Commit 653bef23 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #2165 from vchiluka5:NVIDIA_Optical_Flow

No related merge requests found
......@@ -7,3 +7,22 @@ set(the_description "CUDA-accelerated Optical Flow")
ocv_warnings_disable(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS /wd4127 /wd4324 /wd4512 -Wundef -Wmissing-declarations -Wshadow)
ocv_define_module(cudaoptflow opencv_video opencv_optflow opencv_cudaarithm opencv_cudawarping opencv_cudaimgproc OPTIONAL opencv_cudalegacy WRAP python)
set(NVIDIA_OPTICAL_FLOW_1_0_HEADERS_COMMIT "79c6cee80a2df9a196f20afd6b598a9810964c32")
set(NVIDIA_OPTICAL_FLOW_1_0_HEADERS_MD5 "ca5acedee6cb45d0ec610a6732de5c15")
set(NVIDIA_OPTICAL_FLOW_1_0_HEADERS_PATH "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/3rdparty/NVIDIAOpticalFlowSDK_1_0_Headers")
message(STATUS "Failed to download NVIDIA_Optical_Flow_1_0 Headers")
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -102,6 +102,47 @@ public:
OutputArray err = cv::noArray(),
Stream& stream = Stream::Null()) = 0;
/** @brief Base Interface for optical flow algorithms using NVIDIA Optical Flow SDK.
class CV_EXPORTS_W NvidiaHWOpticalFlow : public Algorithm
/** @brief Calculates Optical Flow using NVIDIA Optical Flow SDK.
* NVIDIA GPUs starting with Turing contain a dedicated hardware accelerator for computing optical flow vectors between pairs of images.
* The optical flow hardware accelerator generates block-based optical flow vectors.
* The size of the block depends on hardware in use, and can be queried using the function getGridSize().
* The block-based flow vectors generated by the hardware can be converted to dense representation (i.e. per-pixel flow vectors) using upSampler() helper function, if needed.
* The flow vectors are stored in CV_16SC2 format with x and y components of each flow vector in 16-bit signed fixed point representation S10.5.
@param inputImage Input image.
@param referenceImage Reference image of the same size and the same type as input image.
@param flow A buffer consisting of inputImage.Size() / getGridSize() flow vectors in CV_16SC2 format.
@param stream Stream for the asynchronous version.
@param hint Hint buffer if client provides external hints. Must have same size as flow buffer.
Caller can provide flow vectors as hints for optical flow calculation.
@param cost Cost buffer contains numbers indicating the confidence associated with each of the generated flow vectors.
Higher the cost, lower the confidence. Cost buffer is of type CV_32SC1.
- Client must use critical sections around each calc() function if calling it from multiple threads.
CV_WRAP virtual void calc(
InputArray inputImage,
InputArray referenceImage,
InputOutputArray flow,
Stream& stream = Stream::Null(),
InputArray hint = cv::noArray(),
OutputArray cost = cv::noArray()) = 0;
/** @brief Releases all buffers, contexts and device pointers.
CV_WRAP virtual void collectGarbage() = 0;
/** @brief Returns grid size of output buffer as per the hardware's capability.
CV_WRAP virtual int getGridSize() const = 0;
// BroxOpticalFlow
......@@ -342,6 +383,70 @@ public:
bool useInitialFlow = false);
// NvidiaOpticalFlow
/** @brief Class for computing the optical flow vectors between two images using NVIDIA Optical Flow hardware and Optical Flow SDK 1.0.
- A sample application demonstrating the use of NVIDIA Optical Flow can be found at
- An example application comparing accuracy and performance of NVIDIA Optical Flow with other optical flow algorithms in OpenCV can be found at
class CV_EXPORTS_W NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0 : public NvidiaHWOpticalFlow
* Supported optical flow performance levels.
NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_SLOW = 5, /**< Slow perf level results in lowest performance and best quality */
NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_MEDIUM = 10, /**< Medium perf level results in low performance and medium quality */
NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_FAST = 20, /**< Fast perf level results in high performance and low quality */
/** @brief The NVIDIA optical flow hardware generates flow vectors at granularity gridSize, which can be queried via function getGridSize().
* Upsampler() helper function converts the hardware-generated flow vectors to dense representation (1 flow vector for each pixel)
* using nearest neighbour upsampling method.
@param flow Buffer of type CV_16FC2 containing flow vectors generated by calc().
@param width Width of the input image in pixels for which these flow vectors were generated.
@param height Height of the input image in pixels for which these flow vectors were generated.
@param gridSize Granularity of the optical flow vectors returned by calc() function. Can be queried using getGridSize().
@param upsampledFlow Buffer of type CV_32FC2, containing upsampled flow vectors, each flow vector for 1 pixel, in the pitch-linear layout.
CV_WRAP virtual void upSampler(InputArray flow, int width, int height,
int gridSize, InputOutputArray upsampledFlow) = 0;
/** @brief Instantiate NVIDIA Optical Flow
@param width Width of input image in pixels.
@param height Height of input image in pixels.
@param perfPreset Optional parameter. Refer [NV OF SDK documentation]( for details about presets.
@param enableTemporalHints Optional parameter. Flag to enable temporal hints. When set to true, the hardware uses the flow vectors
generated in previous call to calc() as internal hints for the current call to calc().
Useful when computing flow vectors between successive video frames. Defaults to false.
@param enableExternalHints Optional Parameter. Flag to enable passing external hints buffer to calc(). Defaults to false.
@param enableCostBuffer Optional Parameter. Flag to enable cost buffer output from calc(). Defaults to false.
@param gpuId Optional parameter to select the GPU ID on which the optical flow should be computed. Useful in multi-GPU systems. Defaults to 0.
CV_WRAP static Ptr<NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0> create(
int width,
int height,
cv::cuda::NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::NVIDIA_OF_PERF_LEVEL perfPreset
= cv::cuda::NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::NVIDIA_OF_PERF_LEVEL::NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_SLOW,
bool enableTemporalHints = false,
bool enableExternalHints = false,
bool enableCostBuffer = false,
int gpuId = 0);
//! @}
}} // namespace cv { namespace cuda {
......@@ -326,4 +326,57 @@ PERF_TEST_P(ImagePair, OpticalFlowDual_TVL1,
// NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0
PERF_TEST_P(ImagePair, NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0,
Values<pair_string>(make_pair("gpu/opticalflow/frame0.png", "gpu/opticalflow/frame1.png")))
const cv::Mat frame0 = readImage(GetParam().first, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
const cv::Mat frame1 = readImage(GetParam().second, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
const int width = frame0.size().width;
const int height = frame0.size().height;
const bool enableTemporalHints = false;
const bool enableExternalHints = false;
const bool enableCostBuffer = false;
const int gpuid = 0;
const cv::cuda::GpuMat d_frame0(frame0);
const cv::cuda::GpuMat d_frame1(frame1);
cv::cuda::GpuMat d_flow;
cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0> d_nvof;
d_nvof = cv::cuda::NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::create(width, height,
enableTemporalHints, enableExternalHints, enableCostBuffer, gpuid);
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
if(e.code == Error::StsBadFunc || e.code == Error::StsBadArg || e.code == Error::StsNullPtr)
throw SkipTestException("Current configuration is not supported");
TEST_CYCLE() d_nvof->calc(d_frame0, d_frame1, d_flow);
cv::cuda::GpuMat flow[2];
cv::cuda::split(d_flow, flow);
cv::cuda::GpuMat u = flow[0];
cv::cuda::GpuMat v = flow[1];
}} // namespace
#include <unordered_map>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/utility.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/cudaoptflow.hpp"
#include "opencv2/cudaarithm.hpp"
#include "opencv2/video/tracking.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::cuda;
//this function is taken from opencv/samples/gpu/optical_flow.cpp
inline bool isFlowCorrect(Point2f u)
return !cvIsNaN(u.x) && !cvIsNaN(u.y) && fabs(u.x) < 1e9 && fabs(u.y) < 1e9;
//this function is taken from opencv/samples/gpu/optical_flow.cpp
static Vec3b computeColor(float fx, float fy)
static bool first = true;
// relative lengths of color transitions:
// these are chosen based on perceptual similarity
// (e.g. one can distinguish more shades between red and yellow
// than between yellow and green)
const int RY = 15;
const int YG = 6;
const int GC = 4;
const int CB = 11;
const int BM = 13;
const int MR = 6;
const int NCOLS = RY + YG + GC + CB + BM + MR;
static Vec3i colorWheel[NCOLS];
if (first)
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < RY; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255, 255 * i / RY, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < YG; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255 - 255 * i / YG, 255, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < GC; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(0, 255, 255 * i / GC);
for (int i = 0; i < CB; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(0, 255 - 255 * i / CB, 255);
for (int i = 0; i < BM; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255 * i / BM, 0, 255);
for (int i = 0; i < MR; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255, 0, 255 - 255 * i / MR);
first = false;
const float rad = sqrt(fx * fx + fy * fy);
const float a = atan2(-fy, -fx) / (float)CV_PI;
const float fk = (a + 1.0f) / 2.0f * (NCOLS - 1);
const int k0 = static_cast<int>(fk);
const int k1 = (k0 + 1) % NCOLS;
const float f = fk - k0;
Vec3b pix;
for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++)
const float col0 = colorWheel[k0][b] / 255.0f;
const float col1 = colorWheel[k1][b] / 255.0f;
float col = (1 - f) * col0 + f * col1;
if (rad <= 1)
col = 1 - rad * (1 - col); // increase saturation with radius
col *= .75; // out of range
pix[2 - b] = static_cast<uchar>(255.0 * col);
return pix;
//this function is taken from opencv/samples/gpu/optical_flow.cpp
static void drawOpticalFlow(const Mat_<float>& flowx, const Mat_<float>& flowy
, Mat& dst, float maxmotion = -1)
dst.create(flowx.size(), CV_8UC3);
// determine motion range:
float maxrad = maxmotion;
if (maxmotion <= 0)
maxrad = 1;
for (int y = 0; y < flowx.rows; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < flowx.cols; ++x)
Point2f u(flowx(y, x), flowy(y, x));
if (!isFlowCorrect(u))
maxrad = max(maxrad, sqrt(u.x * u.x + u.y * u.y));
for (int y = 0; y < flowx.rows; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < flowx.cols; ++x)
Point2f u(flowx(y, x), flowy(y, x));
if (isFlowCorrect(u))<Vec3b>(y, x) = computeColor(u.x / maxrad, u.y / maxrad);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::unordered_map<std::string, NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::NVIDIA_OF_PERF_LEVEL> presetMap = {
{ "slow", NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::NVIDIA_OF_PERF_LEVEL::NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_SLOW },
{ "medium", NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::NVIDIA_OF_PERF_LEVEL::NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_MEDIUM },
{ "fast", NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::NVIDIA_OF_PERF_LEVEL::NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_FAST } };
CommandLineParser cmd(argc, argv,
"{ l left | ../data/basketball1.png | specify left image }"
"{ r right | ../data/basketball2.png | specify right image }"
"{ g gpuid | 0 | cuda device index}"
"{ p preset | slow | perf preset for OF algo [ options : slow, medium, fast ]}"
"{ o output | OpenCVNvOF.flo | output flow vector file in middlebury format}"
"{ th enableTemporalHints | false | Enable temporal hints}"
"{ eh enableExternalHints | false | Enable external hints}"
"{ cb enableCostBuffer | false | Enable output cost buffer}"
"{ h help | | print help message }");
cmd.about("Nvidia's optical flow sample.");
if (cmd.has("help") || !cmd.check())
return 0;
string pathL = cmd.get<string>("left");
string pathR = cmd.get<string>("right");
string preset = cmd.get<string>("preset");
string output = cmd.get<string>("output");
bool enableExternalHints = cmd.get<bool>("enableExternalHints");
bool enableTemporalHints = cmd.get<bool>("enableTemporalHints");
bool enableCostBuffer = cmd.get<bool>("enableCostBuffer");
int gpuId = cmd.get<int>("gpuid");
if (pathL.empty()) cout << "Specify left image path\n";
if (pathR.empty()) cout << "Specify right image path\n";
if (preset.empty()) cout << "Specify perf preset for OpticalFlow algo\n";
if (pathL.empty() || pathR.empty()) return 0;
auto search = presetMap.find(preset);
if (search == presetMap.end())
std::cout << "Invalid preset level : " << preset << std::endl;
return 0;
NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::NVIDIA_OF_PERF_LEVEL perfPreset = search->second;
Mat frameL = imread(pathL, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
Mat frameR = imread(pathR, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
if (frameL.empty()) cout << "Can't open '" << pathL << "'\n";
if (frameR.empty()) cout << "Can't open '" << pathR << "'\n";
if (frameL.empty() || frameR.empty()) return -1;
Ptr<NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0> nvof = NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::create(
frameL.size().width, frameL.size().height, perfPreset,
enableTemporalHints, enableExternalHints, enableCostBuffer, gpuId);
Mat flowx, flowy, flowxy, upsampledFlowXY, image;
nvof->calc(frameL, frameR, flowxy);
nvof->upSampler(flowxy, frameL.size().width, frameL.size().height,
nvof->getGridSize(), upsampledFlowXY);
if (output.size() != 0)
if (!writeOpticalFlow(output, upsampledFlowXY))
cout << "Failed to save Flow Vector" << endl;
cout << "Flow vector saved as '" << output << "'\n";
Mat planes[] = { flowx, flowy };
split(upsampledFlowXY, planes);
flowx = planes[0]; flowy = planes[1];
drawOpticalFlow(flowx, flowy, image, 10);
imshow("Colorize image",image);
catch (const std::exception &ex)
std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp>
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/cudaoptflow.hpp"
#include "opencv2/cudaarithm.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::cuda;
inline bool isFlowCorrect(Point2f u)
return !cvIsNaN(u.x) && !cvIsNaN(u.y) && fabs(u.x) < 1e9 && fabs(u.y) < 1e9;
static Vec3b computeColor(float fx, float fy)
static bool first = true;
// relative lengths of color transitions:
// these are chosen based on perceptual similarity
// (e.g. one can distinguish more shades between red and yellow
// than between yellow and green)
const int RY = 15;
const int YG = 6;
const int GC = 4;
const int CB = 11;
const int BM = 13;
const int MR = 6;
const int NCOLS = RY + YG + GC + CB + BM + MR;
static Vec3i colorWheel[NCOLS];
if (first)
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < RY; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255, 255 * i / RY, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < YG; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255 - 255 * i / YG, 255, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < GC; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(0, 255, 255 * i / GC);
for (int i = 0; i < CB; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(0, 255 - 255 * i / CB, 255);
for (int i = 0; i < BM; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255 * i / BM, 0, 255);
for (int i = 0; i < MR; ++i, ++k)
colorWheel[k] = Vec3i(255, 0, 255 - 255 * i / MR);
first = false;
const float rad = sqrt(fx * fx + fy * fy);
const float a = atan2(-fy, -fx) / (float)CV_PI;
const float fk = (a + 1.0f) / 2.0f * (NCOLS - 1);
const int k0 = static_cast<int>(fk);
const int k1 = (k0 + 1) % NCOLS;
const float f = fk - k0;
Vec3b pix;
for (int b = 0; b < 3; b++)
const float col0 = colorWheel[k0][b] / 255.0f;
const float col1 = colorWheel[k1][b] / 255.0f;
float col = (1 - f) * col0 + f * col1;
if (rad <= 1)
col = 1 - rad * (1 - col); // increase saturation with radius
col *= .75; // out of range
pix[2 - b] = static_cast<uchar>(255.0 * col);
return pix;
static void drawOpticalFlow(const Mat_<float>& flowx, const Mat_<float>& flowy, Mat& dst, float maxmotion = -1)
dst.create(flowx.size(), CV_8UC3);
// determine motion range:
float maxrad = maxmotion;
if (maxmotion <= 0)
maxrad = 1;
for (int y = 0; y < flowx.rows; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < flowx.cols; ++x)
Point2f u(flowx(y, x), flowy(y, x));
if (!isFlowCorrect(u))
maxrad = max(maxrad, sqrt(u.x * u.x + u.y * u.y));
for (int y = 0; y < flowx.rows; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < flowx.cols; ++x)
Point2f u(flowx(y, x), flowy(y, x));
if (isFlowCorrect(u))<Vec3b>(y, x) = computeColor(u.x / maxrad, u.y / maxrad);
static void showFlow(const char* name, const GpuMat& d_flow)
GpuMat planes[2];
cuda::split(d_flow, planes);
Mat flowx(planes[0]);
Mat flowy(planes[1]);
Mat out;
drawOpticalFlow(flowx, flowy, out, 10);
imshow(name, out);
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
string filename1, filename2;
if (argc < 3)
cerr << "Usage : " << argv[0] << " <frame0> <frame1>" << endl;
filename1 = "../data/basketball1.png";
filename2 = "../data/basketball2.png";
filename1 = argv[1];
filename2 = argv[2];
Mat frame0 = imread(filename1, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
Mat frame1 = imread(filename2, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
if (frame0.empty())
cerr << "Can't open image [" << filename1 << "]" << endl;
return -1;
if (frame1.empty())
cerr << "Can't open image [" << filename2 << "]" << endl;
return -1;
if (frame1.size() != frame0.size())
cerr << "Images should be of equal sizes" << endl;
return -1;
GpuMat d_frame0(frame0);
GpuMat d_frame1(frame1);
GpuMat d_flow(frame0.size(), CV_32FC2), d_flowxy;
Ptr<cuda::BroxOpticalFlow> brox = cuda::BroxOpticalFlow::create(0.197f, 50.0f, 0.8f, 10, 77, 10);
Ptr<cuda::DensePyrLKOpticalFlow> lk = cuda::DensePyrLKOpticalFlow::create(Size(7, 7));
Ptr<cuda::FarnebackOpticalFlow> farn = cuda::FarnebackOpticalFlow::create();
Ptr<cuda::OpticalFlowDual_TVL1> tvl1 = cuda::OpticalFlowDual_TVL1::create();
Ptr<cuda::NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0> nvof = cuda::NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::create(
frame0.size().width, frame0.size().height, NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::NVIDIA_OF_PERF_LEVEL::NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_FAST);
GpuMat d_frame0f;
GpuMat d_frame1f;
d_frame0.convertTo(d_frame0f, CV_32F, 1.0 / 255.0);
d_frame1.convertTo(d_frame1f, CV_32F, 1.0 / 255.0);
const int64 start = getTickCount();
brox->calc(d_frame0f, d_frame1f, d_flow);
const double timeSec = (getTickCount() - start) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "Brox : " << timeSec << " sec" << endl;
showFlow("Brox", d_flow);
const int64 start = getTickCount();
lk->calc(d_frame0, d_frame1, d_flow);
const double timeSec = (getTickCount() - start) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "LK : " << timeSec << " sec" << endl;
showFlow("LK", d_flow);
const int64 start = getTickCount();
farn->calc(d_frame0, d_frame1, d_flow);
const double timeSec = (getTickCount() - start) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "Farn : " << timeSec << " sec" << endl;
showFlow("Farn", d_flow);
const int64 start = getTickCount();
tvl1->calc(d_frame0, d_frame1, d_flow);
const double timeSec = (getTickCount() - start) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "TVL1 : " << timeSec << " sec" << endl;
showFlow("TVL1", d_flow);
//The timing displayed below includes the time taken to copy the input buffers to the OF CUDA input buffers
//and to copy the output buffers from the OF CUDA output buffer to the output buffer.
//Hence it is expected to be more than what is displayed in the NVIDIA Optical Flow SDK documentation.
const int64 start = getTickCount();
nvof->calc(d_frame0, d_frame1, d_flowxy);
const double timeSec = (getTickCount() - start) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "NVIDIAOpticalFlow : " << timeSec << " sec" << endl;
nvof->upSampler(d_flowxy, frame0.size().width, frame0.size().height,
nvof->getGridSize(), d_flow);
showFlow("NVIDIAOpticalFlow", d_flow);
imshow("Frame 0", frame0);
imshow("Frame 1", frame1);
return 0;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -409,6 +409,106 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(CUDA_OptFlow, OpticalFlowDual_TVL1, testing::Combine(
testing::Values(Gamma(0.0), Gamma(1.0))));
// NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0
struct NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0 : testing::TestWithParam<cv::cuda::DeviceInfo>
cv::cuda::DeviceInfo devInfo;
virtual void SetUp()
devInfo = GetParam();
CUDA_TEST_P(NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0, Regression)
cv::Mat frame0 = readImage("opticalflow/frame0.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cv::Mat frame1 = readImage("opticalflow/frame1.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
const int width = frame0.size().width;
const int height = frame0.size().height;
const bool enableTemporalHints = false;
const bool enableExternalHints = false;
const bool enableCostBuffer = false;
const int gpuid = 0;
cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0> d_nvof;
d_nvof = cv::cuda::NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::create(width, height,
enableTemporalHints, enableExternalHints, enableCostBuffer, gpuid);
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
if (e.code == Error::StsBadFunc || e.code == Error::StsBadArg || e.code == Error::StsNullPtr)
throw SkipTestException("Current configuration is not supported");
const int gridSize = d_nvof->getGridSize();
Mat flow, upsampledFlow;
d_nvof->calc(loadMat(frame0), loadMat(frame1), flow);
d_nvof->upSampler(flow, width, height, gridSize, upsampledFlow);
std::string fname(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path());
fname += "opticalflow/nvofGolden.flo";
cv::Mat golden = cv::readOpticalFlow(fname.c_str());
EXPECT_MAT_SIMILAR(golden, upsampledFlow, 1e-10);
CUDA_TEST_P(NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0, OpticalFlowNan)
cv::Mat frame0 = readImage("opticalflow/rubberwhale1.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cv::Mat frame1 = readImage("opticalflow/rubberwhale2.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
cv::Mat r_frame0, r_frame1;
const int width = frame0.size().width;
const int height = frame0.size().height;
const bool enableTemporalHints = false;
const bool enableExternalHints = false;
const bool enableCostBuffer = false;
const int gpuid = 0;
cv::Ptr<cv::cuda::NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0> d_nvof;
d_nvof = cv::cuda::NvidiaOpticalFlow_1_0::create(width, height,
enableTemporalHints, enableExternalHints, enableCostBuffer, gpuid);
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
if (e.code == Error::StsBadFunc || e.code == Error::StsBadArg || e.code == Error::StsNullPtr)
throw SkipTestException("Current configuration is not supported");
Mat flow, flowx, flowy;
d_nvof->calc(loadMat(frame0), loadMat(frame1), flow);
Mat planes[] = { flowx, flowy };
split(flow, planes);
flowx = planes[0]; flowy = planes[1];
}} // namespace
#endif // HAVE_CUDA
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