STANDARD_MCT - Modified census which is memorizing for each pixel 2 bits and includes a tolerance to the pixel comparison
MCT_MEAN_VARIATION - Implementation of a modified census transform which is also taking into account the variation to the mean of the window not just the center pixel
STANDARD_MCT - Modified census which is memorizing for each pixel 2 bits and includes a tolerance to the pixel comparison
MCT_MEAN_VARIATION - Implementation of a modified census transform which is also taking into account the variation to the mean of the window not just the center pixel
//the sencond modified census transform is invariant to noise; i.e.
//the sencond modified census transform is invariant to noise; i.e.
//if the current pixel with whom we are dooing the comparison is a noise, this descriptor will provide a better result by comparing with the mean of the window
//if the current pixel with whom we are dooing the comparison is a noise, this descriptor will provide a better result by comparing with the mean of the window
//otherwise if the pixel is not noise the information is strengthend
//otherwise if the pixel is not noise the information is strengthend