Commit 4ba56182 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #1456 from alalek:ocl_bioinspired_fixes

parents d897f8ef 6f322a89
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other oclMaterials provided with the distribution.
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
......@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ private:
std::valarray<float> _inputBuffer; //!< buffer used to convert input cv::Mat to internal retina buffers format (valarrays)
// pointer to retina model
RetinaFilter* _retinaFilter; //!< the pointer to the retina module, allocated with instance construction
cv::Ptr<RetinaFilter> _retinaFilter; //!< the pointer to the retina module, allocated with instance construction
//! private method called by constructors, gathers their parameters and use them in a unified way
void _init(const Size inputSize, const bool colorMode, int colorSamplingMethod=RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, const bool useRetinaLogSampling=false, const float reductionFactor=1.0f, const float samplingStrenght=10.0f);
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ private:
bool _wasOCLRunCalled;
ocl::RetinaOCLImpl* _ocl_retina;
cv::Ptr<ocl::RetinaOCLImpl> _ocl_retina;
bool ocl_run(InputArray inputImage);
bool ocl_getParvo(OutputArray retinaOutput_parvo);
......@@ -320,36 +320,26 @@ Ptr<Retina> Retina::create(Size inputSize, const bool colorMode, int colorSampli
// RetinaImpl code
RetinaImpl::RetinaImpl(const cv::Size inputSz)
_retinaFilter = 0;
_init(inputSz, true, RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, false);
_ocl_retina = 0;
if (inputSz.width % 4 == 0)
_ocl_retina = new ocl::RetinaOCLImpl(inputSz);
if (inputSz.width % 4 == 0 && cv::ocl::useOpenCL())
_ocl_retina.reset(new ocl::RetinaOCLImpl(inputSz));
RetinaImpl::RetinaImpl(const cv::Size inputSz, const bool colorMode, int colorSamplingMethod, const bool useRetinaLogSampling, const float reductionFactor, const float samplingStrenght)
_retinaFilter = 0;
_init(inputSz, colorMode, colorSamplingMethod, useRetinaLogSampling, reductionFactor, samplingStrenght);
_ocl_retina = 0;
if (inputSz.width % 4 == 0 && !useRetinaLogSampling)
_ocl_retina = new ocl::RetinaOCLImpl(inputSz, colorMode, colorSamplingMethod,
useRetinaLogSampling, reductionFactor, samplingStrenght);
if (inputSz.width % 4 == 0 && !useRetinaLogSampling && cv::ocl::useOpenCL())
_ocl_retina.reset(new ocl::RetinaOCLImpl(inputSz, colorMode, colorSamplingMethod,
useRetinaLogSampling, reductionFactor, samplingStrenght));
if (_retinaFilter)
delete _retinaFilter;
if (_ocl_retina)
delete _ocl_retina;
// nothing
......@@ -572,14 +562,14 @@ bool RetinaImpl::ocl_run(InputArray inputMatToConvert)
void RetinaImpl::run(InputArray inputMatToConvert)
CV_OCL_RUN((_ocl_retina != 0), ocl_run(inputMatToConvert));
CV_OCL_RUN((_ocl_retina != 0 && inputMatToConvert.isUMat()), ocl_run(inputMatToConvert));
_wasOCLRunCalled = false;
// first convert input image to the compatible format : std::valarray<float>
const bool colorMode = _convertCvMat2ValarrayBuffer(inputMatToConvert.getMat(), _inputBuffer);
// process the retina
if (!_retinaFilter->runFilter(_inputBuffer, colorMode, false, _retinaParameters.OPLandIplParvo.colorMode && colorMode, false))
throw cv::Exception(-1, "RetinaImpl cannot be applied, wrong input buffer size", "RetinaImpl::run", "RetinaImpl.h", 0);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "RetinaImpl cannot be applied, wrong input buffer size");
void RetinaImpl::applyFastToneMapping(InputArray inputImage, OutputArray outputToneMappedImage)
......@@ -614,8 +604,11 @@ bool RetinaImpl::ocl_getParvo(OutputArray retinaOutput_parvo)
void RetinaImpl::getParvo(OutputArray retinaOutput_parvo)
CV_OCL_RUN((_ocl_retina != 0) && retinaOutput_parvo.isUMat(), ocl_getParvo(retinaOutput_parvo));
if (_wasOCLRunCalled)
CV_OCL_RUN(true, ocl_getParvo(retinaOutput_parvo));
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal, "");
if (_retinaFilter->getColorMode())
......@@ -640,8 +633,11 @@ bool RetinaImpl::ocl_getMagno(OutputArray retinaOutput_magno)
void RetinaImpl::getMagno(OutputArray retinaOutput_magno)
CV_OCL_RUN((_ocl_retina != 0) && retinaOutput_magno.isUMat(), ocl_getMagno(retinaOutput_magno));
if (_wasOCLRunCalled)
CV_OCL_RUN(true, ocl_getMagno(retinaOutput_magno));
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal, "");
// reallocate output buffer (if necessary)
_convertValarrayBuffer2cvMat(_retinaFilter->getMovingContours(), _retinaFilter->getOutputNBrows(), _retinaFilter->getOutputNBcolumns(), false, retinaOutput_magno);
......@@ -658,10 +654,14 @@ bool RetinaImpl::ocl_getMagnoRAW(OutputArray magnoOutputBufferCopy)
// original API level data accessors : copy buffers if size matches, reallocate if required
void RetinaImpl::getMagnoRAW(OutputArray magnoOutputBufferCopy){
void RetinaImpl::getMagnoRAW(OutputArray magnoOutputBufferCopy)
if (_wasOCLRunCalled)
CV_OCL_RUN(true, ocl_getMagnoRAW(magnoOutputBufferCopy));
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal, "");
CV_OCL_RUN((_ocl_retina != 0) && magnoOutputBufferCopy.isUMat(), ocl_getMagnoRAW(magnoOutputBufferCopy));
// get magno channel header
const cv::Mat magnoChannel=cv::Mat(getMagnoRAW());
// copy data
......@@ -677,10 +677,14 @@ bool RetinaImpl::ocl_getParvoRAW(OutputArray parvoOutputBufferCopy)
void RetinaImpl::getParvoRAW(OutputArray parvoOutputBufferCopy){
void RetinaImpl::getParvoRAW(OutputArray parvoOutputBufferCopy)
if (_wasOCLRunCalled)
CV_OCL_RUN(true, ocl_getParvoRAW(parvoOutputBufferCopy));
CV_Error(Error::StsInternal, "");
CV_OCL_RUN((_ocl_retina != 0) && parvoOutputBufferCopy.isUMat(), ocl_getParvoRAW(parvoOutputBufferCopy));
// get parvo channel header
const cv::Mat parvoChannel=cv::Mat(getParvoRAW());
// copy data
......@@ -713,16 +717,14 @@ void RetinaImpl::_init(const cv::Size inputSz, const bool colorMode, int colorSa
_wasOCLRunCalled = false;
// basic error check
if (inputSz.height*inputSz.width <= 0)
throw cv::Exception(-1, "Bad retina size setup : size height and with must be superior to zero", "RetinaImpl::setup", "Retina.cpp", 0);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Bad retina size setup : size height and with must be superior to zero");
unsigned int nbPixels=inputSz.height*inputSz.width;
// resize buffers if size does not match
_inputBuffer.resize(nbPixels*3); // buffer supports gray images but also 3 channels color buffers... (larger is better...)
// allocate the retina model
if (_retinaFilter)
delete _retinaFilter;
_retinaFilter = new RetinaFilter(inputSz.height, inputSz.width, colorMode, colorSamplingMethod, useRetinaLogSampling, reductionFactor, samplingStrenght);
_retinaFilter.reset(new RetinaFilter(inputSz.height, inputSz.width, colorMode, colorSamplingMethod, useRetinaLogSampling, reductionFactor, samplingStrenght));
_retinaParameters.OPLandIplParvo.colorMode = colorMode;
// prepare the default parameter XML file with default setup
......@@ -776,7 +778,7 @@ bool RetinaImpl::_convertCvMat2ValarrayBuffer(InputArray inputMat, std::valarray
const Mat inputMatToConvert=inputMat.getMat();
// first check input consistency
if (inputMatToConvert.empty())
throw cv::Exception(-1, "RetinaImpl cannot be applied, input buffer is empty", "RetinaImpl::run", "RetinaImpl.h", 0);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "RetinaImpl cannot be applied, input buffer is empty");
// retreive color mode from image input
int imageNumberOfChannels = inputMatToConvert.channels();
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other oclMaterials provided with the distribution.
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
......@@ -78,22 +78,17 @@ using namespace cv::ocl;
RetinaOCLImpl::RetinaOCLImpl(const cv::Size inputSz)
_retinaFilter = 0;
_init(inputSz, true, RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, false);
RetinaOCLImpl::RetinaOCLImpl(const cv::Size inputSz, const bool colorMode, int colorSamplingMethod, const bool useRetinaLogSampling, const double reductionFactor, const double samplingStrenght)
_retinaFilter = 0;
_init(inputSz, colorMode, colorSamplingMethod, useRetinaLogSampling, reductionFactor, samplingStrenght);
if (_retinaFilter)
delete _retinaFilter;
// nothing
......@@ -323,13 +318,13 @@ void RetinaOCLImpl::run(InputArray input)
// process the retina
if (!_retinaFilter->runFilter(_inputBuffer, colorMode, false, _retinaParameters.OPLandIplParvo.colorMode && colorMode, false))
throw cv::Exception(-1, "Retina cannot be applied, wrong input buffer size", "RetinaOCLImpl::run", "Retina.h", 0);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Retina cannot be applied, wrong input buffer size");
void RetinaOCLImpl::getParvo(OutputArray output)
UMat &retinaOutput_parvo = output.getUMatRef();
UMat retinaOutput_parvo;
if (_retinaFilter->getColorMode())
// reallocate output buffer (if necessary)
......@@ -341,13 +336,15 @@ void RetinaOCLImpl::getParvo(OutputArray output)
convertToInterleaved(_retinaFilter->getContours(), false, retinaOutput_parvo);
void RetinaOCLImpl::getMagno(OutputArray output)
UMat &retinaOutput_magno = output.getUMatRef();
UMat retinaOutput_magno;
// reallocate output buffer (if necessary)
convertToInterleaved(_retinaFilter->getMovingContours(), false, retinaOutput_magno);
// private method called by constructors
void RetinaOCLImpl::_init(const cv::Size inputSz, const bool colorMode, int colorSamplingMethod, const bool useRetinaLogSampling, const double reductionFactor, const double samplingStrenght)
......@@ -355,15 +352,11 @@ void RetinaOCLImpl::_init(const cv::Size inputSz, const bool colorMode, int colo
// basic error check
if (inputSz.height*inputSz.width <= 0)
throw cv::Exception(-1, "Bad retina size setup : size height and with must be superior to zero", "RetinaOCLImpl::setup", "Retina.h", 0);
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "Bad retina size setup : size height and with must be superior to zero");
// allocate the retina model
if (_retinaFilter)
delete _retinaFilter;
_retinaFilter = new RetinaFilter(inputSz.height, inputSz.width, colorMode, colorSamplingMethod, useRetinaLogSampling, reductionFactor, samplingStrenght);
_retinaFilter.reset(new RetinaFilter(inputSz.height, inputSz.width, colorMode, colorSamplingMethod, useRetinaLogSampling, reductionFactor, samplingStrenght));
// prepare the default parameter XML file with default setup
......@@ -1514,4 +1507,4 @@ void RetinaFilter::_processRetinaParvoMagnoMapping()
} /* namespace bioinspired */
} /* namespace cv */
#endif /* #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL */
#endif // HAVE_OPENCL
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other oclMaterials provided with the distribution.
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ public:
RetinaParameters _retinaParameters;
UMat _inputBuffer;
RetinaFilter* _retinaFilter;
cv::Ptr<RetinaFilter> _retinaFilter;
bool convertToColorPlanes(const UMat& input, UMat &output);
void convertToInterleaved(const UMat& input, bool colorMode, UMat &output);
void _init(const Size getInputSize, const bool colorMode, int colorSamplingMethod = RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, const bool useRetinaLogSampling = false, const double reductionFactor = 1.0, const double samplingStrenght = 10.0);
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other oclMaterials provided with the distribution.
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
......@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/ts/ocl_test.hpp"
namespace cvtest {
......@@ -116,5 +114,3 @@ OCL_INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Contrib, Retina_OCL, testing::Combine(
testing::Values(10.0, 5.0)));
} } // namespace cvtest::ocl
#endif // HAVE_OPENCL
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