Commit abfcde00 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/3.4' into merge-3.4

parents 2d0c8a4f cd95a5f0
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ namespace cv
for (int j = n2 + 2; j <= width - n2 - 2; j++)
int c[nr_img];
memset(c, 0, sizeof(c[0]) * nr_img);
for(int step = step_start; step <= step_end; step += step_inc)
for (int ii = - n2; ii <= + n2_stop; ii += step)
......@@ -1147,19 +1147,20 @@ void SIFT_Impl::detectAndCompute(InputArray _image, InputArray _mask,
Mat base = createInitialImage(image, firstOctave < 0, (float)sigma);
std::vector<Mat> gpyr, dogpyr;
std::vector<Mat> gpyr;
int nOctaves = actualNOctaves > 0 ? actualNOctaves : cvRound(std::log( (double)std::min( base.cols, base.rows ) ) / std::log(2.) - 2) - firstOctave;
//double t, tf = getTickFrequency();
//t = (double)getTickCount();
buildGaussianPyramid(base, gpyr, nOctaves);
buildDoGPyramid(gpyr, dogpyr);
//t = (double)getTickCount() - t;
//printf("pyramid construction time: %g\n", t*1000./tf);
if( !useProvidedKeypoints )
std::vector<Mat> dogpyr;
buildDoGPyramid(gpyr, dogpyr);
//t = (double)getTickCount();
findScaleSpaceExtrema(gpyr, dogpyr, keypoints);
KeyPointsFilter::removeDuplicatedSorted( keypoints );
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