Commit 476167ed authored by clunietp's avatar clunietp

BRISQUE initial commit

Set BRISQUE expected scores from original impl

Added BRISQUE models and interface, test methods

[alalek] drop changes from libsvm files
parent f0e70cbf
set(the_description "Image Quality Analysis API") set(the_description "Image Quality Analysis API")
ocv_define_module(quality opencv_core opencv_imgproc WRAP python) ocv_define_module(quality opencv_core opencv_imgproc WRAP python)
ocv_add_testdata(testdata/ contrib/quality
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...@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@ ...@@ -10,5 +10,6 @@
#include "quality/qualitypsnr.hpp" #include "quality/qualitypsnr.hpp"
#include "quality/qualityssim.hpp" #include "quality/qualityssim.hpp"
#include "quality/qualitygmsd.hpp" #include "quality/qualitygmsd.hpp"
#include "quality/qualitybrisque.hpp"
#endif #endif
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "qualitybase.hpp"
namespace cv
namespace quality
@brief TODO: Brief description and reference to original BRISQUE paper/implementation
class CV_EXPORTS_W QualityBRISQUE : public QualityBase {
/** @brief Computes XXX for reference images supplied in class constructor and provided comparison images
@param imgs Images for which to compute quality
@returns TODO: describe the resulting cv::Scalar
CV_WRAP cv::Scalar compute( InputArrayOfArrays imgs ) CV_OVERRIDE;
@brief Create an object which calculates quality
CV_WRAP static Ptr<QualityBRISQUE> create(cv::String model, cv::String range);
@brief static method for computing quality
@param model cv::String containing BRISQUE calculation model
@param range cv::String containing BRISQUE calculation range
@param imgs image(s) for which to compute quality
@param qualityMaps output quality map(s), or cv::noArray() TODO: remove this parameter if algorithm doesn't generate output quality maps
@returns TODO: describe the resulting cv::Scalar
CV_WRAP static cv::Scalar compute( const cv::String& model, const cv::String& range, InputArrayOfArrays imgs, OutputArrayOfArrays qualityMaps );
/** @brief return the model used for computation */
CV_WRAP const cv::String& getModel() const { return _model; }
/** @brief sets the model used for computation */
CV_WRAP void setModel( cv::String val ) { this->_model = std::move(val); }
/** @brief return the range used for computation */
CV_WRAP const cv::String& getRange() const { return _range; }
/** @brief sets the range used for computation */
CV_WRAP void setRange(cv::String val) { this->_range = std::move(val); }
@brief Constructor
QualityBRISQUE( cv::String model, cv::String range );
/** @brief BRISQUE model string */
cv::String _model;
/** @brief BRISQUE range string */
cv::String _range;
}; // QualityBRISQUE
} // quality
} // cv
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/quality/qualitybrisque.hpp"
#include "opencv2/quality/quality_utils.hpp"
#include "opencv2/quality/libsvm/svm.hpp" // libsvm
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::quality;
// type of mat we're working with internally; use cv::Mat for debugging
using brisque_mat_type = Mat;
// the type of quality map we'll generate (if brisque generates one)
using _quality_map_type = brisque_mat_type;
template<class T> class Image {
Mat imgP;
Image(Mat img = 0) {
imgP = img.clone();
~Image() {
imgP = 0;
Mat equate(Mat img) {
img = imgP.clone();
return img;
inline T* operator[](const int rowIndx) {
return (T*)( + rowIndx * imgP.step);
typedef Image<double> BwImage;
// function to compute best fit parameters from AGGDfit
cv::Mat AGGDfit(cv::Mat structdis, double& lsigma_best, double& rsigma_best, double& gamma_best)
// create a copy of an image using BwImage constructor (brisque.h - more info)
BwImage ImArr(structdis);
long int poscount = 0, negcount = 0;
double possqsum = 0, negsqsum = 0, abssum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < structdis.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < structdis.cols; j++)
double pt = ImArr[i][j]; // BwImage provides [][] access
if (pt > 0)
possqsum += pt * pt;
abssum += pt;
else if (pt < 0)
negsqsum += pt * pt;
abssum -= pt;
lsigma_best = cv::pow(negsqsum / negcount, 0.5);
rsigma_best = cv::pow(possqsum / poscount, 0.5);
double gammahat = lsigma_best / rsigma_best;
long int totalcount = (structdis.cols)*(structdis.rows);
double rhat = cv::pow(abssum / totalcount, static_cast<double>(2)) / ((negsqsum + possqsum) / totalcount);
double rhatnorm = rhat * (cv::pow(gammahat, 3) + 1)*(gammahat + 1) / pow(pow(gammahat, 2) + 1, 2);
double prevgamma = 0;
double prevdiff = 1e10;
float sampling = 0.001;
for (float gam = 0.2; gam < 10; gam += sampling) //possible to coarsen sampling to quicken the code, with some loss of accuracy
double r_gam = tgamma(2 / gam)*tgamma(2 / gam) / (tgamma(1 / gam)*tgamma(3 / gam));
double diff = abs(r_gam - rhatnorm);
if (diff > prevdiff) break;
prevdiff = diff;
prevgamma = gam;
gamma_best = prevgamma;
return structdis.clone();
void ComputeBrisqueFeature(cv::Mat& orig, std::vector<double>& featurevector)
Mat orig_bw_int(orig.size(), CV_64F, 1);
// convert to grayscale
cv::cvtColor(orig, orig_bw_int, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
// create a copy of original image
Mat orig_bw(orig_bw_int.size(), CV_64FC1, 1);
orig_bw_int.convertTo(orig_bw, 1.0 / 255);
// orig_bw now contains the grayscale image normalized to the range 0,1
int scalenum = 2; // number of times to scale the image
for (int itr_scale = 1; itr_scale <= scalenum; itr_scale++)
// resize image
cv::Size dst_size(orig_bw.cols / cv::pow((double)2, itr_scale - 1), orig_bw.rows / pow((double)2, itr_scale - 1));
cv::Mat imdist_scaled;
cv::resize(orig_bw, imdist_scaled, dst_size, 0, 0, cv::INTER_CUBIC); // INTER_CUBIC
imdist_scaled.convertTo(imdist_scaled, CV_64FC1, 1.0 / 255.0);
// calculating MSCN coefficients
// compute mu (local mean)
cv::Mat mu(imdist_scaled.size(), CV_64FC1, 1);
cv::GaussianBlur(imdist_scaled, mu, cv::Size(7, 7), 1.166);
cv::Mat mu_sq;
cv::pow(mu, double(2.0), mu_sq);
//compute sigma (local sigma)
cv::Mat sigma(imdist_scaled.size(), CV_64FC1, 1);
cv::multiply(imdist_scaled, imdist_scaled, sigma);
cv::GaussianBlur(sigma, sigma, cv::Size(7, 7), 1.166);
cv::subtract(sigma, mu_sq, sigma);
cv::pow(sigma, double(0.5), sigma);
cv::add(sigma, Scalar(1.0 / 255), sigma); // to avoid DivideByZero Error
cv::Mat structdis(imdist_scaled.size(), CV_64FC1, 1);
cv::subtract(imdist_scaled, mu, structdis);
cv::divide(structdis, sigma, structdis); // structdis is MSCN image
// Compute AGGD fit to MSCN image
double lsigma_best, rsigma_best, gamma_best;
structdis = AGGDfit(structdis, lsigma_best, rsigma_best, gamma_best);
featurevector.push_back((lsigma_best*lsigma_best + rsigma_best * rsigma_best) / 2);
// Compute paired product images
// indices for orientations (H, V, D1, D2)
int shifts[4][2] = { {0,1},{1,0},{1,1},{-1,1} };
for (int itr_shift = 1; itr_shift <= 4; itr_shift++)
// select the shifting index from the 2D array
int* reqshift = shifts[itr_shift - 1];
// declare shifted_structdis as pairwise image
cv::Mat shifted_structdis(imdist_scaled.size(), CV_64F, 1);
// create copies of the images using BwImage constructor
// utility constructor for better subscript access (for pixels)
BwImage OrigArr(structdis);
BwImage ShiftArr(shifted_structdis);
// create pair-wise product for the given orientation (reqshift)
for (int i = 0; i < structdis.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < structdis.cols; j++)
if (i + reqshift[0] >= 0 && i + reqshift[0] < structdis.rows && j + reqshift[1] >= 0 && j + reqshift[1] < structdis.cols)
ShiftArr[i][j] = OrigArr[i + reqshift[0]][j + reqshift[1]];
ShiftArr[i][j] = 0;
// Mat structdis_pairwise;
shifted_structdis = ShiftArr.equate(shifted_structdis);
// calculate the products of the pairs
cv::multiply(structdis, shifted_structdis, shifted_structdis);
// fit the pairwise product to AGGD
shifted_structdis = AGGDfit(shifted_structdis, lsigma_best, rsigma_best, gamma_best);
double constant = sqrt(tgamma(1 / gamma_best)) / sqrt(tgamma(3 / gamma_best));
double meanparam = (rsigma_best - lsigma_best)*(tgamma(2 / gamma_best) / tgamma(1 / gamma_best))*constant;
// push the calculated parameters from AGGD fit to pair-wise products
featurevector.push_back(cv::pow(lsigma_best, 2));
featurevector.push_back(cv::pow(rsigma_best, 2));
// float computescore(String imagename) {
double computescore( const cv::String& model_, const cv::String& range_, cv::Mat& orig ) {
// pre-loaded vectors from allrange file
float min_[36] = { 0.336999 ,0.019667 ,0.230000 ,-0.125959 ,0.000167 ,0.000616 ,0.231000 ,-0.125873 ,0.000165 ,0.000600 ,0.241000 ,-0.128814 ,0.000179 ,0.000386 ,0.243000 ,-0.133080 ,0.000182 ,0.000421 ,0.436998 ,0.016929 ,0.247000 ,-0.200231 ,0.000104 ,0.000834 ,0.257000 ,-0.200017 ,0.000112 ,0.000876 ,0.257000 ,-0.155072 ,0.000112 ,0.000356 ,0.258000 ,-0.154374 ,0.000117 ,0.000351 };
float max_[36] = { 9.999411, 0.807472, 1.644021, 0.202917, 0.712384, 0.468672, 1.644021, 0.169548, 0.713132, 0.467896, 1.553016, 0.101368, 0.687324, 0.533087, 1.554016, 0.101000, 0.689177, 0.533133, 3.639918, 0.800955, 1.096995, 0.175286, 0.755547, 0.399270, 1.095995, 0.155928, 0.751488, 0.402398, 1.041992, 0.093209, 0.623516, 0.532925, 1.042992, 0.093714, 0.621958, 0.534484 };
double qualityscore;
int i;
struct svm_model* model; // create svm model object
// cv::Mat orig = cv::imread(imagename, 1); // read image (color mode)
std::vector<double> brisqueFeatures; // feature vector initialization
ComputeBrisqueFeature(orig, brisqueFeatures); // compute brisque features
// use the pre-trained allmodel file
// TODO: Use model and range parameters provided to this function instead
String modelfile = "allmodel";
if ((model = svm_load_model(modelfile.c_str())) == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't open model file allmodel\n");
// float min_[37];
// float max_[37];
struct svm_node x[37];
// rescale the brisqueFeatures vector from -1 to 1
// also convert vector to svm node array object
for (i = 0; i < 36; ++i) {
float min = min_[i];
float max = max_[i];
x[i].value = -1 + (2.0 / (max - min) * (brisqueFeatures[i] - min));
x[i].index = i + 1;
x[36].index = -1;
int nr_class = svm_get_nr_class(model);
double *prob_estimates = (double *)malloc(nr_class * sizeof(double));
// predict quality score using libsvm class
qualityscore = svm_predict_probability(model, x, prob_estimates);
return qualityscore;
// computes score and quality map for single frame
std::pair<cv::Scalar, _quality_map_type> compute( const cv::String& model, const cv::String& range, brisque_mat_type& img )
std::pair<cv::Scalar, _quality_map_type> result;
// TODO: calculate score and quality map for the input image, which is a single frame
// place score in result.first, and quality map in result.second
result.first = cv::Scalar{ 0. };
result.first[0] = computescore( model, range, img);
// is there a quality map that can be generated?
return result;
// computes score and quality maps for multiple frames
cv::Scalar compute( const cv::String& model, const cv::String& range, std::vector<brisque_mat_type>& imgs, OutputArrayOfArrays qualityMaps )
CV_Assert(imgs.size() > 0);
cv::Scalar result = {};
std::vector<_quality_map_type> quality_maps = {};
const auto sz = imgs.size();
// future optimization: convert model and range to libsvm types here instead of every time we compute for a frame
// ideally, these would be created in the constructor so they are only created once per instantiation
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
auto cmp = compute( model, range, imgs[i] );
cv::add(result, cmp.first, result);
if ( qualityMaps.needed() )
if (qualityMaps.needed())
auto qMaps = InputArray(quality_maps);
qualityMaps.create(qMaps.size(), qMaps.type());
if (sz > 1)
result /= (cv::Scalar::value_type)sz; // average result
return result;
// static
Ptr<QualityBRISQUE> QualityBRISQUE::create(cv::String model, cv::String range)
return Ptr<QualityBRISQUE>(new QualityBRISQUE( std::move(model), std::move(range)));
// static
cv::Scalar QualityBRISQUE::compute( const cv::String& model, const cv::String& range, InputArrayOfArrays imgs, OutputArrayOfArrays qualityMaps)
auto vec = quality_utils::expand_mats<brisque_mat_type>(imgs);// convert inputarrayofarrays to vector of brisque_mat_type
return ::compute(model, range, vec, qualityMaps);
// QualityBRISQUE() constructor
QualityBRISQUE::QualityBRISQUE( cv::String model, cv::String range )
: _model(std::move(model))
, _range(std::move(range))
// would be nice to convert the model/range strings to libsvm models
// and store in a unique_ptr<void> with a custom deleter in the qualitybrisque object so we don't expose libsvm headers
cv::Scalar QualityBRISQUE::compute( InputArrayOfArrays imgs )
auto vec = quality_utils::expand_mats<brisque_mat_type>(imgs);// convert inputarrayofarrays to vector of brisque_mat_type
return ::compute( this->getModel(), this->getRange(), vec, this->_qualityMaps);
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "test_precomp.hpp"
namespace opencv_test
namespace quality_test
// brisque per channel
// computed test file values via original brisque impl, libsvm 318, opencv 2.x
const cv::Scalar
BRISQUE_EXPECTED_1 = { 31.155 } // testfile_1a
, BRISQUE_EXPECTED_2 = { 15.4114 } // testfile_2a
inline cv::String readfile(const cv::String& path)
std::ifstream is{ path };
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << is.rdbuf();
return buffer.str();
// location of BRISQUE model and range file
// place these files in ${OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH}/quality/, or the tests will be skipped
inline cv::String readbrisquemodel() { return readfile(cvtest::findDataFile("brisque_allmodel.dat", false)); }
inline cv::String readbrisquerange() { return readfile(cvtest::findDataFile("brisque_allrange.dat", false)); }
// instantiates a brisque object for testing
inline cv::Ptr<quality::QualityBRISQUE> create_brisque()
return quality::QualityBRISQUE::create(
, readbrisquerange()
// static method
std::vector<cv::Mat> qMats = {};
quality::QualityBRISQUE::compute( readbrisquemodel(), readbrisquerange(), get_testfile_1a(), qMats), BRISQUE_EXPECTED_1
EXPECT_EQ(qMats.size(), 1U);
// single channel, instance method, with and without opencl
TEST(TEST_CASE_NAME, single_channel )
auto fn = []() { quality_test(create_brisque(), get_testfile_1a(), BRISQUE_EXPECTED_1); };
OCL_OFF( fn() );
OCL_ON( fn() );
// multi-channel
TEST(TEST_CASE_NAME, multi_channel)
quality_test(create_brisque(), get_testfile_2a(), BRISQUE_EXPECTED_2);
// multi-frame test
TEST(TEST_CASE_NAME, multi_frame)
// result mse == average of all frames
cv::Scalar expected;
expected /= 2.;
quality_test(create_brisque(), get_testfile_1a2a(), expected, 2 );
// internal a/b test
TEST(TEST_CASE_NAME, performance)
auto ref = get_testfile_1a();
quality_performance_test("BRISQUE", [&]() { cv::quality::QualityBRISQUE::compute(ref, cv::noArray()); });
} // namespace
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// of this distribution and at // of this distribution and at
#include "test_precomp.hpp" #include "test_precomp.hpp"
\ No newline at end of file cvtest::addDataSearchSubDirectory("quality")
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