Commit a3c6f1dc authored by Vitaliy Lyudvichenko's avatar Vitaliy Lyudvichenko

Updating API of LSTM layer, fixed LSTM bug in tanh() implementation

LSTM bug is caused by different behaviour of std::tanh() and hand-
tanh() via std::exp().
parent 44a8e818
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ ocv_module_include_directories(include ${PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR})
OCV_OPTION(${the_module}_WITH_BLAS "Use external BLAS library to speedup processing" OFF)
ocv_glob_module_sources(${PROTOBUF_SRCS} ${PROTOBUF_HDRS} ${CBLAS_H_PATH})
ocv_glob_module_sources(${PROTOBUF_SRCS} ${PROTOBUF_HDRS} ${CBLAS_H_PROXY_PATH})
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ if(${the_module}_WITH_BLAS AND HAVE_BLAS)
ocv_add_dependencies(${the_module} ${${the_module}_BLAS_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(${the_module} ${${the_module}_BLAS_LIBRARIES})
ocv_install_target(${the_module} EXPORT ${the_module}_BLAS_BINARIES
macro(_find_file_in_dirs VAR NAME DIRS)
find_path(${VAR} ${NAME} ${DIRS} NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
set(${VAR} ${${VAR}})
set(${VAR} ${${VAR}}/${NAME})
unset(${VAR} CACHE)
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ if(${the_module}_WITH_BLAS)
set(BLAS_CBLAS_H "mkl_cblas.h" )
......@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ if(${the_module}_WITH_BLAS)
message(WARNING "CBLAS header '${${_bp}_CBLAS_H}' not found into '${${_bp}_INCLUDE_DIR}'")
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cblas.h #TARGET ${the_module} PRE_BUILD
COMMENT "Adding proxy cblas.h header")
set(_include_str "\#include \"${CBLAS_H_PATH}\"")
file(WRITE ${CBLAS_H_PROXY_PATH} ${_include_str})
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ namespace dnn
@f$W_{x?} \in R^{N_c \times N_x}@f$, @f$W_h? \in R^{N_c \times N_h}@f$, @f$b_? \in R^{N_c}@f$.
For simplicity and performance purposes we use @f$ W_x = [W_{xi}; W_{xf}; W_{xo}, W_{xg}] @f$
(i.e. @f$W_x@f$ is vertical contacentaion of @f$ W_{x?} @f$), @f$ W_x \in R^{4N_c x N_x} @f$.
The same for @f$ W_h = [W_{hi}; W_{hf}; W_{ho}, W_{hg}], W_h \in R^{4N_c x N_h} @f$
(i.e. @f$W_x@f$ is vertical contacentaion of @f$ W_{x?} @f$), @f$ W_x \in R^{4N_c \times N_x} @f$.
The same for @f$ W_h = [W_{hi}; W_{hf}; W_{ho}, W_{hg}], W_h \in R^{4N_c \times N_h} @f$
and for @f$ b = [b_i; b_f, b_o, b_g]@f$, @f$b \in R^{4N_c} @f$.
@param Wh is matrix defining how previous output is transformed to internal gates (i.e. according to abovemtioned notation is @f$ W_h @f$)
......@@ -111,16 +111,44 @@ namespace dnn
virtual void setWeights(const Blob &Wh, const Blob &Wx, const Blob &b) = 0;
/** In common case it uses three inputs (@f$x_t@f$, @f$h_{t-1}@f$ and @f$c_{t-1}@f$) to compute compute two outputs (@f$h_t@f$ and @f$c_t@f$).
@param input could contain three inputs: @f$x_t@f$, @f$h_{t-1}@f$ and @f$c_{t-1}@f$.
@param output contains computed outputs: @f$h_t@f$ and @f$c_t@f$.
The first input @f$x_t@f$ is required.
The second and third inputs are optional: if they weren't set than layer will use internal @f$h_{t-1}@f$ and @f$c_{t-1}@f$ from previous calls,
but at the first call they will be filled by zeros.
Size of the last dimension of @f$x_t@f$ must be @f$N_x@f$, (@f$N_h@f$ for @f$h_{t-1}@f$ and @f$N_c@f$ for @f$c_{t-1}@f$).
Sizes of remainder dimensions could be any, but thay must be consistent among @f$x_t@f$, @f$h_{t-1}@f$ and @f$c_{t-1}@f$.
/** @brief Set @f$ h_{t-1} @f$ value that will be used in next forward() calls.
* @details By-default @f$ h_{t-1} @f$ is inited by zeros and updated after each forward() call.
virtual void setH(const Blob &H) = 0;
/** @brief Returns current @f$ h_{t-1} @f$ value (deep copy). */
virtual Blob getH() const = 0;
/** @brief Set @f$ c_{t-1} @f$ value that will be used in next forward() calls.
* @details By-default @f$ c_{t-1} @f$ is inited by zeros and updated after each forward() call.
virtual void setC(const Blob &C) = 0;
/** @brief Returns current @f$ c_{t-1} @f$ value (deep copy). */
virtual Blob getC() const = 0;
/** @brief Specifies either interpet first dimension of input blob as timestamp dimenion either as sample.
* If flag is set to true then shape of input blob will be interpeted as [`T`, `N`, `[data dims]`] where `T` specifies number of timpestamps, `N` is number of independent streams.
* In this case each forward() call will iterate through `T` timestamps and update layer's state `T` times.
* If flag is set to false then shape of input blob will be interpeted as [`N`, `[data dims]`].
* In this case each forward() call will make one iteration and produce one timestamp with shape [`N`, `[out dims]`].
virtual void setUseTimstampsDim(bool use = true) = 0;
/** @brief If this flag is set to true then layer will produce @f$ c_t @f$ as second output.
* @details Shape of the second output is the same as first output.
virtual void setProduceCellOutput(bool produce = false) = 0;
/** In common case it use single input with @f$x_t@f$ values to compute output(s) @f$h_t@f$ (and @f$c_t@f$).
* @param input should contain packed values @f$x_t@f$
* @param output contains computed outputs: @f$h_t@f$ (and @f$c_t@f$ if setProduceCellOutput() flag was set to true).
* If setUseTimstampsDim() is set to true then @p input[0] should has at least two dimensions with the following shape: [`T`, `N`, `[data dims]`],
* where `T` specifies number of timpestamps, `N` is number of independent streams (i.e. x_{t_0 + t}^{stream} is @p input[0][t, stream, ...]).
* If setUseTimstampsDim() is set to fase then @p input[0] should contain single timestamp, its shape should has form [`N`, `[data dims]`] with at least one dimension.
* (i.e. x_{t}^{stream} = @p input[0][stream, ...]).
void forward(std::vector<Blob*> &input, std::vector<Blob> &output);
......@@ -107,6 +107,18 @@ namespace dnn
bool operator== (const BlobShape &r) const;
/** @brief Contacenates two shapes */
BlobShape operator+ (const BlobShape &r) const;
/** @brief Returns shape of passed Mat. */
static BlobShape like(const Mat &m);
/** @brief Returns shape of passed Mat. */
static BlobShape like(const UMat &m);
cv::AutoBuffer<int,4> sz;
......@@ -228,6 +240,11 @@ namespace dnn
Blob &reshape(const BlobShape &shape);
/** @brief Changes shape of the blob without copying the data.
* @returns shallow copy of original blob with new shape.
Blob reshaped(const BlobShape &newShape) const;
/** @brief Returns type of the blob. */
int type() const;
......@@ -185,6 +185,16 @@ inline bool BlobShape::operator==(const BlobShape &r) const
return this->equal(r);
inline BlobShape BlobShape::like(const Mat &m)
return BlobShape(m.dims, (const int*)m.size);
inline BlobShape BlobShape::like(const UMat &m)
return BlobShape(m.dims, (const int*)m.size);
CV_EXPORTS std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const BlobShape &shape);
......@@ -277,6 +287,17 @@ inline BlobShape Blob::shape() const
return BlobShape(dims(), sizes());
inline BlobShape BlobShape::operator+(const BlobShape &r) const
BlobShape newShape(this->dims() + r.dims(), (int*)NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < this->dims(); i++)
newShape[i] = (*this)[i];
for (int i = 0; i < r.dims(); i++)
newShape[this->dims() + i] = r[i];
return newShape;
inline bool Blob::equalShape(const Blob &other) const
if (this->dims() != other.dims())
......@@ -366,6 +387,13 @@ inline Blob &Blob::reshape(const BlobShape &newShape)
return *this;
inline Blob Blob::reshaped(const BlobShape &newShape) const
Blob res(*this); //also, res.shareFrom(*this) could be used
return res;
#include "op_blas.hpp"
#include "cblas.h"
#include "opencv_cblas.hpp"
#include <iostream>
namespace cv
namespace dnn
......@@ -14,18 +16,19 @@ void gemm(InputArray A, InputArray B, double alpha, InputOutputArray C, double b
cv::gemm(A, B, alpha, C, beta, C, flags);
inline void SwapRowCols(const Mat &A, int &rows, int &cols, bool transA)
inline void SwapRowCols(const Mat &A, int &rows, int &cols, bool isTrans)
rows = (transA) ? A.cols : A.rows;
cols = (transA) ? A.rows : A.cols;
CV_DbgAssert(A.dims == 2);
rows = (isTrans) ? A.cols : A.rows;
cols = (isTrans) ? A.rows : A.cols;
void gemmCPU(const Mat &A, const Mat &B, double alpha, Mat &C, double beta, int flags /*= 0*/)
int transA = flags & GEMM_1_T;
int transB = flags & GEMM_2_T;
int transC = flags & GEMM_3_T;
bool transA = static_cast<bool>(flags & GEMM_1_T);
bool transB = static_cast<bool>(flags & GEMM_2_T);
bool transC = static_cast<bool>(flags & GEMM_3_T);
int Arows, Acols, Brows, Bcols, Crows, Ccols;
SwapRowCols(A, Arows, Acols, transA);
......@@ -34,9 +37,9 @@ void gemmCPU(const Mat &A, const Mat &B, double alpha, Mat &C, double beta, int
CV_DbgAssert(!(flags & GEMM_3_T));
CV_Assert(Acols == Brows && Arows == Crows && Bcols == Ccols);
CV_DbgAssert(A.isContinuous() && B.isContinuous() && C.isContinuous());
CV_DbgAssert(A.type() == CV_32F || A.type() == CV_64F);
CV_DbgAssert(A.type() == B.type() && B.type() == C.type());
CV_Assert(A.isContinuous() && B.isContinuous() && C.isContinuous());
CV_Assert(A.type() == CV_32F || A.type() == CV_64F);
CV_Assert(A.type() == B.type() && B.type() == C.type());
if (C.type() == CV_32F)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -177,6 +177,23 @@ TEST(Layer_Test_Reshape_Split_Slice, Accuracy)
normAssert(input, output);
enum RunLayerMode
void runLayer(Ptr<Layer> layer, std::vector<Blob> &inpBlobs, std::vector<Blob> &outBlobs, int mode=ALLOC_AND_FORWARD)
std::vector<Blob*> inpPtrs(inpBlobs.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < inpBlobs.size(); i++)
inpPtrs[i] = &inpBlobs[i];
if (mode & ALLOC_ONLY) layer->allocate(inpPtrs, outBlobs);
if (mode & FORWARD_ONLY) layer->forward(inpPtrs, outBlobs);
class Layer_LSTM_Test : public ::testing::Test
......@@ -233,6 +250,28 @@ TEST_F(Layer_LSTM_Test, BasicTest_2)
EXPECT_EQ(outputs[1].shape(), BlobShape(1, 2, 3, Nc));
TEST(Layer_LSTM_Test_Accuracy_Reference_with_, CaffeRecurrent)
Ptr<LSTMLayer> layer = LSTMLayer::create();
Blob Wx = blobFromNPY(_tf("lstm.prototxt.w_0.npy"));
Blob Wh = blobFromNPY(_tf("lstm.prototxt.w_2.npy"));
Blob b = blobFromNPY(_tf("lstm.prototxt.w_1.npy"));
layer->setWeights(Wh, Wx, b);
Blob inp = blobFromNPY(_tf("blob.npy"));
std::vector<Blob> inputs(1, inp), outputs;
runLayer(layer, inputs, outputs, ALLOC_ONLY | FORWARD_ONLY);
Blob &h_t_gathered = outputs[0];
Blob h_t_reference = blobFromNPY(_tf("lstm.prototxt.h_1.npy"));
normAssert(h_t_reference, h_t_gathered);
class Layer_RNN_Test : public ::testing::Test
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