Commit 17bb12da authored by kartoffelsalat's avatar kartoffelsalat Committed by Alexander Alekhin

make python example work

Hey there, completely new to `openCV` in general and to the `bioinspired` module in particular. I wanted to give this module a try with python and found that the example source code doesn't work with current openCV (that's 3.4.1 on my Fedora machine).  Apparently, there was a change in how a `Retina` object is created. I fixed the python source code correspondingly. I also changed the C++ source code in this doc file, although I think this needs further updating as there are more changes in the actual source code.
parent 901e61d1
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ The proposed class allows the [Gipsa]( (preliminary
[Listic]( labs retina model to be used.
It can be applied on still images, images sequences and video sequences.
Here is an overview of the Retina interface, allocate one instance with the *createRetina*
Here is an overview of the Retina interface, allocate one instance with the *Retina::create()*
functions (C++, Java, Python) :
......@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ functions (C++, Java, Python) :
// Allocators
cv::Ptr<Retina> createRetina (Size inputSize);
cv::Ptr<Retina> createRetina (Size inputSize, const bool colorMode, RETINA_COLORSAMPLINGMETHOD colorSamplingMethod=RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, const bool useRetinaLogSampling=false, const double reductionFactor=1.0, const double samplingStrenght=10.0);
cv::Ptr<Retina> Retina::create (Size inputSize);
cv::Ptr<Retina> Retina::create (Size inputSize, const bool colorMode, RETINA_COLORSAMPLINGMETHOD colorSamplingMethod=RETINA_COLOR_BAYER, const bool useRetinaLogSampling=false, const double reductionFactor=1.0, const double samplingStrenght=10.0);
}} // cv and bioinspired namespaces end
......@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ videoHandler = cv.VideoCapture(0)
#allocate a retina instance with input size equal to the one of the loaded image
retina = cv.bioinspired.createRetina((inputImage.shape[1], inputImage.shape[0]))
retina = cv.bioinspired_Retina.create((inputImage.shape[1], inputImage.shape[0]))
#retina parameters management methods use sample
#-> save current (here default) retina parameters to a xml file (you may use it only one time to get the file and modify it)
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