Here ```width``` and ```height``` are width and height of pattern image. After getting the pattern, print it out and take some photos of it.
Now we can use these images to calibrate camera. First, ```objectPoints``` and ```imagePoints``` need to be detected. Use class ```randomPatternCornerFinder``` to detect them. A sample code can be
Now we can use these images to calibrate camera. First, ```objectPoints``` and ```imagePoints``` need to be detected. Use class ```cv::randpattern::RandomPatternCornerFinder``` to detect them. A sample code can be
Here ```cameraType``` indicates the camera type, ```multiCameraCalibration::PINHOLE``` and ```multiCameraCalibration::OMNIDIRECTIONAL``` are supported. For omnidirectional camera, you can refer to ```cv::omnidir``` module for detail. ```nCamera``` is the number of camers. ```inputFilename``` is the name of a file generated by ```imagelist_creator``` from ```opencv/sample```. It stores names of random pattern and calibration images, the first file name is the name of random pattern. ```patternWidth``` and ```patternHeight``` are physical width and height of pattern. ```showFeatureExtraction``` is a flags to indicate whether show feature extraction process. ```nMiniMatches``` is a minimal points that should be detected in each frame, otherwise this frame will be abandoned. ```outputFilename``` is a xml file name to store parameters.
Here ```cameraType``` indicates the camera type, ```multicalib::MultiCameraCalibration::PINHOLE``` and ```multicalib::MultiCameraCalibration::OMNIDIRECTIONAL``` are supported. For omnidirectional camera, you can refer to ```cv::omnidir``` module for detail. ```nCamera``` is the number of camers. ```inputFilename``` is the name of a file generated by ```imagelist_creator``` from ```opencv/sample```. It stores names of random pattern and calibration images, the first file name is the name of random pattern. ```patternWidth``` and ```patternHeight``` are physical width and height of pattern. ```showFeatureExtraction``` is a flags to indicate whether show feature extraction process. ```nMiniMatches``` is a minimal points that should be detected in each frame, otherwise this frame will be abandoned. ```outputFilename``` is a xml file name to store parameters.