL: small fix
      * Demo: using UMats everywhere
      * TSDF integrate OCL: put const arg into kernel arg
      * Platform parameter partially removed, implementation choice is done through OCL availability check
      * Frame and FrameGenerator removed (other code is in following commits)
      * CPU render: 4b instead of 3b
      * ICP: no Frame class use, one class for both CPU and GPU code
      * demo: fix for UMat chain
      * TSDF: no Frame or FrameGenerator use
      * KinFu: no Frame or FrameGenerator, parametrized for Mat or UMat based on OCL availability
      * KinFu::setParams() removed since it has no effect anyway
      * TSDF::raycast OCL: fixed normals rendering
      * ScopeTime -> CV_TRACE
      * 3-dims resolution and size passed to API
      * fixed unexpected fails of ICP OCL
      * voxels made cubic again
      * args fixed a little
      * fixed volSize calculation
      * Tests: inequal, OCL, unified scene test function
      * kinfu_frame: input types fixed
      * fixed for Intel HD Graphics
      * KinFu demo: setUseOptimized instead of setUseOpenCL
      * tsdf: data types fixed
      * TSDF OCL: fetch normals implemented
      * roundDownPow2 -> utils.hpp
      * TSDF OCL: fetch points+normals implemented
      * TSDF OCL: NoSize, other fixes for kernel args
      * Frame OCL: HAVE_OPENCL, NoSize, other kernel args fixed
      * ICP OCL: HAVE_OPENCL, NoSize and other kernel fixes
      * KinFu demo fixes: volume size and too long delay
      * whitespace fix
      * TSDF: allowed sizes not divisable by 32
      * TSDF: fixed type traits; added optimization TODOs
      * KinFu made non-free
      * minor fixes: cast and whitespace
      * fixed FastICP test
      * warnings fixed: implicit type conversions
      * OCL kernels: local args made through KernelArg::Local(lsz) call
      * MSVC warnings fixed
      * a workaround for broken OCV's bilateral
      * KinFu tests made a bit faster
      * build fixed until 3.4 isn't merged to master
      * warnings fixed, test time shortened
  4. 12 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  5. 09 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  6. 16 Jul, 2018 1 commit
  7. 25 Jun, 2018 2 commits
  8. 13 Jun, 2018 1 commit
  9. 31 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Rostislav Vasilikhin's avatar
      KinectFusion implemented (#1627) · 42a889ef
      Rostislav Vasilikhin authored
      * empty kinfu module created
      * KinFu: skeleton is done
      * some intermediate state fixed
      * fixed normal calculation
      * bilinear depth interp: fixing missing data
      * TSDF integration optimized
      * TSDF: adding constness
      * utils: isNaN; Intr::Projector const reference fixed
      * TSDF raycast: quality improvements
      * TSDF fetchCloud is done
      * render() added
      * ICP implemented
      * debug code moved to demo.cpp
      * less TODOs
      * partial refactoring
      * TSDF: fetchPoints() and fetchNormals() rewritten in parallel manner
      * platform choose added
      * reordered
      * data types isolated off the platform
      * minor fixes
      * ScopeTime added
      * fixed iterations gathering
      * volume::integrate() parallelized but works slow (big overhead for
      * raycast is done in parallel
      * got rid of kftype and p3type
      * fetchNormals() fixed
      * less code duplication
      * nan check reduced, interpolate() refactored to fetchVoxel()
      * ICP: optimizations
      * TSDF: bilinear specialized
      * TSDF: voxelSizeInv pushed away
      * TSDF: interpolation optimized
      * TSDF::integrate: parallel_for now works fast
      * Frame::render: pow -> float ipow<int p>(x)
      * ICP::getAb: parallel_for
      * ICP::getAb: time print disabled
      * ICP::getAb::bilinear: 2 calls joined
      * refactored, extra functions removed
      * optimized to use only 27 elems
      * ICP::getAb: better optimized
      * Points and Normals data type expanded to 4 channels
      * ICP optimized (doesn't work)
      * ICP::getAb is on intrinsics and it works
      * NaN check is faster
      * ICP::getAB: minors
      * added non-SIMD code as fallback
      * TSDF::fetchVoxel and interpolation: got rid of coord check
      * TSDF::fetchVoxel: refactor
      * TSDF::raycast: local copies of members
      * TSDF::interpolate: refactored for simplier vectorization
      * TSDF::getNormal: refactored for simplier vectorization
      * minor
      * include "intrin.hpp" moved to precomp.hpp
      * TSDF::coords shifts moved to class body
      * TSDF::getNormal vectorized
      * TSDF::getNormal: little improvements
      * TSDF::interpolate: little improvements
      * TSDF::raycast vectorized
      * more to precomp.hpp
      * TSDF: minor optimizations
      * TSDF::raycast cycles optimized
      * TSDF::fetchPointsNormals instead of separate p and n
      * TSDF::bilinearInterpolate: little speedup
      * TSDF::interpolate: speed up
      * TSDF::interpolate: more compact code
      * TSDF::getNormal and raycast main cycle made faster
      * ICP: few improvements
      * Frame: a lot of parts parallelized
      * TSDF::fetchPointsNormals minor improvements
      * TSDF::integrate and bilinear vectorized
      * TSDF::interpolate and getNormal: interpolation vectorized
      * ICP: minor changes
      * gradientDeltaFactor removed, coarseParams() added
      * TSDF::raycast: fixed bug with tmin/tmax
      * minors
      * baseZ fixed
      * ICP: interpolation fixed, non-parallelized code fixed
      * TSDF::interpolate: bilinear fixed, less artifacts
      * TSDF: minor refactoring
      * TSDF: some members moved to parent class
      * added tests for KinFu
      * KinFu documented
      * docs fixed
      * warnings fixed
      * license added, overrides added
      * minors
      * ScopeTime moved to separate file
      * less memory allocations
      * demo improved, java binding disabled
      * viz module made optional
      * fix to demo
      * frameGenerator interface: got rid of refs to cv::Ptr
      * demo made interactive
      * trying to fix build
      * trying to fix warnings
      * warning fixed
      * demo fixed
      * raycast_step_factor tuned
      * legal info added
      * don't reset if ICP failed
      * refactoring: KinFu::operator() => update()
      * KinFu::KinFuParams => ::Params
      * get/setParams
      * fetch => get
      * all src moved to cv::kinfu namespace
      * struct Intr made internal
      * kinfu_module merged into rgbd module
      * License preambule updated
      * minors
      * frame.* renamed to kinfu_frame.*
      * warnings fixed
      * more warnings fixed
      * RGBD normals: a fix against Inf/Nan values
      * FastICP: fixed transformation direction
      * RGBD Odometry tests: added epsilon for id transform; minors
      * RGBD Odometry tests enabled
      * modules list fixed
  10. 24 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  11. 28 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  12. 10 Aug, 2017 1 commit
  13. 23 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  14. 14 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  15. 17 Dec, 2015 2 commits
  16. 16 Apr, 2015 1 commit
  17. 17 Feb, 2015 1 commit
  18. 25 Nov, 2014 1 commit
  19. 29 Jul, 2014 1 commit
  20. 28 Jul, 2014 1 commit
  21. 23 Jun, 2014 1 commit
  22. 20 Jun, 2014 1 commit
  23. 13 Feb, 2014 1 commit