Commit f9634fd8 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

Merge pull request #288 from Auron-X/TLD_OpenCL_Support

TLD Open CL Support
parents f86a703b 6b377061
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define NUM_TEST_FRAMES 500
#define TEST_VIDEO_INDEX 1 //TLD Dataset Video Index from 1-10
#define NUM_TEST_FRAMES 100
#define TEST_VIDEO_INDEX 7 //TLD Dataset Video Index from 1-10
static Mat image;
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2014, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
__kernel void NCC(__global const uchar *patch,
__global const uchar *positiveSamples,
__global const uchar *negativeSamples,
__global float *ncc,
int posNum,
int negNum)
int id = get_global_id(0);
if (id >= 1000) return;
bool posFlg;
if (id < 500)
posFlg = true;
if (id >= 500)
//Negative index
id = id - 500;
posFlg = false;
int s1 = 0, s2 = 0, n1 = 0, n2 = 0, prod = 0;
float sq1 = 0, sq2 = 0, ares = 0;
int N = 225;
//NCC with positive sample
if (posFlg && id < posNum)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
s1 += positiveSamples[id * N + i];
s2 += patch[i];
n1 += positiveSamples[id * N + i] * positiveSamples[id * N + i];
n2 += patch[i] * patch[i];
prod += positiveSamples[id * N + i] * patch[i];
sq1 = sqrt(max(0.0, n1 - 1.0 * s1 * s1 / N));
sq2 = sqrt(max(0.0, n2 - 1.0 * s2 * s2 / N));
ares = (sq2 == 0) ? sq1 / fabs(sq1) : (prod - s1 * s2 / N) / sq1 / sq2;
ncc[id] = ares;
//NCC with negative sample
if (!posFlg && id < negNum)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
s1 += negativeSamples[id * N + i];
s2 += patch[i];
n1 += negativeSamples[id * N + i] * negativeSamples[id * N + i];
n2 += patch[i] * patch[i];
prod += negativeSamples[id * N + i] * patch[i];
sq1 = sqrt(max(0.0, n1 - 1.0 * s1 * s1 / N));
sq2 = sqrt(max(0.0, n2 - 1.0 * s2 * s2 / N));
ares = (sq2 == 0) ? sq1 / fabs(sq1) : (prod - s1 * s2 / N) / sq1 / sq2;
ncc[id+500] = ares;
__kernel void batchNCC(__global const uchar *patches,
__global const uchar *positiveSamples,
__global const uchar *negativeSamples,
__global float *posNcc,
__global float *negNcc,
int posNum,
int negNum,
int patchNum)
int id = get_global_id(0);
bool posFlg;
if (id < 500*patchNum)
posFlg = true;
if (id >= 500*patchNum)
//Negative index
id = id - 500*patchNum;
posFlg = false;
int modelSampleID = id % 500;
int patchID = id / 500;
int s1 = 0, s2 = 0, n1 = 0, n2 = 0, prod = 0;
float sq1 = 0, sq2 = 0, ares = 0;
int N = 225;
//NCC with positive sample
if (posFlg && modelSampleID < posNum)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
s1 += positiveSamples[modelSampleID * N + i];
s2 += patches[patchID*N + i];
n1 += positiveSamples[modelSampleID * N + i] * positiveSamples[modelSampleID * N + i];
n2 += patches[patchID*N + i] * patches[patchID*N + i];
prod += positiveSamples[modelSampleID * N + i] * patches[patchID*N + i];
sq1 = sqrt(max(0.0, n1 - 1.0 * s1 * s1 / N));
sq2 = sqrt(max(0.0, n2 - 1.0 * s2 * s2 / N));
ares = (sq2 == 0) ? sq1 / fabs(sq1) : (prod - s1 * s2 / N) / sq1 / sq2;
posNcc[id] = ares;
//NCC with negative sample
if (!posFlg && modelSampleID < negNum)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
s1 += negativeSamples[modelSampleID * N + i];
s2 += patches[patchID*N + i];
n1 += negativeSamples[modelSampleID * N + i] * negativeSamples[modelSampleID * N + i];
n2 += patches[patchID*N + i] * patches[patchID*N + i];
prod += negativeSamples[modelSampleID * N + i] * patches[patchID*N + i];
sq1 = sqrt(max(0.0, n1 - 1.0 * s1 * s1 / N));
sq2 = sqrt(max(0.0, n2 - 1.0 * s2 * s2 / N));
ares = (sq2 == 0) ? sq1 / fabs(sq1) : (prod - s1 * s2 / N) / sq1 / sq2;
negNcc[id] = ares;
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#include "opencv2/tracking.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/utility.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/ocl.hpp"
namespace cv
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "opencl_kernels_tracking.hpp"
#include "tldEnsembleClassifier.hpp"
#include "tldUtils.hpp"
......@@ -73,9 +74,14 @@ namespace cv
inline double ensembleClassifierNum(const uchar* data);
inline void prepareClassifiers(int rowstep);
double Sr(const Mat_<uchar>& patch);
double ocl_Sr(const Mat_<uchar>& patch);
double Sc(const Mat_<uchar>& patch);
double ocl_Sc(const Mat_<uchar>& patch);
void ocl_batchSrSc(const Mat_<uchar>& patches, double *resultSr, double *resultSc, int numOfPatches);
std::vector<TLDEnsembleClassifier> classifiers;
Mat *posExp, *negExp;
int *posNum, *negNum;
std::vector<Mat_<uchar> > *positiveExamples, *negativeExamples;
std::vector<int> *timeStampsPositive, *timeStampsNegative;
double *originalVariancePtr;
......@@ -87,6 +93,7 @@ namespace cv
bool isObject, shouldBeIntegrated;
bool detect(const Mat& img, const Mat& imgBlurred, Rect2d& res, std::vector<LabeledPatch>& patches, Size initSize);
bool ocl_detect(const Mat& img, const Mat& imgBlurred, Rect2d& res, std::vector<LabeledPatch>& patches, Size initSize);
......@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ namespace cv
// Calculate measure locations from 15x15 grid on minSize patches
void TLDEnsembleClassifier::stepPrefSuff(std::vector<Vec4b>& arr, int pos, int len, int gridSize)
#if 0
#if 0
int step = len / (gridSize - 1), pref = (len - step * (gridSize - 1)) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(x1) / sizeof(x1[0])); i++)
arr[i] = pref + arr[i] * step;
int total = len - gridSize;
int quo = total / (gridSize - 1), rem = total % (gridSize - 1);
int smallStep = quo, bigStep = quo + 1;
......@@ -64,6 +64,5 @@ namespace cv
std::vector<Point2i> offset;
int lastStep_;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -56,6 +56,15 @@ namespace cv
detector = Ptr<TLDDetector>(new TLDDetector());
//Propagate data to Detector
posNum = 0;
negNum = 0;
posExp = Mat(Size(225, 500), CV_8UC1);
negExp = Mat(Size(225, 500), CV_8UC1);
detector->posNum = &posNum;
detector->negNum = &negNum;
detector->posExp = &posExp;
detector->negExp = &negExp;
detector->positiveExamples = &positiveExamples;
detector->negativeExamples = &negativeExamples;
detector->timeStampsPositive = &timeStampsPositive;
......@@ -69,14 +78,13 @@ namespace cv
scaledImg, blurredImg, GaussBlurKernelSize, SCALE_STEP);
GaussianBlur(image, image_blurred, GaussBlurKernelSize, 0.0);
TLDDetector::generateScanGrid(image.rows, image.cols, minSize_, scanGrid);
getClosestN(scanGrid, Rect2d(boundingBox.x / scale, boundingBox.y / scale, boundingBox.width / scale,
boundingBox.height / scale), 10, closest);
getClosestN(scanGrid, Rect2d(boundingBox.x / scale, boundingBox.y / scale, boundingBox.width / scale, boundingBox.height / scale), 10, closest);
Mat_<uchar> blurredPatch(minSize);
TLDEnsembleClassifier::makeClassifiers(minSize, MEASURES_PER_CLASSIFIER, GRIDSIZE, detector->classifiers);
//Generate initial positive samples and put them to the model
for (int i = 0; i < (int)closest.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
......@@ -188,6 +196,11 @@ namespace cv
void TrackerTLDModel::integrateAdditional(const std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& eForModel, const std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& eForEnsemble, bool isPositive)
int positiveIntoModel = 0, negativeIntoModel = 0, positiveIntoEnsemble = 0, negativeIntoEnsemble = 0;
if ((int)eForModel.size() == 0) return;
//int64 e1, e2;
//double t;
//e1 = getTickCount();
for (int k = 0; k < (int)eForModel.size(); k++)
double sr = detector->Sr(eForModel[k]);
......@@ -218,6 +231,79 @@ namespace cv
detector->classifiers[i].integrate(eForEnsemble[k], isPositive);
//e2 = getTickCount();
//t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency() * 1000;
//printf("Integrate Additional: %fms\n", t);
if( negativeIntoModel > 0 )
dfprintf((stdout, "negativeIntoModel = %d ", negativeIntoModel));
if( positiveIntoModel > 0 )
dfprintf((stdout, "positiveIntoModel = %d ", positiveIntoModel));
if( negativeIntoEnsemble > 0 )
dfprintf((stdout, "negativeIntoEnsemble = %d ", negativeIntoEnsemble));
if( positiveIntoEnsemble > 0 )
dfprintf((stdout, "positiveIntoEnsemble = %d ", positiveIntoEnsemble));
dfprintf((stdout, "\n"));*/
void TrackerTLDModel::ocl_integrateAdditional(const std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& eForModel, const std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& eForEnsemble, bool isPositive)
int positiveIntoModel = 0, negativeIntoModel = 0, positiveIntoEnsemble = 0, negativeIntoEnsemble = 0;
if ((int)eForModel.size() == 0) return;
//int64 e1, e2;
//double t;
//e1 = getTickCount();
//Prepare batch of patches
int numOfPatches = (int)eForModel.size();
Mat_<uchar> stdPatches(numOfPatches, 225);
double *resultSr = new double[numOfPatches];
double *resultSc = new double[numOfPatches];
uchar *patchesData =;
for (int i = 0; i < numOfPatches; i++)
uchar *stdPatchData = eForModel[i].data;
for (int j = 0; j < 225; j++)
patchesData[225 * i + j] = stdPatchData[j];
//Calculate Sr and Sc batches
detector->ocl_batchSrSc(stdPatches, resultSr, resultSc, numOfPatches);
for (int k = 0; k < (int)eForModel.size(); k++)
double sr = resultSr[k];
if ((sr > THETA_NN) != isPositive)
if (isPositive)
pushIntoModel(eForModel[k], true);
pushIntoModel(eForModel[k], false);
double p = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)detector->classifiers.size(); i++)
p += detector->classifiers[i].posteriorProbability(eForEnsemble[k].data, (int)eForEnsemble[k].step[0]);
p /= detector->classifiers.size();
if ((p > ENSEMBLE_THRESHOLD) != isPositive)
if (isPositive)
for (int i = 0; i < (int)detector->classifiers.size(); i++)
detector->classifiers[i].integrate(eForEnsemble[k], isPositive);
//e2 = getTickCount();
//t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency() * 1000;
//printf("Integrate Additional OCL: %fms\n", t);
if( negativeIntoModel > 0 )
dfprintf((stdout, "negativeIntoModel = %d ", negativeIntoModel));
......@@ -238,12 +324,30 @@ namespace cv
std::vector<int>* proxyT;
if (positive)
if (posNum < 500)
uchar *patchPtr =;
uchar *modelPtr =;
modelPtr[posNum*STANDARD_PATCH_SIZE*STANDARD_PATCH_SIZE + i] = patchPtr[i];
proxyV = &positiveExamples;
proxyN = &timeStampPositiveNext;
proxyT = &timeStampsPositive;
if (negNum < 500)
uchar *patchPtr =;
uchar *modelPtr =;
modelPtr[negNum*STANDARD_PATCH_SIZE*STANDARD_PATCH_SIZE + i] = patchPtr[i];
proxyV = &negativeExamples;
proxyN = &timeStampNegativeNext;
proxyT = &timeStampsNegative;
......@@ -268,9 +372,5 @@ namespace cv
dfprintf((port, "\tpositiveExamples.size() = %d\n", (int)positiveExamples.size()));
dfprintf((port, "\tnegativeExamples.size() = %d\n", (int)negativeExamples.size()));
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -50,9 +50,6 @@ namespace cv
namespace tld
class TrackerTLDModel : public TrackerModel
......@@ -61,11 +58,14 @@ namespace cv
void setBoudingBox(Rect2d boundingBox){ boundingBox_ = boundingBox; }
void integrateRelabeled(Mat& img, Mat& imgBlurred, const std::vector<TLDDetector::LabeledPatch>& patches);
void integrateAdditional(const std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& eForModel, const std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& eForEnsemble, bool isPositive);
void ocl_integrateAdditional(const std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& eForModel, const std::vector<Mat_<uchar> >& eForEnsemble, bool isPositive);
Size getMinSize(){ return minSize_; }
void printme(FILE* port = stdout);
Ptr<TLDDetector> detector;
std::vector<Mat_<uchar> > positiveExamples, negativeExamples;
Mat posExp, negExp;
int posNum, negNum;
std::vector<int> timeStampsPositive, timeStampsNegative;
int timeStampPositiveNext, timeStampNegativeNext;
double originalVariance_;
......@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ namespace cv
void modelUpdateImpl(){}
Rect2d boundingBox_;
RNG rng;
......@@ -116,11 +116,20 @@ bool TrackerTLDImpl::updateImpl(const Mat& image, Rect2d& boundingBox)
std::vector<Rect2d> candidates;
std::vector<double> candidatesRes;
bool trackerNeedsReInit = false;
bool DETECT_FLG = false;
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
Rect2d tmpCandid = boundingBox;
if( ( (i == 0) && !data->failedLastTime && trackerProxy->update(image, tmpCandid) ) ||
((i == 1) && (tldModel->detector->detect(imageForDetector, image_blurred, tmpCandid, detectorResults, tldModel->getMinSize()))))
if (i == 1)
if (ocl::haveOpenCL())
DETECT_FLG = tldModel->detector->ocl_detect(imageForDetector, image_blurred, tmpCandid, detectorResults, tldModel->getMinSize());
DETECT_FLG = tldModel->detector->detect(imageForDetector, image_blurred, tmpCandid, detectorResults, tldModel->getMinSize());
if( ( (i == 0) && !data->failedLastTime && trackerProxy->update(image, tmpCandid) ) || ( DETECT_FLG))
if( i == 0 )
......@@ -202,9 +211,16 @@ bool TrackerTLDImpl::updateImpl(const Mat& image, Rect2d& boundingBox)
tldModel->integrateRelabeled(imageForDetector, image_blurred, detectorResults);
//dprintf(("%d relabeled by nExpert\n", negRelabeled));
pExpert.additionalExamples(examplesForModel, examplesForEnsemble);
if (ocl::haveOpenCL())
tldModel->ocl_integrateAdditional(examplesForModel, examplesForEnsemble, true);
tldModel->integrateAdditional(examplesForModel, examplesForEnsemble, true);
examplesForModel.clear(); examplesForEnsemble.clear();
nExpert.additionalExamples(examplesForModel, examplesForEnsemble);
if (ocl::haveOpenCL())
tldModel->ocl_integrateAdditional(examplesForModel, examplesForEnsemble, false);
tldModel->integrateAdditional(examplesForModel, examplesForEnsemble, false);
......@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ void TrackerTLD::Params::write(cv::FileStorage& /*fs*/) const {}
namespace tld
class TrackerProxy
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