face_alignmentimpl.hpp 9.34 KB
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// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.

#include "opencv2/face.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <queue>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;
namespace cv{
namespace face{
/**@brief structure determining split in regression tree
struct splitr{
        //!index1 Index of the first coordinates among the test coordinates for deciding split.
        uint64_t index1;
        //! index2 index of the second coordinate among the test coordinates for deciding split.
        uint64_t index2;
        //! thresh threshold for deciding the split.
        float thresh;
/** @brief represents a node of the regression tree*/
struct node_info{
    //First pixel coordinate of split
    long index1;
    //Second pixel coordinate .split
    long index2;
    long depth;
    long node_no;
/** @brief regression tree structure. Each leaf node is a vector storing residual shape.
* The tree is represented as vector of leaves.
struct tree_node{
    splitr split;
    std::vector<Point2f> leaf;
struct regtree{
    std::vector<tree_node> nodes;
/** @brief Represents a training sample
*It contains current shape, difference between actual shape
*and current shape. It also stores the image whose shape is being
struct training_sample{
    //! shapeResiduals vector which stores the residual shape remaining to be corrected.
    std::vector<Point2f> shapeResiduals;
    //! current_shape vector containing current estimate of the shape
    std::vector<Point2f> current_shape;
    //! actual_shape vector containing the actual shape of the face or the ground truth.
    std::vector<Point2f> actual_shape;
    //! image A mat object which stores the image.
    Mat image ;
    //! pixel_intensities vector containing pixel intensities of the coordinates chosen for testing
    std::vector<int> pixel_intensities;
    //! pixel_coordinates vector containing pixel coordinates used for testing
    std::vector<Point2f> pixel_coordinates;
    //! bound Rectangle enclosing the face found  in the image for training
    Rect bound;
class FacemarkKazemiImpl : public FacemarkKazemi{

    FacemarkKazemiImpl(const FacemarkKazemi::Params& parameters);
73 74 75
    void loadModel(String fs) CV_OVERRIDE;
    bool setFaceDetector(FN_FaceDetector f, void* userdata) CV_OVERRIDE;
    bool getFaces(InputArray image, OutputArray faces) CV_OVERRIDE;
76 77
    bool fit(InputArray image, InputArray faces, OutputArrayOfArrays landmarks ) CV_OVERRIDE;
    void training(String imageList, String groundTruth);
    bool training(vector<Mat>& images, vector< vector<Point2f> >& landmarks,string filename,Size scale,string modelFilename) CV_OVERRIDE;
    // Destructor for the class.
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    virtual ~FacemarkKazemiImpl() CV_OVERRIDE;

    virtual void read( const FileNode& ) CV_OVERRIDE {}
    virtual void write( FileStorage& ) const CV_OVERRIDE {}
84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105

    FacemarkKazemi::Params params;
    float minmeanx;
    float maxmeanx;
    float minmeany;
    float maxmeany;
    bool isModelLoaded;
    /* meanshape This is a vector which stores the mean shape of all the images used in training*/
    std::vector<Point2f> meanshape;
    std::vector< std::vector<regtree> > loaded_forests;
    std::vector< std::vector<Point2f> > loaded_pixel_coordinates;
    FN_FaceDetector faceDetector;
    void* faceDetectorData;
    bool findNearestLandmarks(std::vector< std::vector<int> >& nearest);
    /*Extract left node of the current node in the regression tree*/
    unsigned long left(unsigned long index);
    // Extract the right node of the current node in the regression tree
    unsigned long right(unsigned long index);
    // This function randomly  generates test splits to get the best split.
    splitr getTestSplits(std::vector<Point2f> pixel_coordinates,int seed);
    // This function writes a split node to the XML file storing the trained model
    void writeSplit(std::ofstream& os, const splitr& split);
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176
    // This function writes a leaf node to the binary file storing the trained model
    void writeLeaf(std::ofstream& os, const std::vector<Point2f> &leaf);
    // This function writes a tree to the binary file containing the model
    void writeTree(std::ofstream &f,regtree tree);
    // This function saves the pixel coordinates to a binary file
    void writePixels(std::ofstream& f,int index);
    // This function saves model to the binary file
    bool saveModel(String filename);
    // This funcrion reads pixel coordinates from the model file
    void readPixels(std::ifstream& is,uint64_t index);
    //This function reads the split node of the tree from binary file
    void readSplit(std::ifstream& is, splitr &vec);
    //This function reads a leaf node of the tree.
    void readLeaf(std::ifstream& is, std::vector<Point2f> &leaf);
    /* This function generates pixel intensities of the randomly generated test coordinates used to decide the split.
    bool getPixelIntensities(Mat img,std::vector<Point2f> pixel_coordinates_,std::vector<int>& pixel_intensities_,Rect face);
    //This function initialises the training parameters.
    bool setTrainingParameters(String filename);
    //This function finds a warp matrix that warp the pixels from the normalised space to the actual space
    bool convertToActual(Rect r,Mat &warp);
    //This function finds a warp matrix that warps the pixels from the actual space to normaluised space
    bool convertToUnit(Rect r,Mat &warp);
    /** @brief This function calculates mean shape while training.
    * This function is only called when new training data is supplied by the train function.
    *@param trainlandmarks A vector of type cv::Point2f which stores the landmarks of corresponding images.
    *@param trainimages A vector of type cv::Mat which stores the images which serve as training data.
    *@param faces A vector of type cv::Rect which stores the bounding recatngle of each training image
    *@returns A boolean value. It returns true if mean shape is found successfully else returns false.
    bool calcMeanShape(std::vector< std::vector<Point2f> > & trainlandmarks,std::vector<Mat>& trainimages,std::vector<Rect>& faces);
    /** @brief This functions scales the annotations to a common size which is considered same for all images.
    * @param trainlandmarks A vector of type cv::Point2f stores the landmarks of the corresponding training images.
    * @param trainimages A vector of type cv::Mat which stores the images which are to be scaled.
    * @param s A variable of type cv::Size stores the common size to which all the images are scaled.
    * @returns A boolean value. It returns true when data is scaled properly else returns false.
    bool scaleData(std::vector< std::vector<Point2f> >& trainlandmarks,
                                    std::vector<Mat>& trainimages , Size s=Size(460,460) );
    // This function gets the landmarks in the meanshape nearest to the pixel coordinates.
    unsigned long getNearestLandmark (Point2f pixels );
    // This function gets the relative position of the test pixel coordinates relative to the current shape.
    bool getRelativePixels(std::vector<Point2f> sample,std::vector<Point2f>& pixel_coordinates , std::vector<int> nearest_landmark = std::vector<int>());
    // This function partitions samples according to the split
    unsigned long divideSamples (splitr split,std::vector<training_sample>& samples,unsigned long start,unsigned long end);
    // This function fits a regression tree according to the shape residuals calculated to give weak learners for GBT algorithm.
    bool buildRegtree(regtree &tree,std::vector<training_sample>& samples,std::vector<Point2f> pixel_coordinates);
    // This function greedily decides the best split among the test splits generated.
    bool getBestSplit(std::vector<Point2f> pixel_coordinates, std::vector<training_sample>& samples,unsigned long start ,
                                        unsigned long end,splitr& split,std::vector< std::vector<Point2f> >& sum,long node_no);
    // This function randomly generates test coordinates for each level of cascade.
    void getTestCoordinates ();
    // This function implements gradient boosting by fitting regression trees
    std::vector<regtree> gradientBoosting(std::vector<training_sample>& samples,std::vector<Point2f> pixel_coordinates);
    // This function creates training sample by randomly assigning a current shape from set of shapes available.
    void createLeafNode(regtree& tree,long node_no,std::vector<Point2f> assign);
    // This function creates a split node in the regression tree.
    void createSplitNode(regtree& tree, splitr split,long node_no);
    // This function prepares the training samples
    bool createTrainingSamples(std::vector<training_sample> &samples,std::vector<Mat> images,std::vector< std::vector<Point2f> > landmarks,
    std::vector<Rect> rectangle);
    //This function generates a split
    bool generateSplit(std::queue<node_info>& curr,std::vector<Point2f> pixel_coordinates, std::vector<training_sample>& samples,
                                        splitr &split , std::vector< std::vector<Point2f> >& sum);
    bool setMeanExtreme();
    //friend class getRelShape;
    friend class getRelPixels;