Commit 0863960c authored by biagio montesano's avatar biagio montesano

Reinsertion of OctaveKeyLines

parent d5eeb91d
......@@ -42,6 +42,14 @@ the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include <vector>
/* struct to represent lines extracted from an octave */
struct OctaveLine{
unsigned int octaveCount;//the octave which this line is detected
unsigned int lineIDInOctave;//the line ID in that octave image
unsigned int lineIDInScaleLineVec;//the line ID in Scale line vector
float lineLength; //the length of line in original image scale
// A 2D line (normal equation parameters).
struct SingleLine
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
#include "LineStructure.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
namespace cv
......@@ -56,11 +57,10 @@ namespace cv
virtual ~LineDescriptor();
void getLineBinaryDescriptor(std::vector<cv::Mat> & oct_binaryDescMat);
void getLineBinaryDescriptors(cv::Mat &oct_binaryDescMat);
virtual void getLineBinaryDescriptorImpl(std::vector<cv::Mat> & oct_binaryDescMat,
ScaleLines &keyLines);
virtual void getLineBinaryDescriptorsImpl(cv::Mat &oct_binaryDescMat);
......@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ namespace cv
virtual void read( const cv::FileNode& fn );
virtual void write( cv::FileStorage& fs ) const;
void getLineBinaryDescriptor(cv::Mat & oct_binaryDescMat, ScaleLines &keyLines);
void getLineBinaryDescriptors(cv::Mat &oct_binaryDescMat);
virtual void getLineBinaryDescriptorImpl(std::vector<cv::Mat> & oct_binaryDescMat, ScaleLines &keyLines);
virtual void getLineBinaryDescriptorsImpl(cv::Mat &oct_binaryDescMat);
AlgorithmInfo* info() const;
Params params;
......@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ namespace cv
unsigned char binaryTest(float* f1, float* f2);
int ComputeLBD_(ScaleLines &keyLines);
int OctaveKeyLines(std::vector<cv::Mat> & octaveImages, ScaleLines &keyLines);
void getLineParameters(cv::Vec4i &line_extremes, cv::Vec3i &lineParams);
float getLineDirection(cv::Vec3i &lineParams);
/* the local gaussian coefficient apply to the orthogonal line direction within each band */
std::vector<float> gaussCoefL_;
......@@ -128,6 +131,9 @@ namespace cv
/* vectot to store sizes of octave images */
std::vector<cv::Size> images_sizes;
/* structure to store lines extracted from each octave image */
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Vec4i> > extractedLines;
......@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
#include "precomp.hpp"
//#include "opencv2/line_descriptor/descriptor.hpp"
#include <math.h>
using namespace cv;
......@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ BinaryDescriptor::Params::Params()
numOfOctave_ = 5;
numOfBand_ = 9;
widthOfBand_ = 7;
reductionRatio = 2;
reductionRatio = sqrt(2); // or 2?
......@@ -131,8 +132,73 @@ void BinaryDescriptor::write( cv::FileStorage& fs ) const
/* get coefficients of line passing by two points in line_extremes */
void BinaryDescriptor::getLineParameters(cv::Vec4i &line_extremes, cv::Vec3i &lineParams)
int x1 = line_extremes[0];
int x2 = line_extremes[2];
int y1 = line_extremes[1];
int y2 = line_extremes[3];
/* line is parallel to Y axis */
if(x1 == x2)
lineParams[0] = 1;
lineParams[1] = 0;
lineParams[2] = -x1 /* or -x2 */;
/* line is parallel to X axis */
else if(y1 == y2)
lineParams[0] = 0;
lineParams[1] = 1;
lineParams[2] = -y1 /* or -y2 */;
/* line is not parallel to any axis */
lineParams[0] = y1-y2;
lineParams[1] = x2-x1;
lineParams[2] = -y1*(x2-x1) + x1*(y2-y1);
/* compute the angle between line and X axis */
float BinaryDescriptor::getLineDirection(cv::Vec3i &lineParams)
/* line is parallel to X axis */
if(lineParams[0] == 0)
return 0;
/* line is parallel to Y axis */
else if(lineParams[1] == 0)
return M_PI/2;
/* line is not parallel to any axis */
/* compute angular coefficient */
float m = -lineParams[0]/lineParams[1];
return atan(m);
return M_PI - atan(m);
/* extract lines from an image and compute their descriptors */
void BinaryDescriptor::getLineBinaryDescriptor(cv::Mat & oct_binaryDescMat, ScaleLines &keyLines)
void BinaryDescriptor::getLineBinaryDescriptors(cv::Mat &oct_binaryDescMat)
/* start function that actually implements descriptors' computation */
/* compute descriptors */
void BinaryDescriptor::getLineBinaryDescriptorsImpl(cv::Mat &oct_binaryDescMat)
/* prepare a matrix to store Gaussian pyramid of input matrix */
std::vector<cv::Mat> matVec(params.numOfOctave_);
......@@ -176,18 +242,54 @@ void BinaryDescriptor::getLineBinaryDescriptor(cv::Mat & oct_binaryDescMat, Scal
/* compute descriptors */
getLineBinaryDescriptorImpl(matVec, keyLines);
/* prepare a structure for hosting and organizing extracted lines */
ScaleLines keyLines;
/* extract and arrange lines */
OctaveKeyLines(matVec, keyLines);
/* compute LBD descriptors */
/* compute descriptors */
void BinaryDescriptor::getLineBinaryDescriptorImpl(std::vector<cv::Mat> & oct_binaryDescMat, ScaleLines &keyLines)
/* power function with error management */
static inline int get2Pow(int i) {
if(i>=0 && i<=7)
return pow(2,i);
return -1;
/* conversion of an LBD descriptor to the decimal equivalent of its binary representation */
unsigned char BinaryDescriptor::binaryTest(float* f1, float* f2)
uchar result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<8; i++)
return result;
/* gather lines in groups. Each group contains the same line, detected in different octaves */
int BinaryDescriptor::OctaveKeyLines(std::vector<cv::Mat> & octaveImages, ScaleLines &keyLines)
for(size_t scaleCounter = 0; scaleCounter<oct_binaryDescMat.size(); scaleCounter++)
/* final number of extracted lines */
unsigned int numOfFinalLine = 0;
for(size_t scaleCounter = 0; scaleCounter<octaveImages.size(); scaleCounter++)
/* get current scaled image */
cv::Mat currentScaledImage = oct_binaryDescMat[scaleCounter];
cv::Mat currentScaledImage = octaveImages[scaleCounter];
/* create an LSD detector and store a pointer to it */
cv::Ptr<cv::LineSegmentDetector> ls = cv::createLineSegmentDetector(cv::LSD_REFINE_STD);
......@@ -198,69 +300,299 @@ void BinaryDescriptor::getLineBinaryDescriptorImpl(std::vector<cv::Mat> & oct_bi
/* use detector to extract segments */
ls->detect(currentScaledImage, lines_std);
/* store information for every extracted segment */
for (size_t lineCounter = 0; lineCounter<lines_std.size(); lineCounter++)
/* get current segment and store its extremes */
const cv::Vec4i v = lines_std[lineCounter];
cv::Point b(v[0], v[1]);
cv::Point e(v[2], v[3]);
/* store lines extracted from current image */
/* update lines counter */
numOfFinalLine += lines_std.size();
/* create an object to store line information */
OctaveSingleLine osl;
osl.startPointX = b.x;
osl.startPointY = b.y;
osl.endPointX = e.x;
osl.endPointY = e.y;
osl.sPointInOctaveX = b.x;
osl.sPointInOctaveY = b.y;
osl.ePointInOctaveX = e.x;
osl.ePointInOctaveY = e.y;
osl.direction = 0;
osl.salience = 0;
osl.lineLength = 0;
osl.numOfPixels = std::sqrt((b.x-e.x)*(b.x-e.x) + (b.y-e.y)*(b.y-e.y));
osl.octaveCount = scaleCounter;
/* create a new LineVec and add new line to it */
LinesVec lineScaleLs;
/* prepare a vector to store octave information associated to extracted lines */
std::vector<OctaveLine> octaveLines(numOfFinalLine);
/* add current LineVec to other ones in the output list */
/* set lines' counter to 0 for reuse */
numOfFinalLine = 0;
/* counter to give a unique ID to lines in LineVecs */
unsigned int lineIDInScaleLineVec = 0;
/* floats to compute lines' lengths */
float dx, dy;
/* loop over lines extracted from scale 0 (original image) */
for(unsigned int lineCurId=0; lineCurId<extractedLines[0].size(); lineCurId++)
/* set octave from which it was extracted */
octaveLines[numOfFinalLine].octaveCount = 0;
/* set ID within its octave */
octaveLines[numOfFinalLine].lineIDInOctave = lineCurId;
/* set a unique ID among all lines extracted in all octaves */
octaveLines[numOfFinalLine].lineIDInScaleLineVec = lineIDInScaleLineVec;
/* compute absolute value of difference between X coordinates of line's extreme points */
dx = (extractedLines[0][lineCurId])[0] - (extractedLines[0][lineCurId])[2];
/* compute absolute value of difference between Y coordinates of line's extreme points */
dy = (extractedLines[0][lineCurId])[1] - (extractedLines[0][lineCurId])[3];
/* compute line's length */
octaveLines[numOfFinalLine].lineLength = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
/* update counters */
/* compute LBD descriptors */
/* create and fill an array to store scale factors */
float *scale = new float[params.numOfOctave_];
scale[0] = 1;
for(unsigned int octaveCount = 1; octaveCount<params.numOfOctave_; octaveCount++ )
scale[octaveCount] = params.reductionRatio * scale[octaveCount-1];
/* some variables' declarations */
float rho1, rho2, tempValue;
float direction, near, length;
unsigned int octaveID, lineIDInOctave;
/* power function with error management */
static inline int get2Pow(int i) {
if(i>=0 && i<=7)
return pow(2,i);
/*more than one octave image, organize lines in scale space.
*lines corresponding to the same line in octave images should have the same index in the ScaleLineVec */
/* some other variables' declarations */
float twoPI = 2*M_PI;
unsigned int closeLineID;
float endPointDis,minEndPointDis,minLocalDis,maxLocalDis;
float lp0,lp1, lp2, lp3, np0,np1, np2, np3;
/* loop over list of octaves */
for(unsigned int octaveCount = 1; octaveCount<params.numOfOctave_; octaveCount++)
/*for each line in current octave image, find their corresponding lines
in the octaveLines,
give them the same value of lineIDInScaleLineVec*/
/* loop over list of lines extracted from current octave */
for(unsigned int lineCurId=0;lineCurId<extractedLines[octaveCount].size();lineCurId++)
return -1;
/* get (scaled) known term from equation of current line */
cv::Vec3i line_equation;
getLineParameters(extractedLines[octaveCount][lineCurId], line_equation);
rho1 = scale[octaveCount] * fabs(line_equation[2]);
/*nearThreshold depends on the distance of the image coordinate origin to current line.
*so nearThreshold = rho1 * nearThresholdRatio, where nearThresholdRatio = 1-cos(10*pi/180) = 0.0152*/
tempValue = rho1 * 0.0152;
float nearThreshold = (tempValue>6)?(tempValue):6;
nearThreshold = (nearThreshold<12)?nearThreshold:12;
/* compute scaled lenght of current line */
dx = fabs((extractedLines[octaveCount][lineCurId])[0]-(extractedLines[octaveCount][lineCurId][2]));//x1-x2
dy = fabs((extractedLines[octaveCount][lineCurId])[1]-(extractedLines[octaveCount][lineCurId][3]));//y1-y2
length = scale[octaveCount] * sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
minEndPointDis = 12;
/* loop over the octave representations of all lines */
for(unsigned int lineNextId=0; lineNextId<numOfFinalLine;lineNextId++)
/* if a line from same octave is encountered,
a comparison with it shouldn't be considered */
octaveID = octaveLines[lineNextId].octaveCount;
/* take ID (in octave) of line to be compared */
lineIDInOctave = octaveLines[lineNextId].lineIDInOctave;
/* compute difference between lines' direction, to check
whether they are parallel */
cv::Vec3i line_equation_to_compare;
direction = fabs(getLineDirection(line_equation) -
/* the angle between two lines are larger than 10degrees
(i.e. 10*pi/180=0.1745), they are not close to parallel */
if(direction>0.1745 && (twoPI - direction>0.1745))
/*now check whether current line and next line are near to each other.
Get known term from equation to be compared */
rho2 = scale[octaveID] * fabs(line_equation_to_compare[2]);
/* compute difference between known terms */
near = fabs(rho1 - rho2);
/* two lines are not close in the image */
/* get the extreme points of the two lines */
lp0 = scale[octaveCount] * (extractedLines[octaveCount][lineCurId])[0];
lp1 = scale[octaveCount] * (extractedLines[octaveCount][lineCurId])[1];
lp2 = scale[octaveCount] * (extractedLines[octaveCount][lineCurId])[2];
lp3 = scale[octaveCount] * (extractedLines[octaveCount][lineCurId])[3];
np0 = scale[octaveID] * (extractedLines[octaveID][lineIDInOctave])[0];
np1 = scale[octaveID] * (extractedLines[octaveID][lineIDInOctave])[1];
np2 = scale[octaveID] * (extractedLines[octaveID][lineIDInOctave])[2];
np3 = scale[octaveID] * (extractedLines[octaveID][lineIDInOctave])[3];
/* get the distance between the two leftmost extremes of lines
L1(0,1)<->L2(0,1) */
dx = lp0 - np0;
dy = lp1 - np1;
endPointDis = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
/* set momentaneously min and max distance between lines to
the one between left extremes */
minLocalDis = endPointDis;
maxLocalDis = endPointDis;
/* compute distance between right extremes
L1(2,3)<->L2(2,3) */
dx = lp2 - np2;
dy = lp3 - np3;
endPointDis = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
/* update (if necessary) min and max distance between lines */
minLocalDis = (endPointDis<minLocalDis)?endPointDis:minLocalDis;
maxLocalDis = (endPointDis>maxLocalDis)?endPointDis:maxLocalDis;
/* compute distance between left extreme of current line and
right extreme of line to be compared
L1(0,1)<->L2(2,3) */
dx = lp0 - np2;
dy = lp1 - np3;
endPointDis = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
/* update (if necessary) min and max distance between lines */
minLocalDis = (endPointDis<minLocalDis)?endPointDis:minLocalDis;
maxLocalDis = (endPointDis>maxLocalDis)?endPointDis:maxLocalDis;
/* compute distance between right extreme of current line and
left extreme of line to be compared
L1(2,3)<->L2(0,1) */
dx = lp2 - np0;
dy = lp3 - np1;
endPointDis = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
/* update (if necessary) min and max distance between lines */
minLocalDis = (endPointDis<minLocalDis)?endPointDis:minLocalDis;
maxLocalDis = (endPointDis>maxLocalDis)?endPointDis:maxLocalDis;
/* check whether conditions for considering line to be compared
worth to be inserted in the same LineVec are satisfied */
/* keep the closest line */
minEndPointDis = minLocalDis;
closeLineID = lineNextId;
/* conversion of an LBD descriptor to the decimal equivalent of its binary representation */
unsigned char BinaryDescriptor::binaryTest(float* f1, float* f2)
uchar result = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<8; i++)
/* add current line into octaveLines */
octaveLines[numOfFinalLine].lineIDInScaleLineVec = octaveLines[closeLineID].lineIDInScaleLineVec;
octaveLines[numOfFinalLine].lineIDInScaleLineVec = lineIDInScaleLineVec;
octaveLines[numOfFinalLine].octaveCount = octaveCount;
octaveLines[numOfFinalLine].lineIDInOctave = lineCurId;
octaveLines[numOfFinalLine].lineLength = length;
/* Reorganize the detected lines into keyLines */
unsigned int tempID;
float s1,e1,s2,e2;
bool shouldChange;
OctaveSingleLine singleLine;
for(unsigned int lineID = 0;lineID < numOfFinalLine; lineID++)
lineIDInOctave = octaveLines[lineID].lineIDInOctave;
octaveID = octaveLines[lineID].octaveCount;
cv::Vec3i tempParams;
getLineParameters(extractedLines[octaveID][lineIDInOctave], tempParams);
direction = getLineDirection(tempParams);
// direction = edLineVec_[octaveID]->lineDirection_[lineIDInOctave];
singleLine.octaveCount = octaveID;
singleLine.direction = direction;
singleLine.lineLength = octaveLines[lineID].lineLength;
//singleLine.salience = singleLine.lineLength/max(images_sizes[octaveID].width,
// images_sizes[octaveID].height);
//singleLine.salience = edLineVec_[octaveID]->lineSalience_[lineIDInOctave];
//singleLine.numOfPixels = edLineVec_[octaveID]->lines_.sId[lineIDInOctave+1]-
//decide the start point and end point
shouldChange = false;
s1 = (extractedLines[octaveID][lineIDInOctave])[0];//sx
s2 = (extractedLines[octaveID][lineIDInOctave])[1];//sy
e1 = (extractedLines[octaveID][lineIDInOctave])[2];//ex
e2 = (extractedLines[octaveID][lineIDInOctave])[3];//ey
dx = e1 - s1;//ex-sx
dy = e2 - s2;//ey-sy
shouldChange = true;
return result;
if(dx<0){shouldChange = true;}
if(dy<0){shouldChange = true;}
shouldChange = true;
tempValue = scale[octaveID];
singleLine.sPointInOctaveX = e1;
singleLine.sPointInOctaveY = e2;
singleLine.ePointInOctaveX = s1;
singleLine.ePointInOctaveY = s2;
singleLine.startPointX = tempValue * e1;
singleLine.startPointY = tempValue * e2;
singleLine.endPointX = tempValue * s1;
singleLine.endPointY = tempValue * s2;
singleLine.sPointInOctaveX = s1;
singleLine.sPointInOctaveY = s2;
singleLine.ePointInOctaveX = e1;
singleLine.ePointInOctaveY = e2;
singleLine.startPointX = tempValue * s1;
singleLine.startPointY = tempValue * s2;
singleLine.endPointX = tempValue * e1;
singleLine.endPointY = tempValue * e2;
tempID = octaveLines[lineID].lineIDInScaleLineVec;
delete [] scale;
return 1;
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