// This file is part of OpenCV project.// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.// Copyright (C) 2016, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners./*Declaration of various functions which are related to Tensorflow models reading.*/#ifndef __OPENCV_DNN_TF_IO_HPP__#define __OPENCV_DNN_TF_IO_HPP__#if HAVE_PROTOBUF#include "graph.pb.h"namespacecv{namespacednn{// Read parameters from a file into a GraphDef proto message.voidReadTFNetParamsFromBinaryFileOrDie(constchar*param_file,tensorflow::GraphDef*param);}}#endif#endif