Commit 8f9bcb77 authored by biagio montesano's avatar biagio montesano

Derivation from Feature2D completed. Warnings corrected.

parent a0237c31
......@@ -74,11 +74,9 @@ namespace cv
/* number of pixels covered by the line */
unsigned int numOfPixels;
class CV_EXPORTS_W BinaryDescriptor : public FeatureDetector
class CV_EXPORTS_W BinaryDescriptor : public Feature2D
......@@ -114,9 +112,14 @@ namespace cv
/* constructor */
CV_WRAP BinaryDescriptor(const BinaryDescriptor::Params &parameters =
/* constructors with smart pointers */
CV_EXPORTS Ptr<BinaryDescriptor> createBinaryDescriptor();
CV_EXPORTS Ptr<BinaryDescriptor> createBinaryDescriptor(Params parameters);
/* read parameters from a FileNode object and store them (class function ) */
virtual void read( const cv::FileNode& fn );
......@@ -133,10 +136,12 @@ namespace cv
std::vector<std::vector<KeyPoint> >& keypoints,
const std::vector<Mat>& masks=std::vector<Mat>() ) const;
/* requires descriptors computation (only one image) */
CV_WRAP void compute( const Mat& image,
CV_OUT CV_IN_OUT std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
CV_OUT Mat& descriptors ) const;
/* requires descriptors computation (more than one image) */
void compute( const std::vector<Mat>& images,
std::vector<std::vector<KeyPoint> >& keypoints,
std::vector<Mat>& descriptors ) const;
......@@ -155,28 +160,28 @@ namespace cv
CV_WRAP_AS(detectAndCompute) virtual void operator()( InputArray image,
InputArray mask,
CV_OUT std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
OutputArray descriptors,
bool useProvidedKeypoints=false ) const = 0;
CV_OUT std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
OutputArray descriptors,
bool useProvidedKeypoints=false ) const;
virtual void detectImpl( const Mat& image,
std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
const Mat& mask=Mat() ) const = 0;
const Mat& mask=Mat() ) const;
virtual void computeImpl( const Mat& image,
std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
Mat& descriptors ) const = 0;
Mat& descriptors ) const;
AlgorithmInfo* info() const;
/* conversion of an LBD descriptor to the decimal equivalent of its binary representation */
unsigned char binaryTest(float* f1, float* f2);
/* conversion of an LBD descriptor to its binary representation */
unsigned char binaryConversion(float* f1, float* f2);
/* compute LBD descriptors */
int computeLBD_(ScaleLines &keyLines);
int computeLBD(ScaleLines &keyLines);
/* compute Gaussian pyramid of input image */
void computeGaussianPyramid(const Mat& image);
......@@ -38,12 +38,20 @@
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include "precomp.hpp"
using namespace cv;
/* combinations of internal indeces for binary descriptor extractor */
static const int combinations [32][2] = {{0,1},{0,2},{0,3},{0,4},{0,5},{0,6},{1,2},{1,3},
/* return default parameters */
......@@ -81,6 +89,16 @@ void BinaryDescriptor::Params::write(cv::FileStorage& fs) const
fs << "reductionRatio" << reductionRatio;
Ptr<BinaryDescriptor> BinaryDescriptor::createBinaryDescriptor()
return Ptr<BinaryDescriptor>(new BinaryDescriptor());
Ptr<BinaryDescriptor> BinaryDescriptor::createBinaryDescriptor(Params parameters)
return Ptr<BinaryDescriptor>(new BinaryDescriptor(parameters));
/* construct a BinaryDescrptor object and compute external private parameters */
BinaryDescriptor::BinaryDescriptor(const BinaryDescriptor::Params &parameters) : params(parameters)
......@@ -119,6 +137,36 @@ BinaryDescriptor::BinaryDescriptor(const BinaryDescriptor::Params &parameters) :
/* definition of operator () inherited from Feature2D class */
void BinaryDescriptor::operator()( InputArray image,
InputArray mask,
CV_OUT std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
OutputArray descriptors,
bool useProvidedKeypoints) const
/* create some matrix objects */
cv::Mat imageMat, maskMat, descrMat;
/* store reference to input matrices */
imageMat = image.getMat();
maskMat = mask.getMat();
/* initialize output matrix */
descriptors.create(Size(32, keypoints.size()), CV_8UC1);
/* store reference to output matrix */
descrMat = descriptors.getMat();
/* require KeyLines detection if demanded */
detectImpl(imageMat, keypoints, maskMat);
/* compute descriptors */
computeImpl(imageMat, keypoints, descrMat);
/* read parameters from a FileNode object and store them (class function ) */
void BinaryDescriptor::read( const cv::FileNode& fn )
......@@ -146,13 +194,13 @@ int BinaryDescriptor::descriptorType() const
/*return descriptor size */
int BinaryDescriptor::descriptorSize() const
return 1;
return 32*8;
/* check whether Gaussian pyramids were created */
bool BinaryDescriptor::empty() const
return false;
return octaveImages.empty();
/* power function with error management */
......@@ -167,8 +215,8 @@ static inline int get2Pow(int i) {
/* conversion of an LBD descriptor to the decimal equivalent of its binary representation */
unsigned char BinaryDescriptor::binaryTest(float* f1, float* f2)
/* conversion of an LBD descriptor to its binary representation */
unsigned char BinaryDescriptor::binaryConversion(float* f1, float* f2)
uchar result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<8; i++)
......@@ -182,7 +230,7 @@ unsigned char BinaryDescriptor::binaryTest(float* f1, float* f2)
/* get coefficients of line passing by two points in (line_extremes) */
void BinaryDescriptor::getLineParameters(cv::Vec4i &line_extremes, cv::Vec3i &lineParams)
void BinaryDescriptor::getLineParameters(cv::Vec4i& line_extremes, cv::Vec3i& lineParams)
int x1 = line_extremes[0];
int x2 = line_extremes[2];
......@@ -287,11 +335,17 @@ void BinaryDescriptor::detect( const std::vector<Mat>& images,
void BinaryDescriptor::detectImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
const Mat& mask) const
/* reinitialize structures for hosting images, images' derivatives and sizes
(they may have been used in the past) */
/*check whether image depth is different from 0 */
if(image.depth() != 0)
std::cout << "Warning, depth image!= 0" << std::endl;
/* create a pointer to self */
BinaryDescriptor *bn = const_cast<BinaryDescriptor*>(this);
/* compute Gaussian pyramid */
......@@ -336,12 +390,49 @@ void BinaryDescriptor::detectImpl( const Mat& image, std::vector<KeyPoint>& keyp
/* delete undesired KeyLines, according to input mask */
for(size_t keyCounter = 0; keyCounter<keypoints.size(); keyCounter++)
KeyLine *kl = static_cast<KeyLine*>(&keypoints[keyCounter]);
if(<int>(kl->startPointX, kl->startPointY) == 0 &&<int>(kl->endPointX, kl->endPointY) == 0)
keypoints.erase(keypoints.begin() + keyCounter);
/* requires descriptors computation (only one image) */
void BinaryDescriptor::compute( const Mat& image,
CV_OUT CV_IN_OUT std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
CV_OUT Mat& descriptors ) const
computeImpl(image, keypoints, descriptors);
/* requires descriptors computation (more than one image) */
void BinaryDescriptor::compute( const std::vector<Mat>& images,
std::vector<std::vector<KeyPoint> >& keypoints,
std::vector<Mat>& descriptors ) const
for(size_t i = 0; i<images.size(); i++)
computeImpl(images[i], keypoints[i], descriptors[i]);
/* implementation of descriptors computation */
void BinaryDescriptor::computeImpl( const Mat& image,
std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
Mat& descriptors ) const
/*check whether image depth is different from 0 */
if(image.depth() != 0)
std::cout << "Warning, depth image!= 0" << std::endl;
/* keypoints list can't be empty */
if(keypoints.size() == 0)
......@@ -349,7 +440,7 @@ void BinaryDescriptor::computeImpl( const Mat& image,
/* get number of lines */
/* get maximum class_id */
int numLines = 0;
for(size_t l = 0; l<keypoints.size(); l++)
......@@ -361,19 +452,29 @@ void BinaryDescriptor::computeImpl( const Mat& image,
OctaveSingleLine fictiousOSL;
fictiousOSL.octaveCount = -1;
LinesVec lv(params.numOfOctave_, fictiousOSL);
ScaleLines sl(numLines, lv);
ScaleLines sl(numLines+1, lv);
/* create a map to record association between KeyLines and their position
in ScaleLines vector */
std::map<std::pair<int, int>, int> correspondences;
/*fill ScaleLines object */
/* fill ScaleLines object */
for(size_t slCounter = 0; slCounter<keypoints.size(); slCounter++)
std::string classType = typeid(keypoints[slCounter]).name();
if("KeyLine") != 0)
std::cout << "Error: one or more element in KeyPoint input vector " <<
"don't belong to KeyLine class" << std::endl;
/* get a pointer to a KeyLine object and create a new line */
KeyPoint *kp = &(keypoints[slCounter]);
KeyLine *kl = static_cast<KeyLine*>(kp);
OctaveSingleLine osl;
/* insert data in newly created line */
osl.startPointX = (*kl).startPointX;
osl.startPointY = (*kl).startPointY;
osl.endPointX = (*kl).endPointX;
......@@ -388,12 +489,14 @@ void BinaryDescriptor::computeImpl( const Mat& image,
osl.direction = (*kl).angle;
osl.octaveCount = (*kl).octave;
/* store new line */
sl[(*kl).class_id][(*kl).octave] = osl;
/* update map */
int id = (*kl).class_id;
int oct = (*kl).octave;
correspondences.insert(std::pair<std::pair<int,int>, int>(std::pair<int,int>(id, oct), slCounter));
correspondences.insert(std::pair<std::pair<int,int>, int>(std::pair<int,int>(id, oct),
/* delete useless OctaveSingleLines */
......@@ -401,7 +504,7 @@ void BinaryDescriptor::computeImpl( const Mat& image,
for(size_t j = 0; j<sl[i].size(); j++)
if((sl[i][j]).octaveCount == -1)
if((int)(sl[i][j]).octaveCount == -1)
(sl[i]).erase((sl[i]).begin() + j);
......@@ -426,9 +529,38 @@ void BinaryDescriptor::computeImpl( const Mat& image,
/* compute LBD descriptors */
/* resize output matrix */
descriptors = cv::Mat(keypoints.size(), 32, CV_8UC1);
/* fill output matrix with descriptors */
for(size_t k = 0; k<sl.size(); k++)
for(size_t lineC = 0; lineC<sl[k].size(); lineC++){
/* get original index of keypoint */
int lineOctave = (sl[k][lineC]).octaveCount;
int originalIndex = correspondences.find(std::pair<int,int>(k, lineOctave))->second;
/* get a pointer to correspondent row in output matrix */
uchar* pointerToRow = descriptors.ptr(originalIndex);
/* get LBD data */
float* desVec = sl[k][lineC];
/* fill current row with binary descriptor */
for(int comb = 0; comb<32; comb++)
*pointerToRow = bn->binaryConversion(&desVec[8*combinations[comb][0]],
/* gather lines in groups. Each group contains the same line, detected in different octaves */
......@@ -678,15 +810,9 @@ int BinaryDescriptor::OctaveKeyLines(ScaleLines &keyLines)
cv::Vec3i tempParams;
getLineParameters(extractedLines[octaveID][lineIDInOctave], tempParams);
direction = getLineDirection(tempParams);
// direction = edLineVec_[octaveID]->lineDirection_[lineIDInOctave];
singleLine.octaveCount = octaveID;
singleLine.direction = direction;
singleLine.lineLength = octaveLines[lineID].lineLength;
//singleLine.salience = singleLine.lineLength/max(images_sizes[octaveID].width,
// images_sizes[octaveID].height);
//singleLine.salience = edLineVec_[octaveID]->lineSalience_[lineIDInOctave];
//singleLine.numOfPixels = edLineVec_[octaveID]->lines_.sId[lineIDInOctave+1]-
//decide the start point and end point
shouldChange = false;
......@@ -739,7 +865,20 @@ int BinaryDescriptor::OctaveKeyLines(ScaleLines &keyLines)
tempID = octaveLines[lineID].lineIDInScaleLineVec;
/* compute number of pixels covered by line */
LineIterator li(octaveImages[octaveID],
Point(singleLine.startPointX, singleLine.startPointY),
Point(singleLine.endPointX, singleLine.endPointY));
singleLine.numOfPixels = li.count;
/* store line */
delete [] scale;
......@@ -749,14 +888,14 @@ int BinaryDescriptor::OctaveKeyLines(ScaleLines &keyLines)
/* compute LBD descriptors */
int BinaryDescriptor::computeLBD_(ScaleLines &keyLines)
int BinaryDescriptor::computeLBD(ScaleLines &keyLines)
//the default length of the band is the line length.
short numOfFinalLine = keyLines.size();
float *dL = new float[2];//line direction cos(dir), sin(dir)
float *dO = new float[2];//the clockwise orthogonal vector of line direction.
short heightOfLSP = params.widthOfBand_*params.numOfBand_;//the height of line support region;
short descriptorSize = params.numOfBand_ * 8;//each band, we compute the m( pgdL, ngdL, pgdO, ngdO) and std( pgdL, ngdL, pgdO, ngdO);
short descriptor_size = params.numOfBand_ * 8;//each band, we compute the m( pgdL, ngdL, pgdO, ngdO) and std( pgdL, ngdL, pgdO, ngdO);
float pgdLRowSum;//the summation of {g_dL |g_dL>0 } for each row of the region;
float ngdLRowSum;//the summation of {g_dL |g_dL<0 } for each row of the region;
float pgdL2RowSum;//the summation of {g_dL^2 |g_dL>0 } for each row of the region;
......@@ -949,7 +1088,7 @@ int BinaryDescriptor::computeLBD_(ScaleLines &keyLines)
return 0; */
/* construct line descriptor */
desVec = pSingleLine->;
short desID;
......@@ -1016,7 +1155,7 @@ int BinaryDescriptor::computeLBD_(ScaleLines &keyLines)
* vector no larger than this threshold. In Z.Wang's work, a value of 0.4 is found
* empirically to be a proper threshold.*/
desVec = pSingleLine->;
for(short i=0; i<descriptorSize; i++ ){
for(short i=0; i<descriptor_size; i++ ){
......@@ -1024,12 +1163,12 @@ int BinaryDescriptor::computeLBD_(ScaleLines &keyLines)
//re-normalize desVec;
temp = 0;
for(short i=0; i<descriptorSize; i++){
for(short i=0; i<descriptor_size; i++){
temp += desVec[i] * desVec[i];
temp = 1/sqrt(temp);
for(short i=0; i<descriptorSize; i++){
for(short i=0; i<descriptor_size; i++){
desVec[i] = desVec[i] * temp;
}/* end for(short lineIDInSameLine = 0; lineIDInSameLine<sameLineSize;
......@@ -55,5 +55,7 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
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