//! @defgroup LayerList Partial List of Implemented Layers
//! @{
/** @defgroup dnnLayerList Partial List of Implemented Layers
This subsection of dnn module contains information about bult-in layers and their descriptions.
Classes listed here, in fact, provides C++ API for creating intances of bult-in layers.
In addition to this way of layers instantiation, there is a more common factory API (see @ref dnnLayerFactory), it allows to create layers dynamically (by name) and register new ones.
You can use both API, but factory API is less convinient for native C++ programming and basically designed for use inside importers (see @ref Importer, @ref createCaffeImporter(), @ref createTorchImporter()).
Bult-in layers partially reproduce functionality of corresponding Caffe and Torch7 layers.
In partuclar, the following layers and Caffe @ref Importer were tested to reproduce <a href="http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/tutorial/layers.html">Caffe</a> functionality:
- Convolution
- Deconvolution
- Pooling
- InnerProduct
- TanH, ReLU, Sigmoid, BNLL, Power, AbsVal
- Softmax
- Reshape, Flatten, Slice, Split
- Dropout (since it does nothing on forward pass -))