Commit 6da37048 authored by Vladimir's avatar Vladimir

Fixing Warnings #2

parent 34d91fa9
......@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ namespace cv
double TLDDetector::ocl_Sr(const Mat_<uchar>& patch)
int64 e1, e2, e3, e4;
double t;
e1 = getTickCount();
e3 = getTickCount();
//int64 e1, e2, e3, e4;
//double t;
//e1 = getTickCount();
//e3 = getTickCount();
double splus = 0.0, sminus = 0.0;
......@@ -134,23 +134,23 @@ namespace cv
e4 = getTickCount();
t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e4 = getTickCount();
//t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Mem Cpy GPU: %f\n", t);
size_t globSize = 1000;
size_t localSize = 128;
e3 = getTickCount();
//e3 = getTickCount();
if (!, &globSize, &localSize, true))
printf("Kernel Run Error!!!");
e4 = getTickCount();
t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e4 = getTickCount();
//t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Kernel Run GPU: %f\n", t);
e3 = getTickCount();
//e3 = getTickCount();
Mat resNCC = devNCC.getMat(ACCESS_READ);
e4 = getTickCount();
t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e4 = getTickCount();
//t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Read Mem GPU: %f\n", t);
......@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ namespace cv
for (int i = 0; i < *negNum; i++)
sminus = std::max(sminus, 0.5 * (<float>(i+500) +1.0));
e2 = getTickCount();
t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e2 = getTickCount();
//t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Sr GPU: %f\n\n", t);
if (splus + sminus == 0.0)
......@@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ namespace cv
void TLDDetector::ocl_batchSrSc(const Mat_<uchar>& patches, double *resultSr, double *resultSc, int numOfPatches)
int64 e1, e2, e3, e4;
double t;
e1 = getTickCount();
e3 = getTickCount();
//int64 e1, e2, e3, e4;
//double t;
//e1 = getTickCount();
//e3 = getTickCount();
UMat devPositiveSamples = posExp->getUMat(ACCESS_READ, USAGE_ALLOCATE_DEVICE_MEMORY);
......@@ -213,25 +213,25 @@ namespace cv
e4 = getTickCount();
t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e4 = getTickCount();
//t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Mem Cpy GPU: %f\n", t);
// 2 -> Pos&Neg
size_t globSize = 2 * numOfPatches*MAX_EXAMPLES_IN_MODEL;
size_t localSize = 1024;
e3 = getTickCount();
//e3 = getTickCount();
if (!, &globSize, &localSize, true))
printf("Kernel Run Error!!!");
e4 = getTickCount();
t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e4 = getTickCount();
//t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Kernel Run GPU: %f\n", t);
e3 = getTickCount();
//e3 = getTickCount();
Mat posNCC = devPosNCC.getMat(ACCESS_READ);
Mat negNCC = devNegNCC.getMat(ACCESS_READ);
e4 = getTickCount();
t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e4 = getTickCount();
//t = (e4 - e3) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Read Mem GPU: %f\n", t);
//Calculate Srs
......@@ -281,8 +281,8 @@ namespace cv
e2 = getTickCount();
t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e2 = getTickCount();
//t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Sr GPU: %f\n\n", t);
......@@ -312,9 +312,9 @@ namespace cv
return splus / (sminus + splus);
int64 e1, e2;
float t;
e1 = getTickCount();
//int64 e1, e2;
//double t;
//e1 = getTickCount();
double splus = 0.0, sminus = 0.0;
int med = getMedian((*timeStampsPositive));
......@@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ namespace cv = &(negExp->data[i * 225]);
sminus = std::max(sminus, 0.5 * (NCC(modelSample, patch) + 1.0));
e2 = getTickCount();
t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e2 = getTickCount();
//t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Sc: %f\n", t);
if (splus + sminus == 0.0)
return 0.0;
......@@ -473,18 +473,16 @@ namespace cv
std::vector <Mat> resized_imgs, blurred_imgs;
std::vector <Point> varBuffer, ensBuffer;
std::vector <double> varScaleIDs, ensScaleIDs;
int64 e1, e2;
double t;
//int64 e1, e2;
//double t;
e1 = getTickCount();
//e1 = getTickCount();
//Detection part
<<<<<<< HEAD
//Generate windows and filter by variance
scaleID = 0;
>>>>>>> 2-nd level of parallelization + detector remake
Mat_<double> intImgP, intImgP2;
......@@ -508,12 +506,12 @@ namespace cv
GaussianBlur(resized_imgs[scaleID], tmp, GaussBlurKernelSize, 0.0f);
} while (size.width >= initSize.width && size.height >= initSize.height);
e2 = getTickCount();
t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e2 = getTickCount();
//t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Variance: %d\t%f\n", varBuffer.size(), t);
//Encsemble classification
e1 = getTickCount();
//e1 = getTickCount();
for (int i = 0; i < (int)varBuffer.size(); i++)
......@@ -522,12 +520,12 @@ namespace cv
e2 = getTickCount();
t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e2 = getTickCount();
//t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Ensemble: %d\t%f\n", ensBuffer.size(), t);
//NN classification
e1 = getTickCount();
//e1 = getTickCount();
for (int i = 0; i < (int)ensBuffer.size(); i++)
LabeledPatch labPatch;
......@@ -561,8 +559,8 @@ namespace cv
maxScRect = labPatch.rect;
e2 = getTickCount();
t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e2 = getTickCount();
//t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("NN: %d\t%f\n", patches.size(), t);
if (maxSc < 0)
......@@ -586,10 +584,10 @@ namespace cv
std::vector <Mat> resized_imgs, blurred_imgs;
std::vector <Point> varBuffer, ensBuffer;
std::vector <double> varScaleIDs, ensScaleIDs;
int64 e1, e2;
double t;
//int64 e1, e2;
//double t;
e1 = getTickCount();
//e1 = getTickCount();
//Detection part
//Generate windows and filter by variance
scaleID = 0;
......@@ -618,12 +616,12 @@ namespace cv
GaussianBlur(resized_imgs[scaleID], tmp, GaussBlurKernelSize, 0.0f);
} while (size.width >= initSize.width && size.height >= initSize.height);
e2 = getTickCount();
t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e2 = getTickCount();
//t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Variance: %d\t%f\n", varBuffer.size(), t);
//Encsemble classification
e1 = getTickCount();
//e1 = getTickCount();
for (int i = 0; i < (int)varBuffer.size(); i++)
......@@ -632,12 +630,12 @@ namespace cv
e2 = getTickCount();
t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e2 = getTickCount();
//t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("Ensemble: %d\t%f\n", ensBuffer.size(), t);
//NN classification
e1 = getTickCount();
//e1 = getTickCount();
//Prepare batch of patches
int numOfPatches = ensBuffer.size();
Mat_<uchar> stdPatches(numOfPatches, 225);
......@@ -693,8 +691,8 @@ namespace cv
maxScRect = labPatch.rect;
e2 = getTickCount();
t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//e2 = getTickCount();
//t = (e2 - e1) / getTickFrequency()*1000.0;
//printf("NN: %d\t%f\n", patches.size(), t);
if (maxSc < 0)
......@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ namespace cv
// Calculate measure locations from 15x15 grid on minSize patches
void TLDEnsembleClassifier::stepPrefSuff(std::vector<Vec4b>& arr, int pos, int len, int gridSize)
#if 0
#if 0
int step = len / (gridSize - 1), pref = (len - step * (gridSize - 1)) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(x1) / sizeof(x1[0])); i++)
arr[i] = pref + arr[i] * step;
int total = len - gridSize;
int quo = total / (gridSize - 1), rem = total % (gridSize - 1);
int smallStep = quo, bigStep = quo + 1;
......@@ -64,6 +64,5 @@ namespace cv
std::vector<Point2i> offset;
int lastStep_;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -78,9 +78,7 @@ namespace cv
scaledImg, blurredImg, GaussBlurKernelSize, SCALE_STEP);
GaussianBlur(image, image_blurred, GaussBlurKernelSize, 0.0);
TLDDetector::generateScanGrid(image.rows, image.cols, minSize_, scanGrid);
getClosestN(scanGrid, Rect2d(boundingBox.x / scale, boundingBox.y / scale, boundingBox.width / scale,
boundingBox.height / scale), 10, closest);
getClosestN(scanGrid, Rect2d(boundingBox.x / scale, boundingBox.y / scale, boundingBox.width / scale, boundingBox.height / scale), 10, closest);
Mat_<uchar> blurredPatch(minSize);
TLDEnsembleClassifier::makeClassifiers(minSize, MEASURES_PER_CLASSIFIER, GRIDSIZE, detector->classifiers);
......@@ -296,9 +294,12 @@ namespace cv
dfprintf((port, "\tpositiveExamples.size() = %d\n", (int)positiveExamples.size()));
dfprintf((port, "\tnegativeExamples.size() = %d\n", (int)negativeExamples.size()));
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> Fixing Warnings #2
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -50,9 +50,6 @@ namespace cv
namespace tld
class TrackerTLDModel : public TrackerModel
......@@ -82,7 +79,10 @@ namespace cv
void modelUpdateImpl(){}
Rect2d boundingBox_;
RNG rng;
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> Fixing Warnings #2
......@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ void TrackerTLD::Params::write(cv::FileStorage& /*fs*/) const {}
namespace tld
class TrackerProxy
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