Commit 5efd1e2f authored by Lizeth Huertas's avatar Lizeth Huertas Committed by Alexander Alekhin

shift corner positions to the correct rotation

backport commit 13f76375
parent e70a4c42
......@@ -210,6 +210,22 @@ static void _reorderCandidatesCorners(vector< vector< Point2f > > &candidates) {
* @brief to make sure that the corner's order of both candidates (default/white) is the same
static vector< Point2f > alignContourOrder( Point2f corner, vector< Point2f > candidate){
uint8_t r=0;
double min = cv::norm( Vec2f( corner - candidate[0] ), NORM_L2SQR);
for(uint8_t pos=1; pos < 4; pos++) {
double nDiff = cv::norm( Vec2f( corner - candidate[pos] ), NORM_L2SQR);
if(nDiff < min){
r = pos;
min =nDiff;
std::rotate(candidate.begin(), candidate.begin() + r, candidate.end());
return candidate;
* @brief Check candidates that are too close to each other, save the potential candidates
......@@ -315,7 +331,7 @@ static void _filterTooCloseCandidates(const vector< vector< Point2f > > &candida
if( detectInvertedMarker ){
smallerCandidates.push_back(alignContourOrder(candidatesIn[biggerIdx][0], candidatesIn[smallerIdx]));
......@@ -550,7 +566,7 @@ static int _getBorderErrors(const Mat &bits, int markerSize, int borderSize) {
static uint8_t _identifyOneCandidate(const Ptr<Dictionary>& dictionary, InputArray _image,
vector<Point2f>& _corners, int& idx,
const Ptr<DetectorParameters>& params)
const Ptr<DetectorParameters>& params, int& rotation)
CV_Assert(_corners.size() == 4);
CV_Assert(_image.getMat().total() != 0);
......@@ -590,14 +606,9 @@ static uint8_t _identifyOneCandidate(const Ptr<Dictionary>& dictionary, InputArr
.colRange(params->markerBorderBits, candidateBits.rows - params->markerBorderBits);
// try to indentify the marker
int rotation;
if(!dictionary->identify(onlyBits, idx, rotation, params->errorCorrectionRate))
return 0;
// shift corner positions to the correct rotation
if(rotation != 0) {
std::rotate(_corners.begin(), _corners.begin() + 4 - rotation, _corners.end());
return typ;
......@@ -611,9 +622,10 @@ class IdentifyCandidatesParallel : public ParallelLoopBody {
IdentifyCandidatesParallel(const Mat& _grey, vector< vector< Point2f > >& _candidates,
const Ptr<Dictionary> &_dictionary,
vector< int >& _idsTmp, vector< uint8_t >& _validCandidates,
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &_params)
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &_params,
vector< int > &_rotated)
: grey(_grey), candidates(_candidates), dictionary(_dictionary),
idsTmp(_idsTmp), validCandidates(_validCandidates), params(_params) {}
idsTmp(_idsTmp), validCandidates(_validCandidates), params(_params), rotated(_rotated) {}
void operator()(const Range &range) const CV_OVERRIDE
......@@ -622,7 +634,7 @@ class IdentifyCandidatesParallel : public ParallelLoopBody {
for(int i = begin; i < end; i++) {
int currId;
validCandidates[i] = _identifyOneCandidate(dictionary, grey, candidates[i], currId, params);
validCandidates[i] = _identifyOneCandidate(dictionary, grey, candidates[i], currId, params, rotated[i]);
if(validCandidates[i] > 0)
idsTmp[i] = currId;
......@@ -639,6 +651,7 @@ class IdentifyCandidatesParallel : public ParallelLoopBody {
vector< int > &idsTmp;
vector< uint8_t > &validCandidates;
const Ptr<DetectorParameters> &params;
vector< int > &rotated;
......@@ -676,7 +689,12 @@ static void _copyVector2Output(vector< vector< Point2f > > &vec, OutputArrayOfAr
* @brief rotate the initial corner to get to the right position
static void correctCornerPosition( vector< Point2f >& _candidate, int rotate){
std::rotate(_candidate.begin(), _candidate.begin() + 4 - rotate, _candidate.end());
* @brief Identify square candidates according to a marker dictionary
......@@ -699,6 +717,7 @@ static void _identifyCandidates(InputArray _image, vector< vector< vector< Point
_convertToGrey(_image.getMat(), grey);
vector< int > idsTmp(ncandidates, -1);
vector< int > rotated(ncandidates, 0);
vector< uint8_t > validCandidates(ncandidates, 0);
//// Analyze each of the candidates
......@@ -706,23 +725,24 @@ static void _identifyCandidates(InputArray _image, vector< vector< vector< Point
params->detectInvertedMarker ? _candidatesSet[1] : _candidatesSet[0],
_dictionary, idsTmp,
validCandidates, params));
validCandidates, params, rotated));
for(int i = 0; i < ncandidates; i++) {
if(validCandidates[i] > 0) {
// add the white valid candidate
if( params->detectInvertedMarker && validCandidates[i] == 2 ){
// to choose the right set of candidates :: 0 for default, 1 for white markers
uint8_t set = validCandidates[i]-1;
// shift corner positions to the correct rotation
correctCornerPosition(_candidatesSet[set][i], rotated[i]);
if( !params->detectInvertedMarker && validCandidates[i] == 2 )
// add the default (black) valid candidate
// add valid candidate
} else {
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