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Using MultiTracker {#tutorial_multitracker}


In this tutorial you will learn how to

-   Create a MultiTracker object.
-   Track several objects at once using the MultiTracker object.

Source Code

@includelineno tracking/samples/tutorial_multitracker.cpp


-#  **Create the MultiTracker object**

    @snippet tracking/samples/tutorial_multitracker.cpp create

    You can create the MultiTracker object and use the same tracking algorithm for all tracked object as shown in the snippet.
    If you want to use different type of tracking algorithm for each tracked object, you should define the tracking algorithm whenever a new object is added to the MultiTracker object.

-#  **Selection of multiple objects**

    @snippet tracking/samples/tutorial_multitracker.cpp selectmulti

    You can use @ref cv::selectROI to select multiple objects with
    the result stored in a vector of @ref cv::Rect2d as shown in the code.
    You can also use another kind of selection scheme, please refer to @ref cv::selectROI for detailed information.

-#  **Adding the tracked object to MultiTracker**

    @snippet tracking/samples/tutorial_multitracker.cpp init

    You can add all tracked objects at once to the MultiTracker as shown in the code.
    In this case, all objects will be tracked using same tracking algorithm as specified in decaration of MultiTracker object.
    If you want to use different tracker algorithms for each tracked object,
    You should add the tracked objects one by one and specify their tracking algorithm using the variant of @ref cv::MultiTracker::add.
    @sa cv::MultiTracker::add( const String& trackerType, const Mat& image, const Rect2d& boundingBox )

-#  **Obtaining the result**

    @snippet tracking/samples/tutorial_multitracker.cpp result

    You can access the result from the public variable @ref cv::MultiTracker::objects provided by the MultiTracker class as shown in the code.