Commit 63c308a9 authored by Bellaktris's avatar Bellaktris

error fix

parent 0f7df315
......@@ -54,13 +54,15 @@ template<class T, T v> struct int_const { // integral_constant
typedef int_const<bool,true> ttype; // true_type
typedef int_const<bool,false> ftype; // false_type
template<class T, class U> struct same_as : ftype {};
template<class T> struct same_as<T, T> : ttype {}; // is_same
template <class T, class U> struct same_as : ftype {};
template <class T> struct same_as<T, T> : ttype {}; // is_same
template <typename _Tp> struct is_norm2_type :
int_const<bool, _Tp(-1) < _Tp(0) && !same_as<_Tp, char>::value> {};
int_const<bool, !same_as<_Tp, char>::value
&& !same_as<_Tp, uchar>::value
&& !same_as<_Tp, ushort>::value
&& !same_as<_Tp, uint>::value>{};
template <typename _Tp, int cn> static inline typename iftype< is_norm2_type<_Tp>::value, _Tp >::
type norm2(cv::Vec<_Tp, cn> a, cv::Vec<_Tp, cn> b) { return (a - b).dot(a - b); }
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