@param beam_size Size of the beam in Beam Search algorithm.
staticPtr<OCRBeamSearchDecoder>create(constPtr<OCRBeamSearchDecoder::ClassifierCallback>classifier,// The character classifier with built in feature extractor
conststd::string&vocabulary,// The language vocabulary (chars when ascii english text)
// size() must be equal to the number of classes
InputArraytransition_probabilities_table,// Table with transition probabilities between character pairs
// cols == rows == vocabulari.size()
InputArrayemission_probabilities_table,// Table with observation emission probabilities
// cols == rows == vocabulari.size()
decoder_modemode=OCR_DECODER_VITERBI,// HMM Decoding algorithm (only Viterbi for the moment)
intbeam_size=50);// Size of the beam in Beam Search algorithm