Commit dc48968f authored by sghoshcvc's avatar sghoshcvc

removed blanks, fixed Cmake issue

parent c697e41b
set(the_description "Text Detection and Recognition")
if(POLICY CMP0023)
message(STATUS "Explicitly setting policy CMP0023 to OLD")
cmake_policy(SET CMP0023 OLD)
endif(POLICY CMP0023)
# Using cmake scripts and modules
......@@ -49,20 +49,22 @@ Notes
3. You are encouraged to search the Net for some better pre-trained classifiers, as well as classifiers for other languages.
Word spotting CNN
Text Detection CNN
A word spotting CNN is a CNN that takes an image assumed to contain a single word and provides a probabillity over a given vocabulary.
Although other backends will be supported, for the moment only the Caffe backend is supported.
The text module now have a text detection and recognition using deep CNN. The text detector deep CNN that takes an image which may contain multiple words. This outputs a list of Rects with bounding boxes and probability of text there. The text recognizer provides a probabillity over a given vocabulary for each of these rects.
Two backends are supported 1) caffe 2) opencv-dnn
Instalation of Caffe backend
* Please note a custom caffe based on SSD branch is required, the link of the custom caffe is provided below
The caffe wrapping backend has the requirements caffe does.
* Caffe can be built against OpenCV, if the caffe backend is enabled, a circular bependency arises.
The simplest solution is to build caffe without support for OpenCV.
......@@ -77,10 +79,8 @@ Sample script for building Caffe
mkdir -p "$SRCROOT"
git clone
cd caffe
git checkout 91b09280f5233cafc62954c98ce8bc4c204e7475
git branch 91b09280f5233cafc62954c98ce8bc4c204e7475
git clone
cd TextBoxes
cat Makefile.config.example > Makefile.config
echo 'USE_OPENCV := 0' >> Makefile.config
echo 'INCLUDE_DIRS += /usr/include/hdf5/serial/' >> Makefile.config
......@@ -115,77 +115,15 @@ make distribute
cd $OPENCV_BUILD_DIR #You must set this
CAFFEROOT="${HOME}/caffe_inst/" #If you used the previous code to compile Caffe in ubuntu 16.04
cmake -DCaffe_LIBS:FILEPATH="$CAFFEROOT/caffe/distribute/lib/" -DBUILD_opencv_ts:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_dnn:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_dnn_modern:BOOL="0" -DCaffe_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH="$CAFFEROOT/caffe/distribute/include" -DWITH_MATLAB:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudabgsegm:BOOL="0" -DWITH_QT:BOOL="1" -DBUILD_opencv_cudaoptflow:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudastereo:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudafilters:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudev:BOOL="1" -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH:PATH="/home/anguelos/work/projects/opencv_gsoc/opencv_contrib/modules" ./
cmake -DCaffe_LIBS:FILEPATH="$CAFFEROOT/caffe/distribute/lib/" -DBUILD_opencv_ts:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_dnn:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_dnn_modern:BOOL="0" -DCaffe_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH="$CAFFEROOT/caffe/distribute/include" -DWITH_MATLAB:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudabgsegm:BOOL="0" -DWITH_QT:BOOL="1" -DBUILD_opencv_cudaoptflow:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudastereo:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudafilters:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudev:BOOL="1" -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH:PATH="$OPENCV_CONTRIB/modules" ./
Text Detection CNN
A text detection CNN is a CNN that takes an image which may contain multiple words. This outputs a list of Rects with bounding boxes and probability of text there.
Although other backends will be supported, for the moment only the Caffe backend is supported.
where $OPECV_CONTRIB is the root directory containing opencv_contrib module
Instalation of Caffe backend
* Please note a custom caffe based on SSD branch is required, the link of the custom caffe is provided below
The caffe wrapping backend has the requirements caffe does.
* Caffe can be built against OpenCV, if the caffe backend is enabled, a circular bependency arises.
The simplest solution is to build caffe without support for OpenCV.
* Only the OS supported by Caffe are supported by the backend.
The scripts describing the module have been developed in ubuntu 16.04 and assume such a system.
Other UNIX systems including OSX should be easy to adapt.
Sample script for building Caffe
Use of opencv-dnn does not need any additional library.
mkdir -p "$SRCROOT"
git clone
cd TextBoxes
cat Makefile.config.example > Makefile.config
echo 'USE_OPENCV := 0' >> Makefile.config
echo 'INCLUDE_DIRS += /usr/include/hdf5/serial/' >> Makefile.config
echo 'LIBRARY_DIRS += /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial/' >> Makefile.config
echo "--- /tmp/caffe/include/caffe/net.hpp 2017-05-28 04:55:47.929623902 +0200
+++ caffe/distribute/include/caffe/net.hpp 2017-05-28 04:51:33.437090768 +0200
@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@
template <typename T>
friend class Net;
+ virtual ~Callback(){}
const vector<Callback*>& before_forward() const { return before_forward_; }
void add_before_forward(Callback* value) {
patch < /tmp/cleanup_caffe.diff
make -j 6
make pycaffe
make distribute
cd $OPENCV_BUILD_DIR #You must set this
CAFFEROOT="${HOME}/caffe_inst/" #If you used the previous code to compile Caffe in ubuntu 16.04
cmake -DCaffe_LIBS:FILEPATH="$CAFFEROOT/caffe/distribute/lib/" -DBUILD_opencv_ts:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_dnn:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_dnn_modern:BOOL="0" -DCaffe_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH="$CAFFEROOT/caffe/distribute/include" -DWITH_MATLAB:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudabgsegm:BOOL="0" -DWITH_QT:BOOL="1" -DBUILD_opencv_cudaoptflow:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudastereo:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudafilters:BOOL="0" -DBUILD_opencv_cudev:BOOL="1" -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH:PATH="/home/anguelos/work/projects/opencv_gsoc/opencv_contrib/modules" ./
The recent opencv-3.3.0 needs to be build with extra modules to use text module.
......@@ -657,7 +657,6 @@ CV_EXPORTS_W Ptr<OCRBeamSearchDecoder::ClassifierCallback> loadOCRBeamSearchClas
//Classifiers should provide diferent backends
//For the moment only caffe is implemeted
......@@ -45,8 +45,6 @@
#include "opencv2/text.hpp"
//#include "text_config.hpp"
#include <tesseract/baseapi.h>
#include <tesseract/resultiterator.h>
......@@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ protected:
Ptr<caffe::Net<float> > net_;
......@@ -160,10 +159,6 @@ public:
this->outputGeometry_.height =net_->output_blobs()[0]->height();
this->outputGeometry_.width = net_->output_blobs()[0]->width();
CV_Error(Error::StsError,"Caffe not available during compilation!");
//#cmakedefine HAVE_QT5GUI
//#cmakedefine HAVE_CAFFE
// HAVE OCR Tesseract
//#cmakedefine HAVE_TESSERACT
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