Commit db58fd8b authored by Vladimir's avatar Vladimir

Fixes in modules/datasets/src/track_vot.cpp

parent abf33b4d
......@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ namespace cv
void TRACK_votImpl::loadDataset(const string &rootPath)
ifstream namesList(rootPath + "/list.txt");
//ifstream lengthsList(rootPath + "/lengths.txt");
string nameListPath = rootPath + "/list.txt";
ifstream namesList(nameListPath.c_str());
vector <int> datasetsLengths;
string datasetName;
......@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ namespace cv
Ptr<TRACK_votObj> currDataset(new TRACK_votObj);
//Open dataset's ground truth file
ifstream gtList(rootPath + "/" + datasetName + "/groundtruth.txt");
string gtListPath = rootPath + "/" + datasetName + "/groundtruth.txt";
ifstream gtList(gtListPath.c_str());
if (!gtList.is_open())
cout << "Error to open groundtruth.txt!!!";
......@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ namespace cv
int currFrameID = 1;
if (currDatasetID == 0)
cout << "VOT 2015 Dataset Initialization...\n";
bool trFLG = true;
......@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ namespace cv
//Add object to storage
} while (true);
} while (trFLG);
datasetsLengths.push_back(currFrameID - 1);
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