Commit 75adb698 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #875 from sovrasov:fix_balance_white

parents afd8a833 be70e0b7
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ void balanceWhiteSimple(std::vector<Mat_<T> > &src, Mat &dst, const float inputM
n2 -= hist[p2--];
maxValue -= interval;
p2 = p2 * bins - 1;
p2 = (p2 + 1) * bins - 1;
interval /= bins;
......@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ namespace cvtest
TEST(xphoto_simplecolorbalance, regression)
cv::String dir = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "cv/xphoto/simple_white_balance/";
int nTests = 12;
float threshold = 0.005f;
int nTests = 8;
cv::Ptr<cv::xphoto::WhiteBalancer> wb = cv::xphoto::createSimpleWB();
for (int i = 0; i < nTests; ++i)
......@@ -15,17 +14,41 @@ namespace cvtest
cv::Mat src = cv::imread( srcName, 1 );
cv::String previousResultName = dir + cv::format( "results/%02d.png", i + 1 );
cv::String previousResultName = dir + cv::format( "results/%02d.jpg", i + 1 );
cv::Mat previousResult = cv::imread( previousResultName, 1 );
cv::Mat currentResult;
wb->balanceWhite(src, currentResult);
cv::Mat sqrError = ( currentResult - previousResult )
.mul( currentResult - previousResult );
cv::Scalar mse = cv::sum(sqrError) / cv::Scalar::all( double(*sqrError.channels() ) );
double psnr = cv::PSNR(currentResult, previousResult);
EXPECT_LE( mse[0]+mse[1]+mse[2]+mse[3], threshold );
EXPECT_GE( psnr, 30 );
TEST(xphoto_simplecolorbalance, max_value)
const float oldMax = 24000., newMax = 65536.;
Mat test = Mat::zeros(3,3,CV_32FC1);<float>(0, 0) = oldMax;<float>(0, 1) = oldMax / 2;<float>(0, 2) = oldMax / 4;
double minSrc, maxSrc;
cv::minMaxIdx(test, &minSrc, &maxSrc);
cv::Ptr<cv::xphoto::SimpleWB> wb = cv::xphoto::createSimpleWB();
wb->balanceWhite(test, test);
double minDst, maxDst;
cv::minMaxIdx(test, &minDst, &maxDst);
ASSERT_NEAR(maxDst, newMax, newMax*1e-4);
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace cvtest {
TEST(xphoto_grayworld_white_balance, regression)
String dir = cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "cv/xphoto/simple_white_balance/";
const int nTests = 14;
const int nTests = 8;
const float wb_thresh = 0.5f;
const float acc_thresh = 2.f;
Ptr<xphoto::GrayworldWB> wb = xphoto::createGrayworldWB();
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