Commit 4e77e6fd authored by Pavel Rojtberg's avatar Pavel Rojtberg

ovis: fix camera entity positioning

parent e1ecf776
......@@ -119,6 +119,10 @@ static SceneNode& _getSceneNode(SceneManager* sceneMgr, const String& name)
mo = sceneMgr->getMovableObject(name, "Camera");
// with cameras we have an extra CS flip node
return *mo->getParentSceneNode()->getParentSceneNode();
catch (ItemIdentityException&)
......@@ -385,6 +389,8 @@ public:
Vector3 t;
_convertRT(rot, tvec, q, t);
SceneNode* node = sceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(t, q);
node = node->createChildSceneNode();
node->setOrientation(toOGRE); // camera mesh is oriented by OGRE conventions by default
RealRect ext = cam->getFrustumExtents();
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