• Tham's avatar
    Implement image hash modules (#688) · a4a8b84e
    Tham authored
    * first commit
    * first commit
    * adjust code layout
    * round mean value
    * add missed header
    * remove useless header
    * remove useless header
    * first commit
    * first commit
    * first commit
    * Encapsule function averageHash by class
    * remove export macro
    * encapsulate phash algo by class
    * first commit
    * fix bugs of createHash and fillBlcoks
    * 1 : add create function
    2 : add overload functions
    * implement get set functions
    * fix bug--destination depth should be CV_32F
    * first commit
    * first commit
    * 1 : fix bug--forgot '"'
    2 : forgot to include iostream
    * fix warnings
    * remove tab
    * remove trailing white space
    * remove trailing white space
    * remove trailing white space
    * remove trailing white space
    * remove trailing white space
    * remove trailing white space
    * first commit
    * remove trailing white space
    * remove trailing white space
    * remove trailing white space
    * reduce redundance operation
    * add explanation of img_hash
    * remove useless comments
    * remove trailing space
    * first commit
    * fix missed symbol
    * add new defgroup and change all defgroup to ihash
    * fix namespace confliction
    * change namespace from ihash to img_hash
    * change ihash to img_hash
    * change include guard
    * forbid implicit conversion
    * first commit
    * 1 : declare function findFeatureVector
    2 : forward declare test class--RavialVarHashTester as friend
    * first commit
    * replace auto with explicit type
    * export some symbols, for initialization and testing
    * remove trailing white space
    * add namespace cv
    * fix type cast warning and define default constrcutor/destructor
    * declare and define RadialVarHashTester in namespace
    * remove default constructor/destructor
    * exports functions findFeatures and destructor
    * remove trailing white space
    * fix bug--wrong definition of destructor
    * remove trailing white space
    * implement findFeatureVector
    * add test case for findFeatureVector
    * 1 : fix bug--forgot to allocate space for input
    2 : fix bug--compare the results of pixPerLine with wrong matrix
    * remove trailing space
    * implement hashCalculate
    * add test case for hashCalculate
    * remove trailing white space
    * avoid hiding parameter
    * refine codes and keep the original range
    * adjust expected hash value since the range of hash change
    * add comment
    * reduce scope
    * remove trailing white space
    * adjust format
    * add new function compare
    * implement compute functions
    * use array as buffer of cv::Mat, avoid memory allocation
    * remove trailing whitespace
    * 1 : implement cross-correlation rather than using matchTemplate since the
    results of matchTemplate are weird
    2 : remove gamma param, although the paper said PHash apply gamma
    correction on the image, but the codes do not do that(I think it is a bug
    of PHash)
    3 : create function can specify sigma and numOfAngleLine
    4 : Use blurImg to replace normalizeImg
    5 : remove useless parameters which related to gamma correction
    * add example of radial variance hash
    * use buffer to avoid memory allocation and use enum to specify hash size
    * remove useless header
    * fix bug--constructor only accept two params
    * add comments
    * transpose projection matrix, friendlier for cache hit
    * use pointer to access projection value
    * function able to specify sigma and numOfAngleLine
    * add get/set functions
    * implement image hash algo--block mean hash
    * include block mean hash and add comments
    * remove trailing whitespace
    * fix warning--compare with sign and unsigned value
    * implement destructor and change mode type to size_t
    * add example of block mean hash
    * compress the bits of hash
    * function--blockMeanHash able to set mode
    * fix type cast warning and style
    * change expected result to bool
    * compress the hash value from 16 bytes to 8 bytes
    * update comments
    * compress hash from 16 bytes to 8 bytes
    * use peak value of cross correlation as comparison result
    * add limit header
    * first commit
    * add group and header file of color moment hash
    * should not use auto, it is c++11 feature
    * support python binding
    * implement destructor of AverageHash
    * support python binding
    * support python binding
    * support python binding
    * change type to inputArray and outputArray, easier for python binding
    * all algorithms support input type CV_8UC4,CV_8UC3 and CV_8UC1
    * Provide better instructions
    * Make it more pleasant to read
    * Add information of speed comparsion
    * remove trailing white space
    * remove useless blank line
    * refine comments of example
    * fix link error
    * refine title
    * 1 : implement function "getDefaultName"
    2 : adjust style
    * Update README.md
    1 : Fix wrong branch
    2 : Add another solution to download img_hash
    * img_hash: refactored interfaces to use pImpl
    * remove trailing white space
    * img_hash: use type-safe pImpl
    * change name, easier to find the source file
    * 1 : narrow scope of ImgHashImpl
    2 : use static cast to replace dynamic cast because class hierarchy of
    img_hash is very straightforward
    * should not declare ImgHashImpl api in the header file of ImgHashBase, this increase chance of breaking ABI
    * should not declare ImgHashImpl api in the header file of ImgHashBase, this increase chance of breaking ABI
    * fix warning, because unelaborated friend declaration is a C++11 extension
    * first commit
    * fix bug, except of windows, other platforms cannot access private member.
    pimpl only accessable by the class itself, therefore I think declare
    everything as public is quite safe
    * first commit comparison and computation charts
    * update chart link
hash_samples.cpp 1.41 KB
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/ocl.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/img_hash.hpp"

#include <iostream>

using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::img_hash;
using namespace std;

template <typename T>
inline void test_one(const std::string &title, const Mat &a, const Mat &b)
    cout << "=== " << title << " ===" << endl;
    TickMeter tick;
    Mat hashA, hashB;
    Ptr<ImgHashBase> func;
    func = T::create();

    tick.reset(); tick.start();
    func->compute(a, hashA);
    cout << "compute1: " << tick.getTimeMilli() << " ms" << endl;

    tick.reset(); tick.start();
    func->compute(b, hashB);
    cout << "compute2: " << tick.getTimeMilli() << " ms" << endl;

    cout << "compare: " << func->compare(hashA, hashB) << endl << endl;;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc != 3)
        cerr << "must input the path of input image and target image. ex : hash_samples lena.jpg lena2.jpg" << endl;
        return -1;

    Mat input = imread(argv[1]);
    Mat target = imread(argv[2]);

    test_one<AverageHash>("AverageHash", input, target);
    test_one<PHash>("PHash", input, target);
    test_one<MarrHildrethHash>("MarrHildrethHash", input, target);
    test_one<RadialVarianceHash>("RadialVarianceHash", input, target);
    test_one<BlockMeanHash>("BlockMeanHash", input, target);

    return 0;