Commit 3a086642 authored by jaco's avatar jaco

Initialization phase added

parent 301c6252
......@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ class CV_EXPORTS_W MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014 : public MotionSaliency
// background pixel. In a noise-pixel mask, the identified noise-pixels are set to 1 while other pixels are 0;
//fixed parameter
bool neighborhoodCheck;
int N_DS; // Number of template to be downsampled and used in lowResolutionDetection function
Ptr<Size> imgSize; // Size of input image
int K; // Number of background model template
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014()
thetaL = 2500; // T0, T1 swap threshold
thetaA = 200;
gamma = 3;
neighborhoodCheck = true;
className = "BinWangApr2014";
......@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::~MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014()
// classification (and adaptation) functions
bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::fullResolutionDetection( const Mat& image2, Mat& highResBFMask )
Mat image=image2.clone();
Mat image = image2.clone();
float* currentB;
float* currentC;
float currentPixelValue;
......@@ -121,9 +122,9 @@ bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::fullResolutionDetection( const Mat& image2, M
// Scan all pixels of image
for ( int i = 0; i < image.rows; i++ )
pImage= image.ptr<uchar>(i);
pEpslon= epslonPixelsValue.ptr<float>(i);
pMask= highResBFMask.ptr<uchar>(i);
pImage = image.ptr<uchar>( i );
pEpslon = epslonPixelsValue.ptr<float>( i );
pMask = highResBFMask.ptr<uchar>( i );
for ( int j = 0; j < image.cols; j++ )
backgFlag = false;
......@@ -131,39 +132,46 @@ bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::fullResolutionDetection( const Mat& image2, M
//currentPixelValue =<uchar>( i, j );
//currentEpslonValue =<float>( i, j );
currentPixelValue = pImage[j];
currentEpslonValue= pEpslon[j];
currentEpslonValue = pEpslon[j];
// scan background model vector
for ( size_t z = 0; z < backgroundModel.size(); z++ )
if( backgroundModel[0].at<Vec2f>( i, j )[1] != 0 ) //if at least the first template is activated / initialized
// TODO replace "at" with more efficient matrix access
currentB = &backgroundModel[z].at<Vec2f>( i, j )[0];
currentC = &backgroundModel[z].at<Vec2f>( i, j )[1];
if( *currentC > 0 ) //The current template is active
// scan background model vector
for ( size_t z = 0; z < backgroundModel.size(); z++ )
// If there is a match with a current background template
if( abs( currentPixelValue - * ( currentB ) ) < currentEpslonValue && !backgFlag )
// The correspondence pixel in the BF mask is set as background ( 0 value)
// TODO replace "at" with more efficient matrix access
//<uchar>( i, j ) = 0;
if( ( *currentC < L0 && z == 0 ) || ( *currentC < L1 && z == 1 ) || ( z > 1 ) )
*currentC += 1; // increment the efficacy of this template
*currentB = ( ( 1 - alpha ) * * ( currentB ) ) + ( alpha * currentPixelValue ); // Update the template value
backgFlag = true;
// TODO replace "at" with more efficient matrix access
currentB = &backgroundModel[z].at<Vec2f>( i, j )[0];
currentC = &backgroundModel[z].at<Vec2f>( i, j )[1];
if( *currentC > 0 ) //The current template is active
currentC -= 1; // decrement the efficacy of this template
// If there is a match with a current background template
if( abs( currentPixelValue - * ( currentB ) ) < currentEpslonValue && !backgFlag )
// The correspondence pixel in the BF mask is set as background ( 0 value)
//<uchar>( i, j ) = 0;
pMask[j] = 0;
if( ( *currentC < L0 && z == 0 ) || ( *currentC < L1 && z == 1 ) || ( z > 1 ) )
*currentC += 1; // increment the efficacy of this template
*currentB = ( ( 1 - alpha ) * * ( currentB ) ) + ( alpha * currentPixelValue ); // Update the template value
backgFlag = true;
currentC -= 1; // decrement the efficacy of this template
} // end "for" cicle of template vector
} // end "for" cicle of template vector
pMask[j] = 1; //if the model of the current pixel is not yet initialized, we mark the pixels as foreground
} // end "for" cicle of all image's pixels
......@@ -173,112 +181,79 @@ bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::fullResolutionDetection( const Mat& image2, M
bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::lowResolutionDetection( const Mat& image, Mat& lowResBFMask )
//double t = (double) getTickCount();
float currentPixelValue;
float currentEpslonValue;
float currentB;
float currentC;
std::vector<Mat> mv;
split( backgroundModel[0], mv );
//if at least the first template is activated / initialized for all pixels
if( countNonZero( 1 ) ) == ( 1 ).cols * 1 ).rows ) )
float currentPixelValue;
float currentEpslonValue;
float currentB;
float currentC;
/*// Create a mask to select ROI in the original Image and Backgound model and at the same time compute the mean
Mat ROIMask( image.rows, image.cols, CV_8UC1 );
ROIMask.setTo( 0 );*/
// Create a mask to select ROI in the original Image and Backgound model and at the same time compute the mean
Rect roi( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( N, N ) );
Scalar imageROImean;
Scalar backGModelROImean;
Mat currentModel;
Rect roi( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( N, N ) );
Scalar imageROImean;
Scalar backGModelROImean;
Mat currentModel;
// Initially, all pixels are considered as foreground and then we evaluate with the background model
//lowResBFMask.create( image.size().height / ( N * N ), image.size().width / ( N * N ), CV_8UC1 );
//lowResBFMask.setTo( 1 );
// Initially, all pixels are considered as foreground and then we evaluate with the background model
lowResBFMask.create( image.rows, image.cols, CV_8UC1 );
lowResBFMask.setTo( 1 );
lowResBFMask.create( image.rows, image.cols, CV_8UC1 );
lowResBFMask.setTo( 1 );
/*t = ( (double) getTickCount() - t ) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "INITIALIZATION TIME: " << t << "s" << endl << endl;*/
// Scan all the ROI of original matrices
for ( int i = 0; i < image.rows / N; i++ )
for ( int j = 0; j < image.cols / N; j++ )
// Scan all the ROI of original matrices
for ( int i = 0; i < image.rows / N; i++ )
//double t = (double) getTickCount();
//double t1 = (double) getTickCount();
// Reset and update ROI mask
//ROIMask.setTo( 0 );
//rectangle( ROIMask, roi, Scalar( 255 ), FILLED );
//double t3 = (double) getTickCount();
// Compute the mean of image's block and epslonMatrix's block based on ROI
// TODO replace "at" with more efficient matrix access
Mat roiImage = image( roi );
Mat roiEpslon = epslonPixelsValue( roi );
currentPixelValue = mean( roiImage ).val[0];
currentEpslonValue = mean( roiEpslon ).val[0];
//t3 = ( (double) getTickCount() - t3 ) / getTickFrequency();
// cout << "MEAN time: " << t3 << "s" << endl << endl;
//t1 = ( (double) getTickCount() - t1 ) / getTickFrequency();
//cout << "FASE 1 time: " << t1 << "s" << endl << endl;
//double t2 = (double) getTickCount();
// scan background model vector
for ( int z = 0; z < N_DS; z++ )
for ( int j = 0; j < image.cols / N; j++ )
//double t = (double) getTickCount();
// Select the current template 2 channel matrix, select ROI and compute the mean for each channel separately
Mat roiTemplate = backgroundModel[z]( roi );
Scalar templateMean = mean( roiTemplate );
currentB = templateMean[0];
currentC = templateMean[1];
//t = ( (double) getTickCount() - t ) / getTickFrequency();
//cout << "currentB and currentC MEAN time" << t << "s" << endl << endl;
if( currentC > 0 ) //The current template is active
// Compute the mean of image's block and epslonMatrix's block based on ROI
Mat roiImage = image( roi );
Mat roiEpslon = epslonPixelsValue( roi );
currentPixelValue = mean( roiImage ).val[0];
currentEpslonValue = mean( roiEpslon ).val[0];
// scan background model vector
for ( int z = 0; z < N_DS; z++ )
// If there is a match with a current background template
if( abs( currentPixelValue - ( currentB ) ) < currentEpslonValue )
// Select the current template 2 channel matrix, select ROI and compute the mean for each channel separately
Mat roiTemplate = backgroundModel[z]( roi );
Scalar templateMean = mean( roiTemplate );
currentB = templateMean[0];
currentC = templateMean[1];
if( currentC > 0 ) //The current template is active
// The correspondence pixel in the BF mask is set as background ( 0 value)
// TODO replace "at" with more efficient matrix access
//<uchar>( i, j ) = 0;
//lowResBFMask.setTo( 0, ROIMask );
rectangle( lowResBFMask, roi, Scalar( 0 ), FILLED );
// If there is a match with a current background template
if( abs( currentPixelValue - ( currentB ) ) < currentEpslonValue )
// The correspondence pixel in the BF mask is set as background ( 0 value)
// TODO replace "at" with more efficient matrix access
//<uchar>( i, j ) = 0;
//lowResBFMask.setTo( 0, ROIMask );
rectangle( lowResBFMask, roi, Scalar( 0 ), FILLED );
// Shift the ROI from left to right follow the block dimension
roi = roi + Point( N, 0 );
//t2 = ( (double) getTickCount() - t2 ) / getTickFrequency();
//cout << "ALL TEMPLATE time: " << t2 << " s" << endl << endl;
// Shift the ROI from left to right follow the block dimension
roi = roi + Point( N, 0 );
//t = ( (double) getTickCount() - t ) / getTickFrequency();
//cout << "low res PIXEL : " << t << " s" << endl << endl;
//Shift the ROI from up to down follow the block dimension, also bringing it back to beginning of row
roi.x = 0;
roi.y += N;
//Shift the ROI from up to down follow the block dimension, also bringing it back to beginning of row
roi.x = 0;
roi.y += N;
return true;
lowResBFMask.create( image.rows, image.cols, CV_8UC1 );
lowResBFMask.setTo( NAN );
return false;
//t = ( (double) getTickCount() - t ) / getTickFrequency();
//cout << "Scan all the ROI of original matrices time: " << t << "s" << endl << endl;
// UPSAMPLE the lowResBFMask to the original image dimension, so that it's then possible to compare the results
// of lowlResolutionDetection with the fullResolutionDetection
//resize( lowResBFMask, lowResBFMask, image.size(), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR );
return true;
/*bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::templateUpdate( Mat highResBFMask )
return true;
bool inline pairCompare( pair<float, float> t, pair<float, float> t_plusOne )
......@@ -338,6 +313,22 @@ bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::templateOrdering()
bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::templateReplacement( const Mat& finalBFMask, const Mat& image )
std::vector<Mat> temp;
split( backgroundModel[0], temp );
//if at least the first template is activated / initialized for all pixels
if( countNonZero( 1 ) ) != ( 1 ).cols * 1 ).rows ) )
thetaA = 20;
neighborhoodCheck = false;
thetaA = 200;
neighborhoodCheck = true;
float roiSize = 3; // FIXED ROI SIZE, not change until you first appropriately adjust the following controls in the EVALUATION section!
int countNonZeroElements = NAN;
std::vector<Mat> mv;
......@@ -375,85 +366,93 @@ bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::templateReplacement( const Mat& finalBFMask,
/////////////////// EVALUATION of potentialBackground values ///////////////////
if(<Vec2f>( i, j )[1] > thetaA )
// replicate currentBA value
replicateCurrentBAMat.setTo(<Vec2f>( i, j )[0] );
for ( size_t z = 0; z < backgroundModel.size(); z++ )
if( neighborhoodCheck )
// Neighborhood of current pixel in the current background model template.
// The ROI is centered in the pixel coordinates
// replicate currentBA value
replicateCurrentBAMat.setTo(<Vec2f>( i, j )[0] );
/*if( ( i - floor( roiSize / 2 ) >= 0 ) && ( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ) >= 0 )
&& ( i + floor( roiSize / 2 ) <= ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) )
&& ( j + floor( roiSize / 2 ) <= ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) ) ) */
if( i > 0 && j > 0 && i < ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) && j < ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) )
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ), i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), roiSize, roiSize ) );
else if( i == 0 && j == 0 ) // upper left
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j, i, ceil( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
else if( j == 0 && i > 0 && i < ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) ) // middle left
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j, i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ), roiSize ) );
else if( i == ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) && j == 0 ) //down left
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j, i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
else if( i == 0 && j > 0 && j < ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) ) // upper - middle
for ( size_t z = 0; z < backgroundModel.size(); z++ )
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( ( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ) ), i, roiSize, ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
else if( i == ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) && j > 0 && j < ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) ) //down middle
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ), i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), roiSize, ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
else if( i == 0 && j == ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) ) // upper right
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ), i, ceil( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
else if( j == ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) && i > 0 && i < ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) ) // middle - right
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ), i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ), roiSize ) );
else if( i == ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) && j == ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) ) // down right
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ), i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
/* Check if the value of current pixel BA in potentialBackground model is already contained in at least one of its neighbors'
* background model
resize( replicateCurrentBAMat, replicateCurrentBAMat, Size( backgroundModelROI.cols, backgroundModelROI.rows ), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR );
resize( diffResult, diffResult, Size( backgroundModelROI.cols, backgroundModelROI.rows ), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR );
absdiff( replicateCurrentBAMat, backgroundModelROI, diffResult );
threshold( diffResult, diffResult,<float>( i, j ), 255, THRESH_BINARY_INV );
countNonZeroElements = countNonZero( diffResult );
if( countNonZeroElements > 0 )
/////////////////// REPLACEMENT of backgroundModel template ///////////////////
//replace TA with current TK
//backgroundModel[backgroundModel.size()-1].at<Vec2f>( i, j )[0]<Vec2f>( i, j )[0];
//backgroundModel[backgroundModel.size()-1].at<Vec2f>( i, j )[1]=<Vec2f>( i, j )[1];
backgroundModel[backgroundModel.size() - 1].at<Vec2f>( i, j ) =<Vec2f>( i, j );
} // end for backgroundModel size
// Neighborhood of current pixel in the current background model template.
// The ROI is centered in the pixel coordinates
/*if( ( i - floor( roiSize / 2 ) >= 0 ) && ( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ) >= 0 )
&& ( i + floor( roiSize / 2 ) <= ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) )
&& ( j + floor( roiSize / 2 ) <= ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) ) ) */
if( i > 0 && j > 0 && i < ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) && j < ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) )
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ), i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), roiSize, roiSize ) );
else if( i == 0 && j == 0 ) // upper left
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j, i, ceil( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
else if( j == 0 && i > 0 && i < ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) ) // middle left
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j, i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ), roiSize ) );
else if( i == ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) && j == 0 ) //down left
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j, i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
else if( i == 0 && j > 0 && j < ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) ) // upper - middle
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( ( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ) ), i, roiSize, ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
else if( i == ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) && j > 0 && j < ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) ) //down middle
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ), i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), roiSize, ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
else if( i == 0 && j == ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) ) // upper right
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ), i, ceil( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
else if( j == ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) && i > 0 && i < ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) ) // middle - right
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )( Rect( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ), i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ), roiSize ) );
else if( i == ( backgroundModel[z].rows - 1 ) && j == ( backgroundModel[z].cols - 1 ) ) // down right
split( backgroundModel[z], mv );
backgroundModelROI = 0 )(
Rect( j - floor( roiSize / 2 ), i - floor( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ), ceil( roiSize / 2 ) ) );
/* Check if the value of current pixel BA in potentialBackground model is already contained in at least one of its neighbors'
* background model
resize( replicateCurrentBAMat, replicateCurrentBAMat, Size( backgroundModelROI.cols, backgroundModelROI.rows ), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR );
resize( diffResult, diffResult, Size( backgroundModelROI.cols, backgroundModelROI.rows ), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR );
absdiff( replicateCurrentBAMat, backgroundModelROI, diffResult );
threshold( diffResult, diffResult,<float>( i, j ), 255, THRESH_BINARY_INV );
countNonZeroElements = countNonZero( diffResult );
if( countNonZeroElements > 0 )
/////////////////// REPLACEMENT of backgroundModel template ///////////////////
//replace TA with current TK
//backgroundModel[backgroundModel.size()-1].at<Vec2f>( i, j )[0]<Vec2f>( i, j )[0];
//backgroundModel[backgroundModel.size()-1].at<Vec2f>( i, j )[1]=<Vec2f>( i, j )[1];
backgroundModel[backgroundModel.size() - 1].at<Vec2f>( i, j ) =<Vec2f>( i, j );
} // end for backgroundModel size
backgroundModel[backgroundModel.size() - 1].at<Vec2f>( i, j ) =<Vec2f>( i, j );
} // close if of EVALUATION
} // end of if(<uchar>( i, j ) == 1 ) // i.e. the corresponding frame pixel has been market as foreground
......@@ -470,19 +469,10 @@ bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image,
Mat lowResBFMask;
Mat not_lowResBFMask;
Mat noisePixelsMask;
double tt = (double) getTickCount();
double t = (double) getTickCount();
fullResolutionDetection( image.getMat(), highResBFMask );
t = ( (double) getTickCount() - t ) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "fullResolutionDetection time: " << t << "s" << endl << endl;
t = (double) getTickCount();
lowResolutionDetection( image.getMat(), lowResBFMask );
t = ( (double) getTickCount() - t ) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "lowResolutionDetection time: " << t << "s" << endl << endl;
t = (double) getTickCount();
// Compute the final background-foreground mask. One pixel is marked as foreground if and only if it is
// foreground in both masks (full and low)
bitwise_and( highResBFMask, lowResBFMask, saliencyMap );
......@@ -490,26 +480,10 @@ bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image,
// Detect the noise pixels (i.e. for a given pixel, fullRes(pixel) = foreground and lowRes(pixel)= background)
bitwise_not( lowResBFMask, not_lowResBFMask );
bitwise_and( highResBFMask, not_lowResBFMask, noisePixelsMask );
t = ( (double) getTickCount() - t ) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "and not and time: " << t << "s" << endl << endl;
t = (double) getTickCount();
t = ( (double) getTickCount() - t ) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "ordering1 : " << t << "s" << endl << endl;
t = (double) getTickCount();
templateReplacement( saliencyMap.getMat(), image.getMat() );
t = ( (double) getTickCount() - t ) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "replacement : " << t << "s" << endl << endl;
t = (double) getTickCount();
t = ( (double) getTickCount() - t ) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "ordering2 : " << t << "s" << endl << endl;
tt = ( (double) getTickCount() - tt ) / getTickFrequency();
cout << "TOTAL : " << tt << "s" << endl << endl;
return true;
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