Commit 5c362968 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #1759 from alalek:fix_contrib_1754

parents a2eae86c 9312f745
......@@ -12,3 +12,7 @@ if(NOT boost_status OR NOT vgg_status)
if(TARGET opencv_test_${name})
ocv_target_include_directories(opencv_test_${name} "${OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR}/modules") # use common files from features2d tests
......@@ -27,21 +27,20 @@ CV_GMSMatcherTest::CV_GMSMatcherTest()
combinations[2][0] = true; combinations[2][1] = false;
combinations[3][0] = true; combinations[3][1] = true;
//Threshold = truncate(min(acc_win32, acc_win64))
eps[0][0] = 0.9313;
eps[0][1] = 0.9223;
eps[0][2] = 0.9313;
eps[0][3] = 0.9223;
eps[1][0] = 0.8199;
eps[1][1] = 0.7964;
eps[1][2] = 0.8199;
eps[1][3] = 0.7964;
eps[2][0] = 0.7098;
eps[2][1] = 0.6659;
eps[2][2] = 0.6939;
eps[2][3] = 0.6457;
eps[0][0] = 0.91;
eps[0][1] = 0.91;
eps[0][2] = 0.91;
eps[0][3] = 0.91;
eps[1][0] = 0.80;
eps[1][1] = 0.78;
eps[1][2] = 0.80;
eps[1][3] = 0.78;
eps[2][0] = 0.70;
eps[2][1] = 0.66;
eps[2][2] = 0.68;
eps[2][3] = 0.63;
correctMatchDistThreshold = 5.0;
......@@ -66,7 +65,8 @@ void CV_GMSMatcherTest::run( int )
const int nImgs = 3;
for (int num = startImg; num < startImg+nImgs; num++)
string imgPath = string(ts->get_data_path()) + format("detectors_descriptors_evaluation/images_datasets/graf/img%d.png", num);
string fileName = cv::format("img%d.png", num);
string imgPath = string(ts->get_data_path()) + "detectors_descriptors_evaluation/images_datasets/graf/" + fileName;
Mat imgCur = imread(imgPath);
orb->detectAndCompute(imgCur, noArray(), keypointsCur, descriptorsCur);
......@@ -102,14 +102,11 @@ void CV_GMSMatcherTest::run( int )
double ratio = nbCorrectMatches / (double) matchesGMS.size();
if (ratio < eps[num-startImg][comb])
ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Invalid accuracy for image %s and combination withRotation=%d withScale=%d, "
"matches ratio is %f, ratio threshold is %f, distance threshold is %f.\n",
imgPath.substr(imgPath.size()-8).c_str(), combinations[comb][0], combinations[comb][1], ratio,
EXPECT_GT(ratio, eps[num-startImg][comb]) <<
cv::format("Invalid accuracy for image %s and combination withRotation=%d withScale=%d, "
"matches ratio is %g, ratio threshold is %g, distance threshold is %g.",
fileName.c_str(), combinations[comb][0], combinations[comb][1], ratio,
eps[num-startImg][comb], correctMatchDistThreshold);
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