@@ -75,9 +75,11 @@ _`"ChaLearn Looking at People"`: http://gesture.chalearn.org/
@@ -75,9 +75,11 @@ _`"ChaLearn Looking at People"`: http://gesture.chalearn.org/
1. Follow instruction from site above, download files for dataset "Track 3: Gesture Recognition": Train1.zip-Train5.zip, Validation1.zip-Validation3.zip (Register on site: www.codalab.org and accept the terms and conditions of competition: https://www.codalab.org/competitions/991#learn_the_details There are three mirrors for downloading dataset files. When I downloaded data only mirror: "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya" works).
1. Follow instruction from site above, download files for dataset "Track 3: Gesture Recognition": Train1.zip-Train5.zip, Validation1.zip-Validation3.zip (Register on site: www.codalab.org and accept the terms and conditions of competition: https://www.codalab.org/competitions/991#learn_the_details There are three mirrors for downloading dataset files. When I downloaded data only mirror: "Universitat Oberta de Catalunya" works).
2. Unpack train archives Train1.zip-Train5.zip to one folder (currently loading validation files wasn't implemented)
2. Unpack train archives Train1.zip-Train5.zip to folder Train/, validation archives Validation1.zip-Validation3.zip to folder Validation/
3. To load data run: ./opencv/build/bin/example_datasetstools_gr_chalearn -p=/home/user/path_to_unpacked_folder/
3. Unpack all archives in Train/ & Validation/ in the folders with the same names, for example: Sample0001.zip to Sample0001/
4. To load data run: ./opencv/build/bin/example_datasetstools_gr_chalearn -p=/home/user/path_to_unpacked_folders/
@@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ OR_sun
@@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ OR_sun
Implements loading dataset:
Implements loading dataset:
_`"SUN Database"`: http://sun.cs.princeton.edu/
_`"SUN Database"`: http://sundatabase.mit.edu/
Currently implemented loading "Scene Recognition Benchmark. SUN397". Planned to implement also "Object Detection Benchmark. SUN2012".
Currently implemented loading "Scene Recognition Benchmark. SUN397". Planned to implement also "Object Detection Benchmark. SUN2012".