Commit 1a617614 authored by cbalint13's avatar cbalint13

Merge branch 'master' of into daisy

parents 1a9eee39 7b6fe5cd
......@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ void RetinaOCLImpl::setupIPLMagnoChannel(const bool normaliseOutput, const float
_retinaParameters.IplMagno.localAdaptintegration_k = localAdaptintegration_k;
void RetinaOCLImpl::run(const InputArray input)
void RetinaOCLImpl::run(InputArray input)
oclMat &inputMatToConvert = getOclMatRef(input);
bool colorMode = convertToColorPlanes(inputMatToConvert, _inputBuffer);
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class CV_EXPORTS Saliency : public virtual Algorithm
* \param saliencyMap The computed saliency map.
* \return true if the saliency map is computed, false otherwise
bool computeSaliency( const InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap );
bool computeSaliency( InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap );
* \brief Get the name of the specific saliency type
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class CV_EXPORTS Saliency : public virtual Algorithm
virtual bool computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap ) = 0;
virtual bool computeSaliencyImpl( InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap ) = 0;
String className;
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class CV_EXPORTS StaticSaliency : public virtual Saliency
bool computeBinaryMap( const Mat& saliencyMap, Mat& binaryMap );
virtual bool computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )=0;
virtual bool computeSaliencyImpl( InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )=0;
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class CV_EXPORTS MotionSaliency : public virtual Saliency
virtual bool computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )=0;
virtual bool computeSaliencyImpl( InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )=0;
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class CV_EXPORTS Objectness : public virtual Saliency
virtual bool computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )=0;
virtual bool computeSaliencyImpl( InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )=0;
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public:
bool computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap );
bool computeSaliencyImpl( InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap );
int resImWidth;
int resImHeight;
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ protected:
The saliency map is given by a single *Mat* (one for each frame of an hypothetical video
bool computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap );
bool computeSaliencyImpl( InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap );
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ protected:
specialized algorithm, the objectnessBoundingBox is a *vector\<Vec4i\>*. Each bounding box is
represented by a *Vec4i* for (minX, minY, maxX, maxY).
bool computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image, OutputArray objectnessBoundingBox );
bool computeSaliencyImpl( InputArray image, OutputArray objectnessBoundingBox );
......@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ void ObjectnessBING::write() const
bool ObjectnessBING::computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image, OutputArray objectnessBoundingBox )
bool ObjectnessBING::computeSaliencyImpl( InputArray image, OutputArray objectnessBoundingBox )
ValStructVec<float, Vec4i> finalBoxes;
getObjBndBoxesForSingleImage( image.getMat(), finalBoxes, 250 );
......@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::templateReplacement( const Mat& finalBFMask,
return true;
bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )
bool MotionSaliencyBinWangApr2014::computeSaliencyImpl( InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )
Mat highResBFMask;
Mat lowResBFMask;
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Ptr<Saliency> Saliency::create( const String& saliencyType )
return Ptr<Saliency>();
bool Saliency::computeSaliency( const InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )
bool Saliency::computeSaliency( InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )
if( image.empty() )
return false;
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void StaticSaliencySpectralResidual::write( cv::FileStorage& /*fs*/) const
//params.write( fs );
bool StaticSaliencySpectralResidual::computeSaliencyImpl( const InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )
bool StaticSaliencySpectralResidual::computeSaliencyImpl( InputArray image, OutputArray saliencyMap )
Mat grayTemp, grayDown;
std::vector<Mat> mv;
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ They are competitive alternatives to existing keypoints in particular for embedd
- An example on how to use the FREAK descriptor can be found at
class CV_EXPORTS FREAK : public Feature2D
class CV_EXPORTS_W FREAK : public Feature2D
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public:
@param nOctaves Number of octaves covered by the detected keypoints.
@param selectedPairs (Optional) user defined selected pairs indexes,
static Ptr<FREAK> create(bool orientationNormalized = true,
CV_WRAP static Ptr<FREAK> create(bool orientationNormalized = true,
bool scaleNormalized = true,
float patternScale = 22.0f,
int nOctaves = 4,
......@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ public:
/** @brief The class implements the keypoint detector introduced by @cite Agrawal08, synonym of StarDetector. :
class CV_EXPORTS StarDetector : public FeatureDetector
class CV_EXPORTS_W StarDetector : public Feature2D
//! the full constructor
static Ptr<StarDetector> create(int maxSize=45, int responseThreshold=30,
CV_WRAP static Ptr<StarDetector> create(int maxSize=45, int responseThreshold=30,
int lineThresholdProjected=10,
int lineThresholdBinarized=8,
int suppressNonmaxSize=5);
......@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ public:
class CV_EXPORTS BriefDescriptorExtractor : public DescriptorExtractor
class CV_EXPORTS_W BriefDescriptorExtractor : public Feature2D
static Ptr<BriefDescriptorExtractor> create( int bytes = 32 );
CV_WRAP static Ptr<BriefDescriptorExtractor> create( int bytes = 32 );
/** @brief Class implementing the locally uniform comparison image descriptor, described in @cite LUCID
......@@ -134,14 +134,42 @@ public:
An image descriptor that can be computed very fast, while being
about as robust as, for example, SURF or BRIEF.
class CV_EXPORTS LUCID : public DescriptorExtractor
class CV_EXPORTS_W LUCID : public Feature2D
* @param lucid_kernel kernel for descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth
* @param blur_kernel kernel for blurring image prior to descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth
static Ptr<LUCID> create(const int lucid_kernel, const int blur_kernel);
CV_WRAP static Ptr<LUCID> create(const int lucid_kernel, const int blur_kernel);
* LATCH Descriptor
/** latch Class for computing the LATCH descriptor.
If you find this code useful, please add a reference to the following paper in your work:
Gil Levi and Tal Hassner, "LATCH: Learned Arrangements of Three Patch Codes", arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.03719, 15 Jan. 2015
LATCH is a binary descriptor based on learned comparisons of triplets of image patches.
* bytes is the size of the descriptor - can be 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 or 1
* rotationInvariance - whether or not the descriptor should compansate for orientation changes.
* half_ssd_size - the size of half of the mini-patches size. For example, if we would like to compare triplets of patches of size 7x7x
then the half_ssd_size should be (7-1)/2 = 3.
Note: the descriptor can be coupled with any keypoint extractor. The only demand is that if you use set rotationInvariance = True then
you will have to use an extractor which estimates the patch orientation (in degrees). Examples for such extractors are ORB and SIFT.
Note: a complete example can be found under /samples/cpp/tutorial_code/xfeatures2D/latch_match.cpp
class CV_EXPORTS LATCH : public DescriptorExtractor
static Ptr<LATCH> create(int bytes = 32, bool rotationInvariance = true, int half_ssd_size=3);
/** @brief Class implementing DAISY descriptor, described in @cite Tola10
#include "perf_precomp.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::xfeatures2d;
using namespace perf;
using std::tr1::make_tuple;
using std::tr1::get;
typedef perf::TestBaseWithParam<std::string> latch;
#define LATCH_IMAGES \
PERF_TEST_P(latch, extract, testing::Values(LATCH_IMAGES))
string filename = getDataPath(GetParam());
Mat frame = imread(filename, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
ASSERT_FALSE(frame.empty()) << "Unable to load source image " << filename;
Mat mask;;
Ptr<SURF> detector = SURF::create();
vector<KeyPoint> points;
detector->detect(frame, points, mask);
Ptr<LATCH> descriptor = LATCH::create();
vector<uchar> descriptors;
TEST_CYCLE() descriptor->compute(frame, points, descriptors);
SANITY_CHECK(descriptors, 1e-4);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1039,6 +1039,13 @@ TEST( Features2d_DescriptorExtractor_LUCID, regression )
TEST( Features2d_DescriptorExtractor_LATCH, regression )
CV_DescriptorExtractorTest<Hamming> test( "descriptor-latch", 1,
LATCH::create() );
/*#if CV_SSE2
......@@ -1247,3 +1254,31 @@ TEST(DISABLED_Features2d_SURF_using_mask, regression)
FeatureDetectorUsingMaskTest test(SURF::create());
TEST( XFeatures2d_DescriptorExtractor, batch )
string path = string(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "detectors_descriptors_evaluation/images_datasets/graf");
vector<Mat> imgs, descriptors;
vector<vector<KeyPoint> > keypoints;
int i, n = 6;
Ptr<SIFT> sift = SIFT::create();
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
string imgname = format("%s/img%d.png", path.c_str(), i+1);
Mat img = imread(imgname, 0);
sift->detect(imgs, keypoints);
sift->compute(imgs, keypoints, descriptors);
ASSERT_EQ((int)keypoints.size(), n);
ASSERT_EQ((int)descriptors.size(), n);
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
EXPECT_GT((int)keypoints[i].size(), 100);
EXPECT_GT(descriptors[i].rows, 100);
......@@ -651,15 +651,16 @@ TEST(Features2d_RotationInvariance_Descriptor_SIFT, regression)
TEST(Features2d_RotationInvariance_Descriptor_DAISY, regression)
TEST(Features2d_RotationInvariance_Descriptor_LATCH, regression)
DescriptorRotationInvarianceTest test(BRISK::create(),
DAISY::create(15, 3, 8, 8, DAISY::NRM_NONE, noArray(), true, true),
DescriptorRotationInvarianceTest test(SIFT::create(),
* Detector's scale invariance check
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