Commit 25aad108 authored by Str3iber's avatar Str3iber

make suggested changes

parent 84c598f3
......@@ -91,28 +91,3 @@ We notice that for keypoint matching applications, image content has little effe
:param keypoints: Set of detected keypoints
:param corrThresh: Correlation threshold.
:param verbose: Prints pair selection informations.
.. ocv:class:: LUCID : public DescriptorExtractor
Class for computing LUCID descriptors described in a paper by Ziegler, Andrew,
Eric Christiansen, David Kriegman, and Serge J. Belongie.
*Locally uniform comparison image descriptor.* In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 1-9. 2012. ::
class LUCID : public DescriptorExtractor
LUCID(const int lucid_kernel = 1, const int blur_kernel = 2);
virtual int descriptorSize() const;
virtual int descriptorType() const;
virtual int defaultNorm() const;
virtual void compute(InputArray _src, std::vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints, OutputArray _desc);
int l_kernel, b_kernel;
......@@ -130,22 +130,21 @@ public:
// Locally Uniform Comparison Image Descriptor
/** @brief Class implementing the locally uniform comparison image descriptor, described in @cite LUCID
// @brief This class implements the Locally Uniform Comparison Image Descriptor @cite LUCID
An image descriptor that can be computed very fast, while being
about as robust as, for example, SURF or BRIEF.
class CV_EXPORTS LUCID : public DescriptorExtractor
* @param lucid_kernel kernel for descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth
* @param blur_kernel kernel for blurring image prior to descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth
static Ptr<LUCID> create(const int lucid_kernel, const int blur_kernel);
/** @brief Separable box filter blur, needed by LUCID, also exposed for the user
@param _src Image on which blur should be applied
@param _dst Image resulting from _src having blur applied, the output image
@param kernel Blur kernel size where 1 equates a 3x3 matrix, 2 = 5x5, 3 = 7x7, and so on
CV_EXPORTS void separable_blur(const InputArray _src, CV_OUT OutputArray _dst, const int kernel);
//! @}
......@@ -50,110 +50,24 @@ the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
namespace cv {
namespace xfeatures2d {
void separable_blur(const InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, const int kernel) {
int z, p, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, m = kernel*2+1, width, height;
Point3_<uchar> *pnt;
Mat_<Vec3b> src = _src.getMat();
if (src.empty()) {
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "empty source image supplied");
_dst.create(src.size(), src.type());
Mat_<Vec3b> dst = _dst.getMat();
width = dst.cols, height = dst.rows;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
z = kernel*-1;
if (!x) {
r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
for (p = x+z; z <= kernel; ++z, p=x+z) {
pnt = src.ptr<Point3_<uchar> >(y, (p < 0 ? width+p : p >= width ? p-width : p));
r += pnt->z;
g += pnt->y;
b += pnt->x;
else {
p = x+z-1;
pnt = src.ptr<Point3_<uchar> >(y, (p < 0 ? width+p : p >= width ? p-width : p));
r -= pnt->z;
g -= pnt->y;
b -= pnt->x;
p = x+kernel;
pnt = src.ptr<Point3_<uchar> >(y, (p < 0 ? width+p : p >= width ? p-width : p));
r += pnt->z;
g += pnt->y;
b += pnt->x;
pnt = dst.ptr<Point3_<uchar> >(y, x);
pnt->z = static_cast<uchar>(r/m);
pnt->y = static_cast<uchar>(g/m);
pnt->x = static_cast<uchar>(b/m);
for (int x = 0, rl = 0, gl = 0, bl = 0, rn = 0, gn = 0, bn = 0; x < width; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
z = kernel*-1;
if (!y) {
r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
for (p = y+z; z <= kernel; ++z, p=y+z) {
pnt = dst.ptr<Point3_<uchar> >((p < 0 ? height+p : p >= height ? p-height : p), x);
r += pnt->z;
g += pnt->y;
b += pnt->x;
else {
p = y+z-1;
pnt = dst.ptr<Point3_<uchar> >((p < 0 ? height+p : p >= height ? p-height : p), x);
r -= pnt->z, r -= rl;
g -= pnt->y, g -= gl;
b -= pnt->x, b -= bl;
p = y+kernel;
pnt = dst.ptr<Point3_<uchar> >((p < 0 ? height+p : p >= height ? p-height : p), x);
r += pnt->z, r += rn;
g += pnt->y, g += gn;
b += pnt->x, b += bn;
pnt = dst.ptr<Point3_<uchar> >(y, x);
rl = pnt->z;
gl = pnt->y;
bl = pnt->x;
rn = r/m;
gn = g/m;
bn = b/m;
pnt->z = static_cast<uchar>(rn);
pnt->y = static_cast<uchar>(gn);
pnt->x = static_cast<uchar>(bn);
LUCID implementation
class LUCIDImpl : public LUCID {
/** Constructor
* @param lucid_kernel kernel for descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth
* @param blur_kernel kernel for blurring image prior to descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth
LUCIDImpl(const int lucid_kernel = 1, const int blur_kernel = 2);
/** returns the descriptor length */
virtual int descriptorSize() const;
/** returns the descriptor type */
virtual int descriptorType() const;
/** returns the default norm type */
virtual int defaultNorm() const;
virtual void compute(InputArray _src, std::vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints, OutputArray _desc);
......@@ -168,7 +82,7 @@ namespace cv {
LUCIDImpl::LUCIDImpl(const int lucid_kernel, const int blur_kernel) {
l_kernel = lucid_kernel;
b_kernel = blur_kernel;
b_kernel = blur_kernel*2+1;
int LUCIDImpl::descriptorSize() const {
......@@ -191,7 +105,7 @@ namespace cv {
Mat_<Vec3b> src;
separable_blur(_src.getMat(), src, b_kernel);
blur(_src.getMat(), src, cv::Size(b_kernel, b_kernel));
int x, y, j, d, p, m = (l_kernel*2+1)*(l_kernel*2+1)*3, width = src.cols, height = src.rows, r, c;
......@@ -223,4 +137,4 @@ namespace cv {
sort(desc, _desc, SORT_EVERY_ROW | SORT_ASCENDING);
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