/* * file: rand.cpp * author: A trusty code generator * date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 11:15:15 * * This file was autogenerated, do not modify. * See LICENCE for full modification and redistribution details. * Copyright 2013 The OpenCV Foundation */#include "mex.h"#include <vector>/* * rand * Gateway routine * nlhs - number of return arguments * plhs - pointers to return arguments * nrhs - number of input arguments * prhs - pointers to input arguments */voidmexFunction(intnlhs,mxArray*plhs[],intnrhs,constmxArray*prhs[]){// call the opencv function// [out =] namespace.fun(src1, ..., srcn, dst1, ..., dstn, opt1, ..., optn);try{rand();}catch(...){mexErrMsgTxt("Uncaught exception occurred in rand");}}