Commit 9786a552 authored by vludv's avatar vludv

Removed OpenCL realization to test build.

parent 291c87a1
This diff is collapsed.
#pragma once
#include "precomp.hpp"
namespace cv
class DTFilterOCL : public DTFilter
static Ptr<DTFilterOCL> create(InputArray guide, double sigmaSpatial, double sigmaColor, int mode = DTF_NC, int numIters = 3);
void filter(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int dDepth = -1);
void setSingleFilterCall(bool flag);
protected: /*Members declarations*/
UMat idistHor, idistVert;
UMat distHor, distVert;
UMat distHorT, distVertT;
UMat &a0distHor, &a0distVert; //synonyms of distHor distVert
UMat distIndexHor, distIndexVert;
UMat tailVert, tailHor;
int mode, numIters;
float sigmaSpatial, sigmaColor;
bool singleFilterCall;
int h, w;
int workType;
double meanDist;
static int64 totalKernelsTime;
int64 kernelsTime;
ocl::ProgramSource kerProgSrcDT;
ocl::ProgramSource kerProgSrcFilter;
cv::String buildOptionsFlt;
cv::String buildOptionsDT;
int NC_ocl_implememtation;
enum NCOclImplementation
protected: /*Functions declarations*/
void init(InputArray guide, double sigmaSpatial, double sigmaColor, int mode = DTF_NC, int numIters = 3);
inline double getIterSigmaH(int iterNum)
return sigmaSpatial * std::pow(2.0, numIters - iterNum) / sqrt(std::pow(4.0, numIters) - 1);
inline float getIterRadius(int iterNum)
return (float)(3.0*getIterSigmaH(iterNum));
inline float getIterAlpha(int iterNum)
return (float)std::exp(-std::sqrt(2.0 / 3.0) / getIterSigmaH(iterNum));
int getMaxWorkGropSize();
int getCacheLineSize();
void initProgram();
void setBuildOptionsFlt(InputArray src_);
void setBuildOptionsDT(UMat& guide);
void initDT_NC(UMat& guide);
void initDT_RF(UMat& guide);
void initDT_IC(UMat& guide);
void computeDT(UMat& guide, UMat& distHorOuter, UMat& distVertOuter);
void computeIDT(UMat& guide, UMat& guideT);
void filterNC_IndexAlg(UMat& src, UMat& dst);
void filterNC_perRowAlg(UMat& src, UMat& dst);
void filterNC_PerPixelAlg(UMat& src, UMat& dst);
void filterIC(InputArray src_, OutputArray dst_, int dDepth);
void filterRF(InputArray src_, OutputArray dst_, int dDepth);
void filterRF_naiveAlg(UMat& res, UMat& resT, UMat& adistHor, UMat& adistVert);
void filterRF_blockAlg(UMat& res, UMat& resT, UMat& adistHor, UMat& adistVert);
void filterRF_iter_vert_pass(UMat& res, UMat& adist, UMat& weights);
void computeIndexMat(UMat& idist, UMat& distIndex, bool useIDT = true);
void integrateCols(UMat& src, UMat& isrc);
void computeIndexAndTailMat(UMat& dist, UMat& distIndex, UMat& tail);
void duplicateVerticalBorders(UMat& srcOuter);
void integrateColsIC(UMat& src, UMat& dist, UMat& isrc);
static UMat UMatAligned(int rows, int cols, int type, int align = 16, int useageFlags = USAGE_DEFAULT);
static void createAligned(UMat& src, int rows, int cols, int type, int align = 16, int usageFlags = USAGE_DEFAULT);
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#if defined(_MSC_VER) //for correct syntax highlighting
#include "OpenCLKernel.hpp"
#define cn 3
#define GuideType uchar
#define GuideVec uchar3
#define convert_guide convert_float3
#define NUM_ITERS 3
#if !defined(convert_guide)
#define convert_guide(a) (a)
#if cn==3
#define ELEM_SIZE (3*sizeof(GuideType))
#define loadGuide(addr) vload3(0, (__global const GuideType *)(addr))
#define ELEM_SIZE sizeof(GuideVec)
#define loadGuide(addr) ( *(__global const GuideVec*)(addr) )
#define storeDist(val, addr) *(__global float*)(addr) = val
#if cn == 1
#define SUM(a) (a)
#elif cn == 2
#define SUM(a) (a.x + a.y)
#elif cn == 3
#define SUM(a) (a.x + a.y + a.z)
#elif cn == 4
#define SUM(a) (a.x + a.y + a.z + a.w)
#error "cn should be <= 4"
#define NORM(a, b) SUM(fabs(convert_guide(a) - convert_guide(b)))
#define DT(a, b, sigmaRatios) (1.0f + (sigmaRatios)*NORM(a, b))
#define getFloat(addr, index) ( *(__global const float*)(addr + (index)*sizeof(float)) )
#define storeFloat(val, addr, index) ( *(__global float*)(addr + (index)*sizeof(float)) = val )
#define PtrAdd(addr, bytesNum, Type) ((__global Type *)((__global uchar*)(addr) + bytesNum))
#define PtrAddConst(addr, bytesNum, Type) ((__global const Type *)((__global const uchar*)(addr) + bytesNum))
__kernel void find_conv_bounds_by_idt(__global const uchar *idist, int idist_step, int idist_offset, int rows, int cols,
__global uchar *bounds, int bounds_step, int bounds_offset,
float radius1, float radius2, float radius3)
int i = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1);
if (!(i >= 0 && i < rows) || !(j >= 0 && j < cols))
idist += mad24(i, idist_step, idist_offset);
__global int *bound = bounds + mad24((NUM_ITERS-1)*rows + i, bounds_step, mad24(j, 2*(int)sizeof(int), bounds_offset));
float center_idt_val = getFloat(idist, j);
float radius[] = {radius1, radius2, radius3};
int low_bound = j;
int high_bound = j;
float search_idt_val;
for (int iter = NUM_ITERS - 1; iter >= 0; iter--)
search_idt_val = center_idt_val - radius[iter];
while (search_idt_val < getFloat(idist, low_bound-1))
bound[0] = low_bound;
search_idt_val = center_idt_val + radius[iter];
while (getFloat(idist, high_bound + 1) < search_idt_val)
bound[1] = high_bound;
bound = PtrAdd(bound, -rows*bounds_step, int);
__kernel void find_conv_bounds_by_dt(__global const uchar *dist, int dist_step, int dist_offset, int rows, int cols,
__global uchar *bounds, int bounds_step, int bounds_offset,
float radius1, float radius2, float radius3)
int i = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1);
if (!(i >= 0 && i < rows) || !(j >= 0 && j < cols))
dist += mad24(i, dist_step, dist_offset);
int rowsOffset = mad24(NUM_ITERS - 1, rows, i);
__global int *bound = PtrAdd(bounds, mad24(rowsOffset, bounds_step, mad24(j, 2*(int)sizeof(int), bounds_offset)), int);
float radius[] = {radius1, radius2, radius3};
int low_bound = j;
int high_bound = j;
float val, cur_radius, low_dt_val = 0.0f, high_dt_val = 0.0f;
for (int iter = NUM_ITERS - 1; iter >= 0; iter--)
cur_radius = radius[iter];
while (cur_radius > (val = low_dt_val + getFloat(dist, low_bound - 1)) )
low_dt_val = val;
bound[0] = low_bound;
while (cur_radius > (val = high_dt_val + getFloat(dist, high_bound)) )
high_dt_val = val;
bound[1] = high_bound;
bound = PtrAdd(bound, -rows*bounds_step, int);
__kernel void find_conv_bounds_and_tails(__global const uchar *dist, int dist_step, int dist_offset, int rows, int cols,
__global uchar *bounds, int bounds_step, int bounds_offset,
__global float *tailmat, int tail_step, int tail_offset,
float radius1, float radius2, float radius3)
int i = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1);
if (!(i >= 0 && i < rows) || !(j >= 0 && j < cols))
dist += mad24(i, dist_step, dist_offset);
int rowsOffset = mad24(NUM_ITERS - 1, rows, i);
__global int *bound = PtrAdd(bounds, mad24(rowsOffset, bounds_step, mad24(j, 2*(int)sizeof(int), bounds_offset)), int);
__global float *tail = PtrAdd(tailmat, mad24(rowsOffset, tail_step, mad24(j, 2*(int)sizeof(float), tail_offset)), float);
float radius[] = {radius1, radius2, radius3};
int low_bound = j;
int high_bound = j;
float val, cur_radius, low_dt_val = 0.0f, high_dt_val = 0.0f;
for (int iter = NUM_ITERS - 1; iter >= 0; iter--)
cur_radius = radius[iter];
while (cur_radius > (val = low_dt_val + getFloat(dist, low_bound - 1)) )
low_dt_val = val;
bound[0] = low_bound;
tail[0] = (cur_radius - low_dt_val);
while (cur_radius > (val = high_dt_val + getFloat(dist, high_bound)) )
high_dt_val = val;
bound[1] = high_bound;
tail[1] = (cur_radius - high_dt_val);
bound = PtrAdd(bound, -rows*bounds_step, int);
tail = PtrAdd(tail, -rows*tail_step, float);
__kernel void compute_dt_hor(__global const uchar *src, int src_step, int src_offset, int src_rows, int src_cols,
__global uchar *dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset,
float sigma_ratio, float max_radius)
int i = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1) - 1;
if (!(i >= 0 && i < src_rows && j >= -1 && j < src_cols))
src += mad24(i, src_step, mad24(j, (int)ELEM_SIZE, src_offset));
dst += mad24(i, dst_step, mad24(j, (int)sizeof(float) , dst_offset));
float dist;
if (j == -1 || j == src_cols - 1)
dist = max_radius;
dist = DT(loadGuide(src), loadGuide(src + ELEM_SIZE), sigma_ratio);
storeDist(dist, dst);
__kernel void compute_dt_vert(__global const uchar *src, int src_step, int src_offset, int src_rows, int src_cols,
__global uchar *dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset,
float sigma_ratio, float max_radius)
int i = get_global_id(0) - 1;
int j = get_global_id(1);
if (!(i >= -1 && i < src_rows && j >= 0 && j < src_cols))
src += mad24(i, src_step, mad24(j, (int)ELEM_SIZE, src_offset));
dst += mad24(i, dst_step, mad24(j, (int)sizeof(float) , dst_offset));
float dist;
if (i == -1 || i == src_rows - 1)
dist = max_radius;
dist = DT(loadGuide(src), loadGuide(src + src_step), sigma_ratio);
storeDist(dist, dst);
__kernel void compute_idt_vert(__global const uchar *src, int src_step, int src_offset, int src_rows, int src_cols,
__global uchar *dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset,
float sigma_ratio)
int j = get_global_id(0);
if (!(j >= 0 && j < src_cols))
int i;
float idist = 0;
__global const uchar *src_col = src + mad24(j, (int)ELEM_SIZE, src_offset);
__global uchar *dst_col = dst + mad24(j, (int)sizeof(float), dst_offset);
storeFloat(-FLT_MAX, dst_col + (-1)*dst_step, 0);
storeFloat(0.0f, dst_col + 0*dst_step, 0);
for (i = 1; i < src_rows; i++, src_col += src_step)
idist += DT(loadGuide(src_col), loadGuide(src_col + src_step), sigma_ratio);
storeFloat(idist, dst_col + i*dst_step, 0);
storeFloat(FLT_MAX, dst_col + i*dst_step, 0);
__kernel void compute_a0DT_vert(__global const uchar *src, int src_step, int src_offset, int src_rows, int src_cols,
__global uchar *dst, int dst_step, int dst_offset,
float sigma_ratio, float alpha)
int i = get_global_id(0);
int j = get_global_id(1);
if (!(i >= 0 && i < src_rows-1 && j >= 0 && j < src_cols))
src += mad24(i, src_step, mad24(j, (int)ELEM_SIZE, src_offset));
dst += mad24(i, dst_step, mad24(j, (int)sizeof(float) , dst_offset));
float dist = DT(loadGuide(src), loadGuide(src + src_step), sigma_ratio);
storeDist(native_powr(alpha, dist), dst);
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