Commit a81322a8 authored by Wangyida's avatar Wangyida

add background and semishpere to training images

parent 73b5d3eb
......@@ -47,13 +47,15 @@ using namespace cv::cnn_3dobj;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const String keys = "{help | | demo :$ ./sphereview_test -ite_depth=2 -plymodel=../data/3Dmodel/ape.ply -imagedir=../data/images_all/ -labeldir=../data/label_all.txt -num_class=6 -label_class=0, then press 'q' to run the demo for images generation when you see the gray background and a coordinate.}"
"{ite_depth | 2 | Iteration of sphere generation.}"
"{ite_depth | 3 | Iteration of sphere generation.}"
"{plymodel | ../data/3Dmodel/ape.ply | Path of the '.ply' file for image rendering. }"
"{imagedir | ../data/images_all/ | Path of the generated images for one particular .ply model. }"
"{labeldir | ../data/label_all.txt | Path of the generated images for one particular .ply model. }"
"{cam_head_x | 0 | Head of the camera. }"
"{cam_head_y | 0 | Head of the camera. }"
"{cam_head_z | -1 | Head of the camera. }"
"{semisphere | 1 | Camera only has positions on half of the whole sphere. }"
"{center_gen | 0 | Find center from all points. }"
"{image_size | 128 | Size of captured images. }"
"{label_class | 1 | Class label of current .ply model. }"
"{label_item | 1 | Item label of current .ply model. }"
......@@ -77,19 +79,32 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
float cam_head_x = parser.get<float>("cam_head_x");
float cam_head_y = parser.get<float>("cam_head_y");
float cam_head_z = parser.get<float>("cam_head_z");
int semisphere = parser.get<int>("semisphere");
int center_gen = parser.get<int>("center_gen");
int image_size = parser.get<int>("image_size");
int rgb_use = parser.get<int>("rgb_use");
int num_class = parser.get<int>("num_class");
int binary_out = parser.get<int>("binary_out");
cv::cnn_3dobj::icoSphere ViewSphere(10,ite_depth);
std::vector<cv::Point3d> campos = ViewSphere.CameraPos;
std::vector<cv::Point3d> campos;
std::vector<cv::Point3d> campos_temp = ViewSphere.CameraPos;
if (semisphere)
for (int pose = 0; pose < (int)campos_temp.size(); pose++)
if ( >= 0)
campos = campos_temp;
std::fstream imglabel;
char* p=(char*);, fstream::app|fstream::out);
bool camera_pov = true;
/* Create a window using viz. */
viz::Viz3d myWindow("Coordinate Frame");
/* Set window size as 64*64, we use this scale as default. */
/* Set window size. */
/* Set background color. */
......@@ -98,8 +113,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
myWindow.addLight(Vec3d(0,0,100000), Vec3d(0,0,0), viz::Color::white(), viz::Color::gray(), viz::Color::black(), viz::Color::white());
/* Create a Mesh widget, loading .ply models. */
viz::Mesh objmesh = viz::Mesh::load(plymodel);
/* Get the center of the generated mesh widget, cause some .ply files. */
Point3d cam_focal_point = ViewSphere.getCenter(;
/* Get the center of the generated mesh widget, cause some .ply files, this could be ignored if you are using PASCAL database*/
Point3d cam_focal_point;
if (center_gen)
cam_focal_point = ViewSphere.getCenter(;
cam_focal_point = Point3d(0,0,0);
const char* headerPath = "../data/header_for_";
const char* binaryPath = "../data/binary_";
if (binary_out)
ViewSphere.createHeader((int)campos.size(), image_size, image_size, headerPath);
float radius = ViewSphere.getRadius(, cam_focal_point); =*100;
cam_focal_point = cam_focal_point/radius*100;
......@@ -107,13 +132,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cam_y_dir.x = cam_head_x;
cam_y_dir.y = cam_head_y;
cam_y_dir.z = cam_head_z;
const char* headerPath = "../data/header_for_";
const char* binaryPath = "../data/binary_";
if (binary_out)
ViewSphere.createHeader((int)campos.size(), image_size, image_size, headerPath);
char* temp = new char;
char* bgname = new char;
/* Images will be saved as .png files. */
for(int pose = 0; pose < (int)campos.size(); pose++){
int label_x, label_y, label_z;
......@@ -144,8 +164,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Visualize widget. */
mesh_widget.setRenderingProperty(viz::LINE_WIDTH, 4.0);
myWindow.showWidget("ape", mesh_widget, cloud_pose_global);
cv::Mat img_bg = cv::imread(bgname);
cv::viz::WImage3D background_widget(img_bg, Size2d(image_size*4, image_size*4), Vec3d(*380-cam_focal_point), Vec3d(*380+cam_focal_point), Vec3d(0,0,100));
// mesh_widget.setRenderingProperty(viz::LINE_WIDTH, 4.0);
myWindow.showWidget("targetwidget", mesh_widget, cloud_pose_global);
myWindow.showWidget("bgwidget", background_widget, cloud_pose_global);
/* Set the viewer pose to that of camera. */
if (camera_pov)
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