Commit a817a197 authored by Lizeth Huertas's avatar Lizeth Huertas Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #1570 from szk1509:apriltag

Apriltag (#1570)

* doCornerRefinement to CornerRefinementMethod :: detected contours points are used to detect the corners

* some little corrections

* samples edited

* documented :)

* tabs corrected

* Docu corrections

* refinement for all candidates

* refinement for all candidates :: copy paste error corrected

* comment

* apriltag

* whitespace corrected

* corr ini

* correction :: warnings, c4244, preprocDirect, ...

* try to ignore 4244, fix 2131, add test, and ...

* try to ignore 4244

* test duplicate deleted

* corrected test, warnings

* test :: correction

* warnings

* warnings and test

* warnings

* perspective test, warning corrections

* warning a_q_t

* warning

* warning

* 3 clause BSD license

* stacksz and typo

* eliminate build warnings

- cv::fastAtan2()
- cvFloor()

* small code refactoring

* fix isfinite()

* get rid of manual calloc/free calls

* update file headers
parent d99ee92d
......@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ namespace aruco {
enum CornerRefineMethod{
CORNER_REFINE_NONE, // default corners
CORNER_REFINE_SUBPIX, // refine the corners using subpix
CORNER_REFINE_CONTOUR // refine the corners using the contour-points
CORNER_REFINE_CONTOUR, // refine the corners using the contour-points
CORNER_REFINE_APRILTAG, // detect corners using the AprilTag2 approach
......@@ -105,7 +106,8 @@ enum CornerRefineMethod{
* similar, so that the smaller one is removed. The rate is relative to the smaller perimeter
* of the two markers (default 0.05).
* - cornerRefinementMethod: corner refinement method. (CORNER_REFINE_NONE, no refinement.
* CORNER_REFINE_SUBPIX, do subpixel refinement. CORNER_REFINE_CONTOUR use contour-Points)
* CORNER_REFINE_SUBPIX, do subpixel refinement. CORNER_REFINE_CONTOUR use contour-Points,
* CORNER_REFINE_APRILTAG use the AprilTag2 approach)
* - cornerRefinementWinSize: window size for the corner refinement process (in pixels) (default 5).
* - cornerRefinementMaxIterations: maximum number of iterations for stop criteria of the corner
* refinement process (default 30).
......@@ -125,6 +127,21 @@ enum CornerRefineMethod{
* than 128 or not) (default 5.0)
* - errorCorrectionRate error correction rate respect to the maximun error correction capability
* for each dictionary. (default 0.6).
* - aprilTagMinClusterPixels: reject quads containing too few pixels.
* - aprilTagMaxNmaxima: how many corner candidates to consider when segmenting a group of pixels into a quad.
* - aprilTagCriticalRad: Reject quads where pairs of edges have angles that are close to straight or close to
* 180 degrees. Zero means that no quads are rejected. (In radians).
* - aprilTagMaxLineFitMse: When fitting lines to the contours, what is the maximum mean squared error
* allowed? This is useful in rejecting contours that are far from being quad shaped; rejecting
* these quads "early" saves expensive decoding processing.
* - aprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff: When we build our model of black & white pixels, we add an extra check that
* the white model must be (overall) brighter than the black model. How much brighter? (in pixel values, [0,255]).
* - aprilTagDeglitch: should the thresholded image be deglitched? Only useful for very noisy images
* - aprilTagQuadDecimate: Detection of quads can be done on a lower-resolution image, improving speed at a
* cost of pose accuracy and a slight decrease in detection rate. Decoding the binary payload is still
* done at full resolution.
* - aprilTagQuadSigma: What Gaussian blur should be applied to the segmented image (used for quad detection?)
* Parameter is the standard deviation in pixels. Very noisy images benefit from non-zero values (e.g. 0.8).
struct CV_EXPORTS_W DetectorParameters {
......@@ -152,6 +169,18 @@ struct CV_EXPORTS_W DetectorParameters {
CV_PROP_RW double maxErroneousBitsInBorderRate;
CV_PROP_RW double minOtsuStdDev;
CV_PROP_RW double errorCorrectionRate;
// April :: User-configurable parameters.
CV_PROP_RW float aprilTagQuadDecimate;
CV_PROP_RW float aprilTagQuadSigma;
// April :: Internal variables
CV_PROP_RW int aprilTagMinClusterPixels;
CV_PROP_RW int aprilTagMaxNmaxima;
CV_PROP_RW float aprilTagCriticalRad;
CV_PROP_RW float aprilTagMaxLineFitMse;
CV_PROP_RW int aprilTagMinWhiteBlackDiff;
CV_PROP_RW int aprilTagDeglitch;
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2013-2016, The Regents of The University of Michigan.
// This software was developed in the APRIL Robotics Lab under the
// direction of Edwin Olson, This software may be
// available under alternative licensing terms; contact the address above.
// The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those
// of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies,
// either expressed or implied, of the Regents of The University of Michigan.
// limitation: image size must be <32768 in width and height. This is
// because we use a fixed-point 16 bit integer representation with one
// fractional bit.
#include "opencv2/aruco.hpp"
#include "unionfind.hpp"
#include "zmaxheap.hpp"
#include "zarray.hpp"
namespace cv {
namespace aruco {
static inline uint32_t u64hash_2(uint64_t x) {
return uint32_t((2654435761UL * x) >> 32);
struct uint64_zarray_entry{
uint64_t id;
zarray_t *cluster;
struct uint64_zarray_entry *next;
struct pt{
// Note: these represent 2*actual value.
uint16_t x, y;
float theta;
int16_t gx, gy;
struct remove_vertex{
int i; // which vertex to remove?
int left, right; // left vertex, right vertex
double err;
struct segment{
int is_vertex;
// always greater than zero, but right can be > size, which denotes
// a wrap around back to the beginning of the points. and left < right.
int left, right;
struct line_fit_pt{
double Mx, My;
double Mxx, Myy, Mxy;
double W; // total weight
* lfps contains *cumulative* moments for N points, with
* index j reflecting points [0,j] (inclusive).
* fit a line to the points [i0, i1] (inclusive). i0, i1 are both (0, sz)
* if i1 < i0, we treat this as a wrap around.
void fit_line(struct line_fit_pt *lfps, int sz, int i0, int i1, double *lineparm, double *err, double *mse);
int err_compare_descending(const void *_a, const void *_b);
1. Identify A) white points near a black point and B) black points near a white point.
2. Find the connected components within each of the classes above,
yielding clusters of "white-near-black" and
"black-near-white". (These two classes are kept separate). Each
segment has a unique id.
3. For every pair of "white-near-black" and "black-near-white"
clusters, find the set of points that are in one and adjacent to the
other. In other words, a "boundary" layer between the two
clusters. (This is actually performed by iterating over the pixels,
rather than pairs of clusters.) Critically, this helps keep nearby
edges from becoming connected.
int quad_segment_maxima(const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &td, int sz, struct line_fit_pt *lfps, int indices[4]);
* returns 0 if the cluster looks bad.
int quad_segment_agg(int sz, struct line_fit_pt *lfps, int indices[4]);
* return 1 if the quad looks okay, 0 if it should be discarded
* quad
int fit_quad(const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &_params, const Mat im, zarray_t *cluster, struct sQuad *quad);
* @param mIm
* @param parameters
* @param mThresh
void threshold(const Mat mIm, const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &parameters, Mat& mThresh);
* @param parameters
* @param mImg
* @param contours
* @return
zarray_t *apriltag_quad_thresh(const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &parameters, const Mat & mImg, std::vector< std::vector< Point > > &contours);
......@@ -41,14 +41,20 @@ the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include "apriltag_quad_thresh.hpp"
#include "zarray.hpp"
//#define APRIL_DEBUG
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
namespace cv {
namespace aruco {
using namespace std;
......@@ -72,7 +78,15 @@ DetectorParameters::DetectorParameters()
errorCorrectionRate(0.6) {}
aprilTagCriticalRad( (float)(10* CV_PI /180) ),
......@@ -950,6 +964,137 @@ class MarkerContourParallel : public ParallelLoopBody {
const Mat& distCoeff;
static void _darken(const Mat &im){
for (int y = 0; y < im.rows; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < im.cols; x++) {[im.cols*y+x] /= 2;
* @param im_orig
* @param _params
* @param candidates
* @param contours
static void _apriltag(Mat im_orig, const Ptr<DetectorParameters> & _params, std::vector< std::vector< Point2f > > &candidates,
std::vector< std::vector< Point > > &contours){
/// Step 1. Detect quads according to requested image decimation
/// and blurring parameters.
Mat quad_im;
if (_params->aprilTagQuadDecimate > 1){
resize(im_orig, quad_im, Size(), 1/_params->aprilTagQuadDecimate, 1/_params->aprilTagQuadDecimate, INTER_AREA );
// Apply a Blur
if (_params->aprilTagQuadSigma != 0) {
// compute a reasonable kernel width by figuring that the
// kernel should go out 2 std devs.
// max sigma ksz
// 0.499 1 (disabled)
// 0.999 3
// 1.499 5
// 1.999 7
float sigma = fabsf((float) _params->aprilTagQuadSigma);
int ksz = cvFloor(4 * sigma); // 2 std devs in each direction
ksz |= 1; // make odd number
if (ksz > 1) {
if (_params->aprilTagQuadSigma > 0)
GaussianBlur(quad_im, quad_im, Size(ksz, ksz), sigma, sigma, BORDER_REPLICATE);
else {
Mat orig;
GaussianBlur(quad_im, quad_im, Size(ksz, ksz), sigma, sigma, BORDER_REPLICATE);
// SHARPEN the image by subtracting the low frequency components.
for (int y = 0; y < orig.rows; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < orig.cols; x++) {
int vorig =[y*orig.step + x];
int vblur =[y*quad_im.step + x];
int v = 2*vorig - vblur;
if (v < 0)
v = 0;
if (v > 255)
v = 255;[y*quad_im.step + x] = (uint8_t) v;
imwrite("1.1 debug_preprocess.pnm", quad_im);
/// Step 2. do the Threshold :: get the set of candidate quads
zarray_t *quads = apriltag_quad_thresh(_params, quad_im, contours);
CV_Assert(quads != NULL);
// adjust centers of pixels so that they correspond to the
// original full-resolution image.
if (_params->aprilTagQuadDecimate > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < _zarray_size(quads); i++) {
struct sQuad *q;
_zarray_get_volatile(quads, i, &q);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
q->p[j][0] *= _params->aprilTagQuadDecimate;
q->p[j][1] *= _params->aprilTagQuadDecimate;
Mat im_quads = im_orig.clone();
im_quads = im_quads*0.5;
for (int i = 0; i < _zarray_size(quads); i++) {
struct sQuad *quad;
_zarray_get_volatile(quads, i, &quad);
const int bias = 100;
int color = bias + (random() % (255-bias));
line(im_quads, Point(quad->p[0][0], quad->p[0][1]), Point(quad->p[1][0], quad->p[1][1]), color, 1);
line(im_quads, Point(quad->p[1][0], quad->p[1][1]), Point(quad->p[2][0], quad->p[2][1]), color, 1);
line(im_quads, Point(quad->p[2][0], quad->p[2][1]), Point(quad->p[3][0], quad->p[3][1]), color, 1);
line(im_quads, Point(quad->p[3][0], quad->p[3][1]), Point(quad->p[0][0], quad->p[0][1]), color, 1);
imwrite("1.2 debug_quads_raw.pnm", im_quads);
/// Step 3. Save the output :: candidate corners
for (int i = 0; i < _zarray_size(quads); i++) {
struct sQuad *quad;
_zarray_get_volatile(quads, i, &quad);
std::vector< Point2f > corners;
corners.push_back(Point2f(quad->p[3][0], quad->p[3][1])); //pA
corners.push_back(Point2f(quad->p[0][0], quad->p[0][1])); //pB
corners.push_back(Point2f(quad->p[1][0], quad->p[1][1])); //pC
corners.push_back(Point2f(quad->p[2][0], quad->p[2][1])); //pD
......@@ -967,7 +1112,14 @@ void detectMarkers(InputArray _image, const Ptr<Dictionary> &_dictionary, Output
vector< vector< Point2f > > candidates;
vector< vector< Point > > contours;
vector< int > ids;
_detectCandidates(grey, candidates, contours, _params);
/// STEP 1.a Detect marker candidates :: using AprilTag
if(_params->cornerRefinementMethod == CORNER_REFINE_APRILTAG)
_apriltag(grey, _params, candidates, contours);
/// STEP 1.b Detect marker candidates :: traditional way
_detectCandidates(grey, candidates, contours, _params);
/// STEP 2: Check candidate codification (identify markers)
_identifyCandidates(grey, candidates, contours, _dictionary, candidates, ids, _params,
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2013-2016, The Regents of The University of Michigan.
// This software was developed in the APRIL Robotics Lab under the
// direction of Edwin Olson, This software may be
// available under alternative licensing terms; contact the address above.
// The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those
// of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies,
// either expressed or implied, of the Regents of The University of Michigan.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace cv {
namespace aruco {
typedef struct unionfind unionfind_t;
struct unionfind{
uint32_t maxid;
struct ufrec *data;
struct ufrec{
// the parent of this node. If a node's parent is its own index,
// then it is a root.
uint32_t parent;
// for the root of a connected component, the number of components
// connected to it. For intermediate values, it's not meaningful.
uint32_t size;
static inline unionfind_t *unionfind_create(uint32_t maxid){
unionfind_t *uf = (unionfind_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(unionfind_t));
uf->maxid = maxid;
uf->data = (struct ufrec*) malloc((maxid+1) * sizeof(struct ufrec));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= maxid; i++) {
uf->data[i].size = 1;
uf->data[i].parent = i;
return uf;
static inline void unionfind_destroy(unionfind_t *uf){
static inline uint32_t unionfind_get_representative(unionfind_t *uf, uint32_t id)
// base case: a node is its own parent
if (uf->data[id].parent == id)
return id;
// otherwise, recurse
uint32_t root = unionfind_get_representative(uf, uf->data[id].parent);
// short circuit the path. [XXX This write prevents tail recursion]
uf->data[id].parent = root;
return root;
// this one seems to be every-so-slightly faster than the recursive
// version above.
static inline uint32_t unionfind_get_representative(unionfind_t *uf, uint32_t id){
uint32_t root = id;
// chase down the root
while (uf->data[root].parent != root) {
root = uf->data[root].parent;
// go back and collapse the tree.
// XXX: on some of our workloads that have very shallow trees
// (e.g. image segmentation), we are actually faster not doing
// this...
while (uf->data[id].parent != root) {
uint32_t tmp = uf->data[id].parent;
uf->data[id].parent = root;
id = tmp;
return root;
static inline uint32_t unionfind_get_set_size(unionfind_t *uf, uint32_t id){
uint32_t repid = unionfind_get_representative(uf, id);
return uf->data[repid].size;
static inline uint32_t unionfind_connect(unionfind_t *uf, uint32_t aid, uint32_t bid){
uint32_t aroot = unionfind_get_representative(uf, aid);
uint32_t broot = unionfind_get_representative(uf, bid);
if (aroot == broot)
return aroot;
// we don't perform "union by rank", but we perform a similar
// operation (but probably without the same asymptotic guarantee):
// We join trees based on the number of *elements* (as opposed to
// rank) contained within each tree. I.e., we use size as a proxy
// for rank. In my testing, it's often *faster* to use size than
// rank, perhaps because the rank of the tree isn't that critical
// if there are very few nodes in it.
uint32_t asize = uf->data[aroot].size;
uint32_t bsize = uf->data[broot].size;
// optimization idea: We could shortcut some or all of the tree
// that is grafted onto the other tree. Pro: those nodes were just
// read and so are probably in cache. Con: it might end up being
// wasted effort -- the tree might be grafted onto another tree in
// a moment!
if (asize > bsize) {
uf->data[broot].parent = aroot;
uf->data[aroot].size += bsize;
return aroot;
} else {
uf->data[aroot].parent = broot;
uf->data[broot].size += asize;
return broot;
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2013-2016, The Regents of The University of Michigan.
// This software was developed in the APRIL Robotics Lab under the
// direction of Edwin Olson, This software may be
// available under alternative licensing terms; contact the address above.
// The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those
// of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies,
// either expressed or implied, of the Regents of The University of Michigan.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
namespace cv {
namespace aruco {
struct sQuad{
float p[4][2]; // corners
* Defines a structure which acts as a resize-able array ala Java's ArrayList.
typedef struct zarray zarray_t;
struct zarray{
size_t el_sz; // size of each element
int size; // how many elements?
int alloc; // we've allocated storage for how many elements?
char *data;
* Creates and returns a variable array structure capable of holding elements of
* the specified size. It is the caller's responsibility to call zarray_destroy()
* on the returned array when it is no longer needed.
inline static zarray_t *_zarray_create(size_t el_sz){
zarray_t *za = (zarray_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(zarray_t));
za->el_sz = el_sz;
return za;
* Frees all resources associated with the variable array structure which was
* created by zarray_create(). After calling, 'za' will no longer be valid for storage.
inline static void _zarray_destroy(zarray_t *za){
if (za == NULL)
if (za->data != NULL)
memset(za, 0, sizeof(zarray_t));
* Retrieves the number of elements currently being contained by the passed
* array, which may be different from its capacity. The index of the last element
* in the array will be one less than the returned value.
inline static int _zarray_size(const zarray_t *za){
return za->size;
* Allocates enough internal storage in the supplied variable array structure to
* guarantee that the supplied number of elements (capacity) can be safely stored.
inline static void _zarray_ensure_capacity(zarray_t *za, int capacity){
if (capacity <= za->alloc)
while (za->alloc < capacity) {
za->alloc *= 2;
if (za->alloc < 8)
za->alloc = 8;
za->data = (char*) realloc(za->data, za->alloc * za->el_sz);
* Adds a new element to the end of the supplied array, and sets its value
* (by copying) from the data pointed to by the supplied pointer 'p'.
* Automatically ensures that enough storage space is available for the new element.
inline static void _zarray_add(zarray_t *za, const void *p){
_zarray_ensure_capacity(za, za->size + 1);
memcpy(&za->data[za->size*za->el_sz], p, za->el_sz);
* Retrieves the element from the supplied array located at the zero-based
* index of 'idx' and copies its value into the variable pointed to by the pointer
* 'p'.
inline static void _zarray_get(const zarray_t *za, int idx, void *p){
CV_DbgAssert(idx >= 0);
CV_DbgAssert(idx < za->size);
memcpy(p, &za->data[idx*za->el_sz], za->el_sz);
* Similar to zarray_get(), but returns a "live" pointer to the internal
* storage, avoiding a memcpy. This pointer is not valid across
* operations which might move memory around (i.e. zarray_remove_value(),
* zarray_remove_index(), zarray_insert(), zarray_sort(), zarray_clear()).
* 'p' should be a pointer to the pointer which will be set to the internal address.
inline static void _zarray_get_volatile(const zarray_t *za, int idx, void *p){
CV_DbgAssert(idx >= 0);
CV_DbgAssert(idx < za->size);
*((void**) p) = &za->data[idx*za->el_sz];
inline static void _zarray_truncate(zarray_t *za, int sz){
za->size = sz;
* Sets the value of the current element at index 'idx' by copying its value from
* the data pointed to by 'p'. The previous value of the changed element will be
* copied into the data pointed to by 'outp' if it is not null.
static inline void _zarray_set(zarray_t *za, int idx, const void *p, void *outp){
CV_DbgAssert(idx >= 0);
CV_DbgAssert(idx < za->size);
if (outp != NULL)
memcpy(outp, &za->data[idx*za->el_sz], za->el_sz);
memcpy(&za->data[idx*za->el_sz], p, za->el_sz);
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2013-2016, The Regents of The University of Michigan.
// This software was developed in the APRIL Robotics Lab under the
// direction of Edwin Olson, This software may be
// available under alternative licensing terms; contact the address above.
// The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those
// of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies,
// either expressed or implied, of the Regents of The University of Michigan.
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "zmaxheap.hpp"
// 0
// 1 2
// 3 4 5 6
// 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
// Children of node i: 2*i+1, 2*i+2
// Parent of node i: (i-1) / 2
// Heap property: a parent is greater than (or equal to) its children.
#define MIN_CAPACITY 16
namespace cv {
namespace aruco {
struct zmaxheap
size_t el_sz;
int size;
int alloc;
float *values;
char *data;
void (*swap)(zmaxheap_t *heap, int a, int b);
static inline void _swap_default(zmaxheap_t *heap, int a, int b)
float t = heap->values[a];
heap->values[a] = heap->values[b];
heap->values[b] = t;
cv::AutoBuffer<char> tmp(heap->el_sz);
memcpy(tmp, &heap->data[a*heap->el_sz], heap->el_sz);
memcpy(&heap->data[a*heap->el_sz], &heap->data[b*heap->el_sz], heap->el_sz);
memcpy(&heap->data[b*heap->el_sz], tmp, heap->el_sz);
static inline void _swap_pointer(zmaxheap_t *heap, int a, int b)
float t = heap->values[a];
heap->values[a] = heap->values[b];
heap->values[b] = t;
void **pp = (void**) heap->data;
void *tmp = pp[a];
pp[a] = pp[b];
pp[b] = tmp;
zmaxheap_t *zmaxheap_create(size_t el_sz)
zmaxheap_t *heap = (zmaxheap_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(zmaxheap_t));
heap->el_sz = el_sz;
heap->swap = _swap_default;
if (el_sz == sizeof(void*))
heap->swap = _swap_pointer;
return heap;
void zmaxheap_destroy(zmaxheap_t *heap)
memset(heap, 0, sizeof(zmaxheap_t));
static void _zmaxheap_ensure_capacity(zmaxheap_t *heap, int capacity)
if (heap->alloc >= capacity)
int newcap = heap->alloc;
while (newcap < capacity) {
if (newcap < MIN_CAPACITY) {
newcap = MIN_CAPACITY;
newcap *= 2;
heap->values = (float*)realloc(heap->values, newcap * sizeof(float));
heap->data = (char*)realloc(heap->data, newcap * heap->el_sz);
heap->alloc = newcap;
void zmaxheap_add(zmaxheap_t *heap, void *p, float v)
_zmaxheap_ensure_capacity(heap, heap->size + 1);
int idx = heap->size;
heap->values[idx] = v;
memcpy(&heap->data[idx*heap->el_sz], p, heap->el_sz);
while (idx > 0) {
int parent = (idx - 1) / 2;
// we're done!
if (heap->values[parent] >= v)
// else, swap and recurse upwards.
heap->swap(heap, idx, parent);
idx = parent;
// Removes the item in the heap at the given index. Returns 1 if the
// item existed. 0 Indicates an invalid idx (heap is smaller than
// idx). This is mostly intended to be used by zmaxheap_remove_max.
static int zmaxheap_remove_index(zmaxheap_t *heap, int idx, void *p, float *v)
if (idx >= heap->size)
return 0;
// copy out the requested element from the heap.
if (v != NULL)
*v = heap->values[idx];
if (p != NULL)
memcpy(p, &heap->data[idx*heap->el_sz], heap->el_sz);
// If this element is already the last one, then there's nothing
// for us to do.
if (idx == heap->size)
return 1;
// copy last element to first element. (which probably upsets
// the heap property).
heap->values[idx] = heap->values[heap->size];
memcpy(&heap->data[idx*heap->el_sz], &heap->data[heap->el_sz * heap->size], heap->el_sz);
// now fix the heap. Note, as we descend, we're "pushing down"
// the same node the entire time. Thus, while the index of the
// parent might change, the parent_score doesn't.
int parent = idx;
float parent_score = heap->values[idx];
// descend, fixing the heap.
while (parent < heap->size) {
int left = 2*parent + 1;
int right = left + 1;
// assert(parent_score == heap->values[parent]);
float left_score = (left < heap->size) ? heap->values[left] : -INFINITY;
float right_score = (right < heap->size) ? heap->values[right] : -INFINITY;
// put the biggest of (parent, left, right) as the parent.
// already okay?
if (parent_score >= left_score && parent_score >= right_score)
// if we got here, then one of the children is bigger than the parent.
if (left_score >= right_score) {
CV_Assert(left < heap->size);
heap->swap(heap, parent, left);
parent = left;
} else {
// right_score can't be less than left_score if right_score is -INFINITY.
CV_Assert(right < heap->size);
heap->swap(heap, parent, right);
parent = right;
return 1;
int zmaxheap_remove_max(zmaxheap_t *heap, void *p, float *v)
return zmaxheap_remove_index(heap, 0, p, v);
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2013-2016, The Regents of The University of Michigan.
// This software was developed in the APRIL Robotics Lab under the
// direction of Edwin Olson, This software may be
// available under alternative licensing terms; contact the address above.
// The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those
// of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies,
// either expressed or implied, of the Regents of The University of Michigan.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
namespace cv {
namespace aruco {
typedef struct zmaxheap zmaxheap_t;
typedef struct zmaxheap_iterator zmaxheap_iterator_t;
struct zmaxheap_iterator {
zmaxheap_t *heap;
int in, out;
zmaxheap_t *zmaxheap_create(size_t el_sz);
void zmaxheap_destroy(zmaxheap_t *heap);
void zmaxheap_add(zmaxheap_t *heap, void *p, float v);
// returns 0 if the heap is empty, so you can do
// while (zmaxheap_remove_max(...)) { }
int zmaxheap_remove_max(zmaxheap_t *heap, void *p, float *v);
......@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ void CV_ArucoDetectionSimple::run(int) {
vector< vector< Point2f > > corners;
vector< int > ids;
Ptr<aruco::DetectorParameters> params = aruco::DetectorParameters::create();
aruco::detectMarkers(img, dictionary, corners, ids, params);
// check detection results
......@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ class CV_ArucoDetectionPerspective : public cvtest::BaseTest {
CV_ArucoDetectionPerspective::CV_ArucoDetectionPerspective() {}
void CV_ArucoDetectionPerspective::run(int) {
void CV_ArucoDetectionPerspective::run(int aprilDecimate) {
int iter = 0;
Mat cameraMatrix = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1);
......@@ -274,6 +275,11 @@ void CV_ArucoDetectionPerspective::run(int) {
Ptr<aruco::DetectorParameters> params = aruco::DetectorParameters::create();
params->minDistanceToBorder = 1;
params->markerBorderBits = markerBorder;
if(aprilDecimate == 1){
params->cornerRefinementMethod = cv::aruco::CORNER_REFINE_APRILTAG;
aruco::detectMarkers(img, dictionary, corners, ids, params);
// check results
......@@ -481,8 +487,12 @@ void CV_ArucoBitCorrection::run(int) {
typedef CV_ArucoDetectionPerspective CV_AprilTagDetectionPerspective;
TEST(CV_AprilTagDetectionPerspective, algorithmic) {
CV_AprilTagDetectionPerspective test;
TEST(CV_ArucoDetectionSimple, algorithmic) {
CV_ArucoDetectionSimple test;
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