Commit 61cd2e60 authored by Anh Nguyen's avatar Anh Nguyen

Removed sferes folder and add a script for fetching sferes

parent 72372a78
if [ -d "${path}" ]; then
echo "Please remove the existing [${path}] folder and re-run this script."
exit 1
# Download the version of Caffe that can be used for generating fooling images via EAs.
echo "Downloading Caffe ..."
echo "Extracting into ${path}"
mv ./fooling-master/sferes ./
# Clean up
rm -rf fooling-master
echo "Done."
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This diff is collapsed.
You can access this repo with SSH or with HTTPS.
Sferes2 is a high-performance, lightweight, generic C++ framework for evolutionary computation.
**If you use this software in an academic article, please cite:**
Mouret, J.-B. and Doncieux, S. (2010). SFERESv2: Evolvin' in the Multi-Core World. _Proc. of Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)_ Pages 4079--4086.
The article is available here:
AUTHOR = {Mouret, J.-B. and Doncieux, S.},
TITLE = {{SFERES}v2: Evolvin' in the Multi-Core World},
YEAR = {2010},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)},
PAGES = {4079--4086}
Documentation (including instruction for compilation)
We are in the process of porting the documentation to the github wiki:
Optional modules
- evolvable neural networks:
- khepera-like simulator:
The following choices were made in the initial design:
- use of modern c++ techniques (template-based programming) to employ object-oriented programming without the cost of virtual functions;
- use of Intel TBB to take full advantages of multicore and SMP systems;
- use of boost libraries when it's useful (shared_ptr, serialization, filesystem, test,...);
- use of MPI to distribute the computational cost on clusters;
- a full set of unit tests;
- no configuration file: a fully optimized executable is built for each particular experiment.
Sferes2 is extended via modules and experiments.
Sferes2 work on most Unix systems (in particular, GNU/Linux and OSX). It successfully compiles with gcc, clang and icc.
- Jean-Baptiste Mouret mouret@isir.upmc.frfr: main author and maintainer
- Stephane Doncieux
- Paul (documentation)
- Many members of ISIR (
Academic papers that used Sferes2:
*If you used Sferes2 in an academic paper, please send us an e-mail ( so that we can add it here!*
(you can find a pdf for most of these publications on
### 2014
- Lesaint, F., Sigaud, O., Clark, J. J., Flagel, S. B., & Khamassi, M. (2014). Experimental predictions drawn from a computational model of sign-trackers and goal-trackers. Journal of Physiology-Paris.
- Lesaint, F., Sigaud, O., Flagel, S. B., Robinson, T. E., & Khamassi, M. (2014). Modelling Individual Differences in the Form of Pavlovian Conditioned Approach Responses: A Dual Learning Systems Approach with Factored Representations. PLoS computational biology, 10(2), e1003466.
- Shrouf, F., Ordieres-Meré, J., García-Sánchez, A., & Ortega-Mier, M. (2014). Optimizing the production scheduling of a single machine to minimize total energy consumption costs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 67, 197-207.
- Huizinga, J., Mouret, J. B., & Clune, J. (2014). Evolving Neural Networks That Are Both Modular and Regular: HyperNeat Plus the Connection Cost Technique. In Proceedings of GECCO (pp. 1-8).
- Li, J., Storie, J., & Clune, J. (2014). Encouraging Creative Thinking in Robots Improves Their Ability to Solve Challenging Problems. Proceedings of GECCO (pp 1-8)
- Tarapore, D. and Mouret, J.-B. (2014). Comparing the evolvability of generative encoding schemes.
Artificial Life 14: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, MIT Press, publisher. Pages 1-8.
### 2013
- Koos, S. and Cully, A. and Mouret, J.-B. (2013). Fast Damage Recovery in Robotics with the T-Resilience Algorithm. International Journal of Robotics Research. Vol 32 No 14 Pages 1700-1723.
- Tonelli, P. and Mouret, J.-B. (2013). On the Relationships between Generative Encodings, Regularity, and Learning Abilities when Evolving Plastic Artificial Neural Networks. PLoS One. Vol 8 No 11 Pages e79138
- Clune*, J. and Mouret, J.-B. and Lipson, H. (2013). The evolutionary origins of modularity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Vol 280 (J. Clune and J.-B. Mouret contributed equally to this work) Pages 20122863
- Koos, S. and Mouret, J.-B. and Doncieux, S. (2013). The Transferability Approach: Crossing the Reality Gap in Evolutionary Robotics. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. Vol 17 No 1 Pages 122 - 145
- Doncieux, S. and Mouret, J.B. (2013). Behavioral Diversity with Multiple Behavioral Distances. Proc. of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2013 (CEC 2013). Pages 1-8
- Cully, A. and Mouret, J.-B. (2013). Behavioral Repertoire Learning in Robotics. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO). Pages 175-182.
- Doncieux, S. (2013). Transfer Learning for Direct Policy Search: A Reward Shaping Approach. Proceedings of ICDL-EpiRob conference. Pages 1-6.
### 2012
- Mouret, J.-B. and Doncieux, S. (2012). Encouraging Behavioral Diversity in Evolutionary Robotics: an Empirical Study. Evolutionary Computation. Vol 20 No 1 Pages 91-133.
- Ollion, Charles and Doncieux, Stéphane (2012). Towards Behavioral Consistency in Neuroevolution. From Animals to Animats: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Adaptive Behaviour (SAB 2012), Springer, publisher. Pages 1-10.
- Ollion, C. and Pinville, T. and Doncieux, S. (2012). With a little help from selection pressures: evolution of memory in robot controllers. Proc. Alife XIII. Pages 1-8.
### 2011
- Rubrecht, S. and Singla, E. and Padois, V. and Bidaud, P. and de Broissia, M. (2011). Evolutionary design of a robotic manipulator for a highly constrained environment. Studies in Computational Intelligence, New Horizons in Evolutionary Robotics, Springer, publisher. Vol 341 Pages 109-121.
- Doncieux, S. and Hamdaoui, M. (2011). Evolutionary Algorithms to Analyse and Design a Controller for a Flapping Wings Aircraft. New Horizons in Evolutionary Robotics Extended Contributions from the 2009 EvoDeRob Workshop, Springer, publisher. Pages 67--83.
- Mouret, J.-B. (2011). Novelty-based Multiobjectivization. New Horizons in Evolutionary Robotics: Extended Contributions from the 2009 EvoDeRob Workshop, Springer, publisher. Pages 139--154.
- Pinville, T. and Koos, S. and Mouret, J-B. and Doncieux, S. (2011). How to Promote Generalisation in Evolutionary Robotics: the ProGAb Approach. GECCO'11: Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation ACM, publisher . Pages 259--266.
- Koos, S. and Mouret, J-B. (2011). Online Discovery of Locomotion Modes for Wheel-Legged Hybrid Robots: a Transferability-based Approach. Proceedings of CLAWAR, World Scientific Publishing Co., publisher. Pages 70-77.
- Tonelli, P. and Mouret, J.-B. (2011). On the Relationships between Synaptic Plasticity and Generative Systems. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. Pages 1531--1538. (Best paper of the Generative and Developmental Systems (GDS) track).
- Terekhov, A.V. and Mouret, J.-B. and Grand, C. (2011). Stochastic optimization of a chain sliding mode controller for the mobile robot maneuvering. Proceedings of IEEE / IROS Int. Conf. on Robots and Intelligents Systems. Pages 4360 - 4365
### 2010
- Mouret, J.-B. and Doncieux, S. and Girard, B. (2010). Importing the Computational Neuroscience Toolbox into Neuro-Evolution---Application to Basal Ganglia. GECCO'10: Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation ACM, publisher . Pages 587--594.
- Koos, S. and Mouret, J.-B. and Doncieux, S. (2010). Crossing the Reality Gap in Evolutionary Robotics by Promoting Transferable Controllers. GECCO'10: Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation ACM, publisher . Pages 119--126.
- Doncieux, S. and Mouret, J.-B. (2010). Behavioral diversity measures for Evolutionary Robotics. WCCI 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). Pages 1303--1310.
- Terekhov, A.V. and Mouret, J.-B. and Grand, C. (2010). Stochastic optimization of a neural network-based controller for aggressive maneuvers on loose surfaces. Proceedings of IEEE / IROS Int. Conf. on Robots and Intelligents Systems. Pages 4782 - 4787
- Terekhov, A.V and Mouret, J.-B. and Grand, C (2010). Stochastic multi-objective optimization for aggressive maneuver trajectory planning on loose surface.
Proceedings of IFAC: the 7th Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles. Pages 1-6
- Liénard, J. and Guillot, A. and Girard, B. (2010). Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms to Investigate Neurocomputational Issues : The Case Study of Basal Ganglia Models. From animals to animats 11, Springer, publisher. Vol 6226 Pages 597--606
### 2009
- Koos, S. and Mouret, J.-B. and Doncieux, S. (2009). Automatic system identification based on coevolution of models and tests. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2009 (CEC 2009). Pages 560--567
- Mouret, J.-B. and Doncieux, S. (2009). Evolving modular neural-networks through exaptation. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2009 (CEC 2009). Pages 1570--1577. (Best student paper award)
- Mouret, J.-B. and Doncieux, S. (2009). Overcoming the bootstrap problem in evolutionary robotics using behavioral diversity. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2009 (CEC 2009). Pages 1161 - 1168
- Mouret, J.-B. and Doncieux, S. (2009). Using Behavioral Exploration Objectives to Solve Deceptive Problems in Neuro-evolution. GECCO'09: Proceedings of the 11th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation , ACM, publisher. Pages 627--634.
home=$(echo ~)
# Remove the build folder
rm -rf ./build
echo "Build folder removed."
# Check the building folder, either on local or Moran
if [ "$home" == "/home/anh" ]
echo "Configuring sferes for local.."
echo "..."
./waf clean
./waf distclean
#./waf configure --boost-include=/home/anh/src/sferes/include --boost-lib=/home/anh/src/sferes/lib --eigen3=/home/anh/src/sferes/include --mpi=/home/anh/openmpi
./waf configure --boost-include=/home/anh/src/sferes/include --boost-lib=/home/anh/src/sferes/lib --eigen3=/home/anh/src/sferes/include
if [ "$home" == "/home/anguyen8" ]
echo "Configuring sferes for Moran.."
echo "..."
./waf clean
./waf distclean
# ./waf configure --boost-include=/project/RIISVis/anguyen8/sferes/include/ --boost-libs=/project/RIISVis/anguyen8/sferes/lib/ --eigen3=/home/anguyen8/local/include --mpi=/apps/OPENMPI/gnu/4.8.2/1.6.5 --tbb=/home/anguyen8/sferes --libs=/home/anguyen8/local/lib
# MPI (No TBB)
./waf configure --boost-include=/project/RIISVis/anguyen8/sferes/include/ --boost-libs=/project/RIISVis/anguyen8/sferes/lib/ --eigen3=/home/anguyen8/local/include --mpi=/apps/OPENMPI/gnu/4.8.2/1.6.5 --libs=/home/anguyen8/local/lib
echo "Unknown environment. Building stopped."
if [ "$quit" -eq "1" ]
echo "Building sferes.."
echo "..."
echo "..."
./waf build
echo "Building exp/images.."
echo "..."
echo "..."
./waf --exp images
#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# JB Mouret - 2009
Quick n dirty eigen3 detection
import os, glob, types
import Options, Configure
def detect_eigen3(conf):
env = conf.env
opt = Options.options
conf.env['LIB_EIGEN3'] = ''
conf.env['EIGEN3_FOUND'] = False
if Options.options.no_eigen3:
return 0
if Options.options.eigen3:
conf.env['CPPPATH_EIGEN3'] = [Options.options.eigen3]
conf.env['LIBPATH_EIGEN3'] = [Options.options.eigen3]
conf.env['CPPPATH_EIGEN3'] = ['/usr/include/eigen3', '/usr/local/include/eigen3', '/usr/include', '/usr/local/include']
conf.env['LIBPATH_EIGEN3'] = ['/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib']
res = Configure.find_file('Eigen/Core', conf.env['CPPPATH_EIGEN3'])
conf.check_message('header','Eigen/Core', (res != '') , res)
if (res == '') :
return 0
conf.env['EIGEN3_FOUND'] = True
return 1
def detect(conf):
return detect_eigen3(conf)
def set_options(opt):
opt.add_option('--eigen3', type='string', help='path to eigen3', dest='eigen3')
opt.add_option('--no-eigen3', type='string', help='disable eigen3', dest='no_eigen3')
#include <iostream>
#include <sferes/phen/parameters.hpp>
#include <sferes/gen/evo_float.hpp>
#include <sferes/ea/rank_simple.hpp>
#include <sferes/eval/eval.hpp>
#include <sferes/stat/best_fit.hpp>
#include <sferes/stat/mean_fit.hpp>
#include <sferes/modif/dummy.hpp>
#include <sferes/run.hpp>
using namespace sferes;
using namespace sferes::gen::evo_float;
struct Params
struct evo_float
// we choose the polynomial mutation type
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
// we choose the polynomial cross-over type
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
// the mutation rate of the real-valued vector
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
// the cross rate of the real-valued vector
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.5f;
// a parameter of the polynomial mutation
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
// a parameter of the polynomial cross-over
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 10.0f;
struct pop
// size of the population
SFERES_CONST unsigned size = 200;
// number of generations
SFERES_CONST unsigned nb_gen = 2000;
// how often should the result file be written (here, each 5
// generation)
SFERES_CONST int dump_period = 5;
// how many individuals should be created during the random
// generation process?
SFERES_CONST int initial_aleat = 1;
// used by RankSimple to select the pressure
SFERES_CONST float coeff = 1.1f;
// the number of individuals that are kept from on generation to
// another (elitism)
SFERES_CONST float keep_rate = 0.6f;
struct parameters
// maximum value of parameters
SFERES_CONST float min = -10.0f;
// minimum value
SFERES_CONST float max = 10.0f;
SFERES_FITNESS(FitTest, sferes::fit::Fitness)
// indiv will have the type defined in the main (phen_t)
template<typename Indiv>
void eval(const Indiv& ind)
float v = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ind.size(); ++i)
float p =;
v += p * p * p * p;
this->_value = -v;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Our fitness is the class FitTest (see above), that we will call
// fit_t. Params is the set of parameters (struct Params) defined in
// this file.
typedef FitTest<Params> fit_t;
// We define the genotype. Here we choose EvoFloat (real
// numbers). We evolve 10 real numbers, with the params defined in
// Params (cf the beginning of this file)
typedef gen::EvoFloat<10, Params> gen_t;
// This genotype should be simply transformed into a vector of
// parameters (phen::Parameters). The genotype could also have been
// transformed into a shape, a neural network... The phenotype need
// to know which fitness to use; we pass fit_t.
typedef phen::Parameters<gen_t, fit_t, Params> phen_t;
// The evaluator is in charge of distributing the evaluation of the
// population. It can be simple eval::Eval (nothing special),
// parallel (for multicore machines, eval::Parallel) or distributed
// (for clusters, eval::Mpi).
typedef eval::Eval<Params> eval_t;
// Statistics gather data about the evolutionary process (mean
// fitness, Pareto front, ...). Since they can also stores the best
// individuals, they are the container of our results. We can add as
// many statistics as required thanks to the boost::fusion::vector.
typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::BestFit<phen_t, Params>, stat::MeanFit<Params> > stat_t;
// Modifiers are functors that are run once all individuals have
// been evalutated. Their typical use is to add some evolutionary
// pressures towards diversity (e.g. fitness sharing). Here we don't
// use this feature. As a consequence we use a "dummy" modifier that
// does nothing.
typedef modif::Dummy<> modifier_t;
// We can finally put everything together. RankSimple is the
// evolutianary algorithm. It is parametrized by the phenotype, the
// evaluator, the statistics list, the modifier and the general params.
typedef ea::RankSimple<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
// We now have a special class for our experiment: ea_t. The next
// line instantiate an object of this class
ea_t ea;
// we can now process the comannd line options an run the
// evolutionary algorithm (if a --load argument is passed, the file
// is loaded; otherwise, the algorithm is launched).
run_ea(argc, argv, ea);
return 0;
"machines" :
"localhost" : 3,
"fortaleza" : 2
"nb_runs": 3,
"exp" : "examples/ex_ea",
"dir" : "res/ex1",
"debug" : 0
\ No newline at end of file
#include <iostream>
#include <sferes/phen/parameters.hpp>
#include <sferes/gen/evo_float.hpp>
#include <sferes/ea/rank_simple.hpp>
#include <sferes/eval/eval.hpp>
#include <sferes/stat/best_fit.hpp>
#include <sferes/stat/mean_fit.hpp>
#include <sferes/modif/dummy.hpp>
#include <sferes/run.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <sferes/eval/mpi.hpp>
using namespace sferes;
using namespace sferes::gen::evo_float;
struct Params
struct evo_float
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 10.0f;
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
struct pop
SFERES_CONST unsigned size = 200;
SFERES_CONST unsigned nb_gen = 40;
SFERES_CONST int dump_period = 5;
SFERES_CONST int initial_aleat = 1;
SFERES_CONST float coeff = 1.1f;
SFERES_CONST float keep_rate = 0.6f;
struct parameters
SFERES_CONST float min = -10.0f;
SFERES_CONST float max = 10.0f;
SFERES_FITNESS(FitTest, sferes::fit::Fitness)
template<typename Indiv>
void eval(const Indiv& ind)
float v = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ind.size(); ++i)
float p =;
v += p * p * p * p;
// slow down to simulate a slow fitness
this->_value = -v;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
dbg::out(dbg::info)<<"running ex_ea ... try --help for options (verbose)"<<std::endl;
std::cout << "To run this example, you need to use mpirun" << std::endl;
std::cout << "mpirun -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/creadapt/lib -np 50 -machinefile machines.pinfo build/debug/examples/ex_ea_mpi" << std::endl;
typedef gen::EvoFloat<10, Params> gen_t;
typedef phen::Parameters<gen_t, FitTest<Params>, Params> phen_t;
typedef eval::Mpi<Params> eval_t;
typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::BestFit<phen_t, Params>, stat::MeanFit<Params> > stat_t;
typedef modif::Dummy<> modifier_t;
typedef ea::RankSimple<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
ea_t ea;
run_ea(argc, argv, ea);
std::cout<<"==> best fitness ="<<ea.stat<0>().best()->fit().value()<<std::endl;
// std::cout<<"==> mean fitness ="<<ea.stat<1>().mean()<<std::endl;
return 0;
#warning MPI is disabled, ex_ea_mpi is not compiled
int main()
std::cerr<<"MPI is disabled"<<std::endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <sferes/phen/parameters.hpp>
#include <sferes/gen/evo_float.hpp>
#include <sferes/ea/eps_moea.hpp>
#include <sferes/eval/eval.hpp>
#include <sferes/stat/pareto_front.hpp>
#include <sferes/modif/dummy.hpp>
#include <sferes/run.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
using namespace sferes;
using namespace sferes::gen::evo_float;
struct Params
struct evo_float
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 10.0f;
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
struct pop
SFERES_CONST unsigned size = 200;
SFERES_CONST int dump_period = 50;
SFERES_ARRAY(float, eps, 0.0075f, 0.0075f);
SFERES_ARRAY(float, min_fit, 0.0f, 0.0f);
SFERES_CONST size_t grain = size / 4;
SFERES_CONST unsigned nb_gen = 2000;
struct parameters
SFERES_CONST float min = 0.0f;
SFERES_CONST float max = 1.0f;
template<typename Indiv>
float _g(const Indiv &ind)
float g = 0.0f;
assert(ind.size() == 30);
for (size_t i = 1; i < 30; ++i)
g +=;
g = 9.0f * g / 29.0f;
g += 1.0f;
return g;
SFERES_FITNESS(FitZDT2, sferes::fit::Fitness)
FitZDT2() {}
template<typename Indiv>
void eval(Indiv& ind)
float f1 =;
float g = _g(ind);
float h = 1.0f - pow((f1 / g), 2.0);
float f2 = g * h;
this->_objs[0] = -f1;
this->_objs[1] = -f2;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::cout<<"running "<<argv[0]<<" ... try --help for options (verbose)"<<std::endl;
typedef gen::EvoFloat<30, Params> gen_t;
typedef phen::Parameters<gen_t, FitZDT2<Params>, Params> phen_t;
typedef eval::Eval<Params> eval_t;
typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::ParetoFront<phen_t, Params> > stat_t;
typedef modif::Dummy<> modifier_t;
typedef ea::EpsMOEA<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
ea_t ea;
run_ea(argc, argv, ea);
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <sferes/phen/parameters.hpp>
#include <sferes/gen/evo_float.hpp>
#include <sferes/ea/nsga2.hpp>
#include <sferes/eval/eval.hpp>
#include <sferes/stat/pareto_front.hpp>
#include <sferes/modif/dummy.hpp>
#include <sferes/run.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
using namespace sferes;
using namespace sferes::gen::evo_float;
struct Params
struct evo_float
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 10.0f;
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
struct pop
SFERES_CONST unsigned size = 300;
SFERES_CONST unsigned nb_gen = 500;
SFERES_CONST int dump_period = 50;
SFERES_CONST int initial_aleat = 1;
struct parameters
SFERES_CONST float min = 0.0f;
SFERES_CONST float max = 1.0f;
template<typename Indiv>
float _g(const Indiv &ind)
float g = 0.0f;
assert(ind.size() == 30);
for (size_t i = 1; i < 30; ++i)
g +=;
g = 9.0f * g / 29.0f;
g += 1.0f;
return g;
SFERES_FITNESS(FitZDT2, sferes::fit::Fitness)
FitZDT2() {}
template<typename Indiv>
void eval(Indiv& ind)
float f1 =;
float g = _g(ind);
float h = 1.0f - pow((f1 / g), 2.0);
float f2 = g * h;
this->_objs[0] = -f1;
this->_objs[1] = -f2;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::cout<<"running "<<argv[0]<<" ... try --help for options (verbose)"<<std::endl;
typedef gen::EvoFloat<30, Params> gen_t;
typedef phen::Parameters<gen_t, FitZDT2<Params>, Params> phen_t;
typedef eval::Eval<Params> eval_t;
typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::ParetoFront<phen_t, Params> > stat_t;
typedef modif::Dummy<> modifier_t;
typedef ea::Nsga2<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
ea_t ea;
run_ea(argc, argv, ea);
return 0;
"email" : "",
"wall_time" : "24:00:00",
"nb_runs": 3,
"bin_dir": "/home/mouret/svn/sferes2/trunk/build/default/examples/",
"res_dir": "/home/mouret/svn/sferes2/trunk/res/",
"exps" : ["ex_ea"]
#! /usr/bin/env python
def build(bld):
return None
# ex_ea
#obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'program')
#obj.source = 'ex_ea.cpp'
#obj.includes = '../' = 'ex_ea'
#obj.uselib_local = 'sferes2'
## ex_ea
#obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'program')
#obj.source = 'ex_ea_mpi.cpp'
#obj.includes = '../' = 'ex_ea_mpi'
#obj.uselib_local = 'sferes2'
## ex_nsga2
#obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'program')
#obj.source = 'ex_nsga2.cpp'
#obj.includes = '../' = 'ex_nsga2'
#obj.uselib_local = 'sferes2'
## ex_eps_moea
#obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'program')
#obj.source = 'ex_eps_moea.cpp'
#obj.includes = '../' = 'ex_eps_moea'
#obj.uselib_local = 'sferes2'
#include <iostream>
#include <sferes/phen/parameters.hpp>
#include <sferes/gen/evo_float.hpp>
#include <sferes/ea/nsga2.hpp>
#include <sferes/eval/eval.hpp>
#include <sferes/stat/pareto_front.hpp>
#include <sferes/modif/dummy.hpp>
#include <sferes/run.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
using namespace sferes;
using namespace sferes::gen::evo_float;
struct Params
struct evo_float
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 10.0f;
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
struct pop
SFERES_CONST unsigned size = 300;
SFERES_CONST unsigned nb_gen = 500;
SFERES_CONST int dump_period = 50;
SFERES_CONST int initial_aleat = 1;
struct parameters
SFERES_CONST float min = 0.0f;
SFERES_CONST float max = 1.0f;
template<typename Indiv>
float _g(const Indiv &ind)
float g = 0.0f;
assert(ind.size() == 30);
for (size_t i = 1; i < 30; ++i)
g +=;
g = 9.0f * g / 29.0f;
g += 1.0f;
return g;
SFERES_FITNESS(FitZDT2, sferes::fit::Fitness)
FitZDT2() {}
template<typename Indiv>
void eval(Indiv& ind)
float f1 =;
float g = _g(ind);
float h = 1.0f - pow((f1 / g), 2.0);
float f2 = g * h;
this->_objs[0] = -f1;
this->_objs[1] = -f2;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::cout<<"running "<<argv[0]<<" ... try --help for options (verbose)"<<std::endl;
typedef gen::EvoFloat<30, Params> gen_t;
typedef phen::Parameters<gen_t, FitZDT2<Params>, Params> phen_t;
typedef eval::Eval<Params> eval_t;
typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::ParetoFront<phen_t, Params> > stat_t;
typedef modif::Dummy<> modifier_t;
typedef ea::Nsga2<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
ea_t ea;
run_ea(argc, argv, ea);
return 0;
#! /usr/bin/env python
def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'program')
obj.source = 'example.cpp'
obj.includes = '. ../../'
obj.uselib_local = 'sferes2'
obj.uselib = '' = 'example'
obj.uselib_local = 'sferes2'
home=$(echo ~)
echo "You are building from: $home"
# Check the building folder, either on local or Moran
if [ "$home" == "/home/anh" ]
echo "Enabled local settings.."
cp ./wscript.local ./wscript
if [ "$home" == "/home/anguyen8" ]
echo "Enabled Moran settings.."
cp ./wscript.moran ./wscript
echo "Unknown environment. Building stopped."
* continue_run.hpp
* Created on: Aug 14, 2014
* Author: joost
#include <boost/fusion/container.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/vector.hpp>
#include <sferes/dbg/dbg.hpp>
#include "global_options.hpp"
#include <exp/images/stat/stat_map_image.hpp>
namespace sferes
namespace cont
template<typename EAType, typename Params>
class Continuator
typedef std::vector<typename EAType::indiv_t> pop_t;
bool enabled()
return options::vm.count("continue");
pop_t getPopulationFromFile(EAType& ea)
return boost::fusion::at_c<Params::cont::getPopIndex>(ea.stat()).getPopulation();
pop_t getPopulationFromFile(EAType& ea, const std::string& path_gen_file)
return boost::fusion::at_c<Params::cont::getPopIndex>(ea.stat()).getPopulation();
void run_with_current_population(EAType& ea, const std::string filename)
// Read the number of generation from gen file. Ex: gen_450
int start = 0;
std::string gen_prefix("gen_");
std::size_t pos = filename.rfind(gen_prefix) + gen_prefix.size();
std::string gen_number = filename.substr(pos);
std::istringstream ss(gen_number);
ss >> start;
dbg::out(dbg::info, "continue") << "File name: " << filename << " number start: " << pos << " gen number: " << gen_number << " result: " << start << std::endl;
// Similar to the run() function in <sferes/ea/ea.hpp>
for (int _gen = start; _gen < Params::pop::nb_gen; ++_gen)
if (_gen % Params::pop::dump_period == 0)
std::cout << "Finished all the runs.\n";
void run_with_current_population(EAType& ea)
const std::string filename = options::vm["continue"].as<std::string>();
run_with_current_population(ea, filename);
#endif /* CONTINUE_RUN_HPP_ */
* global_options.hpp
* Created on: Aug 14, 2014
* Author: Joost Huizinga
* Header file created to allow for custom command-line options to be added to an experiment.
* Requires you to replace run_ea with options::run_ea to works.
* Options can be added by:
* options::add()("option_name","description");
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/xml_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <sferes/eval/parallel.hpp>
//#include <sferes/dbg/dbg.hpp>
namespace sferes
namespace options
boost::program_options::variables_map vm;
template<typename Ea>
static void run_ea ( int argc, char **argv, Ea& ea,
const boost::program_options::options_description& add_opts =
bool init_rand = true )
namespace po = boost::program_options;
std::cout << "sferes2 version: " << VERSION << std::endl;
if (init_rand)
time_t t = time(0) + ::getpid();
std::cout << "seed: " << t << std::endl;
po::options_description desc("Allowed sferes2 options");
desc.add_options()("help,h", "produce help message")("stat,s",
po::value<int>(), "statistic number")("out,o",
po::value<std::string>(), "output file")("number,n", po::value<int>(),
"number in stat")("load,l", po::value<std::string>(),
"load a result file")("verbose,v",
po::value<std::vector<std::string> >()->multitoken(),
"verbose output, available default streams : all, ea, fit, phen, trace");
// po::variables_map vm;
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
if (vm.count("help"))
std::cout << desc << std::endl;
if (vm.count("verbose"))
std::vector < std::string > streams = vm["verbose"].as<
std::vector<std::string> >();
attach_ostream(dbg::warning, std::cout);
attach_ostream(dbg::error, std::cerr);
attach_ostream(dbg::info, std::cout);
bool all = std::find(streams.begin(), streams.end(), "all")
!= streams.end();
bool trace = std::find(streams.begin(), streams.end(), "trace")
!= streams.end();
if (all)
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string& s, streams){
dbg::enable(dbg::all, s.c_str(), true);
dbg::attach_ostream(dbg::info, s.c_str(), std::cout);
if (trace)
dbg::attach_ostream(dbg::tracing, s.c_str(), std::cout);
if (trace)
attach_ostream(dbg::tracing, std::cout);
if (vm.count("load"))
if (!vm.count("out"))
std::cerr << "You must specifiy an out file" << std::endl;
int stat = 0;
int n = 0;
if (vm.count("stat"))
stat = vm["stat"].as<int>();
if (vm.count("number"))
n = vm["number"].as<int>();
std::ofstream ofs(vm["out"].as<std::string>().c_str());
ea.show_stat(stat, ofs, n);
#endif /* GLOBAL_OPTIONS_HPP_ */
#include "settings.h"
#include <sferes/phen/parameters.hpp>
using namespace sferes;
// Parameters required by Caffe separated from those introduced by Sferes
struct ParamsCaffe
struct image
// Size of the square image 256x256
SFERES_CONST int size = 256;
SFERES_CONST int crop_size = 227;
SFERES_CONST bool use_crops = true;
SFERES_CONST bool color = true; // true: color, false: grayscale images
// GPU configurations
SFERES_CONST bool use_gpu = false;
// GPU on Moran can only handle max of 512 images in a batch at a time.
SFERES_CONST int batch = 1;
SFERES_CONST int num_categories = 1000; // ILSVR2012 ImageNet has 1000 categories
static int category_id;
SFERES_CONST bool record_lineage = false; // Flag to save the parent's assigned class
#include "dl_images.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sferes/phen/parameters.hpp>
#include <sferes/gen/evo_float.hpp>
#include <sferes/eval/eval.hpp>
#include "stat/best_fit_map_image.hpp"
#include "stat/stat_map_image.hpp"
#include <sferes/modif/dummy.hpp>
#include <sferes/run.hpp>
// Evolutionary algorithms --------------------------------
#include "fit/fit_map_deep_learning.hpp"
#include <modules/nn2/gen_dnn.hpp>
#include <modules/nn2/gen_hyper_nn.hpp>
#include "phen/phen_color_image.hpp"
#include <glog/logging.h>
// Caffe -------------------------------------------------
#include <modules/map_elite/map_elite.hpp>
#include "eval/mpi_parallel.hpp" // MPI
#include "continue_run/continue_run.hpp" // MPI
using namespace sferes;
using namespace sferes::gen::dnn;
using namespace sferes::gen::evo_float;
struct Params
struct cont
static const int getPopIndex = 0;
struct log
SFERES_CONST bool best_image = false;
struct ea
SFERES_CONST size_t res_x = 1; // 256;
SFERES_CONST size_t res_y = 1000; // 256;
struct dnn
SFERES_CONST size_t nb_inputs = 4;
SFERES_CONST size_t nb_outputs = 3; // Red, Green, Blue
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_add_conn = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_del_conn = 0.3f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_change_conn = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_add_neuron = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_del_neuron = 0.2f;
SFERES_CONST init_t init = ff;
struct evo_float
// we choose the polynomial mutation type
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
// we choose the polynomial cross-over type
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
// the mutation rate of the real-valued vector
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
// the cross rate of the real-valued vector
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.5f;
// a parameter of the polynomial mutation
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
// a parameter of the polynomial cross-over
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 10.0f;
struct pop
//number of initial random points
static const size_t init_size = 400; // 1000
// size of the population
SFERES_CONST unsigned size = 400; //200;
// number of generations
SFERES_CONST unsigned nb_gen = 5001; //10,000;
// how often should the result file be written (here, each 5
// generation)
static int dump_period;// 5;
// how many individuals should be created during the random
// generation process?
SFERES_CONST int initial_aleat = 1;
// used by RankSimple to select the pressure
SFERES_CONST float coeff = 1.1f;
// the number of individuals that are kept from on generation to
// another (elitism)
SFERES_CONST float keep_rate = 0.6f;
struct parameters
// maximum value of parameters
SFERES_CONST float min = -10.0f;
// minimum value
SFERES_CONST float max = 10.0f;
struct cppn
// params of the CPPN
struct sampled
SFERES_ARRAY(float, values, nn::cppn::sine, nn::cppn::sigmoid, nn::cppn::gaussian, nn::cppn::linear);
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.25f;
SFERES_CONST bool ordered = false;
struct evo_float
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 15.0f;
// Specific settings for MNIST database of grayscale
struct image : ParamsCaffe::image
static const std::string model_definition;
static const std::string pretrained_model;
// Initialize the parameter files for Caffe network.
#ifdef LOCAL_RUN
const std::string Params::image::model_definition = "/home/anh/src/model/imagenet_deploy_image_memory_data.prototxt";
const std::string Params::image::pretrained_model = "/home/anh/src/model/caffe_reference_imagenet_model";
const std::string Params::image::model_definition = "/project/EvolvingAI/anguyen8/model/imagenet_deploy_image_memory_data.prototxt";
const std::string Params::image::pretrained_model = "/project/EvolvingAI/anguyen8/model/caffe_reference_imagenet_model";
int Params::pop::dump_period = 1000;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Disable GLOG output from experiment and also Caffe
// Comment out for debugging
// Our fitness is the class FitTest (see above), that we will call
// fit_t. Params is the set of parameters (struct Params) defined in
// this file.
typedef sferes::fit::FitMapDeepLearning<Params> fit_t;
// We define the genotype. Here we choose EvoFloat (real
// numbers). We evolve 10 real numbers, with the params defined in
// Params (cf the beginning of this file)
//typedef gen::EvoFloat<10, Params> gen_t;
typedef phen::Parameters<gen::EvoFloat<1, Params>, fit::FitDummy<>, Params> weight_t;
typedef gen::HyperNn<weight_t, Params> cppn_t;
// This genotype should be simply transformed into a vector of
// parameters (phen::Parameters). The genotype could also have been
// transformed into a shape, a neural network... The phenotype need
// to know which fitness to use; we pass fit_t.
typedef phen::ColorImage<cppn_t, fit_t, Params> phen_t;
// The evaluator is in charge of distributing the evaluation of the
// population. It can be simple eval::Eval (nothing special),
// parallel (for multicore machines, eval::Parallel) or distributed
// (for clusters, eval::Mpi).
// typedef eval::Eval<Params> eval_t;
typedef eval::MpiParallel<Params> eval_t; // TBB
// Statistics gather data about the evolutionary process (mean
// fitness, Pareto front, ...). Since they can also stores the best
// individuals, they are the container of our results. We can add as
// many statistics as required thanks to the boost::fusion::vector.
// typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::BestFit<phen_t, Params>, stat::MeanFit<Params> > stat_t;
typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::MapImage<phen_t, Params>, stat::BestFitMapImage<phen_t, Params> > stat_t;
// Modifiers are functors that are run once all individuals have
// been evalutated. Their typical use is to add some evolutionary
// pressures towards diversity (e.g. fitness sharing). Here we don't
// use this feature. As a consequence we use a "dummy" modifier that
// does nothing.
typedef modif::Dummy<> modifier_t;
// We can finally put everything together. RankSimple is the
// evolutianary algorithm. It is parametrized by the phenotype, the
// evaluator, the statistics list, the modifier and the general params.
// typedef ea::RankSimple<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
typedef ea::MapElite<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
// We now have a special class for our experiment: ea_t. The next
// line instantiate an object of this class
ea_t ea;
// we can now process the command line options an run the
// evolutionary algorithm (if a --load argument is passed, the file
// is loaded; otherwise, the algorithm is launched).
if (argc > 1) // if a number is provided on the command line
int randomSeed = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("randomSeed:%i\n", randomSeed);
srand(randomSeed); //set it as the random seed
boost::program_options::options_description add_opts =
shared_ptr<boost::program_options::option_description> opt (new boost::program_options::option_description(
"continue,t", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(),
"continue from the loaded file starting from the generation provided"
options::run_ea(argc, argv, ea, add_opts, false);
run_ea(argc, argv, ea);
return 0;
#include "dl_images.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sferes/phen/parameters.hpp>
#include "gen/evo_float_image.hpp"
#include <sferes/eval/eval.hpp>
#include "stat/best_fit_map_image.hpp"
#include "stat/stat_map_image.hpp"
#include <sferes/modif/dummy.hpp>
#include <sferes/run.hpp>
// Evolutionary algorithms --------------------------------
#include "fit/fit_map_deep_learning.hpp"
#include <modules/nn2/gen_dnn.hpp>
#include <modules/nn2/phen_dnn.hpp>
#include <modules/nn2/gen_hyper_nn.hpp>
#include "phen/phen_image_direct.hpp"
#include <glog/logging.h>
// Caffe -------------------------------------------------
#include <modules/map_elite/map_elite.hpp>
#include "eval/mpi_parallel.hpp" // MPI
#include "continue_run/continue_run.hpp" // MPI
using namespace sferes;
using namespace sferes::gen::dnn;
using namespace sferes::gen::evo_float_image;
struct Params
struct cont
static const int getPopIndex = 0;
struct log
SFERES_CONST bool best_image = false;
struct ea
SFERES_CONST size_t res_x = 1; // 256;
SFERES_CONST size_t res_y = 1000; // 256;
struct evo_float_image
// we choose the polynomial mutation type
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
// we choose the polynomial cross-over type
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
// the mutation rate of the real-valued vector
static float mutation_rate;
// the cross rate of the real-valued vector
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.5f;
// a parameter of the polynomial mutation
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
// a parameter of the polynomial cross-over
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 10.0f;
struct pop
//number of initial random points
SFERES_CONST size_t init_size = 200; // 1000
// size of the population
SFERES_CONST unsigned size = 200; //200;
// number of generations
SFERES_CONST unsigned nb_gen = 5010; //10,000;
// how often should the result file be written (here, each 5
// generation)
static int dump_period;// 5;
// how many individuals should be created during the random
// generation process?
SFERES_CONST int initial_aleat = 1;
// used by RankSimple to select the pressure
SFERES_CONST float coeff = 1.1f;
// the number of individuals that are kept from on generation to
// another (elitism)
SFERES_CONST float keep_rate = 0.6f;
struct parameters
// maximum value of parameters
SFERES_CONST float min = -10.0f;
// minimum value
SFERES_CONST float max = 10.0f;
// Specific settings for MNIST database of grayscale
struct image : ParamsCaffe::image
static const std::string model_definition;
static const std::string pretrained_model;
// Initialize the parameter files for Caffe network.
#ifdef LOCAL_RUN
const std::string Params::image::model_definition = "/home/anh/src/model/imagenet_deploy_image_memory_data.prototxt";
const std::string Params::image::pretrained_model = "/home/anh/src/model/caffe_reference_imagenet_model";
const std::string Params::image::model_definition = "/project/EvolvingAI/anguyen8/model/imagenet_deploy_image_memory_data.prototxt";
const std::string Params::image::pretrained_model = "/project/EvolvingAI/anguyen8/model/caffe_reference_imagenet_model";
int Params::pop::dump_period = 1000;
float Params::evo_float_image::mutation_rate = 0.1f;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Disable GLOG output from experiment and also Caffe
// Comment out for debugging
// Our fitness is the class FitTest (see above), that we will call
// fit_t. Params is the set of parameters (struct Params) defined in
// this file.
typedef sferes::fit::FitMapDeepLearning<Params> fit_t;
// We define the genotype. Here we choose EvoFloat (real
// numbers). We evolve 10 real numbers, with the params defined in
// Params (cf the beginning of this file)
typedef gen::EvoFloatImage<Params::image::size * Params::image::size * 3, Params> gen_t;
// This genotype should be simply transformed into a vector of
// parameters (phen::Parameters). The genotype could also have been
// transformed into a shape, a neural network... The phenotype need
// to know which fitness to use; we pass fit_t.
typedef phen::ImageDirect<gen_t, fit_t, Params> phen_t;
// The evaluator is in charge of distributing the evaluation of the
// population. It can be simple eval::Eval (nothing special),
// parallel (for multicore machines, eval::Parallel) or distributed
// (for clusters, eval::Mpi).
// typedef eval::Eval<Params> eval_t;
typedef eval::MpiParallel<Params> eval_t; // TBB
// Statistics gather data about the evolutionary process (mean
// fitness, Pareto front, ...). Since they can also stores the best
// individuals, they are the container of our results. We can add as
// many statistics as required thanks to the boost::fusion::vector.
// typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::BestFit<phen_t, Params>, stat::MeanFit<Params> > stat_t;
typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::MapImage<phen_t, Params>, stat::BestFitMapImage<phen_t, Params> > stat_t;
// Modifiers are functors that are run once all individuals have
// been evalutated. Their typical use is to add some evolutionary
// pressures towards diversity (e.g. fitness sharing). Here we don't
// use this feature. As a consequence we use a "dummy" modifier that
// does nothing.
typedef modif::Dummy<> modifier_t;
// We can finally put everything together. RankSimple is the
// evolutianary algorithm. It is parametrized by the phenotype, the
// evaluator, the statistics list, the modifier and the general params.
// typedef ea::RankSimple<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
typedef ea::MapElite<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
// We now have a special class for our experiment: ea_t. The next
// line instantiate an object of this class
ea_t ea;
// we can now process the command line options an run the
// evolutionary algorithm (if a --load argument is passed, the file
// is loaded; otherwise, the algorithm is launched).
if (argc > 1) // if a number is provided on the command line
int randomSeed = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("randomSeed:%i\n", randomSeed);
srand(randomSeed); //set it as the random seed
boost::program_options::options_description add_opts =
shared_ptr<boost::program_options::option_description> opt (new boost::program_options::option_description(
"continue,t", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(),
"continue from the loaded file starting from the generation provided"
options::run_ea(argc, argv, ea, add_opts, false);
run_ea(argc, argv, ea);
return 0;
#include "dl_images.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sferes/phen/parameters.hpp>
#include <sferes/gen/evo_float.hpp>
#include <sferes/eval/eval.hpp>
#include "stat/best_fit_map_image.hpp"
#include "stat/stat_map_image.hpp"
#include <sferes/modif/dummy.hpp>
#include <sferes/run.hpp>
// Evolutionary algorithms --------------------------------
#include "fit/fit_map_deep_learning.hpp"
#include <modules/nn2/gen_dnn.hpp>
#include <modules/nn2/gen_hyper_nn.hpp>
#include "phen/phen_grayscale_image.hpp"
#include <glog/logging.h>
// Caffe -------------------------------------------------
#include <modules/map_elite/map_elite.hpp>
#include "eval/mpi_parallel.hpp" // MPI
#include "continue_run/continue_run.hpp" // MPI
using namespace sferes;
using namespace sferes::gen::dnn;
using namespace sferes::gen::evo_float;
struct Params
struct cont
static const int getPopIndex = 0;
struct log
SFERES_CONST bool best_image = false;
struct ea
SFERES_CONST size_t res_x = 1; // 256;
SFERES_CONST size_t res_y = 10; // 256;
struct dnn
SFERES_CONST size_t nb_inputs = 4;
SFERES_CONST size_t nb_outputs = 1; // Red, Green, Blue
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_add_conn = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_del_conn = 0.3f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_change_conn = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_add_neuron = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_del_neuron = 0.2f;
SFERES_CONST init_t init = ff;
struct evo_float
// we choose the polynomial mutation type
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
// we choose the polynomial cross-over type
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
// the mutation rate of the real-valued vector
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
// the cross rate of the real-valued vector
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.5f;
// a parameter of the polynomial mutation
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
// a parameter of the polynomial cross-over
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 10.0f;
struct pop
//number of initial random points
static const size_t init_size = 200; // 1000
// size of the population
SFERES_CONST unsigned size = 200; //200;
// number of generations
SFERES_CONST unsigned nb_gen = 1001; //10,000;
// how often should the result file be written (here, each 5
// generation)
static int dump_period;// 5;
// how many individuals should be created during the random
// generation process?
SFERES_CONST int initial_aleat = 1;
// used by RankSimple to select the pressure
SFERES_CONST float coeff = 1.1f;
// the number of individuals that are kept from on generation to
// another (elitism)
SFERES_CONST float keep_rate = 0.6f;
struct parameters
// maximum value of parameters
SFERES_CONST float min = -10.0f;
// minimum value
SFERES_CONST float max = 10.0f;
struct cppn
// params of the CPPN
struct sampled
SFERES_ARRAY(float, values, nn::cppn::sine, nn::cppn::sigmoid, nn::cppn::gaussian, nn::cppn::linear);
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.25f;
SFERES_CONST bool ordered = false;
struct evo_float
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 15.0f;
// Specific settings for MNIST database of grayscale
struct image : ParamsCaffe::image
// Size of the square image 256x256
SFERES_CONST int size = 28;
SFERES_CONST bool use_crops = false;
SFERES_CONST bool color = false; // Grayscale
SFERES_CONST int num_categories = 10; // MNIST has 10 categories
static const std::string model_definition;
static const std::string pretrained_model;
SFERES_CONST bool record_lineage = true;
// Initialize the parameter files for Caffe network.
#ifdef LOCAL_RUN
const std::string Params::image::model_definition = "/home/anh/src/model/lenet_image_memory_data.prototxt";
const std::string Params::image::pretrained_model = "/home/anh/src/model/lenet_iter_10000";
const std::string Params::image::model_definition = "/project/EvolvingAI/anguyen8/model/lenet_image_memory_data.prototxt";
const std::string Params::image::pretrained_model = "/project/EvolvingAI/anguyen8/model/lenet_iter_10000";
int Params::pop::dump_period = 100;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Disable GLOG output from experiment and also Caffe
// Comment out for debugging
// Our fitness is the class FitTest (see above), that we will call
// fit_t. Params is the set of parameters (struct Params) defined in
// this file.
typedef sferes::fit::FitMapDeepLearning<Params> fit_t;
// We define the genotype. Here we choose EvoFloat (real
// numbers). We evolve 10 real numbers, with the params defined in
// Params (cf the beginning of this file)
//typedef gen::EvoFloat<10, Params> gen_t;
typedef phen::Parameters<gen::EvoFloat<1, Params>, fit::FitDummy<>, Params> weight_t;
typedef gen::HyperNn<weight_t, Params> cppn_t;
// This genotype should be simply transformed into a vector of
// parameters (phen::Parameters). The genotype could also have been
// transformed into a shape, a neural network... The phenotype need
// to know which fitness to use; we pass fit_t.
typedef phen::GrayscaleImage<cppn_t, fit_t, Params> phen_t;
// The evaluator is in charge of distributing the evaluation of the
// population. It can be simple eval::Eval (nothing special),
// parallel (for multicore machines, eval::Parallel) or distributed
// (for clusters, eval::Mpi).
// typedef eval::Eval<Params> eval_t;
typedef eval::MpiParallel<Params> eval_t; // TBB
// Statistics gather data about the evolutionary process (mean
// fitness, Pareto front, ...). Since they can also stores the best
// individuals, they are the container of our results. We can add as
// many statistics as required thanks to the boost::fusion::vector.
// typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::BestFit<phen_t, Params>, stat::MeanFit<Params> > stat_t;
typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::MapImage<phen_t, Params>, stat::BestFitMapImage<phen_t, Params> > stat_t;
// Modifiers are functors that are run once all individuals have
// been evalutated. Their typical use is to add some evolutionary
// pressures towards diversity (e.g. fitness sharing). Here we don't
// use this feature. As a consequence we use a "dummy" modifier that
// does nothing.
typedef modif::Dummy<> modifier_t;
// We can finally put everything together. RankSimple is the
// evolutianary algorithm. It is parametrized by the phenotype, the
// evaluator, the statistics list, the modifier and the general params.
// typedef ea::RankSimple<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
typedef ea::MapElite<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
// We now have a special class for our experiment: ea_t. The next
// line instantiate an object of this class
ea_t ea;
// we can now process the command line options an run the
// evolutionary algorithm (if a --load argument is passed, the file
// is loaded; otherwise, the algorithm is launched).
if (argc > 1) // if a number is provided on the command line
int randomSeed = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("randomSeed:%i\n", randomSeed);
srand(randomSeed); //set it as the random seed
boost::program_options::options_description add_opts =
shared_ptr<boost::program_options::option_description> opt (new boost::program_options::option_description(
"continue,t", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(),
"continue from the loaded file starting from the generation provided"
options::run_ea(argc, argv, ea, add_opts, false);
run_ea(argc, argv, ea);
return 0;
#include "dl_images.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sferes/phen/parameters.hpp>
#include "gen/evo_float_image.hpp"
#include <sferes/eval/eval.hpp>
#include "stat/best_fit_map_image.hpp"
#include "stat/stat_map_image.hpp"
#include <sferes/modif/dummy.hpp>
#include <sferes/run.hpp>
// Evolutionary algorithms --------------------------------
#include "fit/fit_map_deep_learning.hpp"
#include <modules/nn2/gen_dnn.hpp>
#include <modules/nn2/gen_hyper_nn.hpp>
#include "phen/phen_grayscale_image_direct.hpp"
#include <glog/logging.h>
// Caffe -------------------------------------------------
#include <modules/map_elite/map_elite.hpp>
#include "eval/mpi_parallel.hpp" // MPI
#include "continue_run/continue_run.hpp" // MPI
using namespace sferes;
using namespace sferes::gen::dnn;
using namespace sferes::gen::evo_float_image;
struct Params
struct cont
static const int getPopIndex = 0;
struct log
SFERES_CONST bool best_image = false;
struct ea
SFERES_CONST size_t res_x = 1; // 256;
SFERES_CONST size_t res_y = 10; // 256;
struct evo_float_image
// we choose the polynomial mutation type
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
// we choose the polynomial cross-over type
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
// the mutation rate of the real-valued vector
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
// the cross rate of the real-valued vector
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.5f;
// a parameter of the polynomial mutation
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
// a parameter of the polynomial cross-over
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 10.0f;
struct pop
//number of initial random points
static const size_t init_size = 200; // 1000
// size of the population
SFERES_CONST unsigned size = 200; //200;
// number of generations
SFERES_CONST unsigned nb_gen = 1010; //10,000;
// how often should the result file be written (here, each 5
// generation)
static int dump_period;// 5;
// how many individuals should be created during the random
// generation process?
SFERES_CONST int initial_aleat = 1;
// used by RankSimple to select the pressure
SFERES_CONST float coeff = 1.1f;
// the number of individuals that are kept from on generation to
// another (elitism)
SFERES_CONST float keep_rate = 0.6f;
struct parameters
// maximum value of parameters
SFERES_CONST float min = -10.0f;
// minimum value
SFERES_CONST float max = 10.0f;
// Specific settings for MNIST database of grayscale
struct image : ParamsCaffe::image
// Size of the square image 256x256
SFERES_CONST int size = 28;
SFERES_CONST bool use_crops = false;
SFERES_CONST bool color = false; // Grayscale
SFERES_CONST int num_categories = 10; // MNIST has 10 categories
static const std::string model_definition;
static const std::string pretrained_model;
// Initialize the parameter files for Caffe network.
#ifdef LOCAL_RUN
const std::string Params::image::model_definition = "/home/anh/src/model/lenet_image_memory_data.prototxt";
const std::string Params::image::pretrained_model = "/home/anh/src/model/lenet_iter_10000";
const std::string Params::image::model_definition = "/project/EvolvingAI/anguyen8/model/lenet_image_memory_data.prototxt";
const std::string Params::image::pretrained_model = "/project/EvolvingAI/anguyen8/model/lenet_iter_10000";
int Params::pop::dump_period = 10;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Disable GLOG output from experiment and also Caffe
// Comment out for debugging
// Our fitness is the class FitTest (see above), that we will call
// fit_t. Params is the set of parameters (struct Params) defined in
// this file.
typedef sferes::fit::FitMapDeepLearning<Params> fit_t;
// We define the genotype. Here we choose EvoFloat (real
// numbers). We evolve 10 real numbers, with the params defined in
// Params (cf the beginning of this file)
typedef gen::EvoFloatImage<Params::image::size * Params::image::size, Params> gen_t;
// This genotype should be simply transformed into a vector of
// parameters (phen::Parameters). The genotype could also have been
// transformed into a shape, a neural network... The phenotype need
// to know which fitness to use; we pass fit_t.
typedef phen::GrayscaleImageDirect<gen_t, fit_t, Params> phen_t;
// The evaluator is in charge of distributing the evaluation of the
// population. It can be simple eval::Eval (nothing special),
// parallel (for multicore machines, eval::Parallel) or distributed
// (for clusters, eval::Mpi).
// typedef eval::Eval<Params> eval_t;
typedef eval::MpiParallel<Params> eval_t; // TBB
// Statistics gather data about the evolutionary process (mean
// fitness, Pareto front, ...). Since they can also stores the best
// individuals, they are the container of our results. We can add as
// many statistics as required thanks to the boost::fusion::vector.
// typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::BestFit<phen_t, Params>, stat::MeanFit<Params> > stat_t;
typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::MapImage<phen_t, Params>, stat::BestFitMapImage<phen_t, Params> > stat_t;
// Modifiers are functors that are run once all individuals have
// been evalutated. Their typical use is to add some evolutionary
// pressures towards diversity (e.g. fitness sharing). Here we don't
// use this feature. As a consequence we use a "dummy" modifier that
// does nothing.
typedef modif::Dummy<> modifier_t;
// We can finally put everything together. RankSimple is the
// evolutianary algorithm. It is parametrized by the phenotype, the
// evaluator, the statistics list, the modifier and the general params.
// typedef ea::RankSimple<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
typedef ea::MapElite<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
// We now have a special class for our experiment: ea_t. The next
// line instantiate an object of this class
ea_t ea;
// we can now process the command line options an run the
// evolutionary algorithm (if a --load argument is passed, the file
// is loaded; otherwise, the algorithm is launched).
if (argc > 1) // if a number is provided on the command line
int randomSeed = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("randomSeed:%i\n", randomSeed);
srand(randomSeed); //set it as the random seed
boost::program_options::options_description add_opts =
shared_ptr<boost::program_options::option_description> opt (new boost::program_options::option_description(
"continue,t", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(),
"continue from the loaded file starting from the generation provided"
options::run_ea(argc, argv, ea, add_opts, false);
run_ea(argc, argv, ea);
return 0;
#include "dl_images.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sferes/phen/parameters.hpp>
#include <sferes/gen/evo_float.hpp>
#include <sferes/eval/eval.hpp>
#include "stat/best_fit_map_image.hpp"
#include "stat/stat_map_image.hpp"
#include <sferes/modif/dummy.hpp>
#include <sferes/run.hpp>
// Evolutionary algorithms --------------------------------
#include "fit/fit_map_deep_learning.hpp"
#include <modules/nn2/gen_dnn.hpp>
#include <modules/nn2/gen_hyper_nn.hpp>
#include "phen/phen_color_image.hpp"
#include <glog/logging.h>
// Caffe -------------------------------------------------
#include <modules/map_elite/map_elite.hpp>
#include "eval/mpi_parallel.hpp" // MPI
#include "continue_run/continue_run.hpp" // MPI
using namespace sferes;
using namespace sferes::gen::dnn;
using namespace sferes::gen::evo_float;
struct Params
struct cont
static const int getPopIndex = 0;
struct log
SFERES_CONST bool best_image = false;
struct ea
SFERES_CONST size_t res_x = 1; // 256;
SFERES_CONST size_t res_y = 10; // 256;
struct dnn
SFERES_CONST size_t nb_inputs = 4;
SFERES_CONST size_t nb_outputs = 3; // Red, Green, Blue
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_add_conn = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_del_conn = 0.3f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_change_conn = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_add_neuron = 0.5f;
SFERES_CONST float m_rate_del_neuron = 0.2f;
SFERES_CONST init_t init = ff;
struct evo_float
// we choose the polynomial mutation type
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
// we choose the polynomial cross-over type
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
// the mutation rate of the real-valued vector
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
// the cross rate of the real-valued vector
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.5f;
// a parameter of the polynomial mutation
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
// a parameter of the polynomial cross-over
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 10.0f;
struct pop
//number of initial random points
static const size_t init_size = 10; // 1000
// size of the population
SFERES_CONST unsigned size = 10; //200;
// number of generations
SFERES_CONST unsigned nb_gen = 10; //10,000;
// how often should the result file be written (here, each 5
// generation)
static int dump_period;// 5;
// how many individuals should be created during the random
// generation process?
SFERES_CONST int initial_aleat = 1;
// used by RankSimple to select the pressure
SFERES_CONST float coeff = 1.1f;
// the number of individuals that are kept from on generation to
// another (elitism)
SFERES_CONST float keep_rate = 0.6f;
struct parameters
// maximum value of parameters
SFERES_CONST float min = -10.0f;
// minimum value
SFERES_CONST float max = 10.0f;
struct cppn
// params of the CPPN
struct sampled
SFERES_ARRAY(float, values, nn::cppn::sine, nn::cppn::sigmoid, nn::cppn::gaussian, nn::cppn::linear);
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.25f;
SFERES_CONST bool ordered = false;
struct evo_float
SFERES_CONST float mutation_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST float cross_rate = 0.1f;
SFERES_CONST mutation_t mutation_type = polynomial;
SFERES_CONST cross_over_t cross_over_type = sbx;
SFERES_CONST float eta_m = 15.0f;
SFERES_CONST float eta_c = 15.0f;
// Specific settings for MNIST database of grayscale
struct image : ParamsCaffe::image
static const std::string model_definition;
static const std::string pretrained_model;
SFERES_CONST bool record_lineage = false;
SFERES_CONST int size = 28;
SFERES_CONST bool use_crops = false;
SFERES_CONST int num_categories = 10; // ILSVR2012 ImageNet has 1000 categories
// Initialize the parameter files for Caffe network.
#ifdef LOCAL_RUN
const std::string Params::image::model_definition = "/home/anh/src/model/imagenet_deploy_memory_data.prototxt";
const std::string Params::image::pretrained_model = "/home/anh/src/model/caffe_reference_imagenet_model";
const std::string Params::image::model_definition = "/project/EvolvingAI/anguyen8/model/imagenet_deploy_image_memory_data.prototxt";
const std::string Params::image::pretrained_model = "/project/EvolvingAI/anguyen8/model/caffe_reference_imagenet_model";
int Params::pop::dump_period = 1;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Disable GLOG output from experiment and also Caffe
// Comment out for debugging
// Our fitness is the class FitTest (see above), that we will call
// fit_t. Params is the set of parameters (struct Params) defined in
// this file.
typedef sferes::fit::FitMapDeepLearning<Params> fit_t;
// We define the genotype. Here we choose EvoFloat (real
// numbers). We evolve 10 real numbers, with the params defined in
// Params (cf the beginning of this file)
//typedef gen::EvoFloat<10, Params> gen_t;
typedef phen::Parameters<gen::EvoFloat<1, Params>, fit::FitDummy<>, Params> weight_t;
typedef gen::HyperNn<weight_t, Params> cppn_t;
// This genotype should be simply transformed into a vector of
// parameters (phen::Parameters). The genotype could also have been
// transformed into a shape, a neural network... The phenotype need
// to know which fitness to use; we pass fit_t.
typedef phen::ColorImage<cppn_t, fit_t, Params> phen_t;
// The evaluator is in charge of distributing the evaluation of the
// population. It can be simple eval::Eval (nothing special),
// parallel (for multicore machines, eval::Parallel) or distributed
// (for clusters, eval::Mpi).
// typedef eval::Eval<Params> eval_t;
typedef eval::MpiParallel<Params> eval_t; // TBB
// Statistics gather data about the evolutionary process (mean
// fitness, Pareto front, ...). Since they can also stores the best
// individuals, they are the container of our results. We can add as
// many statistics as required thanks to the boost::fusion::vector.
// typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::BestFit<phen_t, Params>, stat::MeanFit<Params> > stat_t;
typedef boost::fusion::vector<stat::MapImage<phen_t, Params>, stat::BestFitMapImage<phen_t, Params> > stat_t;
// Modifiers are functors that are run once all individuals have
// been evalutated. Their typical use is to add some evolutionary
// pressures towards diversity (e.g. fitness sharing). Here we don't
// use this feature. As a consequence we use a "dummy" modifier that
// does nothing.
typedef modif::Dummy<> modifier_t;
// We can finally put everything together. RankSimple is the
// evolutianary algorithm. It is parametrized by the phenotype, the
// evaluator, the statistics list, the modifier and the general params.
// typedef ea::RankSimple<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
typedef ea::MapElite<phen_t, eval_t, stat_t, modifier_t, Params> ea_t;
// We now have a special class for our experiment: ea_t. The next
// line instantiate an object of this class
ea_t ea;
// we can now process the command line options an run the
// evolutionary algorithm (if a --load argument is passed, the file
// is loaded; otherwise, the algorithm is launched).
if (argc > 1) // if a number is provided on the command line
int randomSeed = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("randomSeed:%i\n", randomSeed);
srand(randomSeed); //set it as the random seed
boost::program_options::options_description add_opts =
shared_ptr<boost::program_options::option_description> opt (new boost::program_options::option_description(
"continue,t", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(),
"continue from the loaded file starting from the generation provided"
options::run_ea(argc, argv, ea, add_opts, false);
run_ea(argc, argv, ea);
return 0;
//| This file is a part of the sferes2 framework.
//| Copyright 2009, ISIR / Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
//| Main contributor(s): Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
//| This software is a computer program whose purpose is to facilitate
//| experiments in evolutionary computation and evolutionary robotics.
//| This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law
//| and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You
//| can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
//| of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the
//| following URL "".
//| As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to
//| copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are
//| provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
//| the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors
//| have only limited liability.
//| In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
//| associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or
//| reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
//| status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to
//| manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for
//| developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
//| knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
//| software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions
//| enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured
//| and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions
//| as regards security.
//| The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
//| had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#ifndef EA_CUSTOM_HPP_
#define EA_CUSTOM_HPP_
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <sferes/ea/ea.hpp>
namespace sferes {
namespace ea {
SFERES_EA(EaCustom, Ea) {
std::string _gen_file_path;
EaCustom () : _gen_file_path("")
void _make_res_dir()
if (Params::pop::dump_period == -1)
// Delete the unused folder by Ea
std::string to_delete = misc::hostname() + "_" + misc::date() + "_" + misc::getpid();
if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(to_delete) && boost::filesystem::is_empty(to_delete))
// Check if such a folder already exists
this->_res_dir = "mmm"; // Only one folder regardless which platform the program is running on
boost::filesystem::path my_path(this->_res_dir);
// Create a new folder if it doesn't exist
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(boost::filesystem::status(my_path)))
// Create a new folder if it does not exist
// Run experiment from that folder
std::vector<std::string> gens;
// The file to find
int max = 0;
// Find a gen file
for(boost::filesystem::directory_entry& entry : boost::make_iterator_range(boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(my_path), {}))
// Find out if '/gen_' exists in the filename
std::string e = entry.path().string();
std::string prefix = this->_res_dir + "/gen_";
size_t found = e.find(prefix);
if (found != std::string::npos)
// Extract out the generation number
std::string number = std::string(e).replace(found, prefix.length(), "");
// Remove double quotes
// number = boost::replace_all_copy(number, "\"", "");.string()
int gen = boost::lexical_cast<int>(number);
if (gen > max)
max = gen;
_gen_file_path = e;
} // end if
} // end for-loop
// Start run from that gen file
// _continue_run = boost::filesystem::current_path().string() + "/" + _continue_run;
std::cout << "[A]: " << _gen_file_path << "\n";
//| This file is a part of the sferes2 framework.
//| Copyright 2009, ISIR / Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
//| Main contributor(s): Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
//| This software is a computer program whose purpose is to facilitate
//| experiments in evolutionary computation and evolutionary robotics.
//| This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law
//| and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You
//| can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
//| of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the
//| following URL "".
//| As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to
//| copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are
//| provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
//| the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors
//| have only limited liability.
//| In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
//| associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or
//| reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
//| status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to
//| manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for
//| developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
//| knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
//| software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions
//| enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured
//| and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions
//| as regards security.
//| The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
//| had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <sferes/stc.hpp>
#include "ea_custom.hpp"
#include <sferes/fit/fitness.hpp>
#include <exp/images/continue_run/continue_run.hpp>
namespace sferes {
namespace ea {
SFERES_EA(RankSimple, EaCustom) {
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Phen> indiv_t;
typedef std::vector<indiv_t> raw_pop_t;
typedef typename std::vector<indiv_t> pop_t;
typedef RankSimple<Phen, Eval, Stat, FitModifier, Params, Exact> this_t;
SFERES_CONST unsigned nb_keep = (unsigned)(Params::pop::keep_rate * Params::pop::size);
void random_pop()
sferes::cont::Continuator<this_t, Params> continuator;
// Continuing a run manually from command line or continuing a run automatically if the job was pre-empted
bool continue_run = continuator.enabled() || this->_gen_file_path != "";
// Load the population file
raw_pop_t raw_pop;
if (this->_gen_file_path == "")
raw_pop = continuator.getPopulationFromFile(*this);
raw_pop = continuator.getPopulationFromFile(*this, this->_gen_file_path);
// Get the number of population to continue with
const size_t init_size = raw_pop.size();
// Resize the current population archive
// Add loaded individuals to the new population
int i = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::shared_ptr<Phen>&indiv, this->_pop)
indiv = boost::shared_ptr<Phen>(new Phen(*raw_pop[i]));
// Original Map-Elites code
// Intialize a random population
this->_pop.resize(Params::pop::size * Params::pop::initial_aleat);
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::shared_ptr<Phen>& indiv, this->_pop)
indiv = boost::shared_ptr<Phen>(new Phen());
// Evaluate the initialized population
this->_eval.eval(this->_pop, 0, this->_pop.size());
std::partial_sort(this->_pop.begin(), this->_pop.begin() + Params::pop::size,
this->_pop.end(), fit::compare());
// Continue a run from a specific generation
if (this->_gen_file_path == "")
continuator.run_with_current_population(*this, this->_gen_file_path);
void setGen(size_t gen)
this->_gen = gen;
void epoch()
for (unsigned i = nb_keep; i < this->_pop.size(); i += 2) {
unsigned r1 = _random_rank();
unsigned r2 = _random_rank();
boost::shared_ptr<Phen> i1, i2;
this->_pop[r1]->cross(this->_pop[r2], i1, i2);
this->_pop[i] = i1;
this->_pop[i + 1] = i2;
#ifndef EA_EVAL_ALL
this->_eval.eval(this->_pop, nb_keep, Params::pop::size);
this->_eval.eval(this->_pop, 0, Params::pop::size);
std::partial_sort(this->_pop.begin(), this->_pop.begin() + nb_keep,
this->_pop.end(), fit::compare());
dbg::out(dbg::info, "ea")<<"best fitness: " << this->_pop[0]->fit().value() << std::endl;
unsigned _random_rank() {
static float kappa = pow(Params::pop::coeff, nb_keep + 1.0f) - 1.0f;
static float facteur = nb_keep / ::log(kappa + 1);
return (unsigned) (this->_pop.size() - facteur * log(misc::rand<float>(1) * kappa + 1));
//| This file is a part of the sferes2 framework.
//| Copyright 2009, ISIR / Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
//| Main contributor(s): Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
//| This software is a computer program whose purpose is to facilitate
//| experiments in evolutionary computation and evolutionary robotics.
//| This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law
//| and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You
//| can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
//| of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the
//| following URL "".
//| As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to
//| copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are
//| provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
//| the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors
//| have only limited liability.
//| In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
//| associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or
//| reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
//| status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to
//| manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for
//| developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
//| knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
//| software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions
//| enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured
//| and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions
//| as regards security.
//| The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
//| had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#include <sferes/parallel.hpp>
#include <boost/mpi.hpp>
#include "tbb_parallel_eval.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
//#error MPI need arguments (we require a full MPI2 implementation)
#define MPI_INFO dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"["<<_world->rank()<<"] "
namespace sferes {
namespace eval {
SFERES_CLASS(BatchMpiTBBParallel) {
static char* argv[] = {(char*)"sferes2", 0x0};
char** argv2 = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*) * 2);
int argc = 1;
argv2[0] = argv[0];
argv2[1] = argv[1];
using namespace boost;
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"Initializing MPI..."<<std::endl;
_env = shared_ptr<mpi::environment>(new mpi::environment(argc, argv2, true));
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"MPI initialized"<<std::endl;
_world = shared_ptr<mpi::communicator>(new mpi::communicator());
MPI_INFO << "communicator initialized"<<std::endl;
// Disable dumping out results for slave processes.
if (_world->rank() > 0)
Params::pop::dump_period = -1;
template<typename Phen>
void eval(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop,
size_t begin, size_t end) {
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
// Develop phenotypes in parallel
// Each MPI process develops one phenotype
if (_world->rank() == 0)
_master_develop(pop, begin, end);
// Make sure the processes have finished developing phenotypes
// Evaluate phenotypes in parallel but in batches of 256.
// Caffe GPU supports max of 512.
// There is no limit for CPU but we try to find out what batch size works best.
if (_world->rank() == 0)
_master_eval(pop, begin, end);
MPI_INFO << "Finalizing MPI..."<<std::endl;
std::string s("bye");
if (_world->rank() == 0)
for (size_t i = 1; i < _world->size(); ++i)
_world->send(i, _env->max_tag(), s);
void _finalize()
_world = boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::communicator>();
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"MPI world destroyed"<<std::endl;
_env = boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::environment>();
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"environment destroyed"<<std::endl;
template<typename Phen>
void _master_develop(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop, size_t begin, size_t end)
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
size_t current = begin;
std::vector<bool> developed(pop.size());
std::fill(developed.begin(), developed.end(), false);
// first round
for (size_t i = 1; i < _world->size() && current < end; ++i) {
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send-init...] ->" <<i<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
_world->send(i, current, pop[current]->gen());
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send-init ok] ->" <<i<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
// send a new indiv each time we received a fitness
while (current < end) {
boost::mpi::status s = _recv(developed, pop);
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send...] ->" <<s.source()<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
_world->send(s.source(), current, pop[current]->gen());
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send ok] ->" <<s.source()<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
bool done = true;
do {
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"joining..."<<std::endl;
done = true;
for (size_t i = begin; i < end; ++i)
if (!developed[i]) {
_recv(developed, pop);
done = false;
} while (!done);
template<typename Phen>
boost::mpi::status _recv(std::vector<bool>& developed,
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop)
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
using namespace boost::mpi;
status s = _world->probe();
MPI_INFO << "[rcv...]" << getpid() << " tag=" << s.tag() << std::endl;
//_world->recv(s.source(), s.tag(), pop[s.tag()]->fit());
// Receive the whole developed phenotype from slave processes
Phen p;
_world->recv(s.source(), s.tag(), p);
// Assign the developed phenotype back to the current population for further evaluation
pop[s.tag()]->image() = p.image();
MPI_INFO << "[rcv ok]" << " tag=" << s.tag() << std::endl;
developed[s.tag()] = true;
return s;
template<typename Phen>
void _slave_develop()
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
while(true) {
Phen p;
boost::mpi::status s = _world->probe();
if (s.tag() == _env->max_tag()) {
MPI_INFO << "[slave] Quit requested" << std::endl;
} else {
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [rcv...] [" << getpid()<< "]" << std::endl;
_world->recv(0, s.tag(), p.gen());
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [rcv ok] " << " tag="<<s.tag()<<std::endl;
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [send...]"<<" tag=" << s.tag()<<std::endl;
//_world->send(0, s.tag(),; // Send only the fitness back to master process
// Send the whole phenotype back to master process
_world->send(0, s.tag(), p);
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [send ok]"<<" tag=" << s.tag()<<std::endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<typename Phen>
void _master_eval(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop, size_t begin, size_t end)
dbg::trace trace("eval", DBG_HERE);
assert(begin < pop.size());
assert(end <= pop.size());
// Number of eval iterations
const size_t count = end - begin;
LOG(INFO) << "Total: " << count << " | Batch: " << Params::image::batch << "\n";
// Evaluate phenotypes in parallel using TBB.
parallel::range_t(begin, end, Params::image::batch),
sferes::eval::parallel_tbb_eval<Phen>(pop, Params::image::model_definition, Params::image::pretrained_model));
// The barrier is implicitly set here after the for-loop in TBB.
boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::environment> _env;
boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::communicator> _world;
//| This file is a part of the sferes2 framework.
//| Copyright 2009, ISIR / Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
//| Main contributor(s): Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
//| This software is a computer program whose purpose is to facilitate
//| experiments in evolutionary computation and evolutionary robotics.
//| This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law
//| and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You
//| can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
//| of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the
//| following URL "".
//| As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to
//| copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are
//| provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
//| the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors
//| have only limited liability.
//| In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
//| associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or
//| reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
//| status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to
//| manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for
//| developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
//| knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
//| software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions
//| enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured
//| and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions
//| as regards security.
//| The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
//| had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#include <sferes/parallel.hpp>
#include <boost/mpi.hpp>
#include "tbb_parallel_eval.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
//#error MPI need arguments (we require a full MPI2 implementation)
#define MPI_INFO dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"["<<_world->rank()<<"] "
namespace sferes {
namespace eval {
SFERES_CLASS(BatchMpiParallel) {
static char* argv[] = {(char*)"sferes2", 0x0};
char** argv2 = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*) * 2);
int argc = 1;
argv2[0] = argv[0];
argv2[1] = argv[1];
using namespace boost;
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"Initializing MPI..."<<std::endl;
_env = shared_ptr<mpi::environment>(new mpi::environment(argc, argv2, true));
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"MPI initialized"<<std::endl;
_world = shared_ptr<mpi::communicator>(new mpi::communicator());
MPI_INFO << "communicator initialized"<<std::endl;
// Disable dumping out results for slave processes.
if (_world->rank() > 0)
Params::pop::dump_period = -1;
template<typename Phen>
void eval(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop,
size_t begin, size_t end) {
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
// Develop phenotypes in parallel
// Each MPI process develops one phenotype
if (_world->rank() == 0)
_master_develop(pop, begin, end);
// Make sure the processes have finished developing phenotypes
// Evaluate phenotypes in parallel but in batches of 256.
// Caffe GPU supports max of 512.
// There is no limit for CPU but we try to find out what batch size works best.
if (_world->rank() == 0)
_master_eval(pop, begin, end);
MPI_INFO << "Finalizing MPI..."<<std::endl;
std::string s("bye");
if (_world->rank() == 0)
for (size_t i = 1; i < _world->size(); ++i)
_world->send(i, _env->max_tag(), s);
void _finalize()
_world = boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::communicator>();
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"MPI world destroyed"<<std::endl;
_env = boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::environment>();
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"environment destroyed"<<std::endl;
template<typename Phen>
void _master_develop(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop, size_t begin, size_t end)
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
size_t current = begin;
std::vector<bool> developed(pop.size());
std::fill(developed.begin(), developed.end(), false);
// first round
for (size_t i = 1; i < _world->size() && current < end; ++i) {
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send-init...] ->" <<i<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
_world->send(i, current, pop[current]->gen());
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send-init ok] ->" <<i<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
// send a new indiv each time we received a fitness
while (current < end) {
boost::mpi::status s = _recv(developed, pop);
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send...] ->" <<s.source()<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
_world->send(s.source(), current, pop[current]->gen());
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send ok] ->" <<s.source()<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
bool done = true;
do {
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"joining..."<<std::endl;
done = true;
for (size_t i = begin; i < end; ++i)
if (!developed[i]) {
_recv(developed, pop);
done = false;
} while (!done);
template<typename Phen>
boost::mpi::status _recv(std::vector<bool>& developed,
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop)
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
using namespace boost::mpi;
status s = _world->probe();
MPI_INFO << "[rcv...]" << getpid() << " tag=" << s.tag() << std::endl;
//_world->recv(s.source(), s.tag(), pop[s.tag()]->fit());
// Receive the whole developed phenotype from slave processes
Phen p;
_world->recv(s.source(), s.tag(), p);
// Assign the developed phenotype back to the current population for further evaluation
pop[s.tag()]->image() = p.image();
MPI_INFO << "[rcv ok]" << " tag=" << s.tag() << std::endl;
developed[s.tag()] = true;
return s;
template<typename Phen>
void _slave_develop()
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
while(true) {
Phen p;
boost::mpi::status s = _world->probe();
if (s.tag() == _env->max_tag()) {
MPI_INFO << "[slave] Quit requested" << std::endl;
} else {
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [rcv...] [" << getpid()<< "]" << std::endl;
_world->recv(0, s.tag(), p.gen());
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [rcv ok] " << " tag="<<s.tag()<<std::endl;
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [send...]"<<" tag=" << s.tag()<<std::endl;
//_world->send(0, s.tag(),; // Send only the fitness back to master process
// Send the whole phenotype back to master process
_world->send(0, s.tag(), p);
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [send ok]"<<" tag=" << s.tag()<<std::endl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<typename Phen>
void _master_eval(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop, size_t begin, size_t end)
dbg::trace trace("eval", DBG_HERE);
assert(begin < pop.size());
assert(end <= pop.size());
// Number of eval iterations
const size_t count = end - begin;
LOG(INFO) << "Total: " << count << " | Batch: " << Params::image::batch << "\n";
// Evaluate phenotypes in parallel using TBB.
parallel::range_t(begin, end, Params::image::batch),
sferes::eval::parallel_tbb_eval<Phen>(pop, Params::image::model_definition, Params::image::pretrained_model));
// The barrier is implicitly set here after the for-loop in TBB.
boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::environment> _env;
boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::communicator> _world;
//| This file is a part of the sferes2 framework.
//| Copyright 2009, ISIR / Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
//| Main contributor(s): Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
//| This software is a computer program whose purpose is to facilitate
//| experiments in evolutionary computation and evolutionary robotics.
//| This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law
//| and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You
//| can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
//| of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the
//| following URL "".
//| As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to
//| copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are
//| provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
//| the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors
//| have only limited liability.
//| In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
//| associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or
//| reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
//| status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to
//| manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for
//| developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
//| knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
//| software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions
//| enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured
//| and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions
//| as regards security.
//| The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
//| had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#include <sferes/parallel.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
namespace sferes {
namespace caffe
* Using a shared_ptr to hold a pointer to a statically allocated object.
struct null_deleter
void operator()(void const *) const
class CaffeFactory
static bool initialized;
static Net<float>* _net_1;
static Net<float>* _net_2;
static int _status;
static shared_ptr<Net<float> > getCaffe(const std::string model_definition, const std::string pretrained_model)
if (!initialized)
// Initialize Caffe net 1
_net_1 = new Net<float>(model_definition);
// Get the trained model
// Initialize Caffe net 2
_net_2 = new Net<float>(model_definition);
// Get the trained model
initialized = true;
if (_status == 1)
_status = 2;
shared_ptr<Net<float> > c(_net_1, null_deleter());
return c;
_status = 1;
shared_ptr<Net<float> > c(_net_2, null_deleter());
return c;
initialized = false;
_status = 1;
namespace eval {
* Develop phenotypes in parallel using TBB.
template<typename Phen>
struct _parallel_develop {
typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> > pop_t;
pop_t _pop;
~_parallel_develop() { }
_parallel_develop(pop_t& pop) : _pop(pop) {}
_parallel_develop(const _parallel_develop& ev) : _pop(ev._pop) {}
void operator() (const parallel::range_t& r) const {
for (size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
assert(i < _pop.size());
* Develop phenotypes in parallel using TBB.
template<typename Phen>
struct _parallel_cuda_eval {
typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> > pop_t;
pop_t _pop;
~_parallel_cuda_eval() { }
_parallel_cuda_eval(pop_t& pop) : _pop(pop) {}
_parallel_cuda_eval(const _parallel_cuda_eval& ev) : _pop(ev._pop) {}
void operator() (const parallel::range_t& r) const
size_t begin = r.begin();
size_t end = r.end();
LOG(INFO) << "Begin: " << begin << " --> " << end << "\n";
dbg::trace trace("eval_cuda", DBG_HERE);
assert(begin < _pop.size());
assert(end <= _pop.size());
// Algorithm works as follow:
// Send the individuals to Caffe first
// Get back a list of results
// Assign the results to individuals
// Construct a list of images to be in the batch
std::vector<cv::Mat> images(0);
for (size_t i = begin; i < end; ++i)
cv::Mat output;
images.push_back( output ); // Add to a list of images
// Initialize Caffe net
shared_ptr<Net<float> > caffe_test_net = sferes::caffe::CaffeFactory::getCaffe(
// shared_ptr<Net<float> > caffe_test_net =
// boost::shared_ptr<Net<float> >(new Net<float>(Params::image::model_definition));
// // Get the trained model
// caffe_test_net->CopyTrainedLayersFrom(Params::image::pretrained_model);
// Run ForwardPrefilled
float loss; // const vector<Blob<float>*>& result = caffe_test_net.ForwardPrefilled(&loss);
// Number of eval iterations
const size_t num_images = end - begin;
// Add images and labels manually to the ImageDataLayer
// vector<cv::Mat> images(num_images, image);
vector<int> labels(num_images, 0);
const shared_ptr<ImageDataLayer<float> > image_data_layer =
boost::static_pointer_cast<ImageDataLayer<float> >(
image_data_layer->AddImagesAndLabels(images, labels);
// Classify this batch of 512 images
const vector<Blob<float>*>& result = caffe_test_net->ForwardPrefilled(&loss);
// Get the highest layer of Softmax
const float* argmaxs = result[1]->cpu_data();
// Get back a list of results
LOG(INFO) << "Number of results: " << result[1]->num() << "\n";
// Assign the results to individuals
for(int i = 0; i < num_images * 2; i += 2)
LOG(INFO)<< " Image: "<< i/2 + 1 << " class:" << argmaxs[i] << " : " << argmaxs[i+1] << "\n";
int pop_index = begin + i/2; // Index of individual in the batch
// Set the fitness of this individual
_pop[pop_index]->fit().setFitness((float) argmaxs[i+1]);
// For Map-Elite, set the cell description
_pop[pop_index]->fit().set_desc(0, argmaxs[i]);
template<typename Phen>
void eval(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop, size_t begin, size_t end)
dbg::trace trace("eval", DBG_HERE);
assert(begin < pop.size());
assert(end <= pop.size());
// Develop phenotypes in parallel using TBB.
// The barrier is implicitly set here after the for-loop in TBB.
// We have only 2 GPUs per node
//tbb::task_scheduler_init init1(4);
parallel::p_for(parallel::range_t(begin, end),
// Number of eval iterations
const size_t count = end - begin;
LOG(INFO) << "Size: " << count << " vs " << Params::image::batch << "\n";
// Load balancing
// We have only 2 GPUs per node
//tbb::task_scheduler_init init2(2);
parallel::range_t(begin, end, Params::image::batch),
bool sferes::caffe::CaffeFactory::initialized;
int sferes::caffe::CaffeFactory::_status;
Net<float>* sferes::caffe::CaffeFactory::_net_1;
Net<float>* sferes::caffe::CaffeFactory::_net_2;
//| This file is a part of the sferes2 framework.
//| Copyright 2009, ISIR / Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
//| Main contributor(s): Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
//| This software is a computer program whose purpose is to facilitate
//| experiments in evolutionary computation and evolutionary robotics.
//| This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law
//| and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You
//| can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
//| of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the
//| following URL "".
//| As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to
//| copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are
//| provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
//| the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors
//| have only limited liability.
//| In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
//| associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or
//| reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
//| status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to
//| manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for
//| developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
//| knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
//| software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions
//| enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured
//| and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions
//| as regards security.
//| The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
//| had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#include <sferes/parallel.hpp>
#include <boost/mpi.hpp>
//#error MPI need arguments (we require a full MPI2 implementation)
#define MPI_INFO dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"["<<_world->rank()<<"] "
namespace sferes {
namespace eval {
SFERES_CLASS(MpiParallel) {
MpiParallel() {
static char* argv[] = {(char*)"sferes2", 0x0};
char** argv2 = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*) * 2);
int argc = 1;
argv2[0] = argv[0];
argv2[1] = argv[1];
using namespace boost;
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"Initializing MPI..."<<std::endl;
_env = shared_ptr<mpi::environment>(new mpi::environment(argc, argv2, true));
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"MPI initialized"<<std::endl;
_world = shared_ptr<mpi::communicator>(new mpi::communicator());
MPI_INFO << "communicator initialized"<<std::endl;
// Disable dumping out results for slave processes.
if (_world->rank() > 0)
Params::pop::dump_period = -1;
template<typename Phen>
void eval(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop,
size_t begin, size_t end) {
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
if (_world->rank() == 0)
_master_loop(pop, begin, end);
MPI_INFO << "Finalizing MPI..."<<std::endl;
std::string s("bye");
if (_world->rank() == 0)
for (size_t i = 1; i < _world->size(); ++i)
_world->send(i, _env->max_tag(), s);
void _finalize()
_world = boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::communicator>();
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"MPI world destroyed"<<std::endl;
_env = boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::environment>();
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"environment destroyed"<<std::endl;
template<typename Phen>
void _master_loop(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop, size_t begin, size_t end)
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
size_t current = begin;
std::vector<bool> evaluated(pop.size());
std::fill(evaluated.begin(), evaluated.end(), false);
// first round
for (size_t i = 1; i < _world->size() && current < end; ++i) {
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send-init...] ->" <<i<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
_world->send(i, current, pop[current]->gen());
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send-init ok] ->" <<i<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
// send a new indiv each time we received a fitness
while (current < end) {
boost::mpi::status s = _recv(evaluated, pop);
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send...] ->" <<s.source()<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
_world->send(s.source(), current, pop[current]->gen());
MPI_INFO << "[master] [send ok] ->" <<s.source()<<" [indiv="<<current<<"]"<<std::endl;
bool done = true;
do {
dbg::out(dbg::info, "mpi")<<"joining..."<<std::endl;
done = true;
for (size_t i = begin; i < end; ++i)
if (!evaluated[i]) {
_recv(evaluated, pop);
done = false;
} while (!done);
template<typename Phen>
boost::mpi::status _recv(std::vector<bool>& evaluated,
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop)
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
using namespace boost::mpi;
status s = _world->probe();
MPI_INFO << "[rcv...]" << getpid() << " tag=" << s.tag() << std::endl;
//_world->recv(s.source(), s.tag(), pop[s.tag()]->fit());
// Receive the whole developed phenotype from slave processes
Phen p;
_world->recv(s.source(), s.tag(), p);
// Assign the developed data back to the current population for further evaluation
pop[s.tag()]->fit() =;
pop[s.tag()]->image() = p.image();
MPI_INFO << "[rcv ok]" << " tag=" << s.tag() << std::endl;
evaluated[s.tag()] = true;
return s;
template<typename Phen>
void _slave_loop()
dbg::trace("mpi", DBG_HERE);
while(true) {
Phen p;
boost::mpi::status s = _world->probe();
if (s.tag() == _env->max_tag()) {
MPI_INFO << "[slave] Quit requested" << std::endl;
} else {
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [rcv...] [" << getpid()<< "]" << std::endl;
_world->recv(0, s.tag(), p.gen());
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [rcv ok] " << " tag="<<s.tag()<<std::endl;
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [send...]"<<" tag=" << s.tag()<<std::endl;
//_world->send(0, s.tag(),; // Send only the fitness back to master process
// Send the whole phenotype back to master process
_world->send(0, s.tag(), p);
MPI_INFO <<"[slave] [send ok]"<<" tag=" << s.tag()<<std::endl;
boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::environment> _env;
boost::shared_ptr<boost::mpi::communicator> _world;
//| This file is a part of the sferes2 framework.
//| Copyright 2009, ISIR / Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
//| Main contributor(s): Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
//| This software is a computer program whose purpose is to facilitate
//| experiments in evolutionary computation and evolutionary robotics.
//| This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law
//| and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You
//| can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
//| of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the
//| following URL "".
//| As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to
//| copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are
//| provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
//| the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors
//| have only limited liability.
//| In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
//| associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or
//| reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
//| status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to
//| manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for
//| developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
//| knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
//| software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions
//| enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured
//| and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions
//| as regards security.
//| The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
//| had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#include <sferes/parallel.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "tbb_parallel_develop.hpp"
#include "tbb_parallel_eval.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
namespace sferes {
namespace eval {
template<typename Phen>
void eval(std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> >& pop, size_t begin, size_t end)
dbg::trace trace("eval", DBG_HERE);
assert(begin < pop.size());
assert(end <= pop.size());
// Develop phenotypes in parallel using TBB.
// The barrier is implicitly set here after the for-loop in TBB.
parallel::p_for(parallel::range_t(begin, end),
// Number of eval iterations
const size_t count = end - begin;
LOG(INFO) << "Size: " << count << " vs " << Params::image::batch << "\n";
// Evaluate phenotypes in parallel using TBB.
parallel::range_t(begin, end, Params::image::batch),
sferes::eval::parallel_tbb_eval<Phen>(pop, Params::image::model_definition, Params::image::pretrained_model));
//| This file is a part of the sferes2 framework.
//| Copyright 2009, ISIR / Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
//| Main contributor(s): Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
//| This software is a computer program whose purpose is to facilitate
//| experiments in evolutionary computation and evolutionary robotics.
//| This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law
//| and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You
//| can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
//| of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the
//| following URL "".
//| As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to
//| copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are
//| provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
//| the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors
//| have only limited liability.
//| In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
//| associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or
//| reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
//| status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to
//| manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for
//| developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
//| knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
//| software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions
//| enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured
//| and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions
//| as regards security.
//| The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
//| had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#include <sferes/parallel.hpp>
namespace sferes {
namespace eval {
* Develop phenotypes in parallel using TBB.
template<typename Phen>
struct parallel_develop {
typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> > pop_t;
pop_t _pop;
~parallel_develop() { }
parallel_develop(pop_t& pop) : _pop(pop) {}
parallel_develop(const parallel_develop& ev) : _pop(ev._pop) {}
void operator() (const parallel::range_t& r) const {
for (size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) {
assert(i < _pop.size());
//| This file is a part of the sferes2 framework.
//| Copyright 2009, ISIR / Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
//| Main contributor(s): Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
//| This software is a computer program whose purpose is to facilitate
//| experiments in evolutionary computation and evolutionary robotics.
//| This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law
//| and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You
//| can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
//| of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the
//| following URL "".
//| As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to
//| copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are
//| provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
//| the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors
//| have only limited liability.
//| In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
//| associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or
//| reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
//| status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to
//| manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for
//| developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
//| knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
//| software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions
//| enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured
//| and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions
//| as regards security.
//| The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
//| had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#include <sferes/parallel.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "tbb_parallel_develop.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
namespace sferes {
namespace eval {
* Develop phenotypes in parallel using TBB.
template<typename Phen>
struct parallel_tbb_eval {
typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Phen> > pop_t;
pop_t _pop;
std::string _model_definition;
std::string _pretrained_model;
~parallel_tbb_eval() { }
parallel_tbb_eval(pop_t& pop, const std::string model_definition, const std::string pretrained_model) :
parallel_tbb_eval(const parallel_tbb_eval& ev) :
void operator() (const parallel::range_t& r) const
size_t begin = r.begin();
size_t end = r.end();
LOG(INFO) << "Begin: " << begin << " --> " << end << "\n";
dbg::trace trace("eval_cuda", DBG_HERE);
assert(begin < _pop.size());
assert(end <= _pop.size());
// Algorithm works as follow:
// Send the individuals to Caffe first
// Get back a list of results
// Assign the results to individuals
// Construct a list of images to be in the batch
std::vector<cv::Mat> images(0);
for (size_t i = begin; i < end; ++i)
cv::Mat output;
images.push_back( output ); // Add to a list of images
// Initialize Caffe net
shared_ptr<Net<float> > caffe_test_net =
boost::shared_ptr<Net<float> >(new Net<float>(_model_definition));
// Get the trained model
// Run ForwardPrefilled
float loss; // const vector<Blob<float>*>& result = caffe_test_net.ForwardPrefilled(&loss);
// Number of eval iterations
const size_t num_images = end - begin;
// Add images and labels manually to the ImageDataLayer
// vector<cv::Mat> images(num_images, image);
vector<int> labels(num_images, 0);
const shared_ptr<ImageDataLayer<float> > image_data_layer =
boost::static_pointer_cast<ImageDataLayer<float> >(
image_data_layer->AddImagesAndLabels(images, labels);
// Classify this batch of 512 images
const vector<Blob<float>*>& result = caffe_test_net->ForwardPrefilled(&loss);
// Get the highest layer of Softmax
const float* argmaxs = result[1]->cpu_data();
// Get back a list of results
LOG(INFO) << "Number of results: " << result[1]->num() << "\n";
// Assign the results to individuals
for(int i = 0; i < num_images * 2; i += 2)
LOG(INFO)<< " Image: "<< i/2 + 1 << " class:" << argmaxs[i] << " : " << argmaxs[i+1] << "\n";
int pop_index = begin + i/2; // Index of individual in the batch
// Set the fitness of this individual
_pop[pop_index]->fit().setFitness((float) argmaxs[i+1]);
// For Map-Elite, set the cell description
_pop[pop_index]->fit().set_desc(0, argmaxs[i]);
//| This file is a part of the sferes2 framework.
//| Copyright 2009, ISIR / Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
//| Main contributor(s): Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
//| This software is a computer program whose purpose is to facilitate
//| experiments in evolutionary computation and evolutionary robotics.
//| This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law
//| and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You
//| can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
//| of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the
//| following URL "".
//| As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to
//| copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are
//| provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
//| the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors
//| have only limited liability.
//| In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
//| associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or
//| reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
//| status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to
//| manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for
//| developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
//| knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
//| software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions
//| enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured
//| and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions
//| as regards security.
//| The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
//| had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#include <sferes/fit/fitness.hpp>
// Caffe -------------------------------------------------
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <caffe/caffe.hpp>
#include <caffe/vision_layers.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
// Caffe -------------------------------------------------
using namespace caffe;
#define FIT_DEEP_LEARNING(Name) SFERES_FITNESS(Name, sferes::fit::Fitness)
namespace sferes
namespace fit
SFERES_FITNESS(FitDeepLearning, sferes::fit::Fitness)
* Crop an image based on the coordinates and the size of the crop.
static cv::Mat crop(const cv::Mat& image,
const size_t x, const size_t y, const size_t width, const size_t height, const size_t offset, const bool flip = false)
// Setup a rectangle to define your region of interest
// int x, int y, int width, int height
cv::Rect myROI(x, y, width, height); // top-left
// Crop the full image to that image contained by the rectangle myROI
// Note that this doesn't copy the data
cv::Mat croppedImage = image(myROI);
// Create a background image of size 256x256
cv::Mat background (Params::image::size, Params::image::size, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255));
// Because we are using crop size of 227x227 which is odd, when the image size is even 256x256
// This adjustment helps aligning the crop.
int left = offset/2;
if (flip)
// Because Caffe requires 256x256 images, we paste the crop back to a dummy background.
croppedImage.copyTo(background(cv::Rect(left, offset/2, width, height)));
return background;
* Create ten crops (4 corners, 1 center, and x2 for mirrors).
* Following Alex 2012 paper.
* The 10 crops are added back to the list.
static void _createTenCrops(const cv::Mat& image, vector<cv::Mat>& list)
// Offset
const int crop_size = Params::image::crop_size;
const int offset = Params::image::size - crop_size;
// 1. Top-left
cv::Mat cropped = crop(image, 0, 0, crop_size, crop_size, offset);
// Add a crop to list
cv::Mat flipped;
cv::flip(crop(image, 0, 0, crop_size, crop_size, offset, true), flipped, 1);
// Add a flipped crop to list
// 2. Top-Right
cv::Mat cropped = crop(image, offset, 0, crop_size, crop_size, offset);
// Add a crop to list
cv::Mat flipped;
cv::flip(crop(image, offset, 0, crop_size, crop_size, offset, true), flipped, 1);
// Add a flipped crop to list
// 3. Bottom-left
cv::Mat cropped = crop(image, 0, offset, crop_size, crop_size, offset);
// Add a crop to list
cv::Mat flipped;
cv::flip(crop(image, 0, offset, crop_size, crop_size, offset, true), flipped, 1);
// Add a flipped crop to list
// 4. Bottom-right
cv::Mat cropped = crop(image, offset, offset, crop_size, crop_size, offset);
// Add a crop to list
cv::Mat flipped;
cv::flip(crop(image, offset, offset, crop_size, crop_size, offset, true), flipped, 1);
// Add a flipped crop to list
// 5. Center and its mirror
cv::Mat cropped = crop(image, offset/2, offset/2, crop_size, crop_size, offset);
// Add a crop to list
cv::Mat flipped;
cv::flip(crop(image, offset/2, offset/2, crop_size, crop_size, offset, true), flipped, 1);
// Add a flipped crop to list
* Evaluate the given image to see its probability in the given category.
float _getProbability(const cv::Mat& image, const int category)
this->initCaffeNet(); //Initialize caffe
// Initialize test network
shared_ptr<Net<float> > caffe_test_net = shared_ptr<Net<float> >( new Net<float>(Params::image::model_definition));
// Get the trained model
// Run ForwardPrefilled
float loss;
// Add images and labels manually to the ImageDataLayer
vector<int> labels(10, 0);
vector<cv::Mat> images;
// Add images to the list
if (Params::image::use_crops)
// Ten crops have been stored in the vector
_createTenCrops(image, images);
// Classify images
const shared_ptr<ImageDataLayer<float> > image_data_layer =
boost::static_pointer_cast<ImageDataLayer<float> >(
image_data_layer->AddImagesAndLabels(images, labels);
const vector<Blob<float>*>& result = caffe_test_net->ForwardPrefilled(&loss);
// Get the highest layer of Softmax
const float* softmax = result[1]->cpu_data();
// If use 10 crops, we have to average the predictions of 10 crops
if (Params::image::use_crops)
vector<double> values;
// Average the predictions of evaluating 10 crops
for(int i = 0; i < Params::image::num_categories; ++i)
boost::accumulators::accumulator_set<double, boost::accumulators::stats<boost::accumulators::tag::mean> > avg;
for(int j = 0; j < 10 * Params::image::num_categories; j += Params::image::num_categories)
avg(softmax[i + j]);
double mean = boost::accumulators::mean(avg);
return values[category];
// If use only 1 crop
return softmax[category];
// Indiv will have the type defined in the main (phen_t)
template<typename Indiv>
void eval(const Indiv& ind)
// Convert image to BGR before evaluating
cv::Mat output;
// Convert HLS into BGR because imwrite uses BGR color space
cv::cvtColor(ind.image(), output, CV_HLS2BGR);
// Evolve images to be categorized as a soccer ball
this->_value = _getProbability(output, Params::image::category_id);
// Indiv will have the type defined in the main (phen_t)
void setFitness(float value)
this->_value = value;
void initCaffeNet()
// Set test phase
if (Params::image::use_gpu)
// Set GPU mode
// Set CPU mode
//| This file is a part of the sferes2 framework.
//| Copyright 2009, ISIR / Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
//| Main contributor(s): Jean-Baptiste Mouret,
//| This software is a computer program whose purpose is to facilitate
//| experiments in evolutionary computation and evolutionary robotics.
//| This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law
//| and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You
//| can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
//| of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the
//| following URL "".
//| As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to
//| copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are
//| provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
//| the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors
//| have only limited liability.
//| In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
//| associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or
//| reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
//| status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to
//| manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for
//| developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer
//| knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the
//| software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions
//| enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured
//| and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions
//| as regards security.
//| The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
//| had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
#include "fit_deep_learning.hpp"
#include <modules/map_elite/fit_map.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/accumulators.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/stats.hpp>
// Headers specifics to the computations we need
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/mean.hpp>
#include <boost/accumulators/statistics/max.hpp>
#define FIT_MAP_DEEP_LEARNING(Name) SFERES_FITNESS(Name, sferes::fit::FitDeepLearning)
namespace sferes
namespace fit
SFERES_FITNESS(FitMapDeepLearning, sferes::fit::FitDeepLearning)
struct ArgMax
unsigned int category;
float probability;
ArgMax getMaxProbability(const cv::Mat& image)
this->initCaffeNet(); //Initialize caffe
// Initialize test network
shared_ptr<Net<float> > caffe_test_net = shared_ptr<Net<float> >( new Net<float>(Params::image::model_definition));
// Get the trained model
// Run ForwardPrefilled
float loss; // const vector<Blob<float>*>& result = caffe_test_net.ForwardPrefilled(&loss);
// Add images and labels manually to the ImageDataLayer
vector<cv::Mat> images(1, image);
vector<int> labels(1, 0);
const shared_ptr<ImageDataLayer<float> > image_data_layer =
boost::static_pointer_cast<ImageDataLayer<float> >(
image_data_layer->AddImagesAndLabels(images, labels);
vector<Blob<float>* > dummy_bottom_vec;
const vector<Blob<float>*>& result = caffe_test_net->Forward(dummy_bottom_vec, &loss);
// Get the highest layer of Softmax
const float* argmax = result[1]->cpu_data();
ArgMax m;
m.category = (int) argmax[0]; // Category
m.probability = (float) argmax[1]; // Probability
return m;
void _setProbabilityList(const cv::Mat& image)
this->initCaffeNet(); //Initialize caffe
// Initialize test network
shared_ptr<Net<float> > caffe_test_net = shared_ptr<Net<float> >( new Net<float>(Params::image::model_definition));
// Get the trained model
// Run ForwardPrefilled
float loss;
// Add images and labels manually to the ImageDataLayer
vector<int> labels(10, 0);
vector<cv::Mat> images;
// Add images to the list
if (Params::image::use_crops)
// Ten crops have been stored in the vector
this->_createTenCrops(image, images);
// Classify images
const shared_ptr<ImageDataLayer<float> > image_data_layer =
boost::static_pointer_cast<ImageDataLayer<float> >(
image_data_layer->AddImagesAndLabels(images, labels);
const vector<Blob<float>*>& result = caffe_test_net->ForwardPrefilled(&loss);
// Get the highest layer of Softmax
const float* softmax = result[1]->cpu_data();
vector<double> values;
boost::accumulators::accumulator_set<double, boost::accumulators::stats<boost::accumulators::tag::max> > max;
// Clear the probability in case it is called twice
// If use 10 crops, we have to average the predictions of 10 crops
if (Params::image::use_crops)
// Average the predictions of evaluating 10 crops
for(int i = 0; i < Params::image::num_categories; ++i)
boost::accumulators::accumulator_set<double, boost::accumulators::stats<boost::accumulators::tag::mean> > avg;
for(int j = 0; j < 10 * Params::image::num_categories; j += Params::image::num_categories)
avg(softmax[i + j]);
double mean = boost::accumulators::mean(avg);
// Push 1000 probabilities in the list
max(mean); // Add this mean to a list for computing the max later
for(int i = 0; i < Params::image::num_categories; ++i)
float v = softmax[i];
// Push 1000 probabilities in the list
max(v); // Add this mean to a list for computing the max later
float max_prob = boost::accumulators::max(max);
// Set the fitness
this->_value = max_prob;
FitMapDeepLearning() : _prob(Params::image::num_categories) { }
const std::vector<float>& desc() const { return _prob; }
// Indiv will have the type defined in the main (phen_t)
template<typename Indiv>
void eval(const Indiv& ind)
if (Params::image::color)
// Convert image to BGR before evaluating
cv::Mat output;
// Convert HLS into BGR because imwrite uses BGR color space
cv::cvtColor(ind.image(), output, CV_HLS2BGR);
// Create an empty list to store get 1000 probabilities
else // Grayscale
// Create an empty list to store get 1000 probabilities
float value(int category) const
assert(category < _prob.size());
return _prob[category];
float value() const
return this->_value;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) {
sferes::fit::Fitness<Params, typename stc::FindExact<FitMapDeepLearning<Params, Exact>, Exact>::ret>::serialize(ar, version);
std::vector<float> _prob; // List of probabilities
/home/anh/workspace/sferes/exp/images/imagenet/hen_256.png 1
\ No newline at end of file
* settings.h
* Created on: Jul 16, 2014
* Author: anh
#ifndef SETTINGS_H_
#define SETTINGS_H_
//#define LOCAL_RUN
//#define NB_THREADS 16
#endif /* SETTINGS_H_ */
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