Commit 6614fab0 authored by Muresan Mircea Paul's avatar Muresan Mircea Paul

removed the filterSpeckles, getValidDisparityROI, validateDisparities functions…

removed the filterSpeckles, getValidDisparityROI, validateDisparities functions and added the calib3d module in the dependency
parent cd81b928
set(the_description "Stereo Correspondence")
ocv_define_module(stereo opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_core opencv_highgui)
ocv_define_module(stereo opencv_imgproc opencv_features2d opencv_core opencv_highgui opencv_calib3d)
......@@ -75,20 +75,6 @@ namespace cv
account when specifying this parameter value.
@param buf The optional temporary buffer to avoid memory allocation within the function.
void filterSpeckles( InputOutputArray img, double newVal,
int maxSpeckleSize, double maxDiff,
InputOutputArray buf = noArray() );
//! computes valid disparity ROI from the valid ROIs of the rectified images (that are returned by cv::stereoRectify())
Rect getValidDisparityROI( Rect roi1, Rect roi2,
int minDisparity, int numberOfDisparities,
int SADWindowSize );
//! validates disparity using the left-right check. The matrix "cost" should be computed by the stereo correspondence algorithm
void validateDisparity( InputOutputArray disparity, InputArray cost,
int minDisparity, int numberOfDisparities,
int disp12MaxDisp = 1 );
/** @brief The base class for stereo correspondence algorithms.
class StereoMatcher : public Algorithm
......@@ -265,7 +251,7 @@ namespace cv
int mode = StereoBinarySGBM::MODE_SGBM);
//! @}
} // cv
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include "opencv2/core/private.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/cvdef.h"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/calib3d.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
......@@ -939,7 +939,6 @@ namespace cv
const char* StereoBinarySGBMImpl::name_ = "StereoMatcher.SGBM";
Ptr<StereoBinarySGBM> StereoBinarySGBM::create(int minDisparity, int numDisparities, int SADWindowSize,
int P1, int P2, int disp12MaxDiff,
int preFilterCap, int uniquenessRatio,
......@@ -954,24 +953,6 @@ namespace cv
Rect getValidDisparityROI( Rect roi1, Rect roi2,
int minDisparity,
int numberOfDisparities,
int SADWindowSize )
int SW2 = SADWindowSize/2;
int minD = minDisparity, maxD = minDisparity + numberOfDisparities - 1;
int xmin = std::max(roi1.x, roi2.x + maxD) + SW2;
int xmax = std::min(roi1.x + roi1.width, roi2.x + roi2.width - minD) - SW2;
int ymin = std::max(roi1.y, roi2.y) + SW2;
int ymax = std::min(roi1.y + roi1.height, roi2.y + roi2.height) - SW2;
Rect r(xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);
return r.width > 0 && r.height > 0 ? r : Rect();
typedef cv::Point_<short> Point2s;
template <typename T>
......@@ -1072,133 +1053,3 @@ namespace cv
void cv::stereo::filterSpeckles( InputOutputArray _img, double _newval, int maxSpeckleSize,
double _maxDiff, InputOutputArray __buf )
Mat img = _img.getMat();
int type = img.type();
Mat temp, &_buf = __buf.needed() ? __buf.getMatRef() : temp;
CV_Assert( type == CV_8UC1 || type == CV_16SC1 );
int newVal = cvRound(_newval), maxDiff = cvRound(_maxDiff);
#if IPP_VERSION_X100 >= 801
Ipp32s bufsize = 0;
IppiSize roisize = { img.cols, img.rows };
IppDataType datatype = type == CV_8UC1 ? ipp8u : ipp16s;
if (!__buf.needed() && (type == CV_8UC1 || type == CV_16SC1))
IppStatus status = ippiMarkSpecklesGetBufferSize(roisize, datatype, CV_MAT_CN(type), &bufsize);
Ipp8u * buffer = ippsMalloc_8u(bufsize);
if ((int)status >= 0)
if (type == CV_8UC1)
status = ippiMarkSpeckles_8u_C1IR(img.ptr<Ipp8u>(), (int)img.step, roisize,
(Ipp8u)newVal, maxSpeckleSize, (Ipp8u)maxDiff, ippiNormL1, buffer);
status = ippiMarkSpeckles_16s_C1IR(img.ptr<Ipp16s>(), (int)img.step, roisize,
(Ipp16s)newVal, maxSpeckleSize, (Ipp16s)maxDiff, ippiNormL1, buffer);
if (status >= 0)
if (type == CV_8UC1)
filterSpecklesImpl<uchar>(img, newVal, maxSpeckleSize, maxDiff, _buf);
filterSpecklesImpl<short>(img, newVal, maxSpeckleSize, maxDiff, _buf);
void cv::stereo::validateDisparity( InputOutputArray _disp, InputArray _cost, int minDisparity,
int numberOfDisparities, int disp12MaxDiff )
Mat disp = _disp.getMat(), cost = _cost.getMat();
int cols = disp.cols, rows = disp.rows;
int minD = minDisparity, maxD = minDisparity + numberOfDisparities;
int x, minX1 = std::max(maxD, 0), maxX1 = cols + std::min(minD, 0);
AutoBuffer<int> _disp2buf(cols*2);
int* disp2buf = _disp2buf;
int* disp2cost = disp2buf + cols;
const int DISP_SHIFT = 4, DISP_SCALE = 1 << DISP_SHIFT;
int costType = cost.type();
disp12MaxDiff *= DISP_SCALE;
CV_Assert( numberOfDisparities > 0 && disp.type() == CV_16S &&
(costType == CV_16S || costType == CV_32S) &&
disp.size() == cost.size() );
for( int y = 0; y < rows; y++ )
short* dptr = disp.ptr<short>(y);
for( x = 0; x < cols; x++ )
disp2buf[x] = INVALID_DISP_SCALED;
disp2cost[x] = INT_MAX;
if( costType == CV_16S )
const short* cptr = cost.ptr<short>(y);
for( x = minX1; x < maxX1; x++ )
int d = dptr[x], c = cptr[x];
int x2 = x - ((d + DISP_SCALE/2) >> DISP_SHIFT);
if( disp2cost[x2] > c )
disp2cost[x2] = c;
disp2buf[x2] = d;
const int* cptr = cost.ptr<int>(y);
for( x = minX1; x < maxX1; x++ )
int d = dptr[x], c = cptr[x];
int x2 = x - ((d + DISP_SCALE/2) >> DISP_SHIFT);
if( disp2cost[x2] < c )
disp2cost[x2] = c;
disp2buf[x2] = d;
for( x = minX1; x < maxX1; x++ )
// we round the computed disparity both towards -inf and +inf and check
// if either of the corresponding disparities in disp2 is consistent.
// This is to give the computed disparity a chance to look valid if it is.
int d = dptr[x];
int d0 = d >> DISP_SHIFT;
int d1 = (d + DISP_SCALE-1) >> DISP_SHIFT;
int x0 = x - d0, x1 = x - d1;
if( (0 <= x0 && x0 < cols && disp2buf[x0] > INVALID_DISP_SCALED && std::abs(disp2buf[x0] - d) > disp12MaxDiff) &&
(0 <= x1 && x1 < cols && disp2buf[x1] > INVALID_DISP_SCALED && std::abs(disp2buf[x1] - d) > disp12MaxDiff) )
dptr[x] = (short)INVALID_DISP_SCALED;
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