Commit 71e18ff0 authored by jaco's avatar jaco

Pull Request mandatory changes finished

parent e670bd57
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public:
//StaticSaliencySpectralResidual( const StaticSaliencySpectralResidual::Params &parameters = StaticSaliencySpectralResidual::Params() );
virtual ~StaticSaliencySpectralResidual();
void read( const FileNode& fn );
void write( FileStorage& fs ) const;
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class CV_EXPORTS MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014 : public MotionSaliency
virtual ~MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014();
void setImagesize( int W, int H );
bool init();
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ private:
// for each pixel. In the second layer, there are the C (efficacy) value for each pixel
Mat potentialBackground;// Two channel Matrix. For each pixel, in the first level there are the Ba value (potential background value)
// and in the secon level there are the Ca value, the counter for each potential value.
Mat epslonPixelsValue;// epslon threshold
Mat epslonPixelsValue; // epslon threshold
//Mat activityPixelsValue; // Activity level of each pixel
//vector<Mat> noisePixelMask; // We define a ‘noise-pixel’ as a pixel that has been classified as a foreground pixel during the full resolution
// detection process,however, after the low resolution detection, it has become a
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ class CV_EXPORTS ObjectnessBING : public Objectness
virtual ~ObjectnessBING();
void read();
void write() const;
......@@ -62,6 +62,16 @@ static void help()
<< endl;
inline float calcOverlap( Rect a, Rect b )
Rect rectIntersection = a & b;
Rect rectUnion = a | b;
float iArea = rectIntersection.width * rectIntersection.height;
float uArea = rectUnion.width * rectUnion.height;
float overlap = iArea / uArea;
return overlap;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
CommandLineParser parser( argc, argv, keys );
......@@ -139,7 +149,6 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv )
vector<Vec4i> saliencyMap;
saliencyAlgorithm.dynamicCast<ObjectnessBING>()->setTrainingPath( training_path );
saliencyAlgorithm.dynamicCast<ObjectnessBING>()->setBBResDir( training_path + "/Results" );
......@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014()
K = 3; // Number of background model template
N = 4; // NxN is the size of the block for downsampling in the lowlowResolutionDetection
alpha = (float) 0.01; // Learning rate
L0 = 300; // Upper-bound values for C0 (efficacy of the first template (matrices) of backgroundModel
L1 = 200; // Upper-bound values for C1 (efficacy of the second template (matrices) of backgroundModel
L0 = 1000; // Upper-bound values for C0 (efficacy of the first template (matrices) of backgroundModel
L1 = 800; // Upper-bound values for C1 (efficacy of the second template (matrices) of backgroundModel
thetaL = thetaL_VAL; // T0, T1 swap threshold
thetaA = thetaA_VAL;
gamma = 3;
......@@ -384,8 +384,8 @@ bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::templateReplacement( const Mat& finalBFMask,
//if at least the first template is activated / initialized for all pixels
if( countNonZero( temp[1] ) <= ( temp[1].cols * temp[1].rows ) / 2 )
thetaA = 15;
thetaL = 40;
thetaA = 50;
thetaL = 150;
neighborhoodCheck = false;
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