Commit 1404ce97 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/3.4' into merge-3.4

parents 673900a8 39120af3
......@@ -37,8 +37,11 @@ void createPlaneMesh(const String& name, const Size2f& size, InputArray image)
void createPointCloudMesh(const String& name, InputArray vertices, InputArray colors)
int color_type = colors.type();
CV_Assert(_app, vertices.type() == CV_32FC3 && vertices.isContinuous(),
colors.empty() || color_type == CV_8UC3 || color_type == CV_8UC4);
CV_CheckTypeEQ(vertices.type(), CV_32FC3, "")
if (!colors.empty())
CV_CheckType(color_type, color_type == CV_8UC3 || color_type == CV_8UC4);
// material
MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create(name, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME);
......@@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ void createPointCloudMesh(const String& name, InputArray vertices, InputArray co
void createGridMesh(const String& name, const Size2f& size, const Size& segments)
CV_Assert(_app, !segments.empty());
CV_Assert_N(_app, !segments.empty());
// material
MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().create(name, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME);
......@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ void _createTexture(const String& name, Mat image)
static void _convertRT(InputArray rot, InputArray tvec, Quaternion& q, Vector3& t, bool invert = false)
CV_Assert(rot.empty() || rot.rows() == 3 || rot.size() == Size(3, 3),
tvec.empty() || tvec.rows() == 3);
CV_Assert_N(rot.empty() || rot.rows() == 3 || rot.size() == Size(3, 3),
tvec.empty() || tvec.rows() == 3);
q = Quaternion::IDENTITY;
t = Vector3::ZERO;
......@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ void setMaterialProperty(const String& name, int prop, const Scalar& val)
void setMaterialProperty(const String& name, int prop, const String& value)
CV_Assert(prop >= MATERIAL_TEXTURE0, prop <= MATERIAL_TEXTURE3, _app);
CV_Assert_N(prop >= MATERIAL_TEXTURE0, prop <= MATERIAL_TEXTURE3, _app);
MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(name, RESOURCEGROUP_NAME);
......@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ protected:
float x_max = buffer[k*nCol + 5]*inputShape.width;
float y_max = buffer[k*nCol + 6]*inputShape.height;
CV_Assert(x_min < x_max, y_min < y_max);
CV_CheckLT(x_min, x_max, "");
CV_CheckLT(y_min, y_max, "");
x_min = std::max(0.f, x_min);
y_min = std::max(0.f, y_min);
......@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ public:
void detect(InputArray inputImage_, std::vector<Rect>& Bbox, std::vector<float>& confidence) CV_OVERRIDE
CV_Assert(inputImage_.channels() == inputChannelCount_);
CV_CheckEQ(inputImage_.channels(), inputChannelCount_, "");
Mat inputImage = inputImage_.getMat();
......@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ public:
int nbrTextBoxes = outputNet.size[2];
int nCol = outputNet.size[3];
int outputChannelCount = outputNet.size[1];
CV_Assert(outputChannelCount == 1);
CV_CheckEQ(outputChannelCount, 1, "");
getOutputs((float*)(, nbrTextBoxes, nCol, Bbox, confidence, inputImage.size());
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ using namespace cv;
double tracking_internal::computeNCC(const Mat& patch1, const Mat& patch2)
CV_Assert( patch1.rows == patch2.rows,
patch1.cols == patch2.cols);
CV_CheckEQ(patch1.rows, patch2.rows, "");
CV_CheckEQ(patch1.cols, patch2.cols, "");
int N = patch1.rows * patch1.cols;
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