Commit a62f9c42 authored by Pavel Rojtberg's avatar Pavel Rojtberg

ovis: make sure entities are oriented by the OpenCV CS conventions

parent 0520753d
......@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@ cv.ovis.addResourceLocation("packs/")
# camera intrinsics
imsize = (800, 600)
K = np.diag([800, 800, 1])
K[:2, 2] = (400, 100) # offset pp
K[:2, 2] = (400, 500) # offset pp
# observer scene
owin = cv.ovis.createWindow("VR", imsize)
cv.ovis.createGridMesh("ground", (10, 10), (10, 10))
owin.createEntity("ground", "ground", rot=(1.57, 0, 0))
owin.createCameraEntity("cam", K, imsize, 5)
owin.createEntity("figure", "Sinbad.mesh", (0, -5, 0)) # externally defined mesh
owin.createEntity("figure", "Sinbad.mesh", tvec=(0, -5, 0), rot=(np.pi, 0, 0)) # externally defined mesh
owin.createLightEntity("sun", (0, 0, -100))
# interaction scene
iwin = cv.ovis.createWindow("AR", imsize, cv.ovis.SCENE_SEPERATE | cv.ovis.SCENE_INTERACTIVE)
iwin.createEntity("figure", "Sinbad.mesh", (0, -5, 0))
iwin.createEntity("figure", "Sinbad.mesh", tvec=(0, -5, 0), rot=(np.pi, 0, 0))
iwin.createLightEntity("sun", (0, 0, -100))
iwin.setCameraIntrinsics(K, imsize)
......@@ -49,12 +49,14 @@ void _createTexture(const String& name, Mat image)
static void _convertRT(InputArray rot, InputArray tvec, Quaternion& q, Vector3& t,
bool invert = false)
bool invert = false, bool init = false)
CV_Assert(rot.empty() || rot.rows() == 3 || rot.size() == Size(3, 3),
tvec.empty() || tvec.rows() == 3);
q = Quaternion::IDENTITY;
// make sure the entity is oriented by the OpenCV coordinate conventions
// when initialised
q = init ? Quaternion(toOGRE) : Quaternion::IDENTITY;
t = Vector3::ZERO;
if (!rot.empty())
......@@ -346,7 +348,7 @@ public:
Quaternion q;
Vector3 t;
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t);
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t, false, true);
SceneNode* node = sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(t, q);
......@@ -377,7 +379,7 @@ public:
Quaternion q;
Vector3 t;
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t);
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t, false, true);
SceneNode* node = sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(t, q);
......@@ -400,7 +402,7 @@ public:
Quaternion q;
Vector3 t;
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t);
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t, false, true);
SceneNode* node = sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(t, q);
......@@ -420,7 +422,7 @@ public:
SceneNode& node = _getSceneNode(sceneMgr, name);
Quaternion q;
Vector3 t;
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t, invert);
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t, invert, true);
......@@ -488,7 +490,7 @@ public:
SceneNode* node = cam->getParentSceneNode();
Quaternion q;
Vector3 t;
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t, invert);
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t, invert, true);
if (!rot.empty())
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