Commit b6767ccc authored by Maksim Shabunin's avatar Maksim Shabunin Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #2011 from mshabunin:enable-narrowing-warning

* Fixed type narrowing issues
parent 4ed97c51
......@@ -328,7 +328,8 @@ void OpticalFlowPCAFlow::getSystem( OutputArray AOut, OutputArray b1Out, OutputA
Mat b2 = b2Out.getMat();
ocl::Kernel kernel( "fillDCTSampledPoints", _ocl_fillDCTSampledPointsSource );
size_t globSize[] = {features.size(), basisSize.width, basisSize.height};
CV_Assert(basisSize.width > 0 && basisSize.height > 0);
size_t globSize[] = {features.size(), (size_t)basisSize.width, (size_t)basisSize.height};
.args( cv::ocl::KernelArg::ReadOnlyNoSize( Mat( features ).getUMat( ACCESS_READ ) ),
cv::ocl::KernelArg::WriteOnlyNoSize( A ), (int)features.size(), (int)basisSize.width,
......@@ -376,7 +377,8 @@ void OpticalFlowPCAFlow::getSystem( OutputArray A1Out, OutputArray A2Out, Output
Mat b2 = b2Out.getMat();
ocl::Kernel kernel( "fillDCTSampledPoints", _ocl_fillDCTSampledPointsSource );
size_t globSize[] = {features.size(), basisSize.width, basisSize.height};
CV_Assert(basisSize.width > 0 && basisSize.height > 0);
size_t globSize[] = {features.size(), (size_t)basisSize.width, (size_t)basisSize.height};
.args( cv::ocl::KernelArg::ReadOnlyNoSize( Mat( features ).getUMat( ACCESS_READ ) ),
cv::ocl::KernelArg::WriteOnlyNoSize( A ), (int)features.size(), (int)basisSize.width,
......@@ -267,7 +267,9 @@ bool ocl_getAllDCTDescriptorsForImage( const Mat *imgCh, std::vector< GPCPatchDe
const Size sz = imgCh[0].size();
ocl::Kernel kernel( "getPatchDescriptor", ocl::optflow::sparse_matching_gpc_oclsrc,
size_t globSize[] = {sz.height - 2 * patchRadius, sz.width - 2 * patchRadius};
CV_Assert(sz.height - 2 * patchRadius > 0);
CV_Assert(sz.width - 2 * patchRadius > 0);
size_t globSize[] = {(size_t)(sz.height - 2 * patchRadius), (size_t)(sz.width - 2 * patchRadius)};
UMat out( globSize[0] * globSize[1], GPCPatchDescriptor::nFeatures, CV_64F );
if (
......@@ -338,11 +338,11 @@ void drawTrajectoryByReference(cv::Mat& img)
cv::circle(img, cv::Point2d(x, y), 0.1, cv::Scalar(blue, green, red), -1);
cv::circle(img, cv::Point2d(x, y), 1, cv::Scalar(blue, green, red), -1);
cv::circle(img, cv::Point2d(x, y), 0.1, cv::Scalar(draw_b, draw_g, draw_r), -1);
cv::circle(img, cv::Point2d(x, y), 1, cv::Scalar(draw_b, draw_g, draw_r), -1);
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