Commit 595c6b21 authored by felix's avatar felix

Computing eigenvectors with cv::eigen(). Infinitely faster since it works.

parent b3782363
...@@ -716,7 +716,25 @@ CV_EXPORTS int computeNormalsPC3d(const Mat& PC, Mat& PCNormals, const int NumNe ...@@ -716,7 +716,25 @@ CV_EXPORTS int computeNormalsPC3d(const Mat& PC, Mat& PCNormals, const int NumNe
meanCovLocalPCInd(dataset, indLocal, 3, NumNeighbors, C, mu); meanCovLocalPCInd(dataset, indLocal, 3, NumNeighbors, C, mu);
// eigenvectors of covariance matrix // eigenvectors of covariance matrix
eigenLowest33(C, nr); Mat cov(3, 3, CV_64F), eigVect, eigVal;
double* covData = (double*);
covData[0] = C[0][0];
covData[1] = C[0][1];
covData[2] = C[0][2];
covData[3] = C[1][0];
covData[4] = C[1][1];
covData[5] = C[1][2];
covData[6] = C[2][0];
covData[7] = C[2][1];
covData[8] = C[2][2];
eigen(cov, eigVal, eigVect);
Mat lowestEigVec;
//the eigenvector for the lowest eigenvalue is in the last row
eigVect.row(eigVect.rows - 1).copyTo(lowestEigVec);
double* eigData = (double*);
nr[0] = eigData[0];
nr[1] = eigData[1];
nr[2] = eigData[2];
pcr[0] = pci[0]; pcr[0] = pci[0];
pcr[1] = pci[1]; pcr[1] = pci[1];
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