Commit 444480df authored by dmitriy.anisimov's avatar dmitriy.anisimov

several enhancements

parent 7597e46e
......@@ -75,9 +75,11 @@ _`"ChaLearn Looking at People"`:
1. Follow instruction from site above, download files for dataset "Track 3: Gesture Recognition":, (Register on site: and accept the terms and conditions of competition: There are three mirrors for downloading dataset files. When I downloaded data only mirror: "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya" works).
2. Unpack train archives to one folder (currently loading validation files wasn't implemented)
2. Unpack train archives to folder Train/, validation archives to folder Validation/
3. To load data run: ./opencv/build/bin/example_datasetstools_gr_chalearn -p=/home/user/path_to_unpacked_folder/
3. Unpack all archives in Train/ & Validation/ in the folders with the same names, for example: to Sample0001/
4. To load data run: ./opencv/build/bin/example_datasetstools_gr_chalearn -p=/home/user/path_to_unpacked_folders/
......@@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ OR_sun
Implements loading dataset:
_`"SUN Database"`:
_`"SUN Database"`:
Currently implemented loading "Scene Recognition Benchmark. SUN397". Planned to implement also "Object Detection Benchmark. SUN2012".
......@@ -66,10 +66,12 @@ public:
std::vector< Ptr<Object> >& getTrain() { return train; }
std::vector< Ptr<Object> >& getTest() { return test; }
std::vector< Ptr<Object> >& getValidation() { return validation; }
std::vector< Ptr<Object> > train;
std::vector< Ptr<Object> > test;
std::vector< Ptr<Object> > validation;
......@@ -59,10 +59,15 @@ namespace datasetstools
// 0.0000e+00 2.8285e+03 6.1618e+02
// 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 1.0000e+00
struct cameraPos
std::vector<std::string> images;
struct IR_robotObj : public Object
std::string name;
std::vector<std::string> images; // TODO: implement more complex structure
std::vector<cameraPos> pos;
class CV_EXPORTS IR_robot : public Dataset
......@@ -54,10 +54,21 @@ namespace cv
namespace datasetstools
struct cameraParam
Matx33d mat1;
double mat2[3];
Matx33d mat3;
double mat4[3];
int imageWidth, imageHeight;
struct MSM_epflObj : public Object
std::string imageName;
std::vector<double> bounding, camera, p; // TODO: implement better structures
Matx23d bounding;
Matx34d p;
cameraParam camera;
class CV_EXPORTS MSM_epfl : public Dataset
......@@ -71,10 +71,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// ***************
// dataset contains information for each sample.
// For example, let output dataset size and first element.
printf("dataset size: %u\n", (unsigned int)dataset->getTrain().size());
printf("train size: %u\n", (unsigned int)dataset->getTrain().size());
printf("validation size: %u\n", (unsigned int)dataset->getValidation().size());
GR_chalearnObj *example = static_cast<GR_chalearnObj *>(dataset->getTrain()[0].get());
printf("first dataset sample:\n%s\n", example->name.c_str());
printf("color video:\n%s\n", example->nameColor .c_str());
printf("color video:\n%s\n", example->nameColor.c_str());
printf("depth video:\n%s\n", example->nameDepth.c_str());
printf("user video:\n%s\n", example->nameUser.c_str());
printf("video:\nnumber of frames: %u\nfps: %u\nmaximum depth: %u\n", example->numFrames, example->fps, example->depth);
......@@ -72,12 +72,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// dataset contains object with name and its images.
// For example, let output last element and dataset size.
IR_robotObj *example = static_cast<IR_robotObj *>(dataset->getTrain().back().get());
printf("last dataset object:\n%s\n", example->name.c_str());
printf("last dataset object:\n");
printf("name: %s\n", example->name.c_str());
printf("number postitions: %u\n", (unsigned int)example->pos.size());
string currPath(path + example->name + "/");
for (vector<string>::iterator it=example->images.begin(); it!=example->images.end(); ++it)
for (vector<cameraPos>::iterator itP=example->pos.begin(); itP!=example->pos.end(); ++itP)
for (vector<string>::iterator it=itP->images.begin(); it!=itP->images.end(); ++it)
printf("%s\n", (currPath+(*it)).c_str());
printf("dataset size: %u\n", (unsigned int)dataset->getTrain().size());
return 0;
......@@ -75,26 +75,60 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
MSM_epflObj *example = static_cast<MSM_epflObj *>(dataset->getTrain()[0].get());
printf("first image:\nname: %s\n", example->imageName.c_str());
for (vector<double>::iterator it=example->bounding.begin(); it!=example->bounding.end(); ++it)
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
printf("%f ", *it);
for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
printf("%f ", example->bounding(i, j));
for (vector<double>::iterator it=example->camera.begin(); it!=example->camera.end(); ++it)
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
printf("%f ", *it);
printf("%f ", example->camera.mat1(i, j));
for (vector<double>::iterator it=example->p.begin(); it!=example->p.end(); ++it)
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
printf("%f ", *it);
printf("%f ", example->camera.mat2[i]);
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
printf("%f ", example->camera.mat3(i, j));
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
printf("%f ", example->camera.mat4[i]);
printf("image width: %u, height: %u\n", example->camera.imageWidth, example->camera.imageHeight);
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
for (int j=0; j<4; ++j)
printf("%f ", example->p(i, j));
return 0;
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("file name: %s\n", (imagePath + example->name).c_str());
printf("transformation matrix:\n");
printf("\ntransformation matrix:\n");
for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<4; ++j)
......@@ -85,15 +85,20 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
vector< Ptr<Object> > &currTrain = dataset.back()->getTrain();
vector< Ptr<Object> > &currTest = dataset.back()->getTest();
vector< Ptr<Object> > &currValidation = dataset.back()->getValidation();
printf("train size: %u\n", (unsigned int)currTrain.size());
printf("test size: %u\n", (unsigned int)currTest.size());
printf("validation size: %u\n", (unsigned int)currValidation.size());
TR_charsObj *example1 = static_cast<TR_charsObj *>(currTrain[0].get());
TR_charsObj *example2 = static_cast<TR_charsObj *>(currTest[0].get());
printf("first train element:\nname: %s\n", example1->imgName.c_str());
printf("label: %u\n", example1->label);
printf("first test element:\nname: %s\n", example2->imgName.c_str());
printf("label: %u\n", example2->label);
TR_charsObj *exampleTrain = static_cast<TR_charsObj *>(currTrain[0].get());
TR_charsObj *exampleTest = static_cast<TR_charsObj *>(currTest[0].get());
TR_charsObj *exampleValidation = static_cast<TR_charsObj *>(currValidation[0].get());
printf("first train element:\nname: %s\n", exampleTrain->imgName.c_str());
printf("label: %u\n", exampleTrain->label);
printf("first test element:\nname: %s\n", exampleTest->imgName.c_str());
printf("label: %u\n", exampleTest->label);
printf("first validation element:\nname: %s\n", exampleValidation->imgName.c_str());
printf("label: %u\n", exampleValidation->label);
return 0;
......@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ public:
void loadDataset(const std::string &path);
void loadDatasetPart(const std::string &path, std::vector< Ptr<Object> > &dataset_, bool loadLabels);
/*GR_chalearnImp::GR_chalearnImp(const string &path)
......@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ void GR_chalearnImp::load(const string &path, int number)
void GR_chalearnImp::loadDataset(const string &path)
void GR_chalearnImp::loadDatasetPart(const string &path, vector< Ptr<Object> > &dataset_, bool loadLabels)
vector<string> fileNames;
getDirList(path, fileNames);
......@@ -101,6 +103,8 @@ void GR_chalearnImp::loadDataset(const string &path)
curr->depth = atoi(elems[2].c_str());
// loading ground truth
if (loadLabels)
string fileGroundTruth(path + curr->name + "/" + curr->name + "_labels.csv");
ifstream infileGroundTruth(fileGroundTruth.c_str());
while (getline(infileGroundTruth, line))
......@@ -115,6 +119,7 @@ void GR_chalearnImp::loadDataset(const string &path)
// loading skeleton
string fileSkeleton(path + curr->name + "/" + curr->name + "_skeleton.csv");
......@@ -142,10 +147,20 @@ void GR_chalearnImp::loadDataset(const string &path)
void GR_chalearnImp::loadDataset(const string &path)
string pathTrain(path + "Train/");
loadDatasetPart(pathTrain, train, true);
// freely available validation set doesn't have labels
string pathValidation(path + "Validation/");
loadDatasetPart(pathValidation, validation, false);
Ptr<GR_chalearn> GR_chalearn::create()
return Ptr<GR_chalearnImp>(new GR_chalearnImp);
......@@ -100,18 +100,28 @@ void GR_skigImp::loadDataset(const string &path)
curr->dep[0] = 'K';
curr->dep = pathDatasetDep + curr->dep;
size_t pos = file.find("person_"); // TODO: check ::npos
curr->person = (unsigned char)atoi( file.substr(pos+strlen("person_"), 1).c_str() );
pos = file.find("backgroud_");
curr->background = (backgroundType)atoi( file.substr(pos+strlen("backgroud_"), 1).c_str() );
pos = file.find("illumination_");
curr->illumination = (illuminationType)atoi( file.substr(pos+strlen("illumination_"), 1).c_str() );
pos = file.find("pose_");
curr->pose = (poseType)atoi( file.substr(pos+strlen("pose_"), 1).c_str() );
pos = file.find("actionType_");
curr->type = (actionType)atoi( file.substr(pos+strlen("actionType_"), 2).c_str() );
size_t posPerson = file.find("person_");
size_t posBackground = file.find("backgroud_");
size_t posIllumination = file.find("illumination_");
size_t posPose = file.find("pose_");
size_t posType = file.find("actionType_");
if (string::npos != posPerson &&
string::npos != posBackground &&
string::npos != posIllumination &&
string::npos != posPose &&
string::npos != posType)
curr->person = (unsigned char)atoi( file.substr(posPerson + strlen("person_"), 1).c_str() );
curr->background = (backgroundType)atoi( file.substr(posBackground + strlen("backgroud_"), 1).c_str() );
curr->illumination = (illuminationType)atoi( file.substr(posIllumination + strlen("illumination_"), 1).c_str() );
curr->pose = (poseType)atoi( file.substr(posPose + strlen("pose_"), 1).c_str() );
curr->type = (actionType)atoi( file.substr(posType + strlen("actionType_"), 2).c_str() );
} else
printf("incorrect file name: %s", file.c_str());
......@@ -89,9 +89,20 @@ void IR_robotImp::loadDataset(const string &path)
string pathScene(path + curr->name + "/");
vector<string> sceneNames;
getDirList(pathScene, sceneNames);
int currImageNum = 0;
for (vector<string>::iterator itScene=sceneNames.begin(); itScene!=sceneNames.end(); ++itScene)
string &fileName = *itScene;
int imageNum = atoi( fileName.substr(3, 3).c_str() );
int pos = atoi( fileName.substr(6, 2).c_str() );
if (imageNum != currImageNum)
currImageNum = imageNum;
......@@ -60,20 +60,8 @@ public:
void loadDataset(const std::string &path);
void readFileDouble(const std::string &fileName, std::vector<double> &out);
void MSM_epflImp::readFileDouble(const string &fileName, vector<double> &out)
ifstream infile(fileName.c_str());
double val;
while (infile >> val)
/*MSM_epflImp::MSM_epflImp(const string &path)
......@@ -103,9 +91,58 @@ void MSM_epflImp::loadDataset(const string &path)
Ptr<MSM_epflObj> curr(new MSM_epflObj);
curr->imageName = *it;
readFileDouble(string(pathBounding + curr->imageName + ".bounding"), curr->bounding);
readFileDouble(string(pathCamera + curr->imageName + ".camera"), curr->camera);
readFileDouble(string(pathP + curr->imageName + ".P"), curr->p);
// load boundary
string fileBounding(pathBounding + curr->imageName + ".bounding");
ifstream infile(fileBounding.c_str());
for (int k=0; k<2; ++k)
for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
infile >> curr->bounding(k, j);
// load camera parameters
string fileCamera(pathCamera + curr->imageName + ".camera");
ifstream infileCamera(fileCamera.c_str());
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
infileCamera >> curr->camera.mat1(i, j);
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
infileCamera >> curr->camera.mat2[i];
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
for (int j=0; j<3; ++j)
infileCamera >> curr->camera.mat3(i, j);
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
infileCamera >> curr->camera.mat4[i];
infileCamera >> curr->camera.imageWidth >> curr->camera.imageHeight;
// load P
string fileP(pathP + curr->imageName + ".P");
ifstream infileP(fileP.c_str());
for (int k=0; k<3; ++k)
for (int j=0; j<4; ++j)
infileP >> curr->p(k, j);
......@@ -81,8 +81,34 @@ void SLAM_tumindoorImp::load(const string &path, int number)
void SLAM_tumindoorImp::loadDataset(const string &path)
string infoPath(path + "info/2011-12-17_15.02.56-info.csv"); // TODO
ifstream infile(infoPath.c_str());
string infoPath(path + "info/");
// get info map name, .csv should be only one such file in folder
string csvName;
vector<string> infoNames;
getDirList(infoPath, infoNames);
for (vector<string>::iterator it=infoNames.begin(); it!=infoNames.end(); ++it)
string &name = *it;
if (name.length()>3 && name.substr( name.length()-4, 4 )==".csv")
if (csvName.length()==0)
csvName = name;
} else
printf("more than one .csv file in info folder\n");
if (csvName.length()==0)
printf("didn't find .csv file in info folder\n");
ifstream infile((infoPath + csvName).c_str());
string line;
while (getline(infile, line))
......@@ -53,15 +53,19 @@ class CV_EXPORTS TR_charsImp : public TR_chars
TR_charsImp() {}
//TR_charsImp(const std::string &path, int number = 0);
//TR_charsImp(const string &path, int number = 0);
virtual ~TR_charsImp() {}
virtual void load(const std::string &path, int number = 0);
virtual void load(const string &path, int number = 0);
void loadDataset(const std::string &path, int number = 0);
void loadDataset(const string &path, int number = 0);
void parseLine(const std::string &line, std::vector<int> &currSet, int number);
void parseLine(const string &line, vector<int> &currSet, int number);
inline void convert(vector<int> &from, vector< Ptr<Object> > &to, vector<int> &allLabels, vector<string> &allNames);
inline void parseSet(const string &line, const string &pattern, bool &flag, vector<int> &set, int number);
void TR_charsImp::parseLine(const string &line, vector<int> &currSet, int number)
......@@ -80,6 +84,38 @@ void TR_charsImp::parseLine(const string &line, vector<int> &currSet, int number
inline void TR_charsImp::convert(vector<int> &from, std::vector< Ptr<Object> > &to, vector<int> &allLabels, vector<string> &allNames)
for (vector<int>::iterator it=from.begin(); it!=from.end(); ++it)
if (*it>=(int)allNames.size() || *it>=(int)allLabels.size())
printf("incorrect index: %u\n", *it);
Ptr<TR_charsObj> curr(new TR_charsObj);
curr->imgName = allNames[*it];
curr->label = allLabels[*it];
inline void TR_charsImp::parseSet(const string &line, const string &pattern, bool &flag, vector<int> &set, int number)
size_t pos = line.find(pattern);
if (string::npos != pos)
flag = true;
string s(line.substr(pos + pattern.length()));
parseLine(s, set, number);
} else
if (flag)
parseLine(line, set, number);
/*TR_charsImp::TR_charsImp(const string &path, int number)
loadDataset(path, number);
......@@ -92,21 +128,22 @@ void TR_charsImp::load(const string &path, int number)
void TR_charsImp::loadDataset(const string &path, int number)
vector<int> allLabels, trainSet, testSet;
vector<int> allLabels, trainSet, testSet, validationSet;
vector<string> allNames;
ifstream infile((path + "list_English_Img.m").c_str());
string line;
bool labels = false, names = false, isTrain = false, isTest = false;
bool labels = false, names = false, isTrain = false, isTest = false, isValidation = false;
while (getline(infile, line))
size_t pos = line.find("];");
if (string::npos!=pos)
if (string::npos != pos)
labels = false;
names = false;
isTrain = false;
isTest = false;
isValidation = false;
string slabels("list.ALLlabels = [");
......@@ -124,7 +161,7 @@ void TR_charsImp::loadDataset(const string &path, int number)
string snames("list.ALLnames = [");
pos = line.find(snames);
if (string::npos!=pos)
if (string::npos != pos)
names = true;
size_t start = pos+snames.length();
......@@ -137,66 +174,24 @@ void TR_charsImp::loadDataset(const string &path, int number)
string strain("list.TRNind = [");
pos = line.find(strain);
if (string::npos!=pos)
isTrain = true;
string s(line.substr(pos+strain.length()));
parseLine(s, trainSet, number);
} else
if (isTrain)
parseLine(line, trainSet, number);
string trainStr("list.TRNind = [");
parseSet(line, trainStr, isTrain, trainSet, number);
string stest("list.TSTind = [");
pos = line.find(stest);
if (string::npos!=pos)
isTest = true;
string s(line.substr(pos+stest.length()));
parseLine(s, testSet, number);
} else
if (isTest)
parseLine(line, testSet, number);
string testStr("list.TSTind = [");
parseSet(line, testStr, isTest, testSet, number);
string validationStr("list.VALind = [");
parseSet(line, validationStr, isValidation, validationSet, number);
/*"list.classlabels = ["
"list.classnames = ["
"list.NUMclasses = 62;"
"list.VALind = [" // TODO: load validation
"list.TXNind = ["*/
for (vector<int>::iterator it=trainSet.begin(); it!=trainSet.end(); ++it)
if (*it>=(int)allNames.size() || *it>=(int)allLabels.size())
printf("incorrect train index: %u\n", *it);
Ptr<TR_charsObj> curr(new TR_charsObj);
curr->imgName = allNames[*it];
curr->label = allLabels[*it];
for (vector<int>::iterator it=testSet.begin(); it!=testSet.end(); ++it)
if (*it>=(int)allNames.size() || *it>=(int)allLabels.size())
printf("incorrect test index: %u\n", *it);
Ptr<TR_charsObj> curr(new TR_charsObj);
curr->imgName = allNames[*it];
curr->label = allLabels[*it];
convert(trainSet, train, allLabels, allNames);
convert(testSet, test, allLabels, allNames);
convert(validationSet, validation, allLabels, allNames);
Ptr<TR_chars> TR_chars::create()
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