Commit f9b57527 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #999 from Sahloul:features/python_wrapper/rgbd

parents 31fd7e1f 62f5e865
......@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ namespace rgbd
* depth of `K` if `depth` is of depth CV_U
* @param mask the mask of the points to consider (can be empty)
depthTo3d(InputArray depth, InputArray K, OutputArray points3d, InputArray mask = noArray());
......@@ -1026,10 +1026,10 @@ namespace rgbd
* @param warpedDepth The warped depth.
* @param warpedMask The warped mask.
warpFrame(const Mat& image, const Mat& depth, const Mat& mask, const Mat& Rt, const Mat& cameraMatrix,
const Mat& distCoeff, Mat& warpedImage, Mat* warpedDepth = 0, Mat* warpedMask = 0);
const Mat& distCoeff, OutputArray warpedImage, OutputArray warpedDepth = noArray(), OutputArray warpedMask = noArray());
// TODO Depth interpolation
// Curvature
......@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ template<class ImageElemType>
static void
warpFrameImpl(const Mat& image, const Mat& depth, const Mat& mask,
const Mat& Rt, const Mat& cameraMatrix, const Mat& distCoeff,
Mat& warpedImage, Mat* warpedDepth, Mat* warpedMask)
OutputArray _warpedImage, OutputArray warpedDepth, OutputArray warpedMask)
CV_Assert(image.size() == depth.size());
......@@ -954,7 +954,8 @@ warpFrameImpl(const Mat& image, const Mat& depth, const Mat& mask,
projectPoints(transformedCloud.reshape(3, 1), Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1), Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64FC1), cameraMatrix,
distCoeff, points2d);
warpedImage = Mat(image.size(), image.type(), Scalar::all(0));
_warpedImage.create(image.size(), image.type());
Mat warpedImage = _warpedImage.getMat();
Mat zBuffer(image.size(), CV_32FC1, std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
const Rect rect = Rect(0, 0, image.cols, image.rows);
......@@ -978,13 +979,13 @@ warpFrameImpl(const Mat& image, const Mat& depth, const Mat& mask,
*warpedMask = zBuffer != std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
Mat(zBuffer != std::numeric_limits<float>::max()).copyTo(warpedMask);
zBuffer.setTo(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), zBuffer == std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
*warpedDepth = zBuffer;
......@@ -1406,7 +1407,7 @@ bool RgbdICPOdometry::computeImpl(const Ptr<OdometryFrame>& srcFrame, const Ptr<
warpFrame(const Mat& image, const Mat& depth, const Mat& mask,
const Mat& Rt, const Mat& cameraMatrix, const Mat& distCoeff,
Mat& warpedImage, Mat* warpedDepth, Mat* warpedMask)
OutputArray warpedImage, OutputArray warpedDepth, OutputArray warpedMask)
if(image.type() == CV_8UC1)
warpFrameImpl<uchar>(image, depth, mask, Rt, cameraMatrix, distCoeff, warpedImage, warpedDepth, warpedMask);
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