Commit d7410500 authored by Lluis Gomez-Bigorda's avatar Lluis Gomez-Bigorda

Fix for Bug #3633: do away with "quads [2][3] = 255;" The four lowest bits in…

Fix for Bug #3633: do away with "quads [2][3] = 255;" The four lowest bits in each quads[i][j] correspond to the 2x2 binary patterns Q_1, Q_2, Q_3 in the NM paper [1] (see in page 4 at the end of first column). Q_1 and Q_2 have four patterns, while Q_3 has only two.
parent 2dc4cd93
......@@ -287,7 +287,11 @@ void ERFilterNM::er_tree_extract( InputArray image )
quads[1][3] = (1<<3)|(1<<2)|(1<<1);
quads[2][0] = (1<<2)|(1<<1);
quads[2][1] = (1<<3)|(1);
quads[2][3] = 255;
// quads[2][2] and quads[2][3] are never used so no need to initialize them.
// The four lowest bits in each quads[i][j] correspond to the 2x2 binary patterns
// Q_1, Q_2, Q_3 in the Neumann and Matas CVPR 2012 paper
// (see in page 4 at the end of first column).
// Q_1 and Q_2 have four patterns, while Q_3 has only two.
// masks to know if a pixel is accessible and if it has been already added to some region
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