-# We assume you installed opencv and opencv_contrib in c:/lib using [this tutorials](http://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d52/tutorial_windows_install.html#tutorial_windows_gitbash_build]
-# You must download [png lib](https://sourceforge.net/projects/libpng/files/libpng16/1.6.32/lpng1632.zip/download) and [zlib](https://sourceforge.net/projects/libpng/files/zlib/1.2.11/zlib1211.zip/download).
Uncompress lpngx.y.zz in folder lpng and zlib in folder zlib. lpng and zlib must be in same folder as opencv and opencv_contrib.
save this script with name installpngzlib.sh in c:/lib
CMAKE_CONFIG_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
-# In git command line enter the following command :
-# now we need the language files from tesseract. either clone https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdata, or copy only those language files you need to a folder (example c:\\lib\\install\\tesseract\\tessdata). If you don't want to add a new folder you must copy language file in same folder than your executable
-# if you created a new folder, then you must add a new variable, TESSDATA_PREFIX with the value c:\\lib\\install\\tessdata to your system's environment
-# add c:\\Lib\\install\\leptonica\\bin and c:\\Lib\\install\\tesseract\\bin to your PATH environment. If you don't want to modify the PATH then copy tesseract400.dll and leptonica-1.74.4.dll to the same folder than your exe file.