@@ -33,3 +33,12 @@ This is an installation process that requires two main software packages (includ
@@ -33,3 +33,12 @@ This is an installation process that requires two main software packages (includ
* Use the provided script `./download_sferes.sh` to download the correct version of Sferes.
* Use the provided script `./download_sferes.sh` to download the correct version of Sferes.
Note: These are patched versions of the two frameworks with our additional work necessary to produce the images as in the paper. They are not the same as their master branches.
Note: These are patched versions of the two frameworks with our additional work necessary to produce the images as in the paper. They are not the same as their master branches.
## Installation
Please see the [Installation_Guide](https://github.com/Evolving-AI-Lab/fooling/wiki/Installation-Guide) for more details.
## Usage
* An MNIST experiment (Fig. 4, 5 in the paper) can be run directly on a local machine (4-core) within a reasonable amount of time (around ~5 minutes or less for 200 generations).
* An ImageNet experiment needs to be run on a cluster environment. It took us ~4 days x 128 cores to run 5000 generations and produce 1000 images (Fig. 8 in the paper).
*[How to configure an experiment to test the evolutionary framework quickly](https://github.com/Evolving-AI-Lab/fooling/wiki/How-to-test-the-evolutionary-framework-quickly)
* To reproduce the gradient ascent fooling images (Figures 13, S3, S4, S5, S6, and S7 from the paper), see the [documentation in the caffe/ascent directory](https://github.com/anguyen8/opencv_contrib/tree/master/modules/dnns_easily_fooled/caffe/ascent). You'll need to download the correct Caffe version for this experiment using `./download_caffe_gradient_ascent.sh` script.