Commit 20a80902 authored by Vladimir's avatar Vladimir

Added documentation for VOT2015 dataset

parent a1aa36d1
......@@ -477,6 +477,28 @@ To run benchmark execute:
./opencv/build/bin/example_datasets_tr_svt_benchmark -p=/home/user/path_to_unpacked_folders/svt/svt1/
### VOT 2015 Database
Implements loading dataset:
"VOT 2015 dataset comprises 60 short sequences showing various objects in challenging backgrounds.
The sequences were chosen from a large pool of sequences including the ALOV dataset, OTB2 dataset,
non-tracking datasets, Computer Vision Online, Professor Bob Fisher’s Image Database, Videezy,
Center for Research in Computer Vision, University of Central Florida, USA, NYU Center for Genomics
and Systems Biology, Data Wrangling, Open Access Directory and Learning and Recognition in Vision
Group, INRIA, France. The VOT sequence selection protocol was applied to obtain a representative
set of challenging sequences.": <>
-# From link above download dataset file: ``
-# Unpack `` into folder: `VOT2015/`
-# To load data run:
./opencv/build/bin/example_datasets_track_vot -p=/home/user/path_to_unpacked_files/VOT2015/
@defgroup datasets_track Tracking
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