Commit 71248c99 authored by Anna Petrovicheva's avatar Anna Petrovicheva

Added layer parameters to proto

parent 264dfe0c
......@@ -91,6 +91,101 @@ message CropParameter {
repeated uint32 offset = 2;
message PermuteParameter {
// The new orders of the axes of data. Notice it should be with
// in the same range as the input data, and it starts from 0.
// Do not provide repeated order.
repeated uint32 order = 1;
/// Message that stores parameters used by FlattenLayer
message FlattenParameter {
// The first axis to flatten: all preceding axes are retained in the output.
// May be negative to index from the end (e.g., -1 for the last axis).
optional int32 axis = 1 [default = 1];
// The last axis to flatten: all following axes are retained in the output.
// May be negative to index from the end (e.g., the default -1 for the last
// axis).
optional int32 end_axis = 2 [default = -1];
// Message that stores parameters used by NormalizeBBoxLayer
message NormalizeBBoxParameter {
optional bool across_spatial = 1 [default = true];
// Initial value of scale. Default is 1.0 for all
optional FillerParameter scale_filler = 2;
// Whether or not scale parameters are shared across channels.
optional bool channel_shared = 3 [default = true];
// Epsilon for not dividing by zero while normalizing variance
optional float eps = 4 [default = 1e-10];
// Message that store parameters used by PriorBoxLayer
message PriorBoxParameter {
// Encode/decode type.
enum CodeType {
// Minimum box size (in pixels). Required!
optional float min_size = 1;
// Maximum box size (in pixels). Required!
optional float max_size = 2;
// Various of aspect ratios. Duplicate ratios will be ignored.
// If none is provided, we use default ratio 1.
repeated float aspect_ratio = 3;
// If true, will flip each aspect ratio.
// For example, if there is aspect ratio "r",
// we will generate aspect ratio "1.0/r" as well.
optional bool flip = 4 [default = true];
// If true, will clip the prior so that it is within [0, 1]
optional bool clip = 5 [default = true];
// Variance for adjusting the prior bboxes.
repeated float variance = 6;
// The normalized bounding box [0, 1] w.r.t. the input image size.
message NormalizedBBox {
optional float xmin = 1;
optional float ymin = 2;
optional float xmax = 3;
optional float ymax = 4;
optional int32 label = 5;
optional bool difficult = 6;
optional float score = 7;
optional float size = 8;
// Message that store parameters used by DetectionOutputLayer
message DetectionOutputParameter {
// Number of classes to be predicted. Required!
optional uint32 num_classes = 1;
// If true, bounding box are shared among different classes.
optional bool share_location = 2 [default = true];
// Background label id. If there is no background class,
// set it as -1.
optional int32 background_label_id = 3 [default = 0];
// Parameters used for non maximum suppression.
optional NonMaximumSuppressionParameter nms_param = 4;
// Type of coding method for bbox.
optional PriorBoxParameter.CodeType code_type = 6 [default = CORNER];
// If true, variance is encoded in target; otherwise we need to adjust the
// predicted offset accordingly.
optional bool variance_encoded_in_target = 8 [default = false];
// Number of total bboxes to be kept per image after nms step.
// -1 means keeping all bboxes after nms step.
optional int32 keep_top_k = 7 [default = -1];
// Only consider detections whose confidences are larger than a threshold.
// If not provided, consider all boxes.
optional float confidence_threshold = 9;
// If true, visualize the detection results.
optional bool visualize = 10 [default = false];
// The threshold used to visualize the detection results.
optional float visualize_threshold = 11;
message Datum {
optional int32 channels = 1;
optional int32 height = 2;
......@@ -335,7 +430,7 @@ message ParamSpec {
// Update the next available ID when you add a new LayerParameter field.
// LayerParameter next available layer-specific ID: 138 (last added: crop_param)
// LayerParameter next available layer-specific ID: 138 (last added: detection_output_param)
message LayerParameter {
optional string name = 1; // the layer name
optional string type = 2; // the layer type
......@@ -389,11 +484,13 @@ message LayerParameter {
optional ConvolutionParameter convolution_param = 106;
optional CropParameter crop_param = 137;
optional DataParameter data_param = 107;
optional DetectionOutputParameter detection_output_param = 142;
optional DropoutParameter dropout_param = 108;
optional DummyDataParameter dummy_data_param = 109;
optional EltwiseParameter eltwise_param = 110;
optional ExpParameter exp_param = 111;
optional FlattenParameter flatten_param = 135;
optional FlattenParameter flatten_param = 139;
optional HDF5DataParameter hdf5_data_param = 112;
optional HDF5OutputParameter hdf5_output_param = 113;
optional HingeLossParameter hinge_loss_param = 114;
......@@ -404,17 +501,20 @@ message LayerParameter {
optional LRNParameter lrn_param = 118;
optional MemoryDataParameter memory_data_param = 119;
optional MVNParameter mvn_param = 120;
optional NormalizeBBoxParameter normalize_bbox_param = 140;
optional PermuteParameter permute_param = 138;
optional PoolingParameter pooling_param = 121;
optional PowerParameter power_param = 122;
optional PReLUParameter prelu_param = 131;
optional PriorBoxParameter prior_box_param = 141;
optional PythonParameter python_param = 130;
optional ReductionParameter reduction_param = 136;
optional ReLUParameter relu_param = 123;
optional ReshapeParameter reshape_param = 133;
optional SigmoidParameter sigmoid_param = 124;
optional SliceParameter slice_param = 126;
optional SoftmaxParameter softmax_param = 125;
optional SPPParameter spp_param = 132;
optional SliceParameter slice_param = 126;
optional TanHParameter tanh_param = 127;
optional ThresholdParameter threshold_param = 128;
optional WindowDataParameter window_data_param = 129;
......@@ -1174,3 +1274,15 @@ message PReLUParameter {
// Whether or not slope paramters are shared across channels.
optional bool channel_shared = 2 [default = false];
// The normalized bounding box [0, 1] w.r.t. the input image size.
message NormalizedBBox {
optional float xmin = 1;
optional float ymin = 2;
optional float xmax = 3;
optional float ymax = 4;
optional int32 label = 5;
optional bool difficult = 6;
optional float score = 7;
optional float size = 8;
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