Commit 6f138e50 authored by Vlad Shakhuro's avatar Vlad Shakhuro

Add private header

parent a8f9344e
#ifndef __OPENCV_BUILD
# error this is a private header, do not include it outside OpenCV
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
namespace cv
namespace xobjdetect
class CV_EXPORTS Stump
/* Initialize zero stump */
Stump(): threshold_(0), polarity_(1), pos_value_(1), neg_value_(-1) {}
/* Initialize stump with given threshold, polarity
and classification values */
Stump(int threshold, int polarity, float pos_value, float neg_value):
threshold_(threshold), polarity_(polarity),
pos_value_(pos_value), neg_value_(neg_value) {}
/* Train stump for given data
data — matrix of feature values, size M x N, one feature per row
labels — matrix of sample class labels, size 1 x N. Labels can be from
{-1, +1}
weights — matrix of sample weights, size 1 x N
Returns chosen feature index. Feature enumeration starts from 0
int train(const Mat& data, const Mat& labels, const Mat& weights);
/* Predict object class given
value — feature value. Feature must be the same as was chosen
during training stump
Returns real value, sign(value) means class
float predict(int value) const;
/* Stump decision threshold */
int threshold_;
/* Stump polarity, can be from {-1, +1} */
int polarity_;
/* Classification values for positive and negative classes */
float pos_value_, neg_value_;
} /* namespace xobjdetect */
} /* namespace cv */
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