Commit 75789089 authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

removed trailing whitespaces

parent 9e26b24d
......@@ -215,12 +215,12 @@ public:
int row_offset = in_r*width;
int out_col_offset = k_r*kw;
int in_c = start_in_c + start_k_c*dw;
for(int k_c = start_k_c; k_c < end_k_c; k_c++, in_c += dw)
int in_index = channels_offset + row_offset + in_c;
int out_index = out_row_offset + out_ch_offset + out_col_offset + k_c;
data_col_[out_index] = data_im_[in_index];
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ void col2im_cpu(const Dtype* data_col,
int h_pad = h * stride_h - pad_h + h_offset * dilation_h;
int w_pad = w * stride_w - pad_w + w_offset * dilation_w;
if (h_pad >= 0 && h_pad < height && w_pad >= 0 && w_pad < width)
data_im[(c_im * height + h_pad) * width + w_pad] +=
data_col[(c * height_col + h) * width_col + w];
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